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True Blue Farmgirl

2941 Posts

Georgetown OH
2941 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2013 :  12:27:49 PM  Show Profile
I didn't
I went to a local craft show and bought 6 bars of Linda's soap(woolispinner), a wooden bowl that her son Michael made, several handmade greeting cards for my stash, a pair of fingerless gloves to keep my hands warm at my computer in the winter, and a gorgeous bunch of bittersweet. I feel OK though, because it was all handmade and local.
Nini, we had an organic turkey last year and I, too, gasped at the price, but the taste was beyond compare. I'll never go back
Marlene, I love those library sales; we had one at our farmers market that was donation only, and I was buying books nearly every week!

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

257 Posts

Hanover Indiana
257 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2013 :  2:28:32 PM  Show Profile
I've lost quite a bit of weight and could have cried when I dug out my cooler weather clothing....nothing fit. I thought oh well I'll just have to take them to consignment shop and get some new sweaters and cold weather clothing. Went to the Goodwill and found a nice fleece blazer, I did score a couple pair corduroy pants and very nice warm wool coat and leather jacket at a yardsale for a real bargain...$2 for cords, $3 for wool coat with hood....$3 for brand new brown leather jacket. Dreaded giving up my favorite sweaters from last year, thought well, what have I got to lose? So I put them on the sewing machine & simply ran a stitch from sleeve around armpit & down the sides, then just cut off the excess. It worked! My cotton sweaters (8 of them) fit great so now I can get a couple more seasons use out of them and don't have to go buy new. I even stitched up a couple dresses because I thought I'd only get a few dollars for them anyway at consignment so took a chance and took them in on side seams and it worked, you can't even tell they were altered and by wearing a long sleeve top underneath and pairing with a sweater/blazer and leggings I can still wear lighter weight dresses through the cold weather. Hubby picked our basil before frost hit so I made and froze pesto in ice cube trays and my kraut is made and can't hardly wait until it's done. I had a huge stroke of luck this week too. I unplugged our chest freezer to plug in my iron to press some clothes only to forget to plug it back in. Three days later I discovered it and dreaded opening it but everything still frozen....COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! Very lucky.

Farmgirl #522

Edited by - neeter302 on Nov 07 2013 05:36:27 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3509 Posts

Pipe Creek Texas
3509 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2013 :  6:07:00 PM  Show Profile
I dehydrated quite a bit of basil today. Also dehydrated onions to make onion powder tomorrow. Ground up my previously dehydrated garlic into garlic powder today.

Farmgirl #5111
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2013 :  03:58:11 AM  Show Profile
I wanted some infiniti scarves,but did not want to pay the price. I watched you tube vidoes to get an idea how to make them. I then went to our local thrift store and purchased some long poly cotton rayon summer sleeveless dresses and some skirts too. Took them home, washed them and then tore them apart. I used my rotary cutter and made the longest 7 and 9 inch strips depending on the heaviness of the fabric. I then sewed the strips together to desired length. I hemmed the cut edges. I bought dresses that had the same design and brightness on both sides. I also made a couple using skirts. Cutting them the width in a tube, hemming and wearing them that way. I am very happy with my creations. I am going to make some for my girlfriends for Christmas. Great thing, here every Wednesday is quarter day. Almost everything in the store is a quarter. True story, can anyone beat that? I volunteer there too, it is so cheap because we can not keep up with donations.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2013 :  04:28:51 AM  Show Profile
Anita! How smart! You've inspired me with your sweater project! AWESOME, farmgirl!!! Thank you!!!

Kelly - I haven't made garlic or onion powder yet, but can't wait to do it! Just wondering: How much do you get from one onion, or one bulb of garlic... I'm trying to plan how much to dehydrate to fill a small jar... Thank you!

Kem! I love my infiniti scarves! You can wear them so many different ways - SO versatile! Mine are knit ones made of wool, purchased from a great seller on ebay, but I've asked one of my girlfriends to teach me how to make them so I can give some for Christmas. I love your project, too, though. Maybe I'll do that, too! Thank you!

My goodness - you all always have so many wonderful ideas! Thank you for sharing!!!

Saved money this weekend by making super good chicken stock from a leftover roasted chicken. I could've made soup, but decided to freeze the stock for now. Next time I roast chicken, I'll make more stock, combine the two and make a big batch of soup for canning. We can't get enough of the stuff - it's just so delish and so much better than the stuff at the grocery store! So hearty and warming for the body and soul on a frigid fall or winter's night!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3509 Posts

Pipe Creek Texas
3509 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2013 :  10:35:42 AM  Show Profile
For my onions I grow so many multiplying onions. The bulbs are so much smaller, I usually just dehydrate them. Takes quite a few but I have hundreds of them so I just keep going. As for garlic I eat and replant the largest cloves, then dehydrate the smaller ones. So again it takes quite a few to amount to anything. But the flavors in both are so much better and robust. I think you will love them both.

Farmgirl #5111

Edited by - lovinRchickens on Nov 04 2013 7:15:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

992 Posts

Talladega Alabama
992 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2013 :  3:49:40 PM  Show Profile
Oh Mz Nini, I just read your post about the farm raised turkeys you purchased. Last year I decided to purchase chickens and quail and turkeys are on the list for my ranch for this raise and sell. I am soooo glad you had a good experience and it is encouraging for an up and coming turkey rancher. Can I use your words on my blog? How much did your bird weigh and how much did you pay.....if you don't mind my asking.

Did I save any money today. Yes. I worked on my chicken coop for my free range birds. I decided that a ranch this size has a lot of stuff/items that could be utilized for the roof and sides. I dug thru junk and found the poles of an old carport that had a canvas cover with is long gone and used the poles for the rafters of the coop. I have a tarp to use over the outside yard area. Its only for night time becoz they will be out during the day. I found some fairly thick panel sections to nail on to the sloped roof section.

I did laundry, 2 loads, with homemade soap and hung the clothes on the line. I did not start the car or the tractor or the lawn mower.....I could have coz there is always a chore or 8 that need doing. Equipment was quiet. Nice for a change. Eating meals from the freezer to make space for the deer I WILL get this year.
Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093

Daizy #1093
Poor House Farmgirl Chapter
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??
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True Blue Farmgirl

992 Posts

Talladega Alabama
992 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2013 :  3:46:09 PM  Show Profile
I forgot to give you my blog address....

Daizy #1093
Poor House Farmgirl Chapter
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2013 :  7:09:51 PM  Show Profile
We have been heating with wood and delaying turning on the furnace. We have a creek on our land so have our own wood also. I made biscuits for lunch to go with left over stew. Served it with homemade jam. Worked on infiniti scarves. I tore apart thrift store dresses to make the scarves out of. I am very pleased with the fabric I have work with. Used homemade cleaner to clean underneath the bathroom sink. I keep telling every little thing I do counts.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3509 Posts

Pipe Creek Texas
3509 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2013 :  7:47:13 PM  Show Profile
For today I have made windshield wiper fluid for all our vehicles. Dehydrated many more onions and herbs. A neighbor gifted us with quite a few tomatoes.

Farmgirl #5111
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2013 :  03:52:02 AM  Show Profile
Going to quarter day at our local thrift shop this morning and then off to two facebook classes on marketing and social networking for a total of 8 dollars. It should very informative. Looking forward to the day.
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2013 :  3:14:15 PM  Show Profile
The infinity scarves sound like a neat project! I will have to look out for some dresses for that.

Good idea girls with the onion powder and garlic powder. We had dried some hot Thai Peppers and Habaneros (we didn't get that many this year) I ground them and made a Hot Pepper Powder. Our plan is to add it to softened butter to place on grilled steaks :)

Kem, I hope you found some great deals :)


~A pair of Levis Jeans for $1.00 at the Thrift
~I also found a like new board game for 50 cents
~Our Division of Wildlife was giving away some Kokanee Salmon to those who had fishing licenses. My honey and I went and each received 10. They are on the small size but I'm happy :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Nov 07 2013 3:18:56 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3977 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3977 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2013 :  6:10:49 PM  Show Profile
My husband has to buy a pad and a cell phone for work. We were told to go to the Sprint store for the best deal and just listen to what we got.

A free basic phone when we signed up for service at $50/month unlimited minutes.

A pad for $50 plus service, not sure how much that is, maybe $100/month.

His IKON cost $250/month to use for work. It has the capability of pads and cell phone but is very slow and unreliable.

So he is now saving $100/month and I get to play with a pad.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  03:33:07 AM  Show Profile
Yesterday was not a save money day. Went to another craft show and bought a ruffly scarf to match what I was wearing and 3 bars of homemade soap, my weakness. I put a turkey in the oven, deboned, and in the freezer. Eating turkey these days, about half price of chicken here. I also stamped and colored Christmas cards with my pencils received from Mary Jane friends. The barter group is really fun here, and these gals really come through. Today is church, work on gutters, and take a walk. Should be an enjoyable day.
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True Blue Farmgirl

334 Posts

Sands of Time SC
334 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  5:26:39 PM  Show Profile
3 bags of pine cones, free. Found along the lane I live on. I'm going to use some for an outdoor decoration. Some will get slathered with peanut butter and rolled in seed for the birds.

STYX the Band rocks!
Support your local organic
Have you hugged your cat today?
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  06:31:21 AM  Show Profile
Today I am going to go look at a laptop my friend had as a backup in her,business. She bought because she spilled coffee on the keyboard of her other one. She found out she only had to replace the keyboard and it was good as new. Sooooo I wanted another 7 because I hear the 8s are not user friendly. Will be able to buy it cheap. She is a wiz at the computer, so going to pay her a bit more to get it up and running for me. I hate doing that stuff. Need to find anything on the web! That is my department. Seriously, I love,a challenge, let me know
what you are looking for and I would love to help you.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2013 :  1:08:45 PM  Show Profile
Hi girls!

'Sorry I didn't see your post sooner, Daizy... I know we had ordered one of their larger turkeys - 20 - 25 lbs. (I am pretty sure it was a 24 pounder), and it came to a little over - gulp - I hesitate to even say it - sixty dollars. Yeah... I almost fainted, too; especially after having to face my husband who had just heard the butcher say the price out loud. LOL! But honest, it was worth every single penny! We buy our meat in bulk whenever we can, so when we saw just what we got out of it, we felt it was well worth it. I'd be happy to email you something for your blog, if you like Daizy. Just let me know!

So, I have been on a long, hard search for new curtains for my living room for a while now. The cost of curtains/drapes is absolutely insane, so I spent a lot of time looking online. When that didn't pan out, I traipsed over to the fabric store to try to find the perfect fabric. I figured hey, I can re-teach myself to sew if I have to! But the price of fabric - even with a coupon - was earth-shattering to me. I even checked the local junk stores and Salvation Army-type stores - zip, zilch, nada. Then I got the bright idea to use fabric tablecloths! I was going to either use café curtain clips to hang them (so I could use them later as actual tablecloths), OR I would buy them extra long, flip them over the rod and then use fusible tape to make a pocket for hanging. I almost, ALMOST did it, but even the sales I found would've caused me to spend too much. SO, I finally found the perfect curtains on sale at (If you haven't checked it out - you HAVE to check it out! They've got everything!). I qualified for free shipping, thankfully, and they were here on the second day after ordering!!! Well, the only problem then was that they are grommet top panels, and I don't have, nor can I afford, the fancy curtain rods to go with them. SO, I had my husband pick up a bottle of antique gold spray paint for me, and I'm going to spray paint my regular curtain rods to match the color of the grommets! I know it won't be as fancy, but I think that this is definitely going to be a cost-effective solution to an otherwise very costly expense! I'm so excited! Now, if I can only get one of these men of mine to take the rods down for me...

Also - I'm sure most of you know this, but if you don't... When you go to shop online, ALWAYS make sure you do an internet search for store coupons to the website where you're making your purchases! I know you can get them readily from, but there are also plenty of other sites out there that feature current store specials, discounts, free shipping and coupon offers. I always look online when I'm shopping Yankee Candles, because sometimes there are other coupon codes available out there that I haven't received in my email offers directly from the company. I've lucked out with other websites, too. I know it's a hit-or-miss kind of thing, but when you can save, it's well worth the few extra minutes to search!

Happy savings, girls!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Nov 12 2013 1:10:45 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

293 Posts

Fairfax VA
293 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2013 :  1:19:00 PM  Show Profile
I hit a MAJOR score at the grocery store today!!!

Hubby has a lunch function to go to where local police will be the main guests, so we wanted to get something really good and hearty as our contribution to the potluck table. I attended the same function a few years ago and took filet mignon "sliders" and boy howdy were they popular, so hubby wanted to repeat it. Grocery store #1 had huge filets at $20.99 a pound. Ouch. Hard to look at a $130 price tag on one hunk of cow.

Not only did grocery store #2 have it on sale for $14.99 a pound, but gave me $3 per pound additional discount because I took the whole thing still in the packaging from the packing plant - no muss no fuss for them and $11.99 a pound for me. Wooohooo! Eight pounds of filet mignon is a beautiful thing for us carnivores.

So now hold on to your taste buds if you like sweet and savory together. We roast it to medium rare in the thickest part and medium in the thinner parts, and it is seasoned pretty strongly with salt, pepper and garlic and lightly with thyme. It then gets sliced and served on those little King Hawaiian rolls that are lightly sweet (yum) with horseradish sour cream. I am slobbering on my keyboard. And I saved a pile-o-cash.
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2013 :  2:28:44 PM  Show Profile
I saved money by paying my bills on time ;)

Nini, I was expecting you to say $80.00 :) I can't wait until next year to try one of those turkeys.
Good for you on the curtains. I love a good can of spray paint too :)

Cindy, I am NOT letting my husband read this! He would absolutely love those sliders!

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

334 Posts

Sands of Time SC
334 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2013 :  5:31:09 PM  Show Profile
I go thru when I shop online. Most sites won't allow extra coupons or it nulls mrrebates. Stores vary with % of rebate. But every little bit helps. I check to see if the store is on mrrebates, if not I do try retailmenot or just google for coupons.


STYX the Band rocks!
Support your local organic
Have you hugged your cat today?
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Nov 18 2013 :  6:06:55 PM  Show Profile
For today:

~Made homemade bread :)
~I had some old barley I found in the back of my pantry so I cooked it up and the pigs went hog wild :)
~This will be a very, very tight, homemade Christmas so I have been going through my craft items and checking out ideas online and am thankful to have the supplies I need to create gifts :)
~I found a website The Prudent Homemaker which has many great ideas for saving money. I plan on using some of the menu ideas soon. I want to do a complete inventory of freezer and pantry items and see what kind of menus I can come up with.
~I have been going through my seeds to figure out what I need for next year's garden and already have quite a few left (yay!). For those that I need I will be ordering now (while on sale) or perhaps bartering for.
~Dug up some Horseradish roots and will be grating those tomorrow to store in the freezer for my honey.

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Nov 18 2013 6:08:51 PM
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6714 Posts

Gainesville Fl
6714 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2013 :  04:45:59 AM  Show Profile
Yesterday, I made up a batch of homemade laundry detergent from the recipe posted here on the MJF connection last summer. I love how economical it is and what a great job it does with cleaning my clothes. PLus the clothes smell so fresh and clean. I am also new to the routine of using a half cup of white vinegar in the rinse cycle but I must say, it does seem to keep things brighter. I especially like how the towels stay fresher and brighter as well. It is such a cost effective way to do your laundry and it really works.

Winnie #3109
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Nov 20 2013 :  5:22:29 PM  Show Profile
Actually yesterday:

~We called USAA Insurance and were able to get even better coverage for our auto for almost $40.00 less per month! I had forgotten about them and since my honey is honorably discharged from the Air Force he qualifies.

~I got an e-mail from Cabela's stating up to 70% off on footwear. I decided to look. I found a pair of slippers on sale for $7.49! I also found some replacement batteries for our dog's invisible fence collar for $2.99, a double pack (these retail for around $10.00 each). We also ordered some Treble Hooks to go Salmon Snagging with :) We had some Cabela Bucks and there was a code for flat-rate shipping $5.00. We ended up spending $5.73 for everything :)

~I was able to make 2 pair of earrings for my mother for Christmas with supplies I had on hand. They actually came out cute. I couldn't find any boxes to fit so I decorated blank greeting cards with pictures of Victorian ladies from the Victorian Trading Company catalog. They came out cute. I will have to post some pics :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Nov 20 2013 5:23:21 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Nov 21 2013 :  04:02:38 AM  Show Profile
Today will be an easy day not to spend. We have an ice storm moving in. I am in the process of doing deep cleaning in our house. I am rearranging and purging. I hate doing it, but feels good. I stripped the wallpaper border in our daughter's room yesterday. I have cleaned out a big walk in closet and have items set out for our thrift store. I am going to fry up 6 lbs of hamb. today to put in the freezer for when family is home next weekend. Always nice to have that part done. Tradition to have hay stacks (like tacos, except meat and toppings go on top of corn chips. Also going to make chili when they are home. Can't believe I did this, but started listening to KLOVE Christmas online. Soooo, I am cranking up the music and will continue to clean. Not leaving the house today. Also have to work on a grant for our town. Going to do that via phone with my partner. Better yet, I sold a vintage cupboard, need to get it cleaned out. It goes to a new home tomorrow. Will be making money, whoo hooo!!!!
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  2:17:57 PM  Show Profile
Be safe Kem! We are expecting snow for the next few days. Thankfully I have everything taken care of outside the home so with the exception of church we won't be going anywhere. (Lord willing!) I am going to have to find KLOVE Christmas online :)

Here is a photo of the earrings I made. I had some old Victoria Trading Company catalogs and used the pages to attach to blank cards that I had and messed around with a punch.

Next I will be making my Mom a pair of mittens from a felted sweater (or attempting to!)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Nov 22 2013 2:19:35 PM
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