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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

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Posted - Jun 21 2018 : 07:18:04 AM
Cindy, like you I am moved by works of beauty that come from pain & suffering. I also applaud the artist for his sensitive and forgiving spirit. My mom & dad were here for a few days and left this morning to go to my brother's home. We finally got rain! My garden is doing great! My youngest is now back to her maiden name! Unfortunately when the cabinets were unpacked, Fang's mom got upset because she said the color wasn't what she wanted. Drama! I don't remember anything that was said when she ordered it at Lowes, so I'm no help. This morning she is better though. She really wants to have the kitchen put in soon, but we have to wait in line and some projects take longer than others.
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. Cookie Monster |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2018 : 2:47:26 PM
Vanessa, I am guessing you are making an apartment in your basement for your MIL? Glad you got rain and your garden is thriving. Marie, I am sure you are done with the school year now for the summer. Do you have a space to garden? You had a nice area at your other apartment building. Cindy, Are you feeling better without all the stress from your job? Hope your summer is not hot all the time. It is hot here, but that is to be expected in Florida. I like it much better here than Michigan where you never warm up. I went to the eye dr. yesterday and need to have cataract surgery on both eyes. He said my left one is worse and needs to get done first. I go see another dr. on the 9th of July for a consult. Said I should only need glasses for close up after that. That will be nice, I've worn glasses most of my life. Not much else going on around here. We have had rain showers off and on, but it soaks into the ground so fast and the pavement dries fast due to the heat. It does help not having to go out and water every night. I transplanted my aloe vera plants yesterday. I started out with one small one a couple of years ago. Gave a bunch away last fall and now some are huge and had babies. I separated them and ended up with 21 plants, plus I threw some smaller ones away. I have then outdoors in my patio where it does not get the hot sun beating down. I an going to make raised beds in the fall for veggies. They seem to do much better in the winter, plus where I plant it is all sun. I have been buying seeds now, since you cannot find much in the fall. Hope you all have a great weekend,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2018 : 2:21:34 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I too am distressed by the happenings at the border. I would be willing to house a family and support them to independence.
We have 255 bales of hay in the barn. We would like to put in 500 bales for the winter. The last two days were not oppressively hot so putting in the hay was not torture as it is some years. The bales are good and dry and seem to be a good quality grass.
I have been blocking firewood. A chainsaw tank of gas a day. I guess I am getting too old to do five or six tankfuls like I did when I was in my thirties. I have been bringing up the wood last of the wood that I bought last year from a neighbor. Some of the pieces are very big around. I was telling the neighbor that I was using my tractor bucket to load the wood into the truck instead of lifting it like I would have when I was much younger and he agreed. I think he is in his late thirties early forties so I was amused that he said he was no longer stupid enough to try to lift these huge pieces.
I too have many aloe plants. I have a dozen or so young ones and three pots that are overflowing with babies. Maybe I can get it together to separate and repot them and sell them at the farmer's market.
I have heard from people who have had cataract surgery that the results are amazing. the hardest part is deciding if you want to be corrected for distance or near sight and which do you want to wear glasses for afterwards. Some people I have spoken with are corrected for distance and still wear glasses with glass at the top and lenses at the bottom for reading. Some year I will have to make the decision, myself.
Have a fine weekend.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2018 : 12:35:49 PM
I've been in a contrary mood lately, it may be due to the heat. I've been doing stuff without Fang, saying to myself "what if he wasn't here?" I cut the front yard while Fang took his mom to the doctor. I also nailed up a wine cellar (only needed him to cut the wood with a circle saw,& I could have done it myself).
 Talk about lousy advertising! I got a letter today with "Happy birthday! Cards inside Do not bend" It was from AARP. Nothing says "you are over the hill" like an offer from AARP. Have you seen that commercial where a young looking woman tells her boss what all she's done since she joined AARP? I wonder why she's doing personal stuff while she's at work!
