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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2014 :  1:26:32 PM  Show Profile
Saved $58 at grocery store with store sales, mark-downs, on-line coupons, and 'Rewards' for being a regular shopper. Example: 8 pkg of store brand paper towels on sale for $5.98 plus $1 off 'Rewards' so each roll cost 40 cents.

Keeping a full pantry allows me to buy most high price items only on sale. I haven't paid full price for olive oil in over twenty years.

2 stalks Celery for 99cents ea. - leaves to dry for celery salt - stalks to dry or use fresh

Ordered herb seeds for the spring instead of buying the plants.

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2014 :  02:23:30 AM  Show Profile
Great deals Sara! I try to keep a full pantry too but this past year it hasn't worked out so much. I love that you haven't paid full price for olive oil, it sure is expensive.

Let's see, lately...

~I have made my own bread.
~Re-used plastic bags.
~I organized our pantry and did an inventory. This helps me to save money and not purchase items that I don't need to.
~Salvaged the turkey carcass and made stock :)
~The milling company where we purchase flour, germ-ade cereal and shorts offers a .20 cent credit when the bags for shorts are returned. We purchase the wheat shorts for the pigs (good source for protein and they love it mixed with their feed :)), so we had accumulated 22 bags and received a credit saving us $4.40 cents which is the price for half a bag (25 pounds)
~Found some craft items at the thrift to use for gifting and crafting.
~I also found some blouses (J.Jill, Christopher Banks) .50 cents each, a pair of jeans for $1.00, a faux holly garland for $1.00 that I will put on the headboard of our iron bed, and a punchbowl set for $5.00. I plan on using the cups to make candles for our next Ladies Fellowship at church. I had previously found soy wax at the thrift and we have some Wassail fragrance oil so I thought the punch cups would be fun :)
~I tried dehydrating some bananas. The fresher ones didn't dry as well so I was able to purchase older bananas for .20 cents a pound and they worked perfect. A couple of years ago I purchased some spiced dried bananas from etsy to see how I could make them myself. I peeled the bananas, cut in half cross-wise then lengthwise, took my spatula to them to help flatten. I then sprinkled a mixture of brown sugar, cinnamon and ginger on them. They came out great and I am thrilled that 15 pounds of bananas cost so little :)
~Signed up with Shutterfly and received a credit for 55 free photos.
~Made my own Hot Cocoa mix
~Found a recipe online for an Earl Grey Latte also known as a London Fog. My honey has an espresso machine so I was able to make my own instead of purchasing one at a coffee shop.
~When ordering Christmas cards (I couldn't find any we liked locally) I received a 30% discount :)
~Fed the pigs our pumpkins, squash and cornstalks used for decorating :)

How is everyone else doing? :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2014 :  03:37:30 AM  Show Profile
Sharon, your finds at the thrift store are terrific.

Yesterday I went to the grocery store for one thing and came out with 3 bags of sale items.

Fall/Thanksgiving tea towels 75%off - 4 for next year gifts. Saved $12
2 wedges of parmesan cheese - buy one get one free. saved $3.99
ox-tail 50% off - saved $5.50
Bakery sour dough rye bread on sale. Saved $2
Pkg of 6 deli pulled pork sliders marked down to $1.99
Tin of Whitman's chocolates with Snoopy & 3 birds on lid 50% off -saved $6. What can I say - I wanted the tin as much as I wanted the candy

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  5:28:30 PM  Show Profile
I went to Office Max this evening and found a desk organizer set--magazine holder, letter tray and letter/gadget holder all for $4.00. And the pattern is pretty nice.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  11:28:52 AM  Show Profile
You're all finding such great deals - isn't this fun?! Sara! I would've bought the chocolates just as much for the tin, too! That must be adorable!

Okay, girls - I'm so excited! I just have to share! Last winter, I found a dress online which I absolutely loved and wanted to buy for my husband's employer's annual Christmas party. The original retail price was over $180, but on sale it was knocked down to $120. Nope. Not doing it. So I watched over the past months as it slowly dropped down to $69. Still didn't want to spend the money. The party is coming up very quickly and I really need something new to wear, so I decided to pop onto the website just to see what the price was. I was floored! $20 and change! I scoffed it right up! AND I had a coupon for free shipping! I didn't have to spend time on the icy roads or gas in my tank, and I got what I feel like is the deal of the century! (Okay - deal of the day, but hey, that's some serious savings!) I can't WAIT for it to arrive! And the best part is that I can accessorize it several different ways, so it will get plenty of use over time! SO happy!

