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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 15 2017 :  05:41:14 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn--your doctor sounds like a good guy. And funny. I recently saw a dr. in his thirties, and when I told him that it had been hard for me to move the linen carts around at work, and that it helped after I took the prednisone--he suggested that maybe "my age" was the reason I was having trouble with the carts. I just looked at him. I guess when I was in my thirties, I thought being fifty four was "old" as well. Ha ha. I still want to d the things i did when i was twenty four. And i do--it just takes a little more effort.
I have had a difficult past few days. I found out that the likely reason I have been feeling so tired is due to sleep apnea. Only I think I have the rare kind---that most people don't even know about. I was tested for sleep apnea years ago, but it only tests for the common type. I think I have the type where my heart stops beating because I have stopped breathing--I have hand many episodes where I sat bolt upright in the middl of the night, suddenly "jolted" awake by the sure feeling that my heart had just stopped beating, and that i had actually "died" for a few seconds. I told a dr. once and was told it was my imagination. I just recently found out there is a rare type of sleep apnea that matches my symptoms. It's like your brain "forgets" to tell your body to keep breathing. This particular type of apnea is also associated with hypersomnia, or excessive daytime drowsiness, which is what I have been experiencing. I have an appt. to see a dr. on Thursday, and I should be able to qualify for a home sleep study. I talked with my healthcare team through work, and fortunately, the person I talked to also has sleep apnea, so she was very helpful. These episodes have always been very scary, I would jump out of bed after having one and start exercising, just to make sure I was still alive and my heart was still pumping. I thought it was "crazy' but turns out it's a real thing.
I am still coming to terms with my friend who killed himself. I wish he would have reached out to someone.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 15 2017 :  5:13:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I think Cindy it will take quite a while to come to terms with your friend killing himself. What ifs go a long way.

It was a lovely day here in the Green Mountains. All of my laundry dried out side. That was nice. The day started out very dark and overcast so I was wondering if I would have to pull it all in to keep it from getting soaked again.

The nights have cooled down enough that sleeping is enjoyable with the windows open. If I am having night sweats then I am sleeping through them and that is nice. This does not count out having to get up in the night and pee.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

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Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jul 17 2017 :  09:35:15 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, I hope that the sleep study will verify what you suspect. I am sure that there are ways to help you sleep better and be more alert during the day.

Holly, prices where I lived are in the $250s, which is low, considering the outrageous prices they have for new developments. I don't know how an average family can afford to live here. On the other hand, my sister in law lives out in Belle Glade, has a large 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house with a large yard and a small house (in need of repair), and probably will have a hard time selling it, because Belle Glade is far from the coastal cities. Oh, but you can see the stars out there!

My handsome & charming has decided that we should fly to KY this weekend to do house hunting with the realtors we've been in countact with. I'm still holding out for acreage, but if we want anything near Cincinnati, I'll have to compromise.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 17 2017 :  5:20:52 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It was sunny most of the day. In the late afternoon it started to pour and did so for an hour, complete with thunder and lightning. The storm was about 4 miles away.

Last night there were supposed to be Northern Lights between 11 and 1 AM. We had cloud cover.....

We can see the stars out here too. I would guess that if we decided to sell the house would need a lot of repair to do so. Raising boys is not easy on the walls. I hope you find a nice house with the acreage you want with a good price. I do not have a clue about that area of the country. A man down the road moved here from there. A nice restaurant with some tasty food would be a treat as well.

We have three hens now who each have one or two chicks. They are very protective. I hope the chicks make it to adulthood.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 18 2017 :  05:25:58 AM  Show Profile
I am from Seattle, and they used to tell us that the Northern Lights were visible there about 3 nights per year -- of course it was always overcast, so I never got to see them until I went to Alaska. They were worth waiting for!

Holly -- I agree with you about the trees. One of the best things about our place is that we live among trees. The poor hickory out front is very ill, though, so I don't feel too bad about that one. The insects got inside and have eaten his heart. Dude got some samples of live bugs to show to the arborist to see if we need to treat the surroundings when the host tree comes down.

Since I had to work yesterday, I am leaving early today and tomorrow so I can get my "home" work done. Yay! I have a haircut at 1 and then I am GONE.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 18 2017 :  2:53:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The little lightning and thunder storm we had yesterday blew out our telephone line. It makes a lot of white noise on our end and the people calling in hear rings over and over. So, I am sitting in the parking lot of the church across form the library using the library's internet service. they must have upgraded because it used to only reach to the steps of the library.

