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Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 19 2016 : 07:12:28 AM
It is a beautiful morning here, 60 and sunny. I worked out and will probably spend time outside just because it is too pretty to sit in the house. Holly, the camping trip to your Girl Scout camp sounds like fun. I loved Scout camp. I counted the other day and I have been to 42 of the states. Seven of the eight that I haven't visited are on the east coast and New England. So, I think I need to start planning some trips over that way. I have always wanted to see Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine in autumn. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2016 : 6:27:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
I was discussing the fall foliage with someone over the weekend. It will be late this year because of the warm weather but really the shortening days are more of a factor. Then we have a rain storm and the pretty colors are all gone over night. K really like the bright fall colors just before all of the gray of winter sets in. I really like the reds and greens of the new buds in the spring. The low areas are very pretty with the reds and purples of the emerging life.
The garden is still producing. I hope more tomatoes ripen before the first frost. The plants are still growing so the fruits do not recognize that they are supposed to ripen. I guess I should get out there with the clippers again and chop chop so the plants think they are dying.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2016 : 12:10:15 PM
I am home and settled... for now.
We spent almost two weeks at our "cabin," and now it is totally ready for living in, with the furnace, septic, water and water treatment all functioning. I refinished the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Started some of the yard work, making garden beds, while the cowboy backfilled and landscaped. We are ready to move there.... it was hard to come home to the ranch. If the cowboy can get reasonable employment there, to see us through to full-time retirement, we'll be gone in a heartbeat.
We've suffered more losses... more family, a dear, dear friend, and our friends lost their 8-year-old daughter in a terrible MVA 10 days ago.
My son found an amazing job ... He is in training as the assistant manager... It's a very special place, a wedding and celebrity hot spot. Later this week, the English Inn will be hosting none other than Will and Kate while on their western Canada tour. My son will be one of their servers. Yesterday, they had news crews and protocol prep.
My son has a suite at the inn, so he works, eats, sleeps, lives there. This is the same son that is separated from his wife and went through such a rough spell in June/July/August. Thank God... he is no longer sleeping on park benches with no job and nowhere to go.
We are going back to the cabin in three weeks... it's the cowboy's grandmother's 110th birthday. The family is having a birthday party for her... an open house actually, and there are to be greetings and congratulations from local dignitaries, the Queen, the premier, prime minister. Afterwards, we are having a family Thanksgiving dinner. (Thanksgiving Day is in October in Canada.)
It's cool at night and even freezing here, but the days are beautiful and sunny. Trees are changing colour quickly, and the leaves blowing away in the wind just as quickly.
My life on the ranch ... |
Edited by - bramblerose on Sep 20 2016 12:14:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2016 : 1:27:40 PM
Ann, your retirement place sounds like a heavenly place to car reap the rewards there. Sounds very peaceful. How wonderful to have all those important people at the birthday party. She deserves it, at that age. WOW!!!! To live that long. Amazing. Holly, glad you are still getting things from your garden. I always felt bad after the frost and no more veggies from the garden. I will soon have things growing here again. I did plant cantaloupe, pumpkin and honey dew and they are coming up now. We will see how they do in the winter here. We just got back from a ride to see where the courthouse is in another city. I got a letter for jury duty in October, and had no idea where this courthouse was. It is in a drug courthouse. I am hoping they cancel it, I am not ready for jury duty here yet. I need to start driving myself and get over all the traffic here before the snowbirds start returning, which is approaching soon. Then we went to another city a few miles from there to find Hobby Lobby. It was o huge, it would take a whole day to see everything in there. I did not even get to the fabric section, but I did get a few skeins of yarn on sale and some jewelry parts. I am hoping to get into a couple of craft shows here for Christmas. I need an outlet to sell the things I keep making. It keeps me out of mischief. LOL!!! Been doing my water aerobics daily. I have another gal doing the exercises with me. Feels so good and refreshing to be going to the pool every morning again. Karin, 42 states is a lot. Not too many more to see before you've seen them all. I have been to a lot of places, but not that many. I will have to sit down someday an count how many states I have been to. We went out for a late lunch today so I do not have to cook supper. Now, that is a treat. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2016 : 6:33:04 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad your son has landed on his feet with a secure place to live and work. I am sorry to hear that the little girl died. It is always so tragic when a child dies. Hugs to you and her family. Good luck to the cowboy in finding a job close to the retirement house that pays well and has reasonable hours.
I have never been called for jury duty. My dad did once down in Florida. I do not know whether he ever had to serve.