Here's a little couponing trick that a former neighbor used to save money. Many of the grocery stores here double coupons up to 50 cents, which is awesome. I am a big fan of cutting coupons, watching the sales, matching them and saving money. (Although nowadays, I don't buy much that requires coupons.) But my neighbor took this a bit further. She would scrounge up the coupon sections from family and friends, cut out all her favorites and then head right to the grocery store. She would then buy the least costly package of whatever the coupon was for - say, the smallest jar of spaghetti sauce - and get it virtually for free! Now, this may sound silly, but when you consider she would have 8 - 10 coupons to use at a time, that added up to be a lot of free sauce! She did this for almost everything she bought. Her grocery budget was incredibly small, and she was not at the mercy of the sales to save money.

Also - wanted to share that I actually made and canned homemade cranberry sauce this year. <Sharon - got your email... Great minds think alike! :) > SUPER easy, super delicious. The cost was probably not much different than what it would've been out of a can from the store, BUT MY cranberry sauce used real sugar (vs. corn syrup), of which I had the control, no preservatives, AND I was able to can it in pint and one-half jars, so we had plenty! I bought two 32 oz. bags of organic cranberries for $8, and made 7 pint and one-half jars full! It was DEEE-licious! I will never go back to canned! Ever! I'm even looking into buying my own cranberry bushes in the spring!

And from our 20 lb. organic turkey, we got a huge Thanksgiving meal, several days of leftovers for sandwiches, three leftover casseroles (two for the freezer, one for the next day), and seven quarts of turkey soup base (turkey and vegetable stock with meat - I add my noodles or rice and dehydrated vegetables later). Talk about stretching a dollar! It cost more, but for us, it was well worth it!

Sharon - will you please share your spiced dried banana recipe?! YUM-O!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

13705 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
13705 Posts

Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  3:54:58 PM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
I like to make my own Christmas themed address labels, BUT this year I decided to save on that and sort through all the labels that I get in the mail and use those instead.
My daughter and I had gone thrifting last year and found clean, fresh Christmas cards, with envelopes, for 10 cents each. So, instead of purchasing boxed ones for $4-5 per box (or more) I'm using those cards. They are in excellent condition and quite lovely!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

my aprons -

living life -

from my heart -

from my hubby -
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2014 :  12:44:41 AM  Show Profile
My girlfriend retired from Walmart and gets a discount on alot of items in the store. She picked me up two turkeys for 81 cents a lb. I have one cooked and in the freezer. The other is going to be cooked today. Anything under a dollar a pound is a bargain to me.
I also picked up some books off the free shelf at the library. I will read them and trade them on It is the greatest place to swap books. Just costs shipping and that runs about $2.50 per book. Well worth it for some of the more expensive nonfiction reference books I tend to collect.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  05:03:50 AM  Show Profile
Yesterday, at the grocery store, I paid 50 cents a box for Christmas Cards, 8 cards to a box - original cost was $9 a box - so I saved $32.

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2014 :  11:48:14 AM  Show Profile
I made a new rice bag to snuggle with at night. It allows me to keep the thermometer lower and still stay comfortable at night. I used an old flannel shirt, made a wide tube, filled it with some old rice I had stored and sewed up the ends. I microwave it for 3 minutes. It is pretty hot coming out of the microwave, but lasts for quite awhile when I am snuggled in bed. My grandson even asked to use when they were home at Christmas. I made the grandkids ones a couple of years ago and one family uses theirs constantly.
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True Blue Farmgirl

992 Posts

Talladega Alabama
992 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2014 :  5:44:57 PM  Show Profile
I am working on a two week menu plan and working on couponing my groceries again. This time I am only buying what is a fantastic deal or we can do without. And no more impulse buying.....stick to the list!!!

Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093
Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.}
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

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Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  4:18:52 PM  Show Profile
SCORE on those Christmas cards, Sara! Awesome!!!

Kem - We just loved our rice bag, but had to stop using it once we pitched the microwave. Do you know if there is another safe way of heating it? They really are wonderful. There have been many nights where I've whimpered with cold feet while missing my rice bag! :)

Daizy - I love how easy life and shopping are when I use a make-ahead menu! Even if something comes up and we have to adjust a meal here and there, it sure makes things much easier after the end of a long day!

