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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2018 :  07:16:31 AM  Show Profile
Sorry about the broken pipes. Hope it is fixed by now. I have a new work related problem. Can't talk about it yet. Except that it is rather disturbing to me emotionally and mentally. But I am going to grin and bear it. That is my new life motto--take life with a grin of salt. Yes, you read that correctly.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2018 :  4:38:48 PM  Show Profile
The weather was around 40 degrees today. Fang decreed that we should exercise more, so I suggested that we should gather branches from downhill and stack them near the bird feeders. I made 10 trips while he was out, then did another 2 when he got back. I toyed up some flat rocks to cover the worn areas, like the one where I slipped.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2018 :  4:40:49 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Now why would it be a bad Idea for Nessa's MIL to move in? chuckling quietly to Marie's reaction.

Our heat is fixed today. I spoke with two other women who have different oil supply companies than I do and they had the same issue of being an automatic delivery person and not getting delivered. One woman was on top of her situation and she called four days in a row to get her automatic delivery before she ran out of oil and they delivered on Friday at 4. So, I guess we assumed we would get our deliveries and the I need the oil now people were very loud. One woman I spoke to said she arrived home on Friday evening and had no oil. The delivery people came at 9 that night and by then it was too late. Her three floors were frozen. The repair people arrived at 3AM and worked until 1:30PM the next day and got two of her floors working. She was feeling good that she had some hear when others had no heat at all. I am so very glad we have a wood stove and a gas heater as well. We were so much better off than others.
Hope your pipes are fixed. Marie.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2018 :  6:10:40 PM  Show Profile
My mother in law is sweet, but getting older and opinionated. Fang gets exasperated with her but I understand her better. The fun part would be when Fang's brother dog sits for us. He & his mom don't always see eye to eye.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2018 :  8:02:53 PM  Show Profile
There is now a three foot long, two foot wide hole in our bathroom ceiling.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2018 :  09:11:33 AM  Show Profile
Marie--oh no! Hope they are working on it! Or else hope you have lots of buckets. This weather is strange. It is supposed to get to sixty today, then by tomorrow night be in the thirties. No wonder pipes are bursting. By Sunday it is supposed to be down to ten at night. I don't know how much the temp. fluctuates in Minnesota but I would guess enough to cause lots of problems.
Regarding my work issue---imagine (just imagine, cause I don't attend AA meetings) that you attended AA meetings and a person from your place of employment came to spy on you. Of course, it didn't really happen. These things never really happen. I do attend a support group for people with depression. But things like that never really happen.
But I can't talk about it. I can only talk about my imagination, cause last time I checked, it is still legal to talk about imagination.
I imagine a lot. But things like that don't happen. Just like climate change is fake news. And even though it's fake news, I still support activists' attempts to educate people on climate change. If you know what I mean.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2018 :  1:15:20 PM  Show Profile
Beware if your employer hires Behavioral Health Consultants. Apparently their mission is to seek out employees who might need "help". But they don't ask you if you need "help". They seek you out without your consent. They have ways of determining if you need "help". Never mind if their ways are unethical. Sorry, but my support group is my "safe space" and now that safety has been violated. I am more than a little upset.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 12 2018 :  2:48:33 PM  Show Profile
That is awful! I feel for you, having to measure your words where you once felt free to speak your mind.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2018 :  06:58:34 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

The wind is blowing fiercely across the fields. The snow is light but more like sleet. The snow on the porch is like little ice balls. I walked across it to fill the feeders. I do not know if I am less able or have less balance but I know that I am far more careful so I will not fall. I do fall and usually do not get hurt but I guess there could be a time when it happens. Not dwelling and hoping to not sound paranoid just wondering as we age if I should recognize that I am aging or I should just behave as I always have and take the risks.

So the rubber that we have as a wind break along the edges of the barn door has frozen to the ground. Yesterday we had rain and a puddle melted below the barn door and today we have 18 degrees F and ice. Ahhhh the life on a farm. If we did not have these glitches life would be too routine.