The last two nights a weasel or something has gotten into the meat bird pen. DsC and I worked this morning to tighten up the pen. The inside of the posts has chicken wire. The outside of the posts has cow fencing. When I set the chicken wire I thought I had left and L of wire on the ground to make it difficult for the chickens to escape. Some of the L was off the ground and around the posts it was not on the ground. We put old car tires on top of the L and zip tied them together. I think it should make it heavy enough that no wild creature will lift it up to go underneath. We did the back side. DsC assures me that all the rest of the fence is tight to the ground.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2016 : 7:11:02 PM
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Edited by - prariehawk on Nov 04 2016 6:25:55 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2016 : 5:03:39 PM
Good evening, \Crossing fingers that the security measures dsC and I have done hold until all of the birds are in the freezer. None were killed last night.
We are cautious around the ground bees. I am torn because if we have frost the problem will be gone. However, we are enjoying the warm weather.
Today was a lovely day. Temperatures were in the seventies. Hardly a cloud in the sky. The humidity was low. Tomorrow is the equinox.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2016 : 05:51:12 AM
Beautiful cool morning here. It will be warming up quickly though. Ann, I am so sorry for all the losses you've suffered. Very glad that your son is doing so well. His job sounds like fun. And your retirement place sounds wonderful, hope you get to move there soon. Jan, I served jury duty about ten years ago. I was very surprised they chose me considering the case and the fact that I'm an RN. It lasted three weeks and is not really something I want to do again. But I guess I will if they call me. Have friends arriving in a few hours. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2016 : 06:32:35 AM
Am I the only person in the world who actually wants to serve on a jury? I was called in the 1990's and sat in the jury room until the last day and was not called to a jury pool until the last day. It was an assault case and I was pretty excited. Because it was the end of the day, we got the briefing and were sent home. When I got home, I had a call from my mother saying that her father had died. I had to go with her so I called the judge and was excused. I was so disappointed. I was called again a couple years ago and the process had changed dramatically. The jury pool room was much bigger and nicer. I sat at a table with some very nice women. Apparently, many of the cases on the docket were settled with out trial and we were let go before lunch. The next day they let most of us go early because the docket had been cleared. DANG!!! Someday I will have someone's fate in my hands!!! MUUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Work is good. I start seeing students one on one on Monday.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2016 : 5:54:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think that I would not be very good on a jury because I am a slow thinker. I like to ponder what I have been told to decide the best route. If I have to decide fast I often go with what I have been told most recently or do the emotional thing and then later think what I decided would have been different if I had more time. I do not want to be unfair to the person on either side of the bench.
We did in our meat chickens tonight. It rained most of the day as it usually does on a day we need to catch the birds. The rain makes the ground good and slippery. Why do the clouds care when we are doing in the birds. We have not had rain for several weeks. I ask the man who has the plucker and scalder five days in advance. Anyway, they are done and so are ten of the roosters who missed last year's Dday. We will do the turkeys in a month or so.
Time to read to dsR.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2016 : 8:03:05 PM
g |
Edited by - prariehawk on Nov 04 2016 6:17:57 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 25 2016 : 1:11:53 PM
Good afternoon,
Yesterday and today have cooled down to the sixties. There is a stiff breeze.
I blocked up cord wood this morning. I am so far behind in getting it in that I need to concentrate on being steadier. Our oldest son came and told one of the little boys when he was complaining to be glad it was not snowing.
Glad you found good help to clean up your yard.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 25 2016 : 8:00:37 PM
g |
Edited by - prariehawk on Nov 04 2016 6:19:08 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 26 2016 : 4:52:17 PM
Good evening everyone,
When I went out the door to do chores this morning the air smelled like fall. It was the clean ozone smell. The car had frost on the windows but the garden did not lose any leaves. They are about 10 yards apart.
I hope we have feet of snow.
I saw the first leaf peeper buses today. I am not in town much so maybe there have been others. Some of the trees have started to color up.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2016 : 10:11:20 AM
Cindy, I noticed that about the deer here in Iowa also. The grey coats. Also, when we walk the trail in our woods the cobwebs hit us in the face. (another sign Winter is coming on). Of course, we are seeing the woolies. It seems way too early. The leaves are falling and we haven't had a good snap of cold and sun yet to give us color; but, flood waters are, we'll count our blessings again.
Marie, I was called for jury duty many years ago. When I got the notice we had just moved over the county line the day before. Literally. I was glad as I don't think I can sit in judgement of another human being. (Although, I do seem to judge people every day...just not that they know My niece was on OJ's jury. She found it a very exciting and enlightening experience.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2016 : 5:04:25 PM
Good evening everyone
Today was a very lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the mid sixties. A light breeze, a gorgeous blue sky with occasional tall fluffy clouds.
DsC and I brought firewood up from below one of the fields. We had had a few windfalls and I have wanted to buck them up for a couple of years. They are good and dry. I had cut them into double blocks and one of my sons and a friend of his were desperate for some cash and carried them out of the inaccessible clearing to a landing. I am tired,
I went to the first part of Tai Chi tonight and then came home.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2016 : 9:26:52 PM
I finally get to start with the kids tomorrow. I have 12 students and could possibly have and additional 4 more. The maximum recommended for part-time is 8. I was thinking that I could handle 10 but now . . . I don't know. We still need to do more training and to get into the data base system which we cannot do from our personal computers. Apparently, we need a special log in to get on the school's computers but haven't gotten it yet. That is where all the training videos are also. <sigh> Oh well, it will all work itself out.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2016 : 7:03:05 PM
g |
Edited by - prariehawk on Nov 04 2016 6:21:00 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2016 : 05:36:08 AM
The weather here has been glorious for the last few days. The forecast is for much warmer weather next week. However, there is a hint of color starting in some of the trees, so I think it's not long until fall is truly here. Which in my area means lots and lots of traffic. We live near the largest state park in Indiana and we get hundreds of thousands of leaf peepers every autumn. The entire month of October it's nearly impossible to go anywhere because of the traffic. But it's very good for all the local businesses and craftspeople, so I shouldn't complain too much. Marie, it sounds like you will have a lot going on in the classroom. Hope it all goes smoothly. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2016 : 4:47:17 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a skunk visit the barn yesterday morning. It did not spray but we could smell it's perfume when we were doing chores. It may have been hiding under the shelving. The dog was sniffing in the area. I am glad he did not get sprayed we would have been cleaning up for weeks.
There are foods that trigger migraines. In our house C is affected by peanuts, peppers, and peas. I hear red wine will do it too. Maybe you should keep a food journal and see if there is a pattern. Migraines are not in my make up so I can only go on heresay evidence.
I have been working on the wood an hour or so a day. My chainsaw had a loose piece on it so I took it to the shop this morning. The man fixed it in an hour so I could bring it home and finish the wood on the front lawn. I ran out of bar oil so I can not continue until I get more.
A Barred Owl' call is "Who cooks for you" right?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2016 : 9:25:54 PM
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Edited by - prariehawk on Nov 04 2016 6:22:47 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2016 : 06:54:10 AM
I really messed up. I got this survey from the program manager about my schedule so I put in the hours I worked and sent it off. I was a little concerned that I could eventually have 16 kids in my caseload when I was only expecting 10. I communicated this to that person along with saying I was stressed from the first day and I knew it would get better.
This all blew up in my bosses face and she feels uncomfortable around me. I was going to talk to her about it yesterday but she wasn't in the office. Now I believe I cannot trust the program manager and I am afraid that my position is in jeopardy. I want to cry but I am at work now. I tried to call off the conversation but maybe that will make it even worse. I don't know what to do now. I can see it all spiraling out of control.
Wisdom please.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Sep 30 2016 06:54:57 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2016 : 4:53:50 PM
Good evening everyone,
Marie I guess the best thing you can do first is breathe. Probably everyone was feeling nervous and overwhelmed. Someone asked, you responded.....if someone's feelings were hurt maybe that person should not be the boss. You are a good teacher. The boss needs to stop feeling incompetent and accept that you were asked and not expected to lie.
That was a cute joke about the mice and cats.
I made two Challah breads today. One with raisins and one without. We will celebrate Rosh Hashana tomorrow. We will have the family and 14 guests.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2016 : 8:18:49 PM
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Edited by - prariehawk on Nov 04 2016 6:23:59 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 05 2016 : 08:11:57 AM
Getting ready to batten down the hatches for Matthew to hit. We are supposed to get real high winds here in the central part of Florida. We have never been through a hurricane yet, so we do not know what to expect. We are well stocked up with water, gas filled in the car, and food in the cupboards. We will not be evacuating unless it comes closer to shore. I have jury duty Monday, am really hoping they cancel it. I know how to get here now, over 30 miles from here, so have to leave in the dark to get there by 8. I just started to drive around here, not as bad as I thought it would be. It is busy here and with all the snowbirds that drive differently, it is a challenge. It has been quiet on here lately. Hope everyone is okay and just busy. I am still doing pool aerobics daily, there are a few of us now working out together. Well, time to start preparing for the big storm. Have a great day. It is starting to cool down here a bit, in the low 80s now, more tolerable. I will keep you informed about the weather, if we do not lose power.
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |