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True Blue Farmgirl

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North Carolina
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Posted - Nov 09 2006 :  07:31:31 AM  Show Profile  Send BarefootGoatGirl a Yahoo! Message
Coming up our drive, things look pretty normal, until you look out at the barn lot. Mingling in with 3 other perfectly normal goats, is a pretty little Nubian wearing a grey sweatshirt. Ever since fall started coming on, this sweet girl has been cold to the point of shivering so I decided that if my neighbors could dress their horses in capes and thier dogs in sweaters, my goat could borrow a shirt from my husbands closet. I cut the sleeves off and there it was, a $6 goat coat. But of course, one was not enough. Any self respecting girl has to change her shirt once-in-a-while so off to the thrift shop I went to buy her another. If my camera and computer were comunicating (they seem to have had a spat) I would post a picture. She looks so cute! It looks like it will be a warm day today, so I need to go undress her for now, but it will go right back on tonight.

Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. Proverbs 27:23

Miss Bee Haven
True Blue Farmgirl

4331 Posts

Louisville/Irvington Kentucky
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Posted - Nov 09 2006 :  07:42:17 AM  Show Profile  Send Miss Bee Haven a Yahoo! Message
You're such a good goat mom. How sweet. Will the other goats get jealous of her new wardrobe? I'd love to see pictures of her.

"If you think you've got it nailed down, then what's all that around it?" - 'Brother Dave' Gardner
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Ellenwood GA
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Posted - Nov 09 2006 :  07:49:35 AM  Show Profile
I bet she is very grateful for your tender care. :)

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True Blue Farmgirl

2077 Posts

New York
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Posted - Nov 09 2006 :  10:44:39 AM  Show Profile
That is sweet!

...she is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.
Prov 31:10
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True Blue Farmgirl

93 Posts

Ellensburg wa
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Posted - Nov 09 2006 :  4:33:49 PM  Show Profile
I love it. We made lamb coats for our lambs after they are sheared. They always looks so cold.

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True Blue Farmgirl

98 Posts

Central Indiana Area
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Posted - Nov 13 2006 :  4:30:21 PM  Show Profile  Send Norskema an AOL message
Sort of off-subject, but are goats complicated to raise? We just bought a farm and are renovating the house right now but I want to think about getting a few animals and was thinking goats might be good.

Every way of a man seems right to himself but the Lord is the tester of hearts. Proverbs 21:2
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Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl

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West Seneca New York
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Posted - Nov 13 2006 :  4:41:47 PM  Show Profile
That for sure deserves a picture, how cute.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1495 Posts

North Carolina
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Posted - Nov 14 2006 :  09:13:34 AM  Show Profile  Send BarefootGoatGirl a Yahoo! Message
Ok, now the camera is out of batteries, so I cant even give it a try. I'm heading to town tomorrow and I'll add them to my list. As for goats being difficult to raise...I don't think so. If you read all the literature on goats, you'll get to believing that they are prone to droping dead over anything, but from what I've seen that isn't so (I've only had mine a year). They are very smart, so they can be troublesome about opening gates (and doors to feed rooms) and playing jokes (shutting you up in places or hiding from you) but overall they are a blast. A handraised goat with a great personality is priceless!


Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. Proverbs 27:23
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Thistle Sprig Farm NW Indiana
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Posted - Nov 15 2006 :  06:01:10 AM  Show Profile
What a sweet thing to do for your goat! I had a question. Since I have goats myself I know that my goats would try to eat the "coat off the others back". LOL But your goats didn't do this? Daisy
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True Blue Farmgirl

2900 Posts

Seagrove NC
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Posted - Nov 15 2006 :  11:54:19 AM  Show Profile
HEY! I wonder if any of our gazelles here at the zoo would tolerate such a thing. We have one or two who, until they get used to cooler temps will stand there and siver too. All our critters have access to heated shelters but mostly prefer to stay out where they can keep a watch out for perceived predators. (Lions are safely in their to worry!)
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daffodil dreamer
True Blue Farmgirl

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Hamilton Victoria
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Posted - Nov 15 2006 :  6:54:04 PM  Show Profile
I can't wait to see your babies!! I would love to have goats - must wait a little longer though.
Best wishes,
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