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. Cookie Monster |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2018 : 3:06:35 PM
I got the strangest letter in the mail today. At first it gave the impression that my credit card payments were overdue. After careful reading, I realized they were trying to get me to call about a "plan" to reduce my payments. It not only had the amount of credit I owe as being far more than what it is, but the letter had a threatening tone to it. These people will stop at nothing to get you to call. They make it sound as though you will be in big trouble if you don't call. It is hot here again, feels like 111 degrees. The service for my uncle was today and it was very moving. Fireworks day is almost here and I can hear someone shooting off fireworks as I type this. I have been sleeping during the day a lot and am awake at night. It is cooler at night. I don't even want to get out during the day due to the excessive heat and humidity. A bottle of wine sounds good right now--maybe I could make popsicles from wine. Sounds yummy. Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Let's do the time warp....
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2018 : 6:22:28 PM
Good evening everyone,
It has been hotter than blue blazes here. We have worked outside during the mornings standing up the pig fencing. The pigs have not yet arrived and this is a sore spot but the people we are getting them from assure us they are really busy and the pigs are growing. People have been haying. I thought we were getting our last 150 bales today but nope tomorrow is the day and it is supposed to be 10 degrees cooler tomorrow.
AARP starts sending out kind reminders of age when a person is approaching 50. I guess they are just coaxing you over that bump again.
Our neighbor's dog got loose Friday. they rodw all over on their four wheeler looking for him. someone had picked him up and taken him to the humane society and it cost $150 to get him out. We do not have leash laws around here and the dog had a collar. Who ever picked him up could have asked around and be told whose dog it was. Just a bit annoying.
We have two sets of chicks following hens around. There are two chicks with two white hens. One of the hens hatched the two and the other hen tired to take them away. Somehow they must have compromised and both are being good mothers to the same chicks. The boys call them the lesbian mother hens and giggle hysterically when they say it. The other hen has three chicks. She is very protective.
I havw been picking and drying rose petals in my outdoor grill. They smell so fine. I also am picking red clover and trying to dry it so it stays pink. There are a lot of white clover around and I have picked some of it as well. I am trying to dry plants for tea in the winter.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2018 : 4:15:54 PM
Holly-did it finally cool down? Today was only to 85 degrees. It was in the 60's this morning and humidity was low as well. I had a "picnic" this afternoon. I put a blanket in a shady spot in the backyard, brought a radio, and ate a chicken salad pita and chips outside. Then I chopped down some overgrown branches along the fence. For the Fourth, I attended a waterskiing show. It was pretty good, and even though it was very hot, we got a shady spot. My mom's surgery is Monday and I am concerned. My car needs new rotors on the rear wheels so I will be driving my mom's car while she recuperates. By then, I should have the $$ to fix my car. It sounds terrible--makes a grinding noise when I brake. It's been quiet on here, guess everyone is busy. Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2018 : 6:46:45 PM
Well, it finally happened. I allowed Fang to get a Harley. I really like our Honda Gold Wing because it is so quiet & comfortable, but Fang said he always wanted a Harley. So we found a 2002 Electra Glide (in blue) for a great price & the loan payments are reasonable. I like the color but it doesn't have armrests yet.  I may ride a Harley, but I refuse to wear a leather halter top!
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. Cookie Monster |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 08 2018 : 12:39:46 PM
I believed that I was pretty lucky not to have developed any neurological conditions after the assault. I was wrong. Shortly after coming back to work I started to sense this odd odor. It stings the nose. The best way to describe it is like burning plastic or bad meat grilled on a very dirty grill. At first I thought it was the coffee my boss was making. Then I realized it was coming from myself. My pee, poo, gas and sweat all smelled that way and I even tasted it in my mouth. I took several showers a day and drank lots of water and ate citrus fruits to get all the Diet Dr. Pepper out of my system which I thought was causing the smell. Still it persisted. I stopped eating four o'clock buds because I believed that was causing it. I could even smell it on my fingers. I became self-coconscious because I believed everyone else could smell it even though they said I didn't. Food started tasting different. Chocolate tastes burned and barbeque flavors have an obnoxious extra layer of flavor. Pretty soon, it was all that I could smell. I told a nurse practitioner about it and she tentatively diagnosed me with parasmia. Parosmia is an olfactory dysfunction that is characterized by the inability of the brain to properly identify an odor's "natural" smell. What happens instead, is that the natural odor is transcribed into what is most often described as an unpleasant aroma, typically a "'burned,' 'rotting,' 'fecal,' or 'chemical' smell".
Now that I know that other's do not smell the same odor on my body, I feel better. Still I'm feeling really depressed right now.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 09 2018 : 07:31:04 AM
Poor darlin'! Is there anything that can be done to get your taste back?
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. Cookie Monster |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 09 2018 : 08:22:25 AM
Yeah, I could take some anti-convulsive medications. I really don't want to. Right now I'm trying different foods to see what doesn't have that chemical taste.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 09 2018 : 1:52:25 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
Marie sorry to hear about your nasty tastes and smells. A chiropractic or acupuncturist might be able to help. just a thought.
My brother told me his Harley made a lot of noise. I asked if that bothered him because when I am driving a loud motorcycle going by me grabs a lot of my attention. He said, that is the point. A quiet motor cycle does not grab a driver's attention and the car can cause a lot of damage to the motorcyclist. I had not known that.
The temperatures have cooled down a bit and the humidity has lessened significantly. Out in the sun it is still very hot but at night the temperatures are low enough that we can sleep without issue.
We have been down in our pond everyday. Last year and the year in the spring we had put in minnows. I do not know what kind. Some have grown to be 5 inches or so in length and there are very tiny ones as well so they are reproducing. it is fun for the boys to put fish food in the pond and see them come and eat it up. I saw a kingfisher fly over today so I guess it knows we have little fish for it to eat. I would like to see it catch a fish but we are too noisy for that to happen.
We have been drying red clover and white clover blossoms to use as tea this winter. I have just read up on plantain and we will go pick some to dry day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is too busy with errands. Plantain is good for rashes and insect bites.
We have 5 baby chicks that have hatched. Two white mothers are taking care of two chicks. One of the white hens hatched them and the other decided she wanted to be a mother too. So, the original mother allows it. The other three are mothered by a brown hen. She is very protective and not a hand goes near her chicks that she doesn't peck.
We have a family of four ravens that eat our of our compost bin. They are big and noisy.
Have a good afternoon.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 12 2018 : 4:32:00 PM
After a few weeks of very hot weather we had two beautiful days. Low temps and low humidity. I got a lot of work done outside. The garden is starting to produce. Have gotten some cherry tomatoes and lots of cucumbers. The squash and the beans are all blossoming and the heirloom tomatoes are starting to get red. I love being able to just go out and pick my salad. Marie, I am so sorry to hear you are having such problems. Hoping it is just a temporary thing. We are seeing lots of birds. Yesterday there was a rose breasted grosbeak at one of the feeders, and I saw bluebirds and an indigo bunting while I was out walking. Hope everyone is doing well.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2018 : 6:36:34 PM
My mom had her knee replacement surgery and it went well. She was getting around with the walker pretty well and was discharged to a nursing home for rehab. She fell at the nursing home and now she can't stand without assistance. Nothing is broken. I am trying to get her back to respite care and rehab at the retirement community where she lives. My dad is still in the memory care unit at the nursing home and he is doing well. Needless to say, I am stressed, angry and worried. My brothers all live in other states. One is within forty miles but he has a job and three teenage daughters to deal with. I think he is coming over on Monday. Can't say much else, I am feeling overwhelmed. Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2018 : 9:30:49 PM
How's this for crazy? The doctor who is supposed to see my mom at the nursing home is out of the country. The insurance will not pay for a nurse practioner to see her. The doctor who did the surgery will see her on Thursday. Maybe he will do a proper evaluation of her injuries. So far, she had only been evaluated by a nurse. Still can barely walk, and can't stand without assistance. Absolutely crazy. Can't talk too much about the details. My brother saw her today. No one knows when her doctor will return. We warned her not to have the surgery. Was afraid something like this would happen. She is scared. I am doing all I can. My dad is fine. I found a very good memory care unit for him and we plan to transfer him in the future. When it rains, it pours. Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2018 : 1:02:05 PM
Cindy, it did the nursing home have someone near her when she was walking? I'm surprised that they don't have a doctor on staff for accidents like this. I checked my garden & lo! Squash!
