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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 29 2018 :  12:29:29 PM  Show Profile
Wow! If I lived close by, I'd come over for lemonade. Went to a clothing swap today--first time I've been to one. I got there early but left when it began to resemble a madhouse. It is very nice here today. Need to get out in my yard and pick up the gumballs. The guy mowed my yard the other day but it is growing back fast. He missed a few spots so I need to weed whack as well.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 29 2018 :  6:21:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

That is a really nice looking lemon. Remember Darlys had a lemon tree in her yard? She lives in Arizona now. I have not heard from her in a long time. Maybe she will pipe up. DsC asked if we could grow a lemon tree in the house. I told him we would probably not get any lemons but now looking at the size of your tree we might be able to grow some lemons. Do you know if you need more than one tree for pollination?

I just planted two apples and two pears and have a couple of blueberries still to plant and they all need a second tree to bear fruit.

It has been raining again and still. I hope it clears off soon. I would like to see the sun for a while. Enough so the trees will bud out for the bees to have food.

The cabbage and brocolli seeds I planted indoors have sprouted. The leeks are able to be seen but are not tall yet. Waiting for the onions. I do not usually grow onions but someone gave me the seeds.

The daffodils have buds. The day lillies are up.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 02 2018 :  07:25:19 AM  Show Profile
I saw an eagle a few weeks ago so I figured there must be a pair nearby. Sure enough, there are two of them at the nest a mile from my house. I also heard a screech owl the other night--rare in my neighborhood.
It is warm today, high predicted to be 85. I am down to just one can (or less) of soda per day. Been drinking sparkling water instead. Storms predicted tomorrow. But we need the rain, badly.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - May 03 2018 :  2:58:42 PM  Show Profile
Good for you, weaning yourself off sodas! Have you seen the videos showing Coke cleaning car batteries or toilets? I usually drink iced tea even though I know it stains my teeth.
I got my trees from the Arbor Day Society and we planted them close to the house to grow for a few years, and a hummingbird has discovered our feeders. The wind is so strong that I have to use extra clothes pins, even then some things get pulled off.
Fang wants me to get my hair cut short like a female Kentucky Derby reporter. It is a pixie style and I'm not sure it will flatter me. I had my heart set on growing it at least shoulder length.
This Saturday is the Derby. We won't have a big gathering but I did sign up for a free class on making candles and soap from beeswax. Also a Junkfest will be in Augusta. I need a bookshelf in my craft room.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - May 03 2018 :  5:19:18 PM  Show Profile
My lemon tree is single and no others around, so I am guessing you d not need two to pollinate. My tree is only about two feet high. I do know that when I transplant them to a bigger pot, not to put it in a pot too big. I seems like they need to be root bound in order to get lots of blossoms on them. I am still experimenting on plants here, as it is so different than Michigan. Here you plant tomatoes in December and have tomatoes in February and march. Right now it is blueberry season. I would love to go pick, but that is not one of Bob's things to do. I am going to go to the flea market where I bought my strawberries and see if I can buy bulk blueberries.
Cindy, you seem to be doing so much better since you are not working. Hope you have a great summer and get out a lot.
Vanessa, I am sure you will like the classes and learn a lot from them. I am the opposite, I want to cut my hair and Bob wants me to leave it grow. I think I look better in shorter hair.
It has been getting hot here, close to 90, but it is not humid yet, and it is breezy, so it feels comfortable. We feel blessed to have central air now. Back in Michigan we never had air conditioning, we never needed it. It does not get hot there.
Well, time to get ready for bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - May 04 2018 :  09:58:52 AM  Show Profile
Janet, when I lived in Florida I had Tangee strawberries. They were developed in Louisiana for hot locations. They would be blooming right now. I got them from the Nat. Germplasm Repository.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 04 2018 :  2:21:47 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

I have a friend who lives in Maryland and she says it is supposed to be in the 90's there. I told her if it is in the 90's in April and early May what will it be in July?

We had 3/4 of a day of sunshine. it was lovely in the 60's and low 70's. Then and still it is overcast with some rain and wind. This afternoon we heard a weather advisory on the radio telling us that 4 counties in New York state and 4 counties in Vermont should watch for abrupt changes in the weather that may include hail and erratic enough winds that a tornado is possible. We do not live where it is at all flat so I think we are not at risk for a tornado but we could have the high winds and hail.

Tomorrow is Green Up Day. It is the day when people clean up the roadsides and the dumps will take the trash without the individuals having to pay. We did our Green Up today and left the green bags on the side of the road for the town road crew to pick up. Any way we saw gorgeous red trillium. I did not know it was time for them to bloom.

I saw hawks circling and calling day before yesterday. I know spring has arrived when I see them in the sky. They are awesome to watch riding the thermals.

A company called, ASPLUNDH is clearing the branches and trees from around the power lines. I stopped and asked for them to deliver a load of the wood chips and yesterday they arrived. I am going to mulch my blueberries with them.

Have a good night.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 08 2018 :  07:11:20 AM  Show Profile
I just posted my final comment on FB. Then I tried to post a meme, and it wouldn't let me. I wish I had listened to a friend who warned me to avoid FB. Anyway, they won't allow me back after what I wrote, which is just as well. I call it Frankenbook. And we all know how that story ended.
It is getting hot here. straight from winter into summer, as usual. I feel regret that I didn't listen to my friend's advice. I know God forgives me, but it's hard to forgive myself.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - May 09 2018 :  07:11:08 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, Facebook is a two-edged sword. It can bring people together or it can tear them apart, it just depends on how it is used. Sadly, mean people have a new avenue to hurt others. At least you still have us!
I drove Fang's mom to the airport yesterday. Her place is selling and she needs to pack her things. We still have her 2 dogs, which makes for a lively house.
I've been waking up feeling dizzy again lately, so I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Its unnerving having to clutch onto furniture to get around.

I promised myself that I'd wait a whole year till I planted anything, but that went out the window with the warm weather. We just got a double shepherd's hook for the hummingbird feeder and hanging flowers.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - May 09 2018 :  08:25:54 AM  Show Profile

The shepherd's hook and my Tina (brown) and Liesl (black) enjoying the sunshine.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - May 09 2018 :  1:19:04 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

I have not ever done Facebook and do not intend on doing it. Sometimes stores have Facebook pages to advertise items and then it is hard not to sign up. But, after I close the site I forget about it and then it does not matter any more. lol

Last Friday night we had amazing sustained winds. We woke up to no electricity on Saturday morning. We have a gas stove and a holding tank for water in the downstairs so it is not a big deal. We locked the freezers so no one could let the warm air in. But, our oldest foster daughter (58) has a special pad on her bed that inflates and deflates to keep her from getting bed sores. I was worried about this not working. So, we made it through all day Saturday and all day Sunday and then we saw the electric company's truck on our road. C was leaving and she accosted him. He said, oh you only have one house on this road and one tree down on a line so we think Tuesday you will have power. She said, we have a medically fragile person in our family and she needs the electricity for her bed otherwise we have to get up every two hours and move her. The electricity was back on inside 45 minutes. I was soooo relieved.

Enjoy your planting and the flowers, V I really like to have new flowers in my yard.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - May 12 2018 :  1:53:55 PM  Show Profile
It is very hot here. Tomorrow is expected to get to 93 degrees. Humid as well. We will probably set a record tomorrow. I am at the library, just ran into an old friend I haven't seen in about a year. My sugar snap peas wilted and died due to the heat. I thinned out the radishes because they were too close together. Our farmer's market stated this morning as well.
Glad you got the power back before Tuesday. I planted some flowers in the front yard and they are doing well.
I wish I was doing well. Feel out of it, perhaps due to the heat. Unseasonably warm for this time of year.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - May 13 2018 :  4:17:24 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A very lovely day here in the Green Mountains. It was t shirt weather all day. In the morning I replaced a fence post and hung a gate on it. I want the cows to spend the nights outside in a pen so they poop outside and not in their stalls. It will be nice to have a respite from mucking out the stalls.

In the afternoon three of my sons and I worked on untangling a mess of fence wire and put it on a spool. When we took down the fence i put it on a home made spool. That spool broke and the wire was in a big mess on the side of the aisle of the barn. I was worried that a cow would get its leg stuck in it and break its leg. I have been lucky so far that did not happen. So, yesterday I saw there were three spools on the landing of an electric company. I stopped and the nice man gave me all three, although I really only wanted one. I have one more mess to untangle. It took a really long time to do the job today. I am very tired.

