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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 27 2017 :  5:04:44 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

NIce fence, nice house. is that road paved? it looks so straight and smooth. Will you plant trees? I see that your little name thing on the left side of the note still has your Florida town. purposeful? I hope you settle in easily.

We had a lovely day in the high forties low fifties. I did dsC's school work most of the day so no real play time or work time for that matter outside. We thought we were doing in the pigs today but we called the Hit Man last night and he had us down for the second week of November. Not a big deal but we had planned the day around his appearance. So the pigs have two more weeks to grow bigger. They have not put on a lot of fat because it has been so warm. They do tear around their pen having a good time.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Oct 29 2017 :  1:10:01 PM  Show Profile
I plan to plant a redbud or mulberry tree,and bushes and flowers (maybe even veggies). The road is paved and about 1 1/2 cars wide. Can't wait till spring. Does anyone have seeds from a favorite flower they could send?
Today we went to church in Ravenna KY, where DH was born. His dad pastored there, and several people remember DH as a baby. As I was getting into the car after church my skirt ripped from the Hem to the zipper. So much for eating in a restaurant! We dined at Sonic instead.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Oct 29 2017 :  4:34:36 PM  Show Profile
I have a redbud tree in my yard here in eastern WA. It is beautiful when it blooms, but the seeds are a pain. It also has multiple trunks and the branches tend to die off. Just saying. Those bright fuschia blooms in the spring are gorgeous though. I'm thinking of cutting mine down mainly because it was planted so close to the fence and hangs over causing my neighbor to have an inordinate amount of leaves in the fall.

Betty in Pasco
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 29 2017 :  4:35:18 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Rainy and cold all day. We celebrated C's birthday today instead of on Tuesday, which is too busy when one lives with young children.

We went to the Haunted Hallway last night. DsG is in the sixth grade and they host the event as a fund raiser for their end of year trip and gift to the school. There are seven children in the sixth grade this year. They have not yet decided where they want to go or what gift to give the school.

Yesterday I planted garlic. I think I have about a hundred cloves planted so far. I have to more beds to put in. Someone I traded manure for several years ago came through with his end of the barter. He has some gourmet cloves like Georgia Fire and Philips. So, the crop next year should be tasty.

Sorry about the skirt, Vanessa. Embarrassing and frustrating I bet. I hope you have a good and successful time meeting a community in your new home.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 01 2017 :  08:20:35 AM  Show Profile
Vanessa--I have lots of different seeds. I will write you and let you decide if you want any. It is cool here, still my kind of weather. I am finally getting my medication straightened out. I do not like the way my mind has been for over a month----couldn't think clearly, weird thoughts--well, weirder than usual. I got the results of the home sleep study and guess what? I DO have complex sleep apnea. That is not what they told me over the phone. They said it was obstructive only. Turns out the obstructive part is the least of it. But the stupid insurance wants me to use the mouthpiece (still waiting) for three months before they will test me for central sleep apnea, which is a nervous system disorder, often caused by long term use of highly sedating drugs. Fun, fun,fun. After all, they have to save $$$$ so they can pay the shareholders. So what if their clients suffer in the meanwhile? Is it just me? It CAN'T be just me.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Nov 01 2017 :  1:36:44 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, you are a sweetheart! I sent you my address earlier, but let me know if you need it again.
It is Christmas in November for me! Yesterday DH & I were searching used furniture stores for a table when I saw a kneehole vanity in the style my grandma had. My sweetie, a prince among men, bought it along with the table & chairs we found. The vanity is in perfect shape and I'll soon be adding my handkerchiefs and perfumes.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2017 :  4:57:56 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,
Today was a chill overcast day. In the afternoon I worked the tractor pushing dirt piles to make them flat. The cows were accommodating and came when they were called to be put in for the night.

No, Cindy it is not just you.

I am glad that furniture hunting was so good to you. There is joy in small happenings and rememberings.

How are your hot flashes? Mine are less controlling during the day but still waking in the night.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 01 2017 :  7:27:25 PM  Show Profile
Tomorrow our furniture arrives at our new place at 3500 Dupont Avenue S. After the movers leave, I have to go to work to gather some stuff for my all day training on Friday.