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. Cookie Monster |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2018 : 9:12:27 PM
Unbelievable. Today I made them take her to the ER. She has a fractured hip. Surgery is Wednesday. I am so angry/ guilty/ worried that I can't see straight. I can't say what I think of that nursing home. She is now in the hospital receiving good care. That is all I can say.I worked in healthcare for 25 years and I've never seen such a lack of concern for a patient Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2018 : 04:21:51 AM
Oh, your poor mom! That musing home has some explaining to do.
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. Cookie Monster |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2018 : 05:30:46 AM
Cindy, I am so sorry to hear what happened to your poor mom. Hoping for a quick and full recovery. And continued good care as she heals.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2018 : 5:17:40 PM
Mom got a hip replacement today. She is OK. Her surgeon was angry that the nursing home didn't contact him when she fell. So many wrong things were done. Glad she is out of there. Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 23 2018 : 4:23:01 PM
Mom is finally getting the rehab she needs and dad is in a very nice memory care unit. Yours truly made it happen. Not sure how I was able to do it, but I did. It took everything I had but mom is on the mend. Hope everyone else is well. Marie, I need to catch up on what is going on with you--have been so busy have not had time to read posts. Thank you for the positive vibes, I could sense them. Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2018 : 05:14:31 AM
Cindy, glad to hear that things are going much better for your mom. Hope she continues a smooth recovery. I am puppysitting at my DD's house. She and her husband went to Phoenix for a few days to celebrate his grammie's 100th birthday. The weather has been cooler for the last few days so we have gone on long walks that the dogs really enjoyed. I'll pick them up at the airport this afternoon. Hope everyone is doing well and staying cool.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2018 : 3:50:53 PM
I can't give any more updates about my mom. She is doing much better is all I can say. The nursing home lied to me. I am livid. That's all I can tell you. Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2018 : 11:14:02 AM
My dad is doing well in the memory care unit. He had his own apartment and since it is small, gets lots of attention. It is a fair drive for me as I get tired easily when driving. Today is my day of rest. I have become an accountant, chauffer, comforter, bookkeeper, etc., etc. It keeps me busy but I need a break now and then. So I am taking it easy today. I planted more radishes in pots and they are doing well. A friend of mine has a salt water pool and I had a good time hanging around the pool earlier this week. Hope everyone is well. I believe that that things happen for a reason and God has his plans. We just don't know them. Cindy Cindy
Medicated AND Motivated!
Exercise? I thought you said accessorize.
Live like someone left the gate open.
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2018 : 05:43:14 AM
Cindy I am glad that you are taking time for yourself and happy that your parents are safe and well cared for. The animal shelter down the road from us isn't equipped to take in cats. Last Monday Fang and I picked up 4 abandoned kittens who wer2aquae dumped on the road nearby. It took some social media posting, but they all have good homes. We've lived here since October and this is the first time we've seen cats dropped off. I hope it doesn't happen again soon. Cukes are getting ripe, I have some green tomatoes and yellow squash. Fang griped at me because I planted so many seeds that they spill over the sides of the bed. I am just amazed that everything grows without me fertilizing or tending.
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. Cookie Monster |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |