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Nifty Thrifty: How did you save money this week?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 1:59:21 PM
Judy, thanks for the compliment on the pigs. This is our first time raising them. We are raising for breeding and meat. The Large Blacks (gilt and boar) will be for both purposes but we really wanted to keep the breed going as it is a heritage breed. Rosie our Hampshire/Duroc cross just had her litter Monday evening and I posted some pics under the Barnyard Buddies thread. They are just adorable and Rosie is a wonderful mom.
Great deals at the thrift store. I need to make another run soon. No one out here sells fresh asparagus which boggles my mind because it grows wild out here and we see alot of resources. Usually around Mother's Day we harvest from the ditch banks but this year may be earlier. Cheesemaking? Yum! That is something that I would love to learn. Maybe now that we have a source for raw milk and cream.
Nini, thank you for the piggy compliment! The pigs are so much fun, I never thought I would love them like I do :) Dry canning is something that I definitely want to try. We use beans alot and I would rather save money by canning them myself. Some day! :) As for the geranium, I just placed the cutting in a mason jar with water and change out the water every couple of days. It really didn't take too long to start rooting.
Here is our favorite Jerky recipe:
Teriyaki Beef Jerky
3 pounds lean beef (we use round steak) ¾ cup soy sauce ¼ cup Worcestershire sauce ¼ cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 clove garlic, crushed ½ teaspoon cracked pepper (Black) ¼ teaspoon liquid smoke
Cut beef into strips ½-inch thick. Combine marinade ingredients in saucepan. Heat until mixture is well blended. Place beef strips in a large glass-baking dish (10x13). Add marinade, cover and refrigerate overnight. Drain beef strips. Dry in an electric dehydrator until pliable. Store in an airtight container.
*For crisp jerky, cut across the grain *For chewy jerky, cut with the grain
Recipe from the Ball Blue Book
How exciting that your electric bill is down!!!! That is awesome girlfriend! I tried making my own "craisins" last year. Truthfully I will not do it again. It took forever to dehydrate. Can I ask you how you processed the grapes in the dehydrator? Did you blanch them first? You are the dehydrator queen Nini! :)
Theresa, thanks for the dryer ball tip. I have some Lion's Brand Fisherman's Yarn, I need to check to make sure it is 100% wool. I definitely want to try making these. I knew you meant roll :)
Things have been busy here with out of town trips, under the weather and piggies being born so I haven't put much time into saving.
~We have eaten prepared meals and sauce out of the freezer the past two weeks; Ministrone Soup, Cabbage Rolls, Pasta with Marinara Sauce. Freezer meals come in so handy! ~Still using the woodstove instead of propane. There are times when I don't feel good or I have been really tired and have not want to lug in firewood but I do it anyway. We helped friends pack for their move and they blessed us with a really nice log splitter which will save us alot of money next year. This also will make things easier for our backs. We have access to fallen trees (cedar,oak,juniper and pinion) so this will work out great. ~The same friends also gave us some building materials which will be perfect for building another piggy shelter. ~Speaking of piggies we have all of them sold with the exception of 2 gilts that we want to raise for meat. We will be bartering some of the piglets for lamb (from the gal that we get milk from) and the rest we will get cash for. Lamb will be for the freezer. So we are hoping that all of the piggies will continue to grow and be healthy. ~Our landlord wanted some of our soap so we traded some soap for Alfalfa bales for the piggies. This is to supplement along with their feed and grains and foraging. ~We plan on growing some barley or another grain or legume in part of the piggy field for them to feed on when time.
Thank you everyone for sharing!
Oh if you run out of eggs for baking you can substitute 1 heaping Tablespoon of Soy flour to 1 Tablespoon water per egg. I have done this and it works out great!
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 3:36:26 PM
Nina, I have not had issues with static... with the exception of fleece. Other than that have had no problems.
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 3:37:56 PM
Thanks for the egg sub suggestion. It happens from time to time
country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl
452 Posts
452 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 8:25:39 PM
HI Ladies! Sharon, we plant corn, peas & squash then have turned pigs out & they love it! you might have to break the bigger squash with a shovel for them. Plus there's no corn stalks or roots to worry about. Nice swap on lamb for pork! Love lamb!!!! Now made me smile with your wood! We heat MOSTLY by wood & boy there's some days that freezing seems more simple after chores! You have nice choose of wood...ours is mostly popular which leaves a lot of ash. We cut our own wood or haul from 60 miles away. Sharon, do you know how much a cord of wood costs in your area? It's about $150/cord....insanely expensive here. Sure like the warmth of wood heat though!
Theresa, THANKS for the drier balls! I've got some wool to play around with so will give it a try. They'd make nice quick gifts. Have you ever dye the wool first? Just wondering for gift giving???
Nini, read about you starting sauerkraut again...mine fell apart last fall so PLEASE give some up dates. LOL I checked mine one day & it tasted & smelled great but thought I'd leave it for a bit longer & then it went bad....rats! I out thought myself on it since it was my first time. Worried about killing off the 2 man crew out here! LOL Ok, namely me!!! LOL Hubby has a iron stomach! My Grandma had a pickle keg. Still remember standing on a stool stealing pickles while one of the other kids watched for the grown ups. They were the BEST!!!! I haven't canned bacon but my way is this: slice & cook a slab of bacon at a time, drain well then bundle up enough for a meal then freeze. I don't like the grease smell that lingers with bacon so cooking it all at once is good. I try a cook it outside! (crazy, I know) Unthawing is quick. We eat less bacon this way since it's already in small packages cooked. LOVE the dry lemon idea! Love lemons in anything! We eat a lot of dried fruit but pineapple is like candy!!!! So good! It's soooo pretty to decorate cakes with! I use a core remover but save them to dry, just chop up. Put them into a water jug & flavour your water. Yummy! Try bananas this way....cut then quickly put into lemon, drain well then lay out & sprinkle with cinnamon or cinnamon with LITTLE sugar. I've done this with pineapple too. At Christmas I do the sugar/cin coating with coconut added. They're different in gift bags. Yummy! I'm doing something wrong with raisins!!!!! Just straight table grapes?? Good on your elec bill!
Yesterday, swapped baking for a hair cut. I left the salon sold out of my extras which means next 2 cuts are paid for! Happy dance! Cut hubby's hair...$25 goes into a penny bottle! 140 tomato seeds were planted. First cutting of lettuce tray..something fresh & green!!!!!
I can't remember who helped me out with the grape juice idea but holy cow that stuff is soooooo good! The first jar gone already.....better paces us on those! LOL THANKS whoever shared! Smiles Judy
country wishes! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2014 : 3:30:56 PM
Hi girls - 'sorry it's been a few days... Lots going on, and then had another eye injection on Monday. They said it's not working now, so they want to start me on a new injection medicine... but the med is not covered by our insurance. The cost will kill me, but it has to be done. As if the dang shots aren't bad enough - get me in the eye, then get me in the pocket. Oh well, just makes me more thankful that I'm being careful with our finances! We'll be fine!
Sharon - thank you for that recipe! My son will love it! AWESOME!!! As far as cheesemaking - it is SO easy, it's unbelievable! Here is the website link to the New England Cheesemaking Supply Company: This is where I learned how to make cheese! Check out their videos! And you can take classes with them (If you're heading back home, of course! LOL!), sign up for their e-newsletter (highly recommend it!), buy supplies through them, etc. I bought a gallon sized jug of real New England Maple Syrup from them a couple of years ago and we're still enjoying it today! Such a wonderful taste from home! :) Here is the video on how to make mozzarella: It really is amazing how easy it is! I hope you do get to try it! YOU'LL LOVE IT!!! ;)
I've tried that egg substitution in the past, but didn't seem to have any luck... maybe it was the type of soy flour? Maybe I used it incorrectly?
Yes, I have to admit, the raisins took forever, too - if memory serves, it took over 48 hours. Thankfully we don't use raisins very often (One bad experience will do you in for life! LOL!), so I don't have to make them very often. When you did the craisins, did you dip them in sugar-water first, or just blanch them to break the skins? For the raisins, I only blanched them. They turned out so good! But I wonder if craisins really need that extra sweetness... cranberries are so tart, you know?
Thank you for that information, Theresa... I will have to try to get my hands on some wool, for sure!
Judy! How did your sauerkraut go wrong?! Oh NO!!! We're going to have to compare notes... I have to run right now because the dinner timer just went off, but I will come back asap and maybe we can figure out what happened on your end. I feel so badly that happened to you! I know the most important thing is to keep the air out... I cover mine with a plastic bag filled with salt water. The bag just "melts" down over the top of the kraut in the crock, but there is still enough space that bubbles can well up during fermentation. I also know that if the air gets at it, you can get a sort of scum on top. That hasn't happened to me, but I know it must be yucky. "They" say you can just skim it off, though - it doesn't harm the kraut. What happened with yours???
Gotta run - my son is aggravated that I didn't jump up at the buzzer! LOL! Heaven FORBID he go over and take the pan out of the oven himself! LOL!
Talk with you soon!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2014 : 8:19:46 PM
Oh, it's been a few days for me too!!! Between the piggies and being sick not much time for things (or energy)
Thanks for the tips on planting for the pigs. I want to get some peas for planting for them. My honey and I were at one of the coffee shop/nurseries today and I picked up a couple of packages of seed. When paying for them I noticed that my husband snuck in another pack. I was thinking he added a watermelon packet but it was beets. He does not like beets and I thought "Oh what a sweetie!" because I love them. Then he tells me they are for the pigs:) Good thing I love him :)
Firewood out here for a full cord is anywhere from $150.00 to $300.00 depending on the type of wood. Cedar and oak are more expensive than say pine or aspen. I love wood heat too. We had thought about getting a pellet stove but if we don't have any electric then we would be out of luck.
I like to cook bacon all at once too and freeze. We usually cook it in the oven, less of a mess.
I am so sorry that the shots aren't working, hopefully the new ones will. I am praying for healing and for provision for you!!!! HUGS!
The jerky recipe, you are welcome, I hope your family likes it. My honey sure does. With the craisins I did cook or soak them in a simple syrup. I keep them in the freezer. They do taste better (still retaining the tartness and not as sweet) but they sure were time consuming. My mistake with the grapes, not blanching.I heard that celery prices among other groceries are going up so I thought about purchasing more to either freeze or dehydrate.
Thanks for the link for cheesemaking, I already have it bookmarked :)
I will be needing to purchase some more Maple Syrup this year. I found someone on another message board and have been buying from them for the past 4 years. Last year it was $40.00 a gallon and boy is it wonderful!
Well, this past week has been crazy with the piggies being born and being sick. I also had an endoscopy yesterday but am doing okay now.
So....all that I have been able to accomplish was:
~Baking my own bread and pizza crust ~Utilizing the pantry and freezer ~Heating up freezer meals ~Using up Remains of the Day :) We had grilled steak the other day and have had the leftovers a couple of times in Grilled Steak Salad and Pizza. ~Got an upgrade on our internet speed for a little bit more
That's about it on my end.
Have a great evening ladies!!!! 
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 05:31:40 AM
Judy, I have not dyed my wool for dryer ball but have used pre dyed wool. Wouldn't think it would make a difference. If you try it let me know how it goes.
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 05:34:46 AM
My savings this week:
Made a summer skirt from a yard sale tee shirt. Love it! Made laundry soap.
Cindy Lou
True Blue Farmgirl
2325 Posts
2325 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 09:25:08 AM
I went to a used book sale this week. They raise money for scholarships for "alternative" students returning to school as adults. I spent a total of $8 but what a haul! Many were new or almost new.
I'm listing the prices these would have been if new; Betty Crocker's Diabetes Cookbook $49.99 new Diabetic Candy, Cookie and Dessert Cookbook $11.95 new, still in shrink wrap Applique' The Ann Boyce Way $18.95 new Patios and Walkways Idea Book $19.95 new Women of Spirit (Stories of Courage from the Women Who Lived them)$14.95 Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult $15 The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks paperback would be $7.99 but this was a hardcover version Best of Oprah's What I Know for Sure. Simple Greenhouse Gardening 1974 but still in good shape Wisdom of the Millenium gift book, in perfect shape, could use it as a gift but will probably enjoy it myself first.
Not even counting the last 3, they would have cost $138.78!!! Today is the $5 a bag sale. I'd like to go back but will just be content and start reading.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver |
True Blue Farmgirl
3977 Posts

3977 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 09:53:32 AM
I just read an article listing the best things to buy used. They are
* Cars - The best deals are on 1 or 2 year old cars which are a fraction of the price of a new one. * Baby & Toddler Clothes - Most kids are not interested in the expensive designer clothing and people really, really want to get rid of their old baby clothes. * Books & Movies - These are just as good the second, third, fourth, etc. time around. *Fitness Equipment - Buying new is very expensive. Most equipment is in good shape because people find excuses not to use it.
Just sayin'.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2014 : 10:10:21 AM
Just got back from vacation and while I was in Arizona we went to a couple of thrift stores.... I feel like I hit the mother load.... look what I got for only a couple of bucks

All but 2 are from the 1950's and loaded with things I can't wait to try.
I also got a Brown Bag Mold for 50 cents.... I haven't taken a picture yet but will try to get one on here soon! What a find.
country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl
452 Posts
452 Posts |
Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 1:57:13 PM
Hi Ladies! Having computer problems isn't fun at all! Missing the fun!
Theresa, your pattern booklets look great & the front pic is outstanding!
It's been a while so here's a few things we've done since the last posting to save: -made a huge batch of cream of vegetable soup today---using the cost & weight of Campbell's chunky soup I figured I've saved at least $50 in making it. -yesterday used up the Easter ham leftovers into ham & beans & ham/cheese muffins for the freezer. -had a great Easter weekend baking sales plus got a wedding order..yippee! -bought a case of over ripe mangoes for $2 & made pancake syrup. I've made jc too & it's yummy mixed with ginger ale for a treat. -sewed a couple of aprons of presents -used up ALL the bits & made Kitchen cookies...great recipe for that reason! -made waffles for the freezer...easy meal! -140 peppers & 140 tomato plants (9 different kinds) all doing well but better move on transplanting them -watermelon is doing nicely--it's quite hard to grow them here but it's worth the extra babysitting! Our gardens aren't ready for planting until late May but with the longer daylight time the plants grow very fast. -next winter's firewood was delivered yesterday....$125/cord for poplar/spruce/birch. We cut & haul a bit of our own but it's HARD work so was doing a happy dance seeing that truck pull in the yard! Now we just have to cut/split & stack it. -the best savings came with spring cleaning to find out what supplies we need to build up again & not buying the same thing over. -finished a flannel rag quil
I sure hope this pic loads but??? About 10 years ago I got a funny old library book & tried making cheese which other than cottage cheese turned into a NIGHTMARE! Hubby has more patience with timing/measuring things so he took over & we've been eating wonderful goodies ever since! We're up to 22 different types, here's some of them: Soft cheeses: neufchatel ricotta queso fresco fromage blanc mozarella Hard cheese: farmhouse cheddar stirred curd cheddar, traditional swiss traditional cheddar, monterey jack leicester, manchego gouda, haloumi colby, parmesan (eating 2 year old parmesan right now) romano, havarti, edam & gruyere Hope I spelled all those right?????  It's a dirty job being the taster but somebody has to do it!!!!! LOL
.JPG) From left to right: 3 # gruyere from our jersey milk 3# parmesan 3# blue cheese which isn't looking too pretty but it's on the right track..still growing the mould! LOL 3# edam 3# parmesan Big savings making it plus live waaay too far from any cheese shops but more important it's that thrill of opening up a new wheel & having that first bite! I must have been a mouse in my first life! LOL Have a good day Judy
country wishes! |
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2014 : 5:05:35 PM
I organized my laundry area and instead of going to buy bins. I used a shoe box, will cover it in fabric after my daughter's wedding in 10 days (yikes). Used containers I had in the house to store borax baking soda etc. Not big but made me feel better. Denise Ann |
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2014 : 5:44:38 PM
It's the little things that are the best Denise. They always make me feel the best.
So, WTG! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2014 : 4:51:32 PM
Hi girls! I got a great deal on peaches yesterday - and they are MUCH better than the ones that caused us all those problems last year! Today I spent the day canning 21 lbs. of sliced peaches, AND I'm thrilled to share - with you, especially, Sharon - that tomorrow I'll be making peach pit and peel jelly with the "remains!" SO excited! My home smells heavenly! Once the jelly's done, I'm going to make strawberry jam, too. I had planned to do both peaches AND strawberries today, but man-oh-man was this such a much bigger undertaking today than I had expected! LOL!
I tried something new this time around, too. Instead of blanching the peaches to remove the skins, instead I removed them with my vegetable peeler. It took a little while, but I'm much happier with the results. The peaches maintained their firmness rather than the outer part becoming mushy, and when they were finished, they really seemed to retain their shape a lot better - they didn't LOOK mushy, as they have in the past. Cool!
I also finally did can ground beef this past week. Came out great. I just browned and broke up the ground beef in a skillet, drained off the fat, loaded the jars up leaving 1 inch head space, wiped the rims with white vinegar, and processed accordingly for the appropriate time at the required pressure. One jar didn't seal, so I threw it in the fridge and we used it last night to make taco meat. Right out of the jar, it did have a stronger flavor than had it not been canned, but once it was warmed in the pan and seasonings were added, you couldn't tell the difference at all. I'm really excited about this! By canning the meat, I'm saving room in the freezer, and since it will be pre-cooked, dinners on a busy night will be a snap. I can't wait to try it in other dishes!
Oh! And I made the most AWESOME sausage patties! Our pig finally came in, so I went to and combined the seasonings for their Fancy Anise and Favorite Hot Italian sausages to make my patties. I used a regular canning jar lid to shape the patties, then browned them really well on both sides. There was one patty that was smaller than all the others, so the three of us sampled it. My goodness! It was the BEST! My son made the funniest sound! LOL! Anyhow, I ended up canning them in 1 1/2 pint jars with plain tomato sauce. We haven't tried them out of the jars yet, but I'm looking forward to it! I think next time I might not do them up in sauce, but instead just make a broth from the drippings - it was THAT yummy! We'll see... I don't know about you, but once I can up my homemade goodness, it's just so hard for me to open the jars! When I finally do break down and use one, I'll let you know how it turned out. But if you're looking for a sausage recipe, don't go any further. is THE best! :)
Judy! AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!!! How blessed you are to have such a talented, patient husband! Those cheeses look WONDERFUL! YAY!!!
Denise! I love the shoe box idea! How was your daughter's wedding?! Congratulations to all!
Have a great week, girls!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2014 : 1:51:45 PM
LOL! Weeeellll... the jelly was an interesting experience! LOL! The first batch came out like gummy worms... The second batch was more like a solid gel... But the third batch was juuuuuusssssttttt right! My husband says he's going to take the first batch to work and cut it up as a candy treat for the crew. I figure if we press hard enough, it'll spread! LOL! What can I say? I've never used pectin before!!! I'm learning... I'm learning... I'm tired, though... I think I'll do the strawberry jam tomorrow!
Happy day, girls!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2014 : 04:09:34 AM
Nini The wedding was great!! My daughter was beautiful, of course, but I am biased.. :) There were so many little kids there, and they danced most of the night. My daughter and her now husband planned a beautiful and fun wedding, I am so proud of them. They paid for most of it themselves and cam in under budget. Now I can concentrate on bigger projects, like my garage and cleaning out a few closets. Denise Ann |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2014 : 04:57:46 AM
Awesome, Denise! Fun and happy is so important. I'm sure she was absolutely stunning. Something just happens when the bride enters the room, don't you think? Suddenly she is transformed into a beautiful princess, her prince awaits with a sparkle in his eye, and everyone is swept up into the fairy tale unfolding before them! I especially love that your daughter and son-in-law allowed the kids. Kids always make celebrations more fun! It sounds like they did it right - you SHOULD be proud! What a wonderful way to start their new life together! God bless them! I'm so happy for all of you!!! (I do not envy the projects you face - eghads! Power to you!! God bless you, too! Good luck!) Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Jun 10 2014 04:58:14 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
992 Posts
992 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2014 : 06:02:23 AM
Closets!!! Yikes.
I bet the wedding was beautiful and all those memories for later in life while rocking in the rocking chairs. Many blessings to the new couple.
How did I save this week? I have a membership that is up for renewal and I didn't renew it. It was for the rec center in a town about 20 miles away.....they have a pool and I used it during the winter months but hated the drive into town at night. So, I am letting it go!!!! I have begun walking / running and that will be my FREE membership and its something I can do here on the ranch or at the local tracks of which there are several around.
I gathered my eggs yesterday and found 4. I have been letting the hens run in the yard for bugs and because the coop needed a major cleaning. I cleaned it and can now paint it. I could never find the eggs when the girls are out of the coop....they lay them anywhere they want and I just can't find but one or two. Not anymore.....they will get to free range 2-3 times per week but not more. I need the eggs!!!
I made the decision to change the filter system on the pool to a sand type filter which will be 800.00. The one I have now has a cartridge type pleated filter that costs me 170.00 ea. and I will have to change it about 5 times each ..... doing the math tells me that the sand filter will be best in the long run. I will have to change the sand out about every three years..thats the only maintenance it needs. Does anyone have one and do you like it?
Ok....CLOSETS ... here I come!!!
Hugs and prayers, Daizy
Daizy #1093 Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.} A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron?? |
True Blue Farmgirl
1927 Posts

1927 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2014 : 4:07:07 PM
Best deal ever. Bought 5 brand new pair of Wrangler jeans for my husband for $5 each at Goodwill. Check there once a week and usually find something I need. Bought a Mr Coffee coffee pot for $5 and it works great. Find lots of namebrand tops and jeans for me for under $5. Go to farmers markets for fresh produce and baked goods.
Farmgirl friends are fun. |
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2014 : 5:01:28 PM
Marlene, What great finds at Goodwill! I must go on the wrong days!! :)Work gets in the way at times.
How I saved money today, was not stopping to pick up dinner on my home after a long day. Made my own dinner, not fancy, but did the trick. Denise Ann |
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2014 : 5:03:22 PM
Nini and Daizy, Thanks for the sweet words and kind thoughts, so sweet of you. Denise Ann |
country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl
452 Posts
452 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2014 : 6:27:43 PM
Wow....been busy with spring work so missed coming here but everyone has been soooo busy.. Peaches sound yummy Nini! Already!! Your jelly actually sounds a lot like candy that my Dad used to eat. It was jelly with sugar on it. He loved it but us kids hated it! LOL Love to hear more about your drying....always great ideas to share! Thanks!
Plus a wedding, inexpensive blue jeans, great sale sounds like everyone is doing great!
Swapped local fresh grounded pork with rabbit meat so made sausages. Been smoking them so hope they taste good. Meat chicks are growing good & not using any chemical feed....yippee! Swapped 2 lambs for basket making classes. Can't wait! Going to gather wild supplies when the rain lets up Smiles Judy
country wishes! |
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2014 : 06:53:31 AM
It has been forever since I have been here, sorry girls! I can see that everyone has been busy :)
Judy, You make me tired reading your posts :) The cheese looks wonderful, I am craving some Gruyere right now! Great deal on the firewood. We are waiting on another cord of Cedar from a barter we did. Now is the time to stock up :) You need to post some pics of your flannel quilts :)My mom was going to make a couple of flannel rag quilts but never did and gave me the fabric and materials. I am just learning to quilt so hopefully I can make these soon. Isn't bartering fun? You will have to show us pics of your baskets :) What does rabbit tastes like? Would love to try it sometime.
Denise, I bet that the wedding was beautiful! Wonderful that your daughter and her husband kept the wedding under budget. Couples do not need to start off with debt. Good for you in organizing! It may sound like a small thing but it can make a huge difference. We do what we can when we can :)
Nini, Wow, the jelly sounds like something that Michael would love to eat, he loves gummy stuff. Sorry the jelly came out like that, I had not tried the recipe (I think I shared that). I purchased some Pomona's pectin and want to try that next time I make preserves.Strawberry Jam is my absolute favorite, I really need to plant some Strawberry plants next year. Good for you on your sausage making! I had to laugh at your son making noises, Michael does that too!
Daizy, Alot of times it isn't worth traveling and like you said, you have your own track right there. We had a membership to a gym but we couldn't always find the time to go and then paying for gas wasn't worth it. We live in a beautiful area and the walks here are much more calming than the gym. I hope that you can find the eggs!!! My husband and I were just watching an older BBC show last night called Pie in the Sky. The Chef is also a detective. He has a chicken coop in the back yard of the restaurant and has classical music playing for his hens. Egg production seemed down so his workers changed out the tape to rock and more modern music and egg production went way up, but so did cooking failures. Anyway it was a neat idea hearing the music in the henhouse :) Good luck on your closets, once you get going it will be a breeze!
Marlene, Great deals at the thrift! I love thrifting and the thrill of the hunt! We also go to the Farmer's Markets for produce. Wonderful deals there too and a perfect source before we start harvesting from our garden.
Well, let's see...
~I am baking my own breads, etc. ~Utilizing lesser cuts from our freezer by marinating. ~Our pig Rosie turned mean so she is now in the freezer. We asked the butcher for the fat and I rendered it for lard. ~We picked up a couple of Charcuterie books from the library. We didn't have our butcher cure or brine the hams or bacon. Michael did it :) He also smoked them. Last week we had a pot-'bless' with the folks from church and served one of the hams (actually half!), it was delicious. ~We shared half of the pig with a family at church but when getting ready to cure the ham we decided to cut it into 2 hams (instead of a 25 pound ham) and cut some hocks from it to use in Ham & Bean soup. ~Next week we are having our lamb that we bartered 2 piggies for butchered so we are checking into cuts that we want. ~The garden finally made it in. Our growing season doesn't start until after Memorial Day and we are a couple of weeks late. But I am happy to say that we have plants coming up :) Friends gifted us with some tomato plants yay! Michael plans on somehow covering the garden area to keep it going, like a hoop house. ~We are turning an area of our yard into a mini-oasis :) Last year we found a metal arbor for free on Craig's list. We put it up and I transplanted a Honeysuckle Vine and Virginia Creeper that weren't doing so well in another area of our yard at the base of the arbor. I am hoping that they will do well there. ~Last year after Christmas I found some packages of small lights for 40 cents, we are going to string those through the top of the arbor.:) ~There is also a place at the top to hang a light so I want to work on the chandelier from MaryJane's boook for that :) ~One of my goals is to divide and perennials :) I want to transplant some divisions where our arbor area is. ~We were able to pick up about 25 pallets, alot of them oak. We plan on building another pig shelter and also some cute picket fencing (well, that's my project :)) ~We need to build a raspberry trellis and will be using some scrap items that a friend gave us. We were helping them move and they just wanted things cleared up. ~Michael is learning to make cheese too! He has Feta cheese innoculating right now :) ~A gal at church offered to give me quilt lessons. She makes such beautiful quilts. For years whenever I asked someone to teach me, it always fell through. She approached me :) I have had 2 lessons so far and am learning Log Cabin squares and making a small lap quilt with fabric I already had and she has given me some too. I am excited about learning and am not feeling stressed like I thought I might, it is relaxing :) I will be making a basket of homemade bath items and soaps for her for teaching me.
I think that's it for now :) How is everyone else doing?
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2014 : 6:56:42 PM
Sharon, You are so busy!! Glad to hear you are learning to quilt. My sister learned first then I took a class and continue to quilt when I have time. It is relaxing and a great escape! Have a great Independence day!! Denise Ann |
Nifty Thrifty: How did you save money this week?  |