We are staying in an Airbnb. We have a room in his duplex where he lives. He has tenants in the upper. It is a really nice place with hardwood floor, dark turn of the 20th century woodwork and a beautiful built-in in the dining room. Our cat is very at home here. He is lying on the back of the couch.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Nov 03 2017 :  07:57:17 AM  Show Profile
Praying for you today,Marie. Moving in is a stressful event.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Nov 03 2017 :  08:15:29 AM  Show Profile
It was warm yesterday but is now back to cool. Just the way I like it. I have been listening to the song "Get Out of this House" by Shawn Colvin. It describes the way I feel about people living in my head rent-free. There was a man in our support group who always warned against letting people live in your head rent-free. So I have been telling soon to be gone ex-friend to get out of my house--and stay out. It helps.
Vanessa--I will get that letter sent off today. My mind has been working extra slow lately. I would imagine anything that grows in my section of Illinois would also grow in Kentucky. You are a bit further south than I am, I believe.
I went to the food pantry the other day and now I have a ton of food. My neighbor was volunteering that day and I think she snuck some extra packages of hot dogs into my box. I made chili the other night and froze it for later. I also made some more bone broth. Our local store has meat at reduced prices when it is about to expire so I got some good buys.
There is a towboat festival up the river this weekend. I may go just to tour a towboat. I would not like working on the river. It is COLD in the winter and the barges are covered in ice so it can be very dangerous. It is incredible the way the light from the towboat cuts through the fog when I drive up the river road on a foggy day. Also, you can hear the horns of the towboats from miles away. They carry even further than a train whistle.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 03 2017 :  08:17:12 AM  Show Profile
I have been telling him to get out of my house in my head. Not verbally, just in my imagination.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2017 :  09:20:30 AM  Show Profile
Well . . .

We have everything moved in except for the coach. It is too wide and too long to get up the stairs and through the doors. It is a heavy wood, mission style frame that is well built. I have left a message with a local carpenter to see if they can take the arms off, move the pieces and put it back together. Or we might have to get another couch. Lowell is beside himself because this disrupts his routine. Then, Lowell misplaced the tool needed to put the bed back together. I put the box spring and mattress down and slept on them. It worked just fine.

There is no end to the drama in this move. We are having difficulty finding a place for the cat box. A perfect place is under a shelf in the kitchen. The box for the cat, which Lowell, bought is a dome 16" high and 18" in diameter. The shelf is about 2" too low to slide the dome under it. I will have to get a couple pieces of 2 x 4 cut to fit to raise it the required amount. This palace of a litter box was purchased to keep Mitzi from finding snacks in it.

I am surrounded by boxes each of them shouting at me "Unpack me! Unpack me!" Meanwhile, my checking account is bleeding money. My whole body is sore and achy but this too I will survive.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2017 :  4:39:00 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

When the drama in my life gets overwhelming I try to quiet my head and wait until it passes. Then I get on with my life. I do not do well with drama.

Glad you have finally moved in. I hope it is to stay put for a while and it is someplace that you feel comfortable in.

I took dsC shopping at the grocery stores today. just sale flyer shopping. So, larger quantities of fewer variety.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 04 2017 :  1:28:21 PM  Show Profile
Marie--soon all will be calm. For a while at least . I somehow get the impression that Lowell needs drama in his life. Try Epsom salts when you take a bath---they are good for achy muscles.
Holly--I love adventure but not drama. I am more of a Raiders of the Lost Ark type person than a Peyton Place type person. When there is conflict in my life, I have to do something about it. I have been trying to make better decisions lately when it comes to dealing with conflict. Doing something positive and constructive is much better than killing my laptop.
I went to the towboat festival. I got to tour a towboat and it was pretty cool. Coming home, I was driving down State Street and there was a lot of traffic, so I figured there must be a high school football game. Sure enough, there was. It brought back some memories. I found out recently that someone I'd gone to high school with had died, and it has been bothering me. I don't know the details. I haven't seen this person since high school. Bit it has been bothering me. It's one of those things that shouldn't have happened. That is, it was unjust. I guess this has created conflict within me. But there is nothing I can do. I have been feeling sad about it. Not depressed, just sad. Driving by the high school football stadium brought back lots of memories. Some good, some not so good. Lately, I feel like I have been haunted by some phantom memory. I can sense it, but I can't see it. I can't remember it, but I can feel it. Does that make sense?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2017 :  1:39:18 PM  Show Profile
It's okay. I just need to vent about stuff. I try not to exaggerate the facts but sometimes do. We all know that at least two are necessary to have drama.

