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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2017 : 05:04:58 AM
Marie, So sorry to hear your bad news. Hopefully it is not ALS and something that can be fixed somehow. Hang in there, we are here for you. Another hot and rainy day here again. At least we have our portable AC running now, it feels so good!!!! Have a great day all,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 13 2017 : 04:50:06 AM
Good morning everyone,
I have a few minutes between the morning routine. We have had very hot weather the last two days. Today is supposed to be in the high seventies. The wind is gusty.
I wonder Cindy since you live so close to Monsanto if that has any bearing on our health issues. Close could even be within 50 miles or more depending on your wind patterns. It would be interesting to find out if there is a spike in autoimmune issues in the circle around the plant.
There are so many factors that could cause muscle atrophy, Marie. I hope it is not ALS. How are you doing managing both men in your life now? I am glad you have a space to craft and create. A place to relax your mind and give i t a moment of joy. Are you farther from your gaming store?
Fawns are so fun to see. I have not yet this year. We had a brood of starlings hatch and fledge. I really need to cover that hole in the eaves with netting so they do not nest in the space between the roof and ceiling in the mud room anymore.
School lets out next Tuesday. DsR will have a month of summer school and dsG is going to camp for 6 weeks again this summer. DsC will b e home with me. I would like to send him to sleep away camp but he is just starting to have dry pants at night and pullups at 12 years old are not acceptable to other children at camps. I do not want him to have the burden of being made fun of.
Have a good day with moments of joy.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Jun 13 2017 : 08:21:17 AM
Bob and I both finally have a medical dr. to go to. We went yesterday, now comes all the tests. More expenses. We are still getting some rain ere on and off, but I is expected with it being the rainy season. It is nice to see everything turning green again though. I planted a banana tree a few months ago, it was about a foot tall, now it is about 3 feet and a new one grew from the roots. I am hoping to get it out of the ground to take with us when we move. I have in pots, a small pineapple tree with a small pineapple growing, a lemon tree with 2 large lemons on it and a lime tree with lots of limes. It is interesting to see what grows around here that did not at home. I planted tomatoes here in December, and green beans. They are all done in March before the hot season starts. I am learning about planting. I will have room for a small garden when we move, can't wait. Holly,children can be so mean when it comes to things like bed wetting. If only they were in his shoes. Maybe by next year DsC will be ready for camp. Maybe you could set up a tent and camp in the yard and cook outdoors like you were camping in the wilderness for a day or 2. Marie, Are you getting all settled in? You are probably finding things now that you forgot you had. Seems when you move, you find all kinds of things, some you wonder why you have them. Hope you all have a great day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Jun 13 2017 : 10:14:03 PM
Holly--there are lots more plants than Monsanto around here--I live within five miles of three oil refineries---there is a steel mill a quarter mile from my house.....most of it is to the south, which helps, since it's downwind. Believe it or not, the air quality is better now than it used to be. I found out I have secondary adrenal insufficiency, which isn't as bad as primary (Addison's disease). I am now taking hydrocortisol. Will take it for a while and see how I feel in three weeks---then maybe another test----then MAYBE I can learn to manage it by natural means, which I would prefer. This summer is the ten year anniversary of something very upsetting that happened involving someone I trusted deeply--someone in a "position of trust" who betrayed me in a very bad way. I'm lucky I lived to tell about it. It culminated in me seeing two moons--after I'd "heard" people screaming cause the world was coming to an end---that's the kind of thing I experience when I get overwhelmed with grief and depression. It's not fun. For some reason, I keep remembering it---maybe because of all the stuff going on in our nation that I have no control over--it brings back these memories---think of the song lyrics "She's come undone..." that describes how it felt. When it gets hot, the memories start coming back, I guess cause it happened during a heat wave. There are some things that will never make sense, no matter how hard you try to make sense of them. So i don't even try to understand it. Only that I started looking at things from a different point of view afterwards, cause it was obvious my old way of looking at things wasn't working. I have learned it pays to have a sense of humor, even if it's a very dark sense of humor at times. Believe it or not, I have been finding humor is some of the things that Deepak Chopra has written---it's not intended as humor, but it's so spot on that it's hilarious. I see people taking the road to ruin, and I wait for a karma to run over them. And usually God is the one driving the karma..... Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2017 : 3:07:45 PM
I still have only one Nelson man to deal with and he is pushing me very hard to get everything unpacked and put away. My back aches because of the soft mattress and all the lifting. I still can't use my arm for the heavy stuff but I sometimes do. I tell him and yet he still pushes me. If I knew when Roger was going to arrive I could set some realistic priorities. These are two stubborn and impatient men. I am glad I have my games two nights a week. I may get a part time job at the liquor store on the corner just to get away from them. LOL
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2017 : 6:19:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
It was an absolutely beautiful day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the seventies, a light breeze and scattered high clouds. It was a pleasure to work outside. The black flies and mosquitoes have been especially nasty this year. Today the breeze was enough to keep them at bay.