Girls - Today I saved over $30 plus shipping, handling & tax by making my own custom cash budget envelope system! It was super easy, and it's exactly what I wanted! I'm thrilled! It feels like Christmas all over again! Just in case you'd like to see it and read how to make it, here's the link: Even my hubby and son love it! Sam wants me to make one for him in camouflage! LOL!

'Still going strong with not shopping unless we have to! In the past few weeks, I've only needed to buy milk. Quite satisfying, to say the least! I'm already looking forward to next summer's food storage plan! :)

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  5:20:45 PM  Show Profile
CJ, great deals!!!

Kem, that is a great deal on the turkeys. I LOVE rice bags too!

Sara, you find the best deals!

Daizy, menu planning is something I definitely need to do. If only I could find a way to incorporate healthy (think Weight Watchers) and budget friendly meals that my husband and mom would eat. That's the tricky part. Keep us posted on how that works for you :)

Nini, sorry to reply so late on the bananas. Here is what I did: I used bananas that I got discounted down to 20 cents a pound (I tried using fresh but they didn't work out very well). I peeled them, sliced in half horizontally and then vertically. I then took a spatula to them and squished them :)I mixed brown sugar with ground ginger and cinnamon and sprinkled that on the in-side of the banana piece. I placed in the dehydrator at 135 for 16 hours or so. I can't remember but it did take awhile. I also dried the peels on the shelf room I had in the dehydrator. I plan on grinding that to use as fertilizer for my plants.

I love your envelope system :)

I will have to post my updates another time. Happy New Year Ladies!

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  5:39:45 PM  Show Profile
Sharon thanks for the tip on drying & grinding banana peelings for plant food. I use the peelings for my roses and dried ones would be so much easier and less likely to attract varmints.

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Jan 05 2015 :  07:19:08 AM  Show Profile
Yesterday I visited our local vegetable stand and bought a box lid of bell peppers marked down to $3. 17 green & 13 red. 2 or 3 peppers had black spots but the rest were very good.

I have no idea how much I saved but roughly figuring I'm guessing around $20

Today I put up 2 pints of green peppers in olive oil and herbs.
20oz jar - fermenting
Rest of the green I am drying.

Haven't decided what to do with the red ones.

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2015 :  01:34:42 AM  Show Profile
You're welcome Sara! Great deals on the peppers, I wish I could find that here

Okay, so recently I saved money:

~Making my own breads and rolls
~Re-using ziploc bags
~Found some items at the thrift store: Cookbooks, Herbal books and Gardening books at the thrift store for 10 cents each, a Coldwater Creek blouse for 50 cents, a Bandolino leather purse for 50 cents, Pashmina scarf for $1.00, stuffed animals for our pups for 50 cents each. I just take them home, wash and air dry them.
~Brought back feed sacks to the milling company and got 20 cent credit per bag on our feed bill
~Re-used plastic dog food and feed sacks for trash bags in our shop
~Purchased some really nice Christmas cards at $4.00 a box
~Received an e-mail from Shutterfly for a free calender. My honey and I picked out pics of our hogs to use and just paid shipping which was $6.17. We are sending it to Michael's mom :)
~We received a rewards gift voucher for Best Buy and also got an e-mail with a $10.00 off gift so we ordered some DVD's that Michael wanted for the cost of shipping $3.00.
~Filled out surveys online for our local grocery store. We received 50 points towards 10 cents off per gallon.
~The same store has Butt and Shank hams for .99 cents a pound so we got 2. I want to pick up more just to have on hand. You really can't beat that price, a pound of ham at the deli costs the same amount as the hams we got for $7.49. They are smaller but will be perfect to bake. I plan on using half (with the bone) for soup and the other half to slice for lunchmeat.
~Someone had a truck set up in town selling Potatoes $10.00 for 40 pounds. I picked up 40 pounds and will be trying my hand at making peirogis and french fries for the freezer:)
~Someone had ordered half a hog but then had a family emergency come up and was unable to purchase it. We are bartering it now for a cord of Cedar Wood from a friend we purchase wood from. Yay!
~Made some beef stew. I thought I had beef stock in the freezer but didn't. I used some juices from cooking a roast in the crockpot with salsa ( for shredded beef) instead and it came out even tastier.
~I made some burritos for the freezer. I usually cook the beans first (in the crockpot) but instead cooked the roast first and when that was done I removed the meat and shredded it. I then added the beans to those juices and they came out very tasty.
~Found some Starbucks Holiday Blend coffee marked down to $3.97 per 8 ounces. I had a coupon for $2.00 off 3 so I ended up paying $10.00 for a pound and a half.

I have been trying very hard to purchase only what we need at the store and catching sales. I value and appreciate everyone's input, thanks for sharing!

A couple of sites I like to go to for ideas and inspiration:
I don't agree with her on religion but she is an inspiration in saving money
A great site for sales and couponing
Mavis has a weekly newsletter and she post daily deals on her website

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Jan 17 2015 01:37:05 AM
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Cindy Lou
True Blue Farmgirl

2325 Posts

Lonsdale MN
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Posted - Jan 19 2015 :  1:59:41 PM  Show Profile
The round glass tray for my microwave had broken in November. I tried using packing tape to hold it together and it kept coming apart. I had put off ordering a replacement which was close to $30. Today at a local thrift store I found 3 of them at $1 a piece!
I also found a quilting book "Royal Stars of the States" with complete instructions and templates for cutting the pieces, for 50 quilts, one for each state (original price $14.95) for $2. And being a Minnesotan, loved the blue and white version for our state.
I also got a hand crocheted heart shaped doily ($1) that I will mount on red fabric in a needle work hoop by by back door. To top it off, the lady who checked me out put it all in a reusable fabric grocery bag!
I left the store with a big smile.


"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
Mary Oliver
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2346 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jan 20 2015 :  10:04:00 AM  Show Profile
Yesterday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) my husband and I went to Everglades National Park and got in free. We would have paid $10 entrance fee. I'm going to check out other National Parks on the next Federal holiday.

Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
7239 Posts

Posted - Jan 21 2015 :  09:41:54 AM  Show Profile
Saved $52.74 at grocery store - earned enough points so next week I will get 5% off total bill

$12.87 + tax - made 3 dish drainer quilts out of new & old kitchen towels I had on hand - $4.29 each in store

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Jan 23 2015 :  11:44:02 PM  Show Profile
Susan, good deals! I always look to the thrift shop for replacement parts. I found a Zoijrushi bread machine once for $7.00 and it works great. I found another one the same model but really banged up outside like someone had dropped it. The bread pan and paddle were fine so I purchased it for $3.00 versus $30-40 for a new bread pan and paddle. I would not have been able to pass up a heart doily :) The quilting book sounds perfect!

Vanessa, perfect! Having a great time and for free :) Thanks for the tip!

Sara, you always impress me with how much money you save at the grocery store! The dish drainer quilts sound great, I need to try making one soon.

Let's see...

~I went to the thrift store today (surprise, surprise!), I found some paper doilies for making valentines, a doily, a crocheted heart that has been stiffened, a cute vintage frame and 2 sweaters and spent about $5.00.
~Have been making my own bread and yogurt.
~We 'roasted' a chicken in the crockpot for dinner. After dinner I removed meat from the bones and place the bones back in the crockpot, I added herbs and veggie scraps I had saved in the freezer from onions, carrots and celery. I plan on making some chicken soup tomorrow.
~I made some Freezer Pops with the Apple-Ginger juice I made, very refreshing and healthier than ice cream :)
~Made more dogfood from meat and veggie scraps I saved.
~Found mini-white lights at Wal-Mart for .65 cents a box of 100, I also purchased some pre-made bows for $1.00 that I will use next year at church for our children's ornament making party. I found what I thought was glitter ribbon in red and dark pink for .30 cents per roll and found out that they were actually glitter tape rolls, sounds more fun and will work for Valentines.

That's all I can think of here :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

2941 Posts

Georgetown OH
2941 Posts

Posted - Jan 24 2015 :  11:41:31 AM  Show Profile
You all are getting great deals!
But for me, this month, I am not shopping AT ALL! Living out of the pantry, and believe me, I think we could go 3 months. I will likely run out of organic milk, but other than that, we aren't starving. All of that putting up of food, canning, and dehydrating is paying off big time!
I made a delicious veggie soup out of dehydrated veggies (2 types of squash, potatoes, carrots, and a bit of squash powder), added a can of canned garden tomatoes, a bit of cabbage we are overwintering in the garage, some fresh herbs, and my homemade canned turkey broth.
Can you tell we are suffering? HAHA!
You should see the amount of canning jars that are going in the dishwasher each time I cook. So fun to live this way. Why don't most folks do this?
A gal my hubby works with cannot believe I am not shopping all of Jan. She said she spent $99 at Krogers and basically bought bread, lunchmeat, cereal and milk. What? I just don't get it.
Anyway, so good to see the deals, and in Feb, I'll be hitting the sale items and necessities only.
Farm girls Rock!