We bought a wicker couch that was at a close-out price and financed it. The loan will not be difficult to pay and Lowell will have his comfortable place to sit while he watches TV. We are sleeping on the mattresses placed on the floor and are not uncomfortable.

I did not go to training on Friday because I was completely exhausted. I will go on Monday. I also will not be working at the election this year either. I am just too overextended. I guess it is time for me to cut back. That is a good plan. The boxes are yelling at me again.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Nov 04 2017 1:42:21 PM
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Nov 04 2017 :  4:44:38 PM  Show Profile
DH and I went to an auction today. The lady never threw away stuff. She had tons of dolls. We came away with 2 side tables, 2 lamps, 2 handmade small afghans, a comforter, 3 red line Hot Wheels, and stuff that I will offer to barter. I didn't go crazy, but it would have been easy to overdo it now that we haave so much room.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 04 2017 :  6:10:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We made a deal many years ago that we would try not to be out many nights each week. Keeps from being overwhelmed all of the time. I really miss the volunteering I used to do but I am glad not to having projects on hand that I can not finish and then feel guilty. Balance....

I would like to see some tow boats. We do not have any rivers big enough that anything would travel down never mind up one. Even the Connecticut River which borders our eastern side is not deep enough in many places to allow more than a small boat. Then there are the oxbows which are wide big turns like an oxen yoke in the river. I guess our commerce was not river driven.

We used to go to an auction on Saturday nights. All of the furniture was made from "Golden Oak" and a steal at the price it went for. or so the auctioneer said. He was a savvy business man but a nasty husband. He did not have hot running water in his house until he was very old and then a man took pity on his wife and put it in for her.

Glad you found some bargains and some joy.

I did some grocery shopping this morning and then paper work this afternoon. We have the wood stove on and it is nice to sit by the heat.

We ran out of gas for our kitchen stove last night when C was starting to cook supper. We are on automatic delivery so it was odd. I got hold of the national office for the Gas company. she was in Northern California. She said there seemed to be a service problem. She said the tanks were rusty and needed to be replaced. She said this was a company responsibility and not a home owners responsibility.
The service man called me and said he would be out by lunch. He did not have the right tanks to replace ours because he did not have the keys to the room in which they were stored. So, he brought a smaller tank and put the propane in our tank to get us through the week end. He was not happy he said the company dropped the ball and someone would be out this week to fix the problem.
Instead of pizza last night we had pigs in a blanket. We used the grill outside as an oven.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 06 2017 :  08:11:51 AM  Show Profile
Holly--I bet the food cooked on the grill tasted better, too. Outdoor food always does. Our river is deep. The radar on the towboat indicated the river was about 18 feet deep where the boat was docked. There are sandbars in the Mississippi that boaters have to watch out for. Sometimes the sandbars are visible, and sometimes they are hidden just under the surface of the water. They tend to build up near the islands, and in the middle of the river. We also have oxbows and sloughs.
Vanessa--sounds like you had a blast at the auction. I don't go to auctions. I am afraid I would get carried away. Same reason I only bet on the Kentucky Derby once a year.
Marie--I hope you get some rest. I think I would kick those boxes if they started yelling at me.
Yesterday was unseasonably warm but now it is cool again. I have updated my profile. With age comes a twisted sense of humor.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Nov 06 2017 :  1:40:16 PM  Show Profile
Cindy - I can't help humming: Things are different today I hear every mother say.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 06 2017 :  4:18:31 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have a radio controlled clock on the wall of my bedroom. I rolled over Saturday evening to see what time it was and the clock hands were moving around the face. I was surprised when it stopped at ten minutes after nine o'clock. I wonder where the radio signal was coming from that it reset the clocks so early.

Our rivers are high today like as high as they are in the spring time with the snow melt high. We have finally had rain for a few days. I hope the water is sinking into the soil and not just running off.

DsC had braces put on his top teeth today. He is amazed at how much his teeth ache. He is determined to see them through to the end. His two younger brothers are watching him carefully. They are in line sooner than later.

Vanessa I am going to dig Jerusalem Artichokes soon if you want them. I am not sure if they will grow in your warmer climate. They will spread and take over your garden. You can eat the tubers as well. Do you know this plant?

I am glad you are feeling better, Cindy.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 10 2017 :  4:05:31 PM  Show Profile
I just left Aldi about 15 minutes ago, was driving down the highway, and looked at the time. It was 5:40. Then I realized I'd gone ALL DAY without thinking of the person who is moving away. Did I feel sad, cry, feel regret, feel remorse? no, no, no, and no. Instead, I found myself smiling. Cause his farewell party ends at 6:00 and I wasn't there. Then Pink came on the radio:"So what! I'm still a rock star! I got my rock moves, and I don't need you! And guess what, I'm having more fun, and now that we're done, I'm gonna show you! Tonight! I'm alright! I am a rock star, and I don't want you tonight!"
It is cold here but I saw that it is very cold in Minnesota. We have had frost but no snow. Possible snow next week. I need to rake the leaves in my front yard. There is a maple tree's worth of leaves out there. I got a pair of Talbot's trousers for $4.00 today at the St. Vincent De Paul resale store. I also found a rare John Denver album. Life is good. Where is everyone?
Rock Star Cindy

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 10 2017 :  6:05:10 PM  Show Profile
Yes, it has been cold here. We had zero degrees here. This weekend the temperatures will be in the 30's and 40's. There is a saying here in Minnesota: If you don't like the weather here, wait 5 minutes for it to change.

I am intentionally unpacking one box a day. It will still take some time. Once I have everything sorted to where it needs to be, I will start resetting the shelves and getting everything just the way I like it. Lowell is wisely letting me put everything away.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

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Brooksville KY
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Posted - Nov 11 2017 :  10:28:52 AM  Show Profile
It was in the 30s yesterday. We moved the motorcycle and lawnmowers and all tools into the garage closer to the house. The dogs sniffed around and explored. We all slept well. Today we picked up Shrek the cat, who had a large lump removed from between his eyes. He is doing fine but is annoyed at the vet.
Holly, I have heard of Jerusalem artichokes but was never brave enough to buy and cook them. If you send me some I'll plant them on the north side where it is cooler. Here's hoping that I have a green thumb like my mom!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 11 2017 :  12:27:37 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

We woke to snow yesterday morning. Just enough to have the littles excited about the cold weather. Then enough of it went away so hunting deer will be more of a challenge. Rifle season opened this morning. Bow hunting season was the last two weeks and youth rifle hunting was last weekend.

We dug the parsley roots today. I am hoping to dry them.

Jerusalem Aritchokes are like potatoes but have a nutty flavor. I use them in stir fries and mashed potatoes. A massage therapist told me she eats them raw with some oil and vinegar on them. If the ground is not too frozen already I will send some now. Otherwise I will wait until spring. I am hoping to make some pickles and relish this fall from them so I had better get my hiney in gear and get out to the garden.

When I start to think of some thing upsetting a consciously tell it to go away and think of something I want to remember. Does it always work, nope, but often enough that I think of it as a remedy.

slowly and surely the job will be done. I am glad you have figured out a way to not be overwhelmed by the chore, Marie.

Have a lovely afternoon.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 14 2017 :  07:50:53 AM  Show Profile
Our church is having a special concert with another church featuring a hand-bell choir. Our choir is going to sing some hymns so I went to a rehearsal last night. I have not sang in a choir in over two decades. I miss it. I have been thinking how much fun it would be to have an electronic keyboard so I could compose music for my songs and poems. I also still have sheet music left over from the 70's when we had an electric organ. I had fun playing that thing. I am going to ask a musician friend of mine where I can get a good keyboard for an affordable price. After all, Christmas is coming up!
I got the latest issue of MJF magazine last night and I LOVE the little knitted birds. I don't know how to knit but now I am going to learn. I have some sort of round shaped knitting thingy in the attic but I have never used it. I taught myself embroidery so I am sure I can learn to knit as well. The bakeless date cookie bars also looked very yummy--I may try making some for Thanksgiving. So far I am making bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with almonds, chex mix, pigs in a blanket---yeah, I need to make some kind of dessert as well. I have lots of dried dates. In fact I have all the ingredients except for the fresh dates.
I need to have the tires rotated on my car today. Plus one tire seems to have a slow leak. Holly--I have tried the Jerusalem artichokes but I don't really have any recipes. I tried eating them raw with butter and salt but didn't care for them that way. I wish we would have some snow. Everyone around here complains about snow but I love cold weather. It means fewer bugs in summer. I hate ticks and mosquitoes so I like the cold. Last winter was almost no winter at all. I might as well have been living in Arizona.

Medicated AND Motivated!

I'll be Thelma. You be Louise.

Caught somewhere between girl on fire and girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosy moms choose Prozac.
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