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Barnyard Buddies: Kitty Convos  |
True Blue Farmgirl
233 Posts
North Carolina
233 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2014 : 7:49:23 PM
Does anyone else's cat talk? Like actually talk? The meows make words? Ours do this... We can carry on full conversations with Twitter, and short ones with Haru!
Us: Twitty. You want milk? Twitter: Milk? NOOOOOOWWW!!
Twitter: Mommy? Me: Yes? Twitter: Milk? Me: You want milk? Twitter: Now.
Haru: Help! Me: Haru! Are you okay?! (He has epilepsy, so any sound of "help" is answered) Haru: Help! Me: What is it? Haru: *'knocks' on closet door; hears the sound of his own knocking* Hello? Hello?! Mom!
DH: Twitter, no! Get down. Twitter: NO! DH: Get down. Twitter: NO! *mutters* DH: *picks him up* Twitter: *fusses*
Haru: Mom? Me: Yes? Haru: Help! Me: No. You're not drinking out of the toilet. Haru: Please? Me: I said no. Haru: Yes? Me: No! Stop arguing. Haru: *mutters* Follow me on Twitter: @lalauland |
Farmgirl in Training
14 Posts
Long Beach
14 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2014 : 09:14:40 AM
Awww, this makes me miss my kitty-cat. She passed away at the ripe old age of 17 several years ago, and even though I've been ready for a new friend for a couple years, circumstances have prevented me from finding one. My Kitty (yes, her name was Kitty) and I used to carry on all sorts of conversations, though I think what she was saying was only clear to me.  What breed are your friends?
"Whatever you are, be a good one" - Abraham Lincoln |
True Blue Farmgirl
233 Posts
North Carolina
233 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2014 : 12:22:19 PM
Aww, I'm so sorry for the loss of Kitty. She sounds darling!
Our pets are (in order of adoption):
Ryo - aged 5, she's our only girl. We don't know her breed -- but she's solid black, and has a face reminiscent of Egyptian breeds.
Hatsuharu (Haru) - aged 6; he was rescued by some local college kids who found him in an alley when he was still a kitten. He had a bit of a rough upbringing and was bound for feral-ness. They took him home, cleaned him up, vetted him, and then asked around for a home for him. He looks like a Maine Coon -- has the M crown over his eyes.
Twitter - aged 4; his mother was found abandoned and carrying about 9 kittens. The Humane Society rescued her and adopted everyone out. Twitter is a Tabico. Half tabby, half calico. On first glance, he's black and white tabby, but if the sun hits him just right, his "black" is actually really dark Torti colors.
Georgi - aged 4; he's the guard dog / muscle-head of the family. BullyBogle. Part Boxer. Part American Bulldog. Part Beagle. Yes. Beagle.
Gingy - aged probably 2. He's our newest baby rescue. He was apparently dumped, and obviously mixed. Someone on here said that he looks to be a possible whippet / beagle cross.
How about Kitty? Was she a particular breed? Follow me on Twitter: @lalauland |
Farmgirl in Training
14 Posts
Long Beach
14 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2014 : 12:58:01 PM
Kitty had the look of a Bombay Black, which is I think what her mom was. Very Egyptian looking. We got her when I was 10 from the neighbors of some of our friends. She was the runt of the litter and had to stay with her mommy until she was a three or four months old, which is how she acquired the name Kitty. That's what they called her, thinking we would rename her, but the name stuck. She had some serious personality - my brother tormented her (he was just being a normal boy, nothing really cruel) which made it so the only people she tolerated were me and my mom. In her old age she learned to accept my husband, but she was always on the cranky side. But she was always happy to be with me. I would have adopted a kitten last year, but found out I was pregnant. I figured we didn't need to add a kitten to a house with a rambunctious four-year-old and a pregnant lady, so now we're still waiting. Maybe when the baby's bigger . . . Thanks for sharing your kitty stories!
"Whatever you are, be a good one" - Abraham Lincoln |
True Blue Farmgirl
233 Posts
North Carolina
233 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2014 : 1:10:44 PM
Oh, I'm always happy to share pet stories.
Ryo would only trust DH when we first got her. She was 8 weeks old, and a living ninja-kitty terror. We originally got her as a companion for me -- being a military wife was lonely on duty nights when DH would be gone the entire night. So when she bonded with DH, she started this game... if DH wasn't home by his usual time, she knew he wouldn't be back till the next evening. She would start playing pranks on me. One day, she was insistent cuddle time take place as close to my face as possible. My arms don't work that way, though, and she was scratching my back to try to sleep on my shoulders. Well, she got fed up and climbed onto the TV-stand. I was so busy watching the TV, I almost didn't see her flying towards my face, arms and every claw outstretched, ready to grab my whole face in her paws and force compliance. I caught her. Her claws nearly touched the sides of my face, and we just stared at each other in surprise. We adopted Haru as an older kitty who had the understanding of how to use one's claws appropriately. He taught Ryo, and they are an odd couple. They adore each other, are mates, but we kept them from actually mating... Follow me on Twitter: @lalauland |
Farmgirl in Training
14 Posts
Long Beach
14 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2014 : 1:37:44 PM
When my tormenting brother got older, Kitty got back at him by climbing onto his lap while he was watching TV. If he moved even a little bit, even to laugh or talk, she took a swipe. I always knew when she'd moved in for the kill - I'd hear "Jessie!!?" in a rather panicked, but desperately quiet, voice. :) It looks like I sort of hijacked this thread with stories of my Kitty, hope that's okay!
"Whatever you are, be a good one" - Abraham Lincoln |
True Blue Farmgirl
233 Posts
North Carolina
233 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2014 : 2:07:05 PM
LOL!! That is hilarious!
And I posted this looking for stories about other's pets. You know, I was in the store the other day, and PetCo sells edible cards to mail to pets! I thought it was a very neat idea. Odd, but neat. Follow me on Twitter: @lalauland |
Barnyard Buddies: Kitty Convos  |