Just before supper I weeded the spinach and the beets. There is still more to do. I walked up the hill and talked to my fruit bushes and trees and enjoyed the view.

C has taken two of the boys back to their homes and I am encouraging the three littles to shower and clean their teeth.

Then I am showering, cleaning my teeth and reclining. With luck I will be a sleep before C comes back from picking up dsT at work.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - May 17 2018 :  4:03:14 PM  Show Profile
Tomorrow morning I'm flying to Florida, so today I had to finish several tasks to make Fang's time without me easier. We hired a guy to bush hog our property, but we didn't remember where the south end property line was, so I trekked along the treeline looking for the surveyors tape. I finally just guessed and tied a white strip of cloth on a tree to guide the bush hog guy. My pants were soaked with dew! Then I snuck across the road with a spade & transferred about 5 wild purple irises to my front yard. I cleaned the carpet, dropped off VBS flyers for schoolchildren (their last day of school is the 25th, that seems early to me) & got my hair cut.
I'm giving the dogs about 1/2 tsp of minced garlic in their food to repel ticks. With all the tall weeds I've found quite a few on the dogs, except Tina, and even a few crawling on me (made me feel twitchy for a bit)! I get a vindictive thrill from burning them.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 18 2018 :  06:49:15 AM  Show Profile
It finally cooled down to what it's supposed to be for this time of year. I discovered that it was a rabbit that ate my pea shoots. Something ate the leaves on my purple coneflowers so I ended up cutting everything thing, weeds and all, down and have decided to start over in that area of the yard.
Ticks--yuck!!! I haven't seen any yet, don't want to see any. Sold both my old lawn mowers and all they needed was new spark plugs, and they are running good for my neighbor.
I walked a mile and a half in 26 minutes this morning, so I am speeding up. It used to take 30 minutes.
Raining here but we need it. Things are growing like weeds, but I have a feeling we're going to have a very dry summer, so we need the rain.
I can hardly fathom that volcano erupting in Hawaii.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 18 2018 :  1:21:39 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

I have guinea fowl to eat the ticks off the grounds. The dogs wear these very expensive collars that repel fleas and ticks. We have been good for a number of years now. A neighbor showed me one he had just taken off one of his dogs. I remember those days from when I was a child and we picked swollen ticks off the dogs. That was pre Lyme disease days.

I have been thinking of you Vanessa as the spring bulbs blossom. I will try to remember where the daffodils come up and the day lilies if you want me to send you some this fall.

Good for you walking with intent, Cindy.

I would really like to see the lava and volcano in person. Not happening this year.

Have a good day,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - May 22 2018 :  3:19:43 PM  Show Profile
It has been awhile since I have posted. The days just fly by so fast. Hard to believe it is Memorial weekend coming up already.
It has rained 11 straight days with at least another week to go. We did see the sun in between rain for about 10 minutes today. Lots of gloom and doom. My laundry is piling up since I do not have a dryer. Need to see the sun for a few hours so I can get some laundry done, although it is so humid out right now.
I got a dog grooming kit and did Olivia's hair the other day and clipped her nails. I did not do too bad for my first try. We had a groomer coming into to RV park to do her, but where we live now we do not have a place for the groomer to park his rig. It saves us $60.00 each time now though, so I will keep doing it if possible.
We have a good size lake here in our park, so today we bought fishing poles and hopefully we can go fishing son. They just built a new fishing pier and boat slips. There is supposed to be good fishing here. We just catch and release anyway, but it is still fun to fish. If Florida, seniors can fish free with a valid Florida drivers license. Now we need some good weather.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - May 22 2018 :  5:01:44 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I'm south of you, in Okeechobee. This is the wettest I've seen outside a hurricane. I'm glad to dog sit for my brother-in-law; he wouldn't go to France & leave his boys with just anyone! I walk them twice a day, sort of a boot camp for chubby chihuahuas.
Holly, if you have extras, I'd be thrilled to have some! I'll dig up the orange & peach irises and separate them.
I've wanted to go to Hawaii but Fang says he only wants to see the USS Arizona. There's so much more to see! I won't eat Spam though.
Poor Fang is back home with 4 dogs and I don't think he's engaging them enough (there's been some fights between the girls), plus he's fighting carpenter bees and just saw a big black snake in the front yard. He will be glad when I get home!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 22 2018 :  6:11:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

When we had a miniature schnauzer I used to cut his hair. Before that C took him to the groomer and he was so embarrassed to come home with a ribbon around his neck. One day I decided he needed a cut and I did it with scissors and a comb. He was really quite good about not complaining or trying to run off. It made a big mess of hair on the porch.

I will have extra daffodils and day lilies it is the remembering part once they die back that is the hard part.

It is raining out now. We need the rain. The weather guessers say we will then have two days of sun and four days of rain right through the weekend.

I put manure around the rhubarb plants. I am not sure why I have them since rhubarb is not a favorite of mine. I do like to grow plants. I still need to put the tomato seedlings into pots.....soon.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - May 23 2018 :  2:43:34 PM  Show Profile
We finally has a day without rain. I got one load of laundry done and dried on the line. So relieved. I do not like dishes or laundry piled up. Makes it messy and too much to clean up.
I made meatloaf, baked potatoes and beets for supper. Tasted so good. It is so much easier to use the oven now with central air to keep the house cool.
My lemon tree has 3 more lemons on it and it looks like they are going to be huge too. I have never seen such big lemons before. The watermelons here are so sweet right now. I read somewhere that some farmers inject honey into them while they are growing to make them sweeter. I don't know if that is what we are eating now, but they sure are sweet.
What are you all doing for Memorial day weekend? We do not have anything planned. We do not have any family near us, and our friends from the rv park are all snowbirds and are home now, so there is no get togethers for us. It is supposed to rain again for the next 8 days again. I hope the weatherman is wrong. Enough is enough.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - May 23 2018 :  4:02:47 PM  Show Profile
The temperatures here are nice and toasty and they will stay that way through the weekend. Lowell will be going down to Ocala, FL with his daughter and brother to visit the Dad. I will be at home alone(!) and will have access to the car!!! I have no plans for Memorial Day. I have the day off so will probably finish up some projects I am making for my students and binge watching some Law & Order SVU. (Lowell dislikes that show.) I just may make myself some meat loaf and indulge my carnivore side. It will all be good.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

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Brooksville KY
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Posted - May 23 2018 :  8:48:35 PM  Show Profile
When I get home I'll be reestablishing pack order and taking dogs on walks. I also have to scrape labels off donated wine bottles.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Nashville In
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Posted - May 24 2018 :  05:21:23 AM  Show Profile
We are back from our trip with my DS and his family and it was wonderful. Iceland was incredibly cold and windy. It looked like we were on the moon driving from the airport to Reykjavik because of all the volcanic rock. The day we went to the Blue Lagoon it was 30 degrees, but the water was lovely and warm. England was as delightful as I always dreamed it would be. We rented an old cottage in a hamlet called Queen Camel. The pub was right across the street. We took long walks, drove miles and miles on little country lanes to visit lovely towns. Everyone has at least one beautiful old church or cathedral. Got to hear evensong, visit some farms, enjoy the cathedral where HM had her Golden Jubilee, climb tors, have afternoon tea and many pub meals. I am ready to go back! We were very lucky in all the airports, security and boarding went quickly, even customs in England didn't take too long. It was so much fun to share it all with my precious grands.
DD and her husband are going to Carb Day and the Indy 500 this Memorial Day weekend. They invited us to go along but we passed. Too much noise for me. The weather is supposed to be hot with possible showers. We'll just spend a quiet weekend at the house.
Hope everyone is well and has a lovely holiday.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 24 2018 :  06:59:07 AM  Show Profile
Wow, Karin, your trip sounded fantastic! How did it feel to sit in the hot springs when it was so cold? Did you have fish and chips in England? Did you see many sheep? Those are the things I think of when I think of England. It has gone straight to summer here. We are having the hottest May on record. I have decided to go back to an almost exclusively vegetarian diet. I intend to only eat meat if I'm eating out and there are few options. It is nice here, very warm, but with more thunderboomers predicted for tomorrow and the weekend. No big plans for memorial day. My uncle is on hospice and my cousin is caring for him. He says he is ready to go. I just hope he goes peacefully.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 25 2018 :  08:45:57 AM  Show Profile
My uncle died peacefully in his sleep yesterday.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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