A very warm muggy day here in the Green Mountains. I am glad of it. Last week the weather guessers said it would rain all week long. I am glad they were wrong.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2017 :  05:21:34 AM  Show Profile
Continues to be hot and muggy here.
They are starting to repave the road today. we live on a short dead end road off another road that is the only way we can get to town. It will be closed so I don't guess I will be going anywhere for a few days. So, seems like a good time to get some spinning and knitting done.
I read on another thread that you are going to have to move again Marie! Hope things work out.
Have a nice day everyone.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2017 :  09:49:35 AM  Show Profile
Well, maybe or maybe not. Lowell's father cannot seem to make up his mind. Lightning recently struck his house and knocked out his text phone, the computer and wrecked a sink somehow. He's been talking about buying out the lease allowing us to move but we have heard nothing from him. All this information is from Brian, Lowell's brother. He is down there trying to help him do what he needs to have done. I believe that he just wants to stay down in Florida and have one of his sons down there with him. I am not certain he realizes that Lowell and Brian have their own lives and projects here in Minnesota. The primary reason we wanted him to live with us is so he wouldn't go to Fergus Falls where getting around is difficult, especially in the winter, and where the health care is terrible. I know he wants to live by himself and still have people around. I believe he could try living with us. If it doesn't work out for him, Minneapolis has several very nice elder care places to live and a wonderful home for retired veterans. I'm really liking this place. Here are some pictures.

This is the entrance.

To the right of the front entrance is the den. I have my desk and sewing area here. In the back will be a place for Roger's (Lowell's dad) TV and recliner.

This is the living room. The animals are in their nap positions.

This is the other side of the living room. The door on the right is Roger's bedroom. The door on the left leads to the balcony.

This is the kitchen. I am trying to keep the island clear. It tends to be a junk magnet.

This is a closet between our bedroom and bathroom. I really like having the washer and dryer right in the apartment.

Here is our bedroom. We found the bedspread at a thrift store. It is hand crochet using three strands of yarn. It is so heavy that it slides off the bed.

The closet is nicely set up. It has more space than it appears.

The bathroom is very nice except the tub is plastic and it groans when stepped on.

This is Roger's bedroom.

He has his own closet and bathroom.

The balcony is a lovely place.

This is our view of the inner courtyard.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2017 :  5:21:38 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A lovely hot day. The sky was clear until about 4 PM. The man from whom we buy hay came by and said he would have a kicker wagon delivered late in the day. It arrived after 6 PM which was just fine. It was several degrees cooler then than at 3 when it usually arrives. This load had 154 bales. We have 292 bales in the barn now. We need about 500 to make it through the winter I think. I am waiting for the little boys to get their showers and into bed so I can have a nice cool shower and wash off the hay chaff.

This morning I walked into the freezer room to find two boxes of food on the floor. The dog must have gotten it from the freezer and ate it. I have not figured out how he would have opened the door. I am wondering if one of the children left the door ajar and he helped himself. Anyway, most of the food in the freezer had defrosted. That freezer was only about 1/4 full so I was lucky there. So, I spent the morning cooking the hamburg, fish and chicken. It is all back in a different freezer.

I hope your living situation straightens out before school starts, Marie. It is a nice looking place. Maybe explain to the FIL that you are not home much and he would not be baby sat. I guess he is feeling that losing his independence is too much for him to bear.

Our nearest paved road is a mile from our house. We do not have many miles of paved road around here. It used to be that a 1/2 mile of road cost $5000 to pave. I do not know the cost now.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jul 20 2017 :  08:27:03 AM  Show Profile
Poor Marie, it must be frustrating to wait for Lowell's dad to decide. It looks like you are well settled, though.

I am praying that we find a home we like on this trip. We could get the paperwork started and just move all pets and stuff at once. We are working with 3 realtors in different areas that we are interested in.

Holly, I am glad you were able to rescue some of your food. Dogs will get into stuff! I had a foster named Asher who got into a package of raw hamburger that I put on the floor when I was bringing groceries in.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 21 2017 :  4:31:02 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a lovely hot day. I weeded between the pallet beds. Most of it was Jewelweed or Touch me Nots. I did get into some stinging nettle on my arms and leg but I rubbed the Jewelweed juice on the sting and it is very tolerable now. I found my tomato plants. A neighbor that I gave plants to in the early summer has tomatoes on hers I have flowers. Maybe she has different varieties than I kept. I hope the flowers will soon be little green tomatoes.

We have a lot of mourning doves at our feeders. There is not much food in our feeders right now. There should be plenty in the wild.

Today is our daughter's twenty first birthday. She really wanted to go out with her friends to a club dancing but they have backed out. She says they will go out on Sunday. A Mama is not as good as a friend.

I made a peach upside down cake for her celebration here at home. It is quite tasty.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2017 :  05:46:02 AM  Show Profile
We are under heat advisory for another day. The humidity is so high I feel like someone put a brick on my chest when I walk outdoors. Supposed to start getting better Monday.
I also just have flowers on my tomato plants. The different types of beans are starting to make beans and I am getting a few cucumbers everyday. They taste wonderful.
My two older grands have been sending texts and pictures everyday. Yesterday they were making slime. They include pictures of the little one so I get to see them all.
Have a great day.

Sister #2708
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 22 2017 :  9:15:00 PM  Show Profile
I got the first cherry tomato off one of my plants the other day....have another one that's almost ready. I am also starting to get some sweet mini peppers. The eggplants still have not produced anything. Gave them all some plant food recently.
It was extremely hot today. I thought I heard thunder not too long ago. It is supposed to cool down to 86 next week.
Holly--I have stinging nettle growing in a large pot on my porch. It is almost ready to harvest. I want to make nettle soup--it is supposed to taste like spinach and have many health benefits....and I will wear gloves when i harvest it. It is in a pot because I do not want it growing in my has a tendency to spread. I have a jewelweed salve I got at the farmer's market---it is very good for any itches. But I sneeze when I use it, so I am probably allergic to the airborne pollen---it is related to ragweed and I know that stuff bothers me.
Karin--do your plants wilt under this heat? Mine look miserable in the heat of day, then they perk up at evening time (when I water them).
I have a referral for a home sleep study. Don't know when yet.There is an old-fashioned candy store that recently opened here and i got a bag of mixed candies...they are doing a good business, and have only been open two weeks. it is good to have successful businesses in the "uptown' section of our town.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2017 :  07:42:44 AM  Show Profile
We had rain on and off yesterday and today we are finally getting a bit of a break in the heat. I went to workout and actually walked the trail outside without feeling like I was going to pass out.
Our yard is mostly shaded, which I think might help the plants a bit, but they definitely get very droopy looking in the heat. My raised garden beds are in one of the few sunny spots and they are having a hard time even though DH waters on the days it doesn't rain.
Going to one of my knitting groups after lunch. Hope everyone has a great day.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2017 :  10:35:04 AM  Show Profile
Well, it is official. We will be moving. Lowell's dad called and said he is deteriorating quickly and he thinks his next move will be to a home. He is looking for the cheapest independent living arrangement he can find. He's thinking South Dakota but I say "no, no, no, no". I wish he would just come to Minneapolis and get a spot at the Vet's Home. It's really nice there.

We have already started looking and we are going to do it right this time. I'm going to pay for an extra two weeks at the current place so that we can move out with less hurry up hassle. Cleaning will be easy - just a sweep and mop. We will be looking for places with 800 to 1000 square feet in a price range we can afford. I want natural light and a place to put my sewing and crafting. Roger (Lowell's dad) said he'd help us out financially if (when) we need it. Everything should go better this time.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 24 2017 :  4:13:35 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Oh, well Marie. You will not be making any decisions for that man. He clearly has enough of his marbles left to still make demands. I am glad you did not sign a long lease. I hope you find someplace that suits your needs and your emotional well being.

I am all done with the colonoscopy. The preparation this year was far more disruptive than ten years ago. I told the dr that and he said that preparation is no longer made because too many people had too many problems with it. I had two diminutive polyps removed. So, instead of returning in ten years I am to return in five years instead. I am not happy about that. I am very happy this round is all over. We had salmon for supper.

It is raining today and a lot cooler than the last ten days. Supposed to be in the low seventies all week long.

We have all of our hay in the barn, finally. One big job done. Now to concentrate on the wood.

The bottom of my raised beds have hay or hay bales in them. When it rains the hay absorbs the water and the roots of the plants stay moist. At least this is what I believe. I do not water and had not thought to. The plants are not wilting. I have thought of mulching with some more hay just to be sure the ground holds the water. The man down the road uses leaves on his gardens.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jul 25 2017 :  6:13:58 PM  Show Profile
Haybales in the bottom of raised beds is an excellent idea. I will definitely do that for my garden.
Poor Marie, what a disappointment to have to move! Remind Lowell's dad that he'll get what he pays for, so don't be too cheap.

My good news is that we found an old Kentucky Home in Independence. It was at the end of the final day of looking at homes. We were told the final house had gotten an offer already, so I looked at the website the realtor had & saw a home that wasn't on my favorites list. So I said, "can we see this one?" and we set off. They had just had an open house so our realtor got to talk with the other realtor. It has 3/4 acre yard in the country but is maybe 5 minutes to stores, and is close to Cincinnati. I believe God led us there. We close in September.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 27 2017 :  6:51:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Good for you Vanessa. I hope it is most of what you hope it will be. and that you can make it all you want it to be.

The white guinea pair hatched out 14 keets yesterday. They are quite protective of their young. We caught 6 of them for some one who wanted guineas. The parents took turns flying at our hands. We had to be really quick ans sneaky. A person needs to raise the guineas where they will live otherwise they will leave. So, catching them as adolescents or adults is not an option.

I took my Merrell shoes back to the store where I bought them in January because the soles are coming off. I started to wear them in May. The manager of the store said that because it was more than 6 months they could not send them back to Merrell for replacements. I would think that Merrell's would honor their shoes more than 6 months. So, I trotted myself over to the shoe repair place. The man said it would be $35. I told him I would rather pay him $35 than the store $90 because I had not yet gotten my cost per use down.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 30 2017 :  05:54:22 AM  Show Profile
Yesterday was a beautiful cool day. I spent most of it working and painting in our guest room. It is a suite over the three car garage, and while it's a nice size and offers privacy, the whole building wasn't that well built. Things aren't straight or level, there are bad sheet rock repairs, eight layers of paint, you get the picture. There is also an open stairwell and a ceiling that goes from 8 to 14'. It is taking me a long time to make any progress. Hoping all will be done by the time DS and his family come in three weeks. We are meeting them in Ky to watch the eclipse, then driving back up to our house. He got parking passes, glasses, etc at a distillery in Hopkinsville. Should be an interesting experience.
The Moving Wall is in a town about 15 miles from us this weekend. We've seen the real one in Washington and this one once before, but DH decided he'd like to see it again, so we're heading over there in a bit. We'll have dinner so that will save me cooking
It is very annoying to pay good money for something and have it fall apart so quickly.
Hope everyone has a great day.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

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Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jul 31 2017 :  2:51:27 PM  Show Profile
I am sad to report that we withdrew our offer on the house. The inspection turned up too many serious structural problems. We're back at square one. On the bright side, we are in Prague CZ & getting in lots of walking.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 31 2017 :  5:30:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

Sorry about the house. Another will come along. Have you been to any concerts in Prague? How is the food? any specialties?

Until recently I did not realize the viewing area for the eclipse was relatively small. Well, we won't see it up here. C said, well we will probably have a lot of cloud cover that day anyway. Cloud cover is what we have when there are astronomical events that we would like to see, like meter showers. I hope you have a good visit.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Nora Springs IA
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Posted - Jul 31 2017 :  6:04:19 PM  Show Profile
Wow, Vanessa! Prague has been on my bucket list forever! My birth father's entire family came to the US from Bohemia. I would love to experience the architecture, etc.!

Sorry about your house. Glad you found out right away though! Something better is out there for you.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Aug 01 2017 :  07:55:18 AM  Show Profile
Judith, my & Marie's maiden name is Listopad. I wish my mom & dad could be here but it is 95 degrees & as crowded as Las Vegas or Key West. The subway is easy to use & maps & signs are everywhere. My husband's dream is to see the Pilsner Urquelle brewery, so tomorrow we will go by train because we can't find a bus tour. Adventures!
My husband will drive to KY for further house hunting.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Aug 01 2017 :  09:09:42 AM  Show Profile
Hey Nes! Get me something from Prague.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
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Posted - Aug 01 2017 :  9:05:49 PM  Show Profile
I will experience Prague vicariously through you!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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