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 25 2015 :  08:37:36 AM  Show Profile
I've been doing the same, Lisa... It is AMAZING how far my canning and preserving is carrying us! My husband asked me the other day when the last time was that I actually did any real grocery shopping. Other than the turkeys at Thanksgiving, the prime rib for Christmas, and occasional trips to the store for milk, eggs and sour cream, the last REAL shopping trip I did was back at the end of September! SEPTEMBER!!!! I can't believe it! We are still saving up for a side of beef and upcoming meat purchases this year, but I am committed to growing even more in the garden this year, and hitting the farmer's markets to make up for our garden gaps! I'm also going to start grinding our wheat and making our pastas this year. I've got my eye on the Einkorn Linda bought, and am very, very excited about it! 'Just want to use up what's in the pantry first. :) And like you all, we're not suffering either! LOL! I love the fact that we're using our canning jars, too. There is SO much less garbage going out to the curb every week now - it's amazing. And I love that we're reusing them over and over and over again!

Sharon - I learned a trick from Backwoods Home a few years ago for making soup stock. IF you purchase onions in those netting bags from the grocery store, save the bags and wash them well. When making your stock, put all your vegetables in the clean bag, tying it off on one end to secure everything inside. Just place the bag of veggies in the pot with your chicken bones and simmer to make your stock. When done, the veggies can be drained well in the bag in a colander, then fed to the animals. Works like a CHARM!!! I've even used the netting potato bags when I've had them, I just cut them down to size. You can also do this with the chicken bones, if you are careful to glean them of good meat before making your stock.

AS A MATTER OF FACT, did you know you can clean your chicken bones well and then dehydrate and crush them to make your own bone meal for the garden? Isn't that incredible? I've never done it yet, but I'd like to give it a try someday!

Our neighbor gave us a lovely wood and glass console table last week. It's just beautiful. I've wanted one for-e-ver, and just have to pinch myself to have one that is a keepsake from someone we just adore!

Another way we're going to start saving money is to purchase our own wireless router this week for our internet service. Right now, they charge us $10 a month plus tax to rent theirs, and the tech that came out last year told us that they know the ones they provide are faulty and inadequate. We have been doing some research as to which one we should get and we've found a couple of different ones from $40 - $70, and they should last for YEARS. That means we can be saving anywhere from $50 - $80 plus tax this year, and then $120 plus tax each year thereafter! I can definitely use that money, couldn't you?!

And a really cool thing? This past week I found over $170 in an old envelope system that we had used last year. The money had been allocated between groceries, gasoline, miscellaneous expenses and entertainment. I thought we had completely depleted the cash, but we didn't! I have to say, I don't know what was more exciting - to find the money, or to know that we hadn't spent it OR missed it in the budget!!! :) How cool is THAT?! Too bad we have to put it toward our taxes... But it's a good thing that we have it! :)

Made a double batch of laundry soap powder yesterday, making bread for the week today (freezing some so it doesn't go bad), and working on my garden plans all week... Life is good, girls.... Life is good!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Jan 25 2015 08:38:00 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 25 2015 :  08:46:10 AM  Show Profile
Nini - Look up Belkin. This router previously belonged to my brother. He passed it to me and I have used it for years now. Aside from the occasional reboot, it was always worked very well.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7239 Posts

Paris TX
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Posted - Jan 25 2015 :  08:46:46 AM  Show Profile
Nini, you amaze me and I have learned so much from you. The next time I cook a whole chicken (when it goes on sale for .79 a lb.) I will dry the bones for bone meal.

Great news on finding the money.

Walk in Peace - Live with Joy
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 25, 2014
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 25 2015 :  08:53:52 AM  Show Profile
Thanks, Sara! EVERYONE here inspires me! :) I love that we all can share and learn together, don't you?! Can't imagine where I'd be without my farmgirl sisters - and never want to know! :)

Thank you for the recommendation, Marie! Belkin is the one my son has been vying for... Now it will be the one! I really appreciate this!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Jan 25 2015 :  11:34:24 AM  Show Profile
Oh my gosh... I forgot to tell you that I made our bread with the water from my home-canned potatoes... Wonderful. The starchy water just does something amazing to the bread. And oh my gosh... My whole house smells like Heaven today! Tonight it's Grandma's pot roast and homemade bread for dinner... I can hardly wait! Wish you all could be here to share the joy! :) Hugs - Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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