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True Blue Farmgirl

232 Posts

Hertford NC
232 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2014 :  3:13:04 PM  Show Profile
At the very end of April my daughter and I went to out local library. A tiny,very skinny kitten greeted us and tried to get into our car. It acted too friendly to be a stray so we hoped its owners would find her. I mentioned the cat to the librarian who had never seen her. Two days later a tornado hit out area and we were worried about the kitten. To make a long story short, the head librarian called and told us that the kitten was abandoned and sleeping under a abandoned house. We picked up her that day and Belle is a joy. She eats like a horse. We got her her first kitten shots in early May and I have an appointment to get her spayed June 6th. We took her to PetSence for her second shots today. The vet lifts her up and says" did you know she's pregnant"? "Um, not, its not possible". The vet says "ah, yes it is".
The vet says Belle is about four months old and believes that she is due as early as the end of this month (so it must have happened days before we rescued her). Giving birth at her age and as small as she is would be very dangerous and the vet recommend we take her to vet tomorrow first thing and have the litter aborted. She said birth is agonizing for the mother at the age and size and that some of the kittens would be stillborn (if babies and mother survived). Gosh what a choice. I will do what our vet recommends but wondered if any of my farmgirl sisters have had young cats give birth and what happened. I love animals and have always tried to be a responsible pet owner. I hate that this has has happened.

True Blue Farmgirl

453 Posts

Magnolia Texas
453 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2014 :  3:52:30 PM  Show Profile
It has always been my practice to wait until my female animals are 18 months old before allowing any breeding. This allows for the female to get her full growth and be in excellent health before birthing. Have the vet spay her at the same time, no need for her to go through a second surgery, if possible. My dog and both of cats were spayed, as soon as, my vet would do it. I believe there are too many unwanted cats and dogs in this world, hence my practice to spay because none of my fur kids are registered and their bloodlines do not need to continued. My dog LeaLou came from the local county animal shelter and both of my cats came from people who could not keep them. Thank you for rescuing her and post her progress.

When you free your mind your heart can fly. Farmgirl # 714,
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True Blue Farmgirl

232 Posts

Hertford NC
232 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2014 :  4:19:37 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the kind words Kathryn. And to think that I had an appointment to have her spayed on June 6th. The vet today said not to even wait until then.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3975 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3975 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2014 :  4:54:42 PM  Show Profile
I brought my cat Lotus home from the Humane Society at 5 1/2 months old. The new male cat in our house belonged to the roommate and was due for his neutering on the next day so he was locked in her room away from food. The male cat, Pepper, came home from that vet and immediately took a liking to Lotus. She went into heat and he got to know her all over the house. We laughed at him because we thought he was shooting blanks. Well . . . all males store a certain quantity of the little wigglers just in case and Lotus became pregnant. She was very protective of herself during her pregnancy. Her water broke and we thought she had peed. We had a birthing box ready. I went to get it and found a newborn kitten on the basement stairs. I scooped that kitten up and took it upstairs in the box. Lotus sat herself right in it and started the 45 minute process of breach-birthing the large little male kitten. The third kitten and second female came out soon after. She knew just what to do and was a very good mother. Still, I would have never allowed her to have kittens at that age.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 01 2014 4:55:39 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

572 Posts

north port fl
572 Posts

Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  09:52:39 AM  Show Profile
Hi Connie, first let me say thank you for taking in Belle. I asked the director of a cat rescue I volunteer with, she said they can get pregnant 4 1/2 months, and the best thing is to do is getting her spayed and aborting the kittens. She says more times than not the kittens will not make it and Belle may not make it either with her being so young, and giving birth would take a lot out of her young body. It is a very hard decision, but in the whole picture it is a wise decision. Hugs to you, Karla
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True Blue Farmgirl

232 Posts

Hertford NC
232 Posts

Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  12:20:24 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Karla for your honest words, they meant a lot. The advice has overwhelmingly been in favor of spay/aborting with one person vocally endorsing that we continue the pregnancy, making me feel horrible (saying I know other young cats who did fine....). I've decided I am going to take the vets opinion on what is the safest thing for Belle. I've read that when their babies get to a certain point, the blood supply is so large that aborting can result in large blood loss and death to the mother. I think it all hinges on how far along she is. Whatever is safest for Belle. will be done, be it easy or hard, right or wrong (in the opinion of others). She never asked or deserved the hard life she's had so far and I'll do all I can to make sure her life is great from now on.
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