DsC and I planted the three sisters in one of the gardens. Then we took the extra pumpkin and winter squash seeds and planted them as well. If they all come up and produce we will be golden for the winter. However, if the animals eat them because I have not yet put put up a fence around that garden. I
We have several ravens that hang out around here. They pick some of the extras out of the compost bin.
The turkey poults arrived this morning. Two escaped and were quite cold and looking like they were on death's door when we found them. C warmed them and put them in a box under the heat lamp for the night. I hope they recover.
It is odd that I read Jan's post last night and then put in my two cents and now my post is ahead of hers.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 16 2017 : 11:27:52 AM
We have been having some wicked thunderstorms here. It was sunny this morning, but raining heavy now. Over 2 weeks of daily rain. Looking forward to a day of sunshine without rain. Holly, it is weird how the posts sometimes appear, or disappear. Better get off here before we lose power. Have a great day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 16 2017 : 10:47:47 PM
I have been taking the hydrocortisone since Tuesday. I feel stronger, as in not so weak, but still tired a lot. Plus it is making me feel depressed. I am going to stick with it, till I stop feeling tired, then have my numbers tested again. If they are good, I will find something natural to take that helps. I have been feeling somewhat disturbed by that guy who shot the senators in D. C.--he is from a nearby town, and there is something familiar about him. I feel like I've met him somewhere before....other people have said the same thing. Maybe he just "looks" like someone familiar. Jan--it's been stormy here as well. Sometimes the power goes out, and then it's very hot and sticky. I have finally discovered my spirit animal--I realized it instinctively--and I am a saber-toothed tiger. Yup. I was crazy about saber-tooths as a kid. My favorite character on "The Flintsones" was the cat. Although they had very long, sharp teeth, their bite was not as powerful as some other big cats, like lions. And they were lazy---or rather, they didn't waste energy.They preferred to wait for a mammal to come along, and then ambush it. They didn't like to waste energy. I'm not sure how the scientists know these things, but that is what I've read. I think they were awesome and big cuddly kitties. They were also known as Smilodons. Cause they smiled a lot And they are from another age and time, which is how I often feel. I had a model of a saber toothed tiger that I put together as a kid. WHen I would play with my Jane West doll (no Barbies for me), I pretended the saber tooth was a bobcat. A rather large bobcat. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 17 2017 : 12:28:20 PM
Good afternoon.
It is a very lovely day here on the old hill farm. I went to some yard sales this morning. I missed two bicycles by minutes. I am looking for three bikes. I think buying new bikes for the little boys is an effort in futility since they enjoy riding fast and jumping off to see how far it goes before it crashes. Ahh for the love of boys. I did buy many old plates. I do not feel bad when they are broken and I do not feel bad that we do not have a matching set. What we do have is many plates with flowers on them. Some are china and quite lovely.
I hope you each have moments of joy today.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2017 : 07:30:30 AM
We are still getting rain daily. Sun pops up once in awhile, but then gets stormy. That time of the year. Beats hurricanes though. Still waiting on our mobile home. It has been over 3 months, and we still do not have a 100% that the lady we are buying it from has her place yet. If we do not get an answer by July 1st, we are going to ask for our deposit back so we can look for another place. We are roasting in here without AC and we have to take cold showers. Marie, are you settled in now? How are you liking it there Have a great day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2017 : 08:09:57 AM
We are settling in nicely. I have a few more boxes to go through and repack. The storage we are renting is pretty much full. I believe I know how Lowell stacked the boxes and I'll bet if I go in there, I could make more space. Everyone who comes here is astonished by the luxury. Lowell's dad has not yet arrived so we are keeping some options open for space for his stuff. He wants to add a small piece of furniture and another TV. I say no to the TV.
I am excited about setting up my sewing/crafting area. Stuff is kind of stacked up in a chaotic fashion right now but it will get better. The computer is up and running. All I have to do now is hook up the speakers. Life is good.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2017 : 12:40:23 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
The weather has been inconsistent. WE had two days of way too hot air, then it cooled down and the clouds flew through sometimes letting down rain and others shiny and humid. Today it is cooler and intermittently raining. I am glad ot be able to dry clothes on the line outside. I am also glad to have the windows open.
Most of the spinach went to seed so I pulled it up today. I thinned the beets and am drying the leaves. There were three beets the size of marbles. Our asparagus is finally up. I think it is later than many peoples but it is still tasty.
What are you going to do with all of the stuff you have in storage, Marie? I have stuff here that I have not looked in the boxes for years. Some I know are keepsakes and some is just stuff I could live without but will not for whatever reason make a decision.
Good luck on the mobile home, Jan. I hope you find a place soon so you can move.
School ended today with a half day. The boys are very happy.
Find some moments of joy.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2017 : 11:12:39 PM
I have many books and craft projects. My goals are as follows:
Books - Read the books I have selected to keep in the house. Keep only those that really speak to me and pass the rest on.
Craft Projects - Work on one project at a time until it is finished. Pick another and do the same.
I have been needing to do this for a long time.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2017 : 1:25:45 PM
Good afternoon,
I took the boys and several friends on a hike today out a flat dirt road. There are ditches and wet lands on both sides. I had forgotten that some of the lengths of the road would be flooded. Some of the puddles were very cold and some were warm. It seemed to have no bearing on exposure to the sun because all of the road was exposed to the sun. We had a good time. I think it must have been about two miles out and two back.
I wish you luck Marie on your effort to finish the projects and read the books. Reading the books would not be the hard part for me but working on one project until it is finished would be more of a challenge, I get distracted easily.
Have an afternoon with moments of joy.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jun 26 2017 : 07:31:15 AM
We had a beautiful weekend here. 70s and a light breeze. It was so nice after days of rain and high humidity. DD and her husband came for a visit. They brought their big dog and the new puppy they rescued. We took a long walk in the woods, the dogs played in the creek, and son-in-law grilled delicious steaks. It was a lovely day. Worked out this morning and will meet with one of my knit groups after lunch. Marie. hope your arm is doing well and you are getting your projects done. Cindy, hope you are feeling better. Hope everyone is well.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 26 2017 : 4:45:07 PM
Good evening everyone,
Some of the weekend was pleasant and some watered the gardens.
Two of my sons and I worked on cleaning the old hay out of the hay barn. I think we should be getting this year's hay in the next couple of weeks. The farmer who supplies us usually drops by the day before and I am usually caught with rushing to clean out the old hay to put in the new. So, I am trying to plan ahead.
Today two of my sons and I cut burdock from the garden. The boys stripped the leaves and I peeled the fibers off the outside so we can eat the inside core. They are cooking now so I can freeze them to have in the winter. Free food and healthy too.