Cindy if you are going to work maybe you should try to be ohhhh so nice and manipulative with the BHC. Two can play the game. It does take more energy but it could be fun. hugs to you.

Have a few moments of joy.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2018 :  11:44:07 AM  Show Profile
Holly--I think it is a calculated risk you take. You're a good judge of weather conditions, so just trust your judgement. It might snow tonight or tomorrow here but we're only supposed to get a little. It will be getting cold again. I think I am finally over my cough.
The BHC was there because I am still out on disability. Truth is, I have not been averaging forty hours a week for at least 15 years. I can't work enough hours to support myself. It has been getting steadily worse for the past few years. I am still waiting to hear from Social Security. I got a book called "Hoopla" at the library yesterday---it is about modern embroidery. So I am doing some embroidery--haven't done it in so long. I got some new reading glasses, which helps a lot. I also made some of the lotion in last year's MJF February issue--it turned out good, but a little grainy cause I used beeswax granules. The granules don't melt well. I want to learn how to make little felted wool animals as well. If I get good at it, maybe I can sell them and make a little extra income that way. I did write a letter to the Sister who is C.O.O. of our hospital and explained the situation regarding my boss and why I am applying for disability. I am still having a hard time concentrating and remembering things.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2018 :  5:41:00 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I've learned to be careful walking on our property because it is so steep. I walk diagonally and try not to wear down grass or I'll slip on mud.
We bought paint today & will begin painting the basement tomorrow. Fang disassembled the pool table & I think I'll use part to make a raised bed, the pockets to hang flowerpots, and reassemble the rest for a planting table. The slate pieces are really heavy!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2018 :  5:43:09 PM  Show Profile
Enjoying fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and snuggled under a quilt. Life is good.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2018 :  3:27:53 PM  Show Profile
I painted our basement ceiling today (400 odd square feet). My arms are sore. I posted a picture in A Farm of My Own. I may have to do the walls too because Fang's knees hurt when he walks up or down steps. He'll owe me the biggest heart shaped box of chocolates he can find.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2018 :  4:17:56 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Vanessa,what color is your hair? all speckled now? Is Fang in a waiting pattern for new knees? C received new knees a year apart. The initial pain was excruciating but she is so glad she had it done.

it was very cold out today. Below 0 again. We brought over hay on the sleds.

I am not happy that the insurance company is giving us the run around about reimbursenent for the truck. It is our insurance company. I am trying to ge thold of the company of the man who hit me and see what they are going to do. The woman on the phone is trying to tell me that a brand new frame is not value added. She tried to tell me that a brand new frame is like having an oil change. I told her no it is not. I have until the 19th to have and appraisal to tell them the truck was worth a whole lot more than they want to give me. Stay tuned. I am not happy with the situation. The truck would have given us more than five more years of use and they want to give me a drop in the bucket.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2018 :  5:02:33 PM  Show Profile
My hair is in transition. It used to be dyed brownish red, then I had it lightened & colored ash blonde. Now the gray/silver is coming

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 15 2018 :  2:09:25 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

The comment about your hair was in response to you painting a ceiling. I always get paint in my hair no matter how careful I am. I bought C a shirt that says "the Silver Fox" on it.

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2018 :  3:09:32 PM  Show Profile
I was careful & tied a bandana on my head. I've gotten paint in my hair before!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2018 :  08:53:29 AM  Show Profile
Holly--insurance companies have a weird way of deciding a vehicle's value. Its value to you doesn't matter. When someone totaled my car four years ago, it didn't matter that I'd just spent a thousand dollars to upgrade it. Your best bet is to argue how important the truck is to you.
It is cold here again, wind chill in the minus double digits. When it gets cold, I cough more, then when it warms up, the cough goes away. I saw some old high school friends on Sunday night and it was great. We all grew up in the country and attended the same grade school in a don't blink-or-you'll miss it town.
I am going to let my brother paint my bathroom ceiling. I have too many issues with my shoulders to do overhead work.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2018 :  6:24:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Thank you for the tip. I am going to call the claims person tomorrow and accept her offer. I will try again to convince her a little more is better.

Spent the morning at the dentist getting the littles teeth cleaned. and tonight at Tai Chi. A nice adult evening.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2018 :  05:49:54 AM  Show Profile
Fang just said the cutest thing this morning. I'd asked him to pre-fill the teakettle & when he replaced it on the stove he said, "I hope the water doesn't go stale." Isn't that just precious?

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster

Edited by - Audra Rose on Jan 17 2018 05:50:48 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2018 :  05:51:37 AM  Show Profile
Good morning all. A few hours after my last post our furnace, which is only 2 1/2 years old, quit. Now going on two weeks without heat during the coldest weather we've had in three years. We have an insert fireplace and a couple of propane heaters so it isn't unbearable, but this has gone beyond ridiculous. The manufacturer has changed the date three times for shipping the parts to fix a furnace that is under warranty. We are both beyond fed up and have informed the manufacturer. Supposed to hear the next date this morning.
Monday afternoon the water quit. My darling plumber came yesterday morning,figured out what was wrong, ran back to his office for a part and had the water running in one hour! One hour furnace people!
I'm feeling fine after the surgery. Can drink coffee again! Little by little I'm able to add some things back into my diet. I'm going to try though to keep eating more healthy things and avoiding junk because I want to feel good and I really don't want to gain back all the weight I've lost
I've been spinning and knitting a lot and my to read stack is actually getting smaller.
Hope everyone is feeling well. Keep Warm.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2018 :  5:05:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad you have recovered from your surgery. Good luck with the diet and eating good for you foods.
Big bummer about the furnace. I would be calling them hourly. I agree you should not be happy. Will your home owners cover staying in a hotel? and then they would charge the manufacturer for your inconvenience.

A pleasant day all around. Temperatures out side were in the 20's F so it was easy to keep the house warm.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2018 :  11:26:22 AM  Show Profile
High today expected to be a balmy fifty seven! I am not coughing today. I think I have what is known as cold weather asthma cause whenever the temperature drops to thirty or below, I cough like crazy. I am practicing making felted wool animals and am planning to restore an old cast iron Dutch oven. Have an old horseshoe set that also needs restoring. I need to find a way to make some money as my meager income will end in February. I am going to thrift stores to buy clothes and there are some good ones around here. Recently got a pair of Talbots pants for four dollars. I got a table that a neighbor was throwing out--it appears to be some kind of craft table. It is about thirty by seventeen inches and is divided into two sections on top (one section is bigger than the other). Both sections tilt and the height of the table is adjustable. I just dropped off some stuff at Goodwill and I filled three garbage bags with stuff in the basement that was cluttering up the basement. Still have more purging to do. I am going to sell some of the more valuable stuff that I need to purge. Found a book at the library on Indian cuisine and the recipes are delicious. Hope everyone is having a good day.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2018 :  5:17:24 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Cindy it sounds like you are scheming and planning and sorting and keeping busy.

We bought a used GMC Sierra today. I think it is a GMC. I know it is a Sierra. It is silver. It has a nice big bed to carry hay and manure and grain. C is happy to have a truck again. I guess she was in a bit of withdrawal after the Tacoma was totalled. The insurance person I spoke with said it was totaled from the labor necessary to fix it not the mechanics.

Lovely day today. Temperatures in the thirties.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 21 2018 :  11:14:13 AM  Show Profile
Holly--sounds like what happened when that guy hit me. It would have cost over four thousand to fix the car and it was only worth fifteen hundred. Since it was so old and had so many miles on it, I didn't have collision insurance. So I had to argue with the other guy's insurance company for a month before we settled. Now I have full coverage. And yes, I am trying to keep busy and come up with ideas to supplement my lifestyle. If you call being poor a lifestyle.:)

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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