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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 24 2016 :  12:13:51 PM  Show Profile
Nicole, I haven't heard of Black Prince Tomatoes either. Good luck with your small little garden on your porch. You came to the right place to learn about gardening and farming. These girls know so much!

Shannon, I am the same way. I am not worried so much about my 2 other dogs but my malamute is not trustworthy. She has always been aggressive with others and never liked children because they move to fast for her. We had a backup plan just in case she couldn't live with us once Tilton was born, but so far she has done good. I still won't give her the opportunity to be alone with him though. I can't believe your Emi is 7 months old!! Oh how time flies! I will keep her in mind. She will be amazing.

Joyce, what kind of dog are you thinking of getting? We have used the "leave it" command in the past and it really does work. I like the sewing theme for a birthday party. Happy birthday to Tyson and Lily-Anne.

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Posted - Mar 24 2016 :  2:43:03 PM  Show Profile
Thanks Krista :) We are going to get a Bouvier - my parents had one growing up and it was my favourite dog we ever had! Thank you from Tyson and Lily-anne :)

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts

Posted - Mar 24 2016 :  4:51:52 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Welcome Nicole!! Glad you came over!

If the chickens didn't run, she wouldn't chase them. I just fear Araya is teaching Mae.... :(

How is Emi feeling Shannon?

Tell your kiddos Happy Birthday from Southern Indiana, Joyce!!! Wish my daughter wanted to sew... lol! What did she get?

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 25 2016 :  08:55:29 AM  Show Profile
Hey y'all,

Sorry I've been missing. We are still fighting germs. Every time I think we are all well someone gets sick again a few hours later. Now I have it and it is horrible :(. I think I'm improving now though. The baby has been sick too the last couple days so he has been super super clingy. It has been a challenge. We are trying to disinfect, clean sheets, change toothburshes, anything we can think to break this cycle. Hopefully we will be over this soon. It has been warm enough to air out the house a couple days but not as much as I'd like.

Alicia-praying for your grandma!



Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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Posted - Mar 25 2016 :  09:22:25 AM  Show Profile
Thank you, Alicia!! We got her a sewing machine :) Just a student model from Wal-Mart - but boy is she ever excited!!

Sabrina - I'm so sorry you're sick now :( I'll be praying for you all to get over this quickly!!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 25 2016 :  10:54:46 AM  Show Profile
Joyce, how exciting! Share a picture when you get one! How exciting! She is going to love her sewing machine.

Sabrina, I hope you and your family can kick the sickness soon.

Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy your weekend!

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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
82 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2016 :  07:33:47 AM  Show Profile
Happy Saturday! Today I'm on an Amtrak train headed out of the city to visit family. I'll be putting together a care package for my SIL who was just diagnosed with colon cancer and am trying to whip up a new pair of socks for her quickly before her surgery next week. My mom is making her a prayer shawl for comfort and I just learned how to make socks, so we're planning this together. We'll also be dyeing eggs using food and spices (turmeric, red cabbage, beets, coffee). They make really pretty colors on the shells. I haven't colored eggs in at least 15 years!

Sabrina - I hope your family kicks these germs soon! Being sick is never fun, especially when it keeps getting passed around. While the mild winter was great for my fibromyalgia aches and pains, it's been horrible for all these viruses.

Joyce - The sewing machine sounds like a wonderful gift and a sewing party sounds like fun! I'd love to hear about what she makes! I'm still a newbie with sewing.

Alicia - My sympathies for your mom and grandma. Glad mom is home and hope she's feeling better. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 26 2016 :  8:33:48 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Oh no Sabrina! ! Please take care of yourself.

Nicole we. Color eggs with natural dyes on e year. So fun! The kids especially loved red cabbages surprise. Prayers for your SIL.

Happy Easter everyone!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 27 2016 :  5:53:29 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 28 2016 :  1:12:26 PM  Show Profile
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! We had a ton of fun here. We colored eggs and took Tilton on his first Easter egg hunt. He didn't seem to care to much, but I though it was cool. Then I woke up to snow this morning! So much for spring.

How was everyone's weekend?

Nicole, I'm sorry to hear about your SIL. The care package you and your mom are doing sounds really sweet and wonderful.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 28 2016 :  1:17:14 PM  Show Profile
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! We had a ton of fun here. We colored eggs and took Tilton on his first Easter egg hunt. He didn't seem to care to much, but I though it was cool. Then I woke up to snow this morning! So much for spring.

How was everyone's weekend?

Nicole, I'm sorry to hear about your SIL. The care package you and your mom are doing sounds really sweet and wonderful.

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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Mar 28 2016 :  5:15:35 PM  Show Profile
The weekend was good. I took Uber for the first time and got home about 30 minutes faster and without lugging all my bags on the subway!! We managed to color our eggs, but with the dye kits from the store. I was too exhausted from traveling and running errands on Saturday to do the eggs, but I got through the whole weekend without flaring my pain. Now it's back to work on these socks so I can have them done before her surgery, being far away the care package helps me feel useful They don't believe her cancer has spread, so we're hoping for a speedy recovery. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes for her.

Krista - SNOW! no! I don't want any more of that coming my way this year. Hopefully spring will come to you soon. I'm sure Tilton will enjoy many Easters to come, new things can sometimes be tricky. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday.

Farmgirl #6762

Edited by - BellaSticks on Mar 28 2016 5:17:42 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 28 2016 :  5:41:20 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Stopping in to say hello! Glad you are home safe Nicole! Hope everyone had a nice Easter. I blogged about ours, link is a couple of posts up.

Tomorrow, when Matt gets home from work, we are heading to meet with an attorney outside of Louisville to draw up or farm trust!!! One step closer :D Then we are going out to transplant more flowers from here at home. Matt says he may take a vacation day or two so we can spend the next couple days at the farm. It is supposed to be lovely! Of course, I will blog about it! Night ladies!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 29 2016 :  11:19:57 AM  Show Profile
Alicia, love your blogs. Your dinner looks delicious, especially your asparagus. I really want some now! Good luck with the farm trust.

I agree Nicole. I am so over snow right now. It's still stormy today. Kind of like a snow rain mix. I bet Tilton will too. I just need to give him time. He's still so young! Looks like you had a pretty good weekend yourself. I'm glad to hear that the cancer hasn't spread.

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Posted - Mar 29 2016 :  11:41:47 AM  Show Profile
Nicole - I found this great book that is a child's beginner introduction to sewing. It's perfect! She has to first learn to stitch without thread on paper, following straight lines, experimenting with different stitch widths and then graduating to curved lines. Once that has been accomplished, she moves on to using thread, and making a stuffed star pillow. That's the whole book, so I'm not sure where we will go from there.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Mar 29 2016 :  12:20:19 PM  Show Profile
Hi everyone! And Happy late Easter :) Praying your Easter was absolutely lovely! I was actually able to sit through an entire service - my first one since Emi was born!!! Unfortunately we are now suffering from a wicked wicked stomach bug! I haven't been this sick in a really really long time!!! But we are still trudging along :)

Joyce - happy happy birthday to Tyson and Lilly-anne! It sounds like you guys were quite busy!!! What does Lilly-anne think of her sewing machine? Half aprons have always been a good thing around here for teaching sewing It teaches basic pattern laying with the grain, as well as straight stitches, possibly gathering, possibly a pocket, and hems. And it is all straight stitching :) A pair of pajama shorts or pants are a good first as well... again it teaches pattern laying, as well as straight stitching, stitching around a curve, stitching a hem, and stitching casing for a waistband.

Sabrina - how is everyone feeling??? I so hope everyone is feeling better!!!

Alicia - I am enjoying your blog as always :) I find that I seem to be posting on mine about twice a week, which works for me :)

Nicole - I am so sorry to hear about your SIL! Praising God it hasn't spread, but what a trial! We will definitely be praying! My I ask what her first name is???

Krista - oh how I long for snow!!!! We are finally having a cooler day, which is nice, but oh to still have winter!!!

Well I am going to go rest some more. If anyone wants another blog to check out, I'd love some followers on mine ;)

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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Posted - Mar 29 2016 :  12:56:20 PM  Show Profile
Yes, I can vouch for Shannon's blog...I love it!

Shannon - thanks for the ideas for sewing! I have a pattern for a 1/2 apron, so I may go that route.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Mar 29 2016 :  2:51:37 PM  Show Profile
Joyce - I had NO idea you read my blog!!! Thanks :)

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Mar 29 2016 :  3:33:14 PM  Show Profile
Joyce, hopefully that book will take a while to get through. Though I'm sure we could always generate ideas of things she would like to do as her skills develop.

Shannon, My SIL's name is Jennie. We just found out that she's having surgery on Monday (4/4). I appreciate all the prayers and well wishes for her. I have a lot of people impacted by cancer in my family. Dad's prostate cancer is finally in remission (we'll get another update for him soon with a 6mo check up) but I found out my other SIL, Danielle is having a biopsy done on a lump they found in her breast. She's closer to my age - I think she's 35. They're stationed in Hawaii, her husband is a nuclear engineer for the Navy, so my MIL is going out there for 2 weeks starting today to support her. I'll be making a lot of socks this year. I work in mental health, so I try to stay as positive as I can.

Farmgirl #6762
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Posted - Mar 29 2016 :  4:02:30 PM  Show Profile
Nicole - wow. I'm praying for you and your family. I hope it will take awhile too :)

Shannon - I subscribe to it :) So I get nice emails in my inbox from you regularly!! lol!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 30 2016 :  3:43:30 PM  Show Profile
Joyce, that book sounds like a fun way to learn sewing. I wouldn't even mind it to relearn some basics. It's been years!!

Shannon, let's switch for a bit! You can have my cold weather and I can have some warm. I'll check out your blog as well.

Nicole, I'm so sorry to hear of all the cancer around you. I know how you feel. There are many in my family who have had cancer. Plus for my previous job I worked at an oncology office. It was rough. Cancer is a terrible thing. Good for you to stay positive! It's the best thing you can do!

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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 31 2016 :  06:10:41 AM  Show Profile
Hi girls, I'm sorry it's been a while since I've checked in. It looks like everyone had a good Easter.

Shannon I know what you mean about being able to sit through a whole service! It's been a while since I've been able to. First they're babies and they need to be changed or fed, then they're potty training, and occasionally some discipline needs to happen. I didn't make it through our whole service on Sunday. I missed the whole time the choir was singing. Jason came back down to sit with us for the rest of the service and asked how they sounded, and I said I have no idea! I had to take Noelle out.

Alicia I'm so glad things are moving along with your farm! It sounds like it's all coming together for you guys!

Joyce let me know the name of the book you got for Lily-Anne. I'll have to keep that in mind for Noelle. She's a little too young now though, I think. Maybe not though. I remember Kilian stitching along side me when he was her age.

Krista we're supposed to get a cold spell next week. Polar vortex and all that. :( I'm not happy about it. But I have a ham bone from Easter waiting to be thrown in some soup, so that'll be good for next week.

Nicole I'm so sorry to hear about your SIL. I'll be praying for her.

Sabrina I hope your family is getting better! Seems like a lot of people are getting sick lately.

I could use some prayers with this pregnancy. Everything seems harder. I don't know if it's just because I'm older, but I know that the fact that I'm not working during this one is making it physically harder. My job was pretty physical, a lot of walking and lifting, so I'm definitely getting less exercise since I'm not working. I never had postpartum depression very bad with the first three, but I feel like with this one I'm already showing signs that it's not going to be good. Hopefully I'm wrong. I'm trying to stay busy but my belly is so big, and I have diastasis so I have to wrap it, which gives me pretty limited mobility in my arms. On Sunday my feet swelled up and now I have jiggly feet and cankles and have to wear my husbands flip flops! Which is kind of funny, but kind of not. :) The nesting factor is multiplied because I'm giving birth at home, but I can only work hard in short spurts before I get too tired or things just start to hurt, or kids need this or that. You know how it is. Anyway, I'm done complaining now! Sorry! :)

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Mar 31 2016 :  06:46:34 AM  Show Profile
Nicole - Praying for your family!!! Cancer is such a beast!

Joyce - I had no clue you subscribed! Thanks :) I am trying to get in the habit of sending one out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but am happy with twice a week. Guess that means you know how bad I am failing at my goals this year, lol. Life has really been throwing us some curveballs!

Krista - oh yes please! I would love your cold weather. Though if we get the snow here, EVERYTHING will shut down!!! It is hysterical! The sad thing is, people have issues driving here in the rain as well, though they get rain all the time!

Erin - so so many (((hugs))) dear friend! I have dealt with severe postpartum depression once - and I knew before he was ever born that I would be, though I hadn't at all with his sister! My biggest recommendation to you is to make sure you have help after the birth... I've heard postpartum doulas are great, though I have never had the opportunity to have one. But I would at least have meals in the freezer! And hopefully some friends or your church will bring you meals as well after the birth!?!? I find it interesting that you wrap for your diastasis. Mine is SEVERE but they are saying all I can do to fix it is surgery!?!? I keep thinking there has to be a better way! With Sammi (my 4th child) being an emergency c-section, they apparently shoved my muscles out of the way, whereas they were already displaced before that. Anyways, when I do the test of trying to sit up, I have a HUGE gap between my muscles!!!

Speaking of stomach issues, I could really use some prayers... there is a good chance I have Crohn's disease, as I ave all the symptoms... however with that, is my diastasis. I am at my highest weight EVER and look like I am pregnant! I am also extremely anemic, thanks to the probable Crohns. But we cannot figure out what to do about it!!!! I am trying the THM diet, but it isn't helping as of yet, I am taking liver pills as I detest liver, but it is high in iron. Maybe you Erin have some suggestions for the diastasis as part of the pregnancy look is my stomach muscles are not holding my organs in place. The chronic pain, stomach issues, anemia, and honestly my appearance, is really taking a toll on my mental health.

On a positive note, Emi has said her first word... dadadadadada :) I was hoping for momma, as about half of mine said "mama mama" first, but I'll take the fact that she is hitting that milestone! We weighed her last night and the little squirt is still only 13 pounds!!! Oh and she is starting to be able to balance herself when we sit her up as well! So though she is delayed, like they were concerned she would be due to the choir, she isn't far behind at all!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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Posted - Mar 31 2016 :  06:47:34 AM  Show Profile
Erin - here's the link:

Praying for you and your pregnancy :) I got your letter! I was so happy to get it..I'll be writing back in the next day or two!!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 31 2016 :  1:06:26 PM  Show Profile
Erin, I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling with your pregnancy. If I lived closer I would come help you get everything ready! I remember feeling that way and had people help me get things done. It was hard though. I had to put my pride aside and ask for help. Just remember to relax and not stress the small things. Let me know if there is anyway I can help!!

Shannon, I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you can find things to help you. My MIL has Chron's but I don't know much about it. All she told us was when she first started her medicine it made her sick. Hopefully that isn't something you will have to deal with. I have been struggling with anemia myself since I gave birth. It is not a fun thing to deal with. I feel really rundown and sick a lot of the time. I'll be sending some prayers your way so that you can start feeling better soon.
Your little one makes my boy sound like a chunk! I took him to the doctor yesterday and he is 15 pounds and 13 ounces. We seen his cousin over the weekend and she is a year old and barely weighs 19 pounds. He is going to pass all the ladies up and give me strong arms!!! I'm so happy she is doing great!

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