Karin I am glad you have good relationships with your children and enjoy each others company.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 26 2017 : 9:59:46 PM
The weather has been nice here as well.Holly, I have heard of burdock but i am not familiar with it. I have heard it tastes similar to a jimcama (can't spell tonight). I have had a very strange day. My cousin texted me just as I got off work---my uncle was being admitted to the hospital where I work. He has not been doing well--has COPD and congestive heart failure. Apparently, my cousin is very upset with the treatment he received at the "other' hospital. She said they left him deprived of oxygen on three different occasion. She is not optimistic about his chances. he can still talk and is aware of what is going on--he asked to be taken to a different hospital. he was afraid he would die if he stayed at the one where he was. Our hospital has a pulmonologist, unlike the other hospital. it is probably too late to save him, but I hope he at least gets better care. i visited with them briefly, then drove out to see my parents. As i passed the duplex where my friend Anna lives, I saw an ambulance pulling away. I talked to someone, and they had just taken Anna to the hospital. Chest pains. She frequently goes to the ER. I saw my parents, then went home. Still having issues with feeling tired,so I took a nap. had this crazy dream where my neighbor, the one who used Facebook to spy on me, had secretly put some sort of scent on Jaxon's food dish. it caused him to believe that she was his "person' and not me. She was standing in the doorway of her house with Jaxon, and i saw him and said "That's my dog!" and she smiled malevolently and replied:"Not anymore." Then i woke up. Now, i know the dream wasn't really about Jaxon or my neighbor, but it upset me so much that I started crying as I fed Jaxon. i felt like I had lost a friend---I have been trying, in vain, to contact a friend of almost thirty years, and I keep getting no response. She lives about 40 minutes away. I have been sensing, in the past year or two, that it felt like she was slipping away--not physically, but mentally and emotionally. She's not the same person she used to be, has had lots of emotional trauma and sometimes I seem to be able to reach her, and other times,I have felt like I can't. I have often felt like SOMETHING was pulling her away. And I do mean THING. As in some kind of malevolent spirit. Something very sneaky and insidious. I hope I am wrong. But when I was crying after having that dream, the grief felt very real. And it's only Monday. I do hope the week improves. I know other people who have said that it feels like there's something in the air...just not sure what that something is. I'm not a big Paul McCartney fan, but that song "Hope of Deliverance" keeps running through my head. I have been doing a lot of praying lately. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 27 2017 : 07:15:54 AM
Cindy, go to see her.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jun 27 2017 : 4:22:14 PM
Hello everyone, I have not been active on the website for a while because my DH has finally decided to put our house up for sale. It was on the market about a week before we got an offer. The closing is July 13th (we hope) and I am busy every day packing, donating, and tossing stuff. It is exciting and scary, but I see God's hand in it. Marie, I can sympathize, getting my DH to help is like pulling teeth.
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 27 2017 : 6:27:31 PM
Good evening everyone,
I agree with Marie, Cindy visit her or write her a nice note telling her she is important.
Where are you moving to? Vanessa.
Today was a nice day. It was cool enough to wear long pants all day. This morning we had the solar panel man come. We have agreed to put up solar panels in our yard. They will come in October to put them up. There is a line of homes ahead of us. We have wanted to do this for a while and finally have our acts together enough. The federal tax incentives may change soon so now is a good time.
In the afternoon I weeded the garden. I am glad to be able to see the vegetable plants now.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 27 2017 : 10:33:03 PM
I think I will drive over there this weekend....have been wanting to, but if I drive that far, I have to plan it in advance, as I get tired and have to pull over somewhere and rest. I saw her about two months ago, and she seemed angry....but I couldn't tell if she was angry with me, or what. Also, her husband is only a few years older than me, but he looked like he had aged ten years in just the past year. Today was another strange day. they dug up the front yard of the house across the street because of sewer issues, and i came home from work yesterday and it looked awful. the dirt is back in place now but it still looks awful. I hope it doesn't rain. or the rain will wash that mud all over the street. I visited Anna when i got off work and she thinks she will be in the hospital till Friday. She seemed in good spirits. My uncle is doing better than expected, i saw him today and his voice was strong but he sounded terrible with his breathing. he sounded the way i sounded when i was sick earlier this year, and had just done something to exert myself. I was tired again when i got home so I slept--was dreaming that I had posted something on FB and someone misinterpreted it, and the "feds" were coming to get me--woke up and I could hear a siren. it got close, then stopped. I got up and looked outside and there was an ambulance at the house across the street. They brought out some guy on a gurney and put him in the ambulance. he was awake and responsive. I am used to seeing the police over there, but not an ambulance. i slept some more and now I am wondering if the tiredness is partly due to depression. i keep craving sardines---anyone know what that means? I know they are high in Omega 3 oils. I will have to look it up and see what it means when your body craves Omega 3's. I have also been pondering the meaning of "biophilia" the innate human longing for a connection with nature. I am starting to think there are some individuals who have a pathology that is just the opposite--a desire to destroy the natural world. I wonder what Carl Jung would say about that. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2322 Posts

2322 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2017 : 04:41:00 AM
Cindy, you have interesting dreams! As for craving sardines, I'm sure it is your body asking for something it needs. You may be a bit depressed, with your friend and your uncle in the hospital and you aren't feeling well either. Sometimes, when I hear of a string of sad news I feel that the world is just full of sorrow. I hope you are able to re-connect with your friend, you never know what has been going on in their lives that has distanced them from you. Sometimes people need to know the door is still open for them.
Holly, we are planning to find a small house with acreage in central Kentucky, east of Lexington. I wouldn't mind a small fixer-upper. My packing is at a standstill; I've run out of boxes, and the grocery store hasn't called yet to tell me they have some for me.
Marie, you'll be proud of me. I ruthlessly tossed out or donated tons of crafting stuff and books that I was just holding on to, even most of my Hawaiian shirts. I am considering using some for padding, then making them into pillow covers when we settle, but I wonder if that is a slippery slope to pack-rat fever.
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2017 : 07:41:09 AM
YAY! My bio-sister is on the thread! I miss her so much. At least she will be moving closer.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2017 : 5:57:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
I gathered the children today to take a walk. As we were starting out through the fields we came upon on or our guinea pairs coming towards the road with a clutch of babies. How exciting that was. Guineas often have large clutches, this one had 16 babies. They are not able to keep all of them together and often times most are lost or killed. I hustled myself back to the house and picked up a box. I captured 11 of the babies and left the rest for the parents. The dog grabbed one of the babies and it died. So, the parents have 4 and they are happy. It is a number they can keep track of. I took the other 11 over to someone who had expressed an interest in raising some guineas. This is an especially abundant year for ticks and guineas love to eat them. This set of babies will not be ready to graze and eat all of the ticks this year but will be voracious eaters next. The man will keep some and give the others to his son for his property. Now for the next clutch to appear.
After we delivered the guineas chicks and had some lunch we went on our walk. We made it half way to where I wanted to end up and found a stream and followed it down to the road. Then it started to rain and pour. We became soaked. Luckily the boys thought is was a good time and were good sports about the free shower.
Good luck on the move. I have never lived in the south. My father grew up in West Virginia and Kentucky along the Ohio River. When he was growing it was very conservative and he moved north as soon as he was able. We did not go to visit. I hope you find just the right place to settle.
So, Marie, I have been wondering as I do sometimes why you have not purchased a small house for the three of you. The rent is an astronomical amount and for that you could have a house. Just wondering why rent if buying is an option.
Cindy, I do not know why sardines. I find them disgusting. I do not like the little bones although my brother thinks they are delicious. Sorry you still get so tired.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2017 : 6:14:16 PM
Here is a piece that includes sardines.......maybe it will help.
Red Meat: Have to have a juicy steak? You could have an iron deficiency, which is common among women and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, frequent colds, as well as brittle hair and fragile nails, says nutritionist Brian Tanzer, product formulator for the Vitamin Shoppe. “To get your levels up, look for good food sources including lean red meat, turkey and sardines,” he recommends. “Vegetarian sources like legumes, (chick peas and lentils), green leafy vegetables (spinach and kale), as well as nuts and seeds, like pumpkin seeds, are also great. When you mix in peppers, lemon juice or other good sources of vitamin C, this will help with the absorption of iron from vegetables.”
Holly farmgirl #2499
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |