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 How did you save money this week?
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True Blue Farmgirl

2707 Posts

atlanta Michigan
2707 Posts

Posted - May 02 2017 :  10:02:57 AM  Show Profile
I just love this thread!! I get a glimpse into your lives and it is really cool. I just thought I'd add a bit if it hasn't been said before but the biggest way of saving money for me is just to stay at home. I have lots of projects to do that keep me quite busy and it just seems every time I go any place I spend money that I was not expecting too. I guess I am an impulse buyer. So, my best way is too go shopping for the month for groceries and then stay home and do stuff that I have to keep me busy at home. I know it sounds funny but it works for me.

Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog....Charles F. Doran
beverley baggett
Beverley with an extra E...
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - May 15 2017 :  11:56:51 PM  Show Profile
I hit Dollar General and bought little kid's shoes for twelve cents a pair, gloves for twelve cents a pair, and some clothing for the same. I couldn't believe it!!!! I have to admit, it did not save me money because I donate almost all of the items to charity. But, giving is as much a part of my life and saving.
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True Blue Farmgirl

569 Posts

South Bend Indiana
569 Posts

Posted - May 16 2017 :  06:15:03 AM  Show Profile
Great finds, Cozynana! Awesome way to "give back" :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

207 Posts

Carmel IN
207 Posts

Posted - May 18 2017 :  06:14:45 AM  Show Profile
I'm really bad about eating out during lunch, because I like to get out of my office! However this week my car is being repaired, so I've been relying on my guy to drive me to work and back. On Monday I picked up enough frozen meals and snacks to last me through the week- much cheaper than going out every day! I think I'm going to keep this up even after I get my car back.


Rachel, #6992
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - May 27 2017 :  1:13:19 PM  Show Profile
Hey girls! I've missed you so much! So many great ideas to catch up on! You are all so great at this!!!

My son has a terrible habit of buying bottled beverages on the go. He loves my iced tea, though, so I asked him to start saving the bottles and caps. Last week, I made a HUGE batch of iced tea with lemon and sugar, and filled the sanitized used bottles and caps with my own brew. He loved it. Now, instead of spending $1.69 a pop, give or take, he has good old fashioned mama made for "free!" Of course, the home-bottled tea won't last forever, but he drinks it often, so I know it won't go bad! ;)

Have a great day!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

569 Posts

South Bend Indiana
569 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2017 :  06:26:18 AM  Show Profile
GREAT job, Nini! Very clever!!!

Have to brag on DH! He saved us BIG bucks last night. Our washing machine has been sounding like it is about to take flight during the spin cycle for the last month or so. He watched YouTube videos, then ordered some parts, and last night he took it apart and fixed it!!! Hopefully it will continue to work for a while yet. It would have been $600 to have it fixed professionally!!!
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2017 :  07:02:15 AM  Show Profile
Jaime, great savings!!!!!

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015.
Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2017 :  10:43:09 AM  Show Profile
Great idea, Nini! And yummy too!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2017 :  05:40:01 AM  Show Profile
Yesterday at Salvation Army I found 3 pieces of new fabric all for $3. All were from the same collection - Daisy Kingdom "Chef".

One panel - Chef's Special Apron - with matching oven mitt - potholder - towel applique

2 yds Chef's Special Patches
2 yds Bon Appetite Veggies

I looked it up on-line and found Daisy Kingdom Chef fabric for $12 a yard so I figure I saved over $50. Have no idea what I will do with it - the Veggies fabric is almost too pretty to cut but I will.

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015.
Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2017 :  08:30:17 AM  Show Profile
Wow, Sara! What a deal!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
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Posted - Jun 03 2017 :  08:59:44 AM  Show Profile
Thanks Judith, I've washed and dried it and hope to iron it today so it will be ready when I decide what to do with it.

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015.
Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.

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True Blue Farmgirl

7487 Posts

7487 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2017 :  11:04:07 AM  Show Profile
Nini, I really like your idea. I should try to do that. It's also a good way to reuse the bottles. I have been trying to save some bottles to make sensory bottles for my little guys.

Good find, Sara. Can't wait to hear or see what you decide to make with it.

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Catherine L
True Blue Farmgirl

408 Posts

Newton Texas
408 Posts

Posted - Jun 12 2017 :  8:21:39 PM  Show Profile
This weekend I was really in the mood to go buy some new clothes and shoes, none of which I need. I spent some time on Amazon picking out dresses and shoes and making them into outfits. I saved them to my cart. After thinking about it overnight I decided I didn't need any of them, but it was fun "shopping".

Farmgirl 2428
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True Blue Farmgirl

174 Posts

Christine Marie
174 Posts

Posted - Jun 20 2017 :  09:30:42 AM  Show Profile
I saved money today! (Although it did cost, though).

I've been on the search for classic penny loafers. I've looked everywhere and the prices are so high! I've been comparing prices the past two days. Last night, I put a pair in the Amazon cart and they were roughly $50.00. High, but not as high as I could've spent. I didn't order them, saying I'd "sleep on it" and decide in the morning. I went on this am, and discovered they were down to $22 and change! The color and size I wanted and needed!!! Score! Those babies were ordered and should be here by next week!

Christine, Sister #7295
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2017 :  05:36:56 AM  Show Profile
I redecorated my newly painted living room with items in other rooms in my house. Took furniture from living room downstairs and brought up downstairs. I went from old world to farm house/industrial. Have to say it turned out quite well. Did buy paint for the walls and a 5x8' area rug. Even used a trunk that my great grandfather used to come to America. We are of Swedish descent. So much fun without tons of money.
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True Blue Farmgirl

174 Posts

Christine Marie
174 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2017 :  06:04:58 AM  Show Profile
I just did the same thing! I did purchase some small things...I needed the change. It makes a while lot of difference with certain matter how little they may be. :)

Christine, Sister #7295
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True Blue Farmgirl

569 Posts

South Bend Indiana
569 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2017 :  06:23:04 AM  Show Profile
Got a 20% coupon from JoAnn's texted to me yesterday - good on regular AND sale items! Picked up several things for next spring at 70% + the coupon! They had a LOT of clearance items too - little packets of sequins or buttons I'll use in my crafting projects - $0.50, $0.25 or $0.10 each! Scrapbook paper was $0.20 each (from $0.69) and they also had grab bags for $3 with tons of cute papers in them so I snagged one of those.

Patriotic things were 60% off - I got several rolls of thin dark red ribbon with white stars that I'll use for Christmas wrapping. Got some red/white/blue ribbon I'll use to make a patriotic wreath I have planned for next summer.

We also got some outdoor fabric that matches our deck cushions - was a great price after sale+coupon! We have the cushions already, just need to cover them.
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True Blue Farmgirl

174 Posts

Christine Marie
174 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2017 :  07:31:48 AM  Show Profile
Jamie...that's awesome! I love craft stores and I love to save money at them ;)

Christine, Sister #7295
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Jul 25 2017 :  1:52:28 PM  Show Profile
Created a coffee bar in our eating area today. I used all stuff I had collected in the past including the little kerosene stove as the main piece of furniture. The one thing I don't have is a original 1 cup or 1/2 pint blue canning jar. I know they made them but hard to find. I love the creative part of the process, hate the clean up. I am messing while I create.
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True Blue Farmgirl

17225 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17225 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2017 :  8:10:41 PM  Show Profile
Kem,, never fear,,, I to am 'messy' when being creative! lol!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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True Blue Farmgirl

1927 Posts

Swisher IA
1927 Posts

Posted - Jul 29 2017 :  09:25:24 AM  Show Profile
I found a website where you can order coupons at a nominal fee
The Coupon Clippers. they are honest and send what you order. also you can get newspaper inserts. they are great for getting coupons you need. I don't use coupons as much either and don't do many rebate deals like I used too. My husband buys stuff at Menards and they offer 11% rebate on everything often. you get an in store rebate back but since he shops there often it works.

Farmgirl friends are fun.
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True Blue Farmgirl

569 Posts

South Bend Indiana
569 Posts

Posted - Aug 23 2017 :  10:45:10 AM  Show Profile
Went to the bread outlet and took advantage of my little card I'd filled up with stamps from all the trips I've made. After 12 trips (stamps) you get $5 in free product. I was able to get 6 loaves of our bread and 1 package of English muffins for $0.54! :)

Stuck all of those in the freezer! I separated the English muffins first and popped them in a ziplock bag. That way I can pull them out and just throw them in the toaster still frozen.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Aug 23 2017 :  10:54:52 AM  Show Profile
Saved $25 plus change at grocery store this morning. Bought a pkg of 8 chicken thighs in the marked down bin for $2.50. Chicken broth cooking slow on the stove - will pressure can in the morning.

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015.
Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.

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True Blue Farmgirl

569 Posts

South Bend Indiana
569 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2018 :  08:38:40 AM  Show Profile
DH saved our bacon again this week! Washing machine stopped working. He ordered a new water pump for about $20, watched some YouTube videos and fixed that sucker!!!

Hoping it keeps on ticking for a while yet! It's the second repair we've had to do on it so I'm afraid the clock is running down, but fingers crossed!
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2018 :  09:09:15 AM  Show Profile
Jaime that's quite a savings. Don't know about your area but here it's a $100 just for a repairman to walk through my door.

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015.
Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.

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