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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 17 2016 :  10:19:43 AM  Show Profile
Ann -- Dude and his youngest sister are co-executors of his brother's estate. Brother passed last August and left a very detailed will, but a group of 11 co-inheritors for part of the estate after the widow passes. The first 3 months seemed to be the worst. So much to do to reach that first 90-day deadline to avoid penalties to the estate. It helped some that Dude had been co-executor when his folks passed, too, so he knew where to begin. We didn't have the added pressure of "hopeful" inheritors standing at the elbow, though. Hang in there! Not a fun job, for sure, but it certainly has made us get our affairs in order against that day.

I got my Lesson 11 of 12 done this morning. Mechanic and I have had our lunch and now I'm ready to start Lesson 1 of 12 of the other class. Dude called from the auction and said the car he's there to bid on won't go through the line until 2:30, so I don't think I will see him back here -- he will probably just go on home when he's done. The Amish are there finishing up the trim work and installing the new staircase, so I know he's anxious to get home and see how it looks. They think that tomorrow will be the last of their finish work at the house -- we'll see. Our painter is ready to come in on Monday and start his work. Getting very exciting now that we're nearing the finishing line.

So it's back to school I go.....

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 17 2016 :  6:31:21 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Ann tell your siblings you can take as long as you want to settle her estate. Someone you know on line's sister took ten years to settle their parents estate and the siblings received basically nothing from the estate. The sister took it all as her payment for being the executor. That would be Mar's sister. So, they should be happy that you are the compassionate fair individual that you are and suck it up and wait patiently. I thought your vent was very mild. I think hiding with a good book is your earned privilege and one day or more isn't going to make one jot of difference and if that will lower your stress level then go and do it. You are more important than their inheritance. There must be a cabin on that vast property that you all work that has no internet service or telephone service that you could escape to for a few days.

When we took care of our neighbor who eventually succumbed to complications from dementia I had five stories that I used over and over to get her out of a funk. They were from her younger years and she always laughed when she heard them. That may be what you need to do with your mom. She will find comfort in the familiar and you will know that you did the right thing.
Good luck with your homework.

C asked if you were making fun of her with using Barry Manilow as auditory torture.. I said, of course and we both laughed. C says, Watching Scotty Grow was by Bobby Sherman. She has a mind for trivia like that.

I was in our kitchen today and heard a bird whistling. I looked out the window and went to the next room to look out that window to try to figure out what bird it might be. then it dawned on me that the bird was in the vent pipe for the kitchen and bathroom fans. So, I turned on the kitchen fan hoping to blow it out the end. I thought it had worked but then I heard it again. I finished lunch, got the foot of a pair of pantyhose and put the tall ladder against the side of the house. I had to get a flashlight to see into the pipe to see if the bird was in there. It wasn't. I put the panty hose over the end of the pipe and that was the end of the adventure. I am glad to not have baby birds living in the vent pipe.

this morning was lovely. sunny and warm. This afternoon was blustery.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 18 2016 :  06:16:49 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- Thanks for the tip about the happy stories. I have been reading a lot of little things about how to make life with someone with dementia easier for everyone. One thing that has really helped me the one about redirecting them. When my mother gets off on some topic that is going nowhere or seems to be getting her agitated, I have found that talking about her one little great-granddaughter who has Down Syndrome is a sure-fire way to redirect her to a happier place!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 18 2016 :  1:15:18 PM  Show Profile
So.......just submitted my final exam for the Intro class --- got 100% --- certificate of completion printed and in the course binder --- now on to the Intermediate course.

Now I can relax a little bit this evening. Only five more weeks of the Intermediate class and then I think I will do some basic accounting classes, just to sharpen my skills some more. (And they can really USE a good sharpening!) Tomorrow we are taking off work to go see the Blue Man Group over in Wilmington. Dude has never seen them, so he's in for a real treat. The Amish have been working at the house yesterday and today. Yesterday they got the new stairs in. Today they were putting in the new "tree" post that supports the beam over the stairway. I sneaked a look at them with the remote security camera and it looks wonderful. They also did a lot of finish work yesterday -- baseboards, window frames, hanging new doors downstairs, stuff like that. The painter will come in next week and when he's done we will actually be able to begin to use the rooms. It has been such a far-off dreamy dream that I almost can't believe it!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 18 2016 :  5:06:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A young man on the other side of town was a Blue Man for a while in Japan. That was a while ago. He must be in his early thirties by now. His dad said, he had a great time performing.

Marilyn you are too funny spying on your builders through the security cam. It must be so decadent feeling to have someone else do the work you know you can do. I always go back and forth with my self on whether to hire out something that I know I can do myself. I am finally starting to be able to do that without feeling guilty. make any sense?

I made bread and rolls this morning. I also made a cake because we thought we were celebrating dsG's birthday until he decided to do it tomorrow night. I also made whoopie pies that are called devil dogs in the recipe book I used. yes, I did spend a lot of time in the kitchen today. I do not usually do this much in one day. I believe I put in all of the ingredients in all of the recipes but probably not in the exact amounts that were called for. I usually shirk on the sugar.

It was blustery all day long. Temperatures in the low thirties.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 18 2016 7:06:56 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 18 2016 :  7:12:32 PM  Show Profile

some of today's baking

dsR starting to look like a pumpkin. two teeth in less than a week

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2016 :  07:52:40 AM  Show Profile
We had rain this week which made everything nice and green. Buds came out and the birds were all so happy. This morning we had less than an inch of snow covering the ground. The dogs were romping around in it and sticking their noses in it. The roads are very slippery.

I will be going to a knitting group today. I need a push to get a project started. It is held at a bakery/coffee house which has the most incredible éclairs.

Lowell wants to laundry done today (I don't know why he can't do it himself.) and I have a pile of dishes to do.

It is my birthday on Tuesday. My mom has sent me some birthday money. I guess I'll have to go to the bank today also.

Time to get going.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2016 :  09:03:40 AM  Show Profile
Has anyone ever had a dream about the future that came to pass? I had a dream quite a while back and I am worried it will come to pass and if it does....well, let's just say it was more of a nightmare than a dream. Except that I don't have nightmares. Never have. I have had some very bizarre and scary dream "fragments" when I was heavily medicated, but that's as close to having a nightmare as I've ever come. Anyway, I've been seeking God's take on all this as I know "whatever will be, will be." I've told a few trusted people about the dream but there are others I would like to tell....only they will not listen. I want to warn them in case it does come to pass. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff holding a sign to warn people there's danger ahead and they just keep walking past me and falling off the cliff. I guess that's how Holden Caulfield felt in "The Catcher in the Rye". He wanted to keep the little children from falling off the edge. It was a metaphor for his wanting to preserve their innocence. In my case, I want to prevent the people's acquiescence to evil. It may have been "just a dream" and I'm worried over nothing. Or maybe not. I just don't know.
Ann--I wish you some peace of mind as you're dealing with everything. Please take time to breathe.
Holly---the bread looks delicious. I'm not a fan of Whoopie Pies even though they look good, too. I didn't remember who sang "Watching Scotty Grow".
Marilyn--you spy, you,LOL. I bet the house will look incredible when they're done.
Marie--we MIGHT have a bit of snow tomorrow. Even though all the cherry trees are blooming. I went to a coffee house nearby yesterday that I've heard about but had never been to. I had a sub rosa (tea) as I'm not all that fond of coffee. I also has a cookie and there were some fantastic looking tarts there as well. It tasted delicious and the coffee shop has an unusual vibe. It's in an old school that is rumored to be haunted. There were mostly college aged kids there.
I will run out of sick time on my next paycheck and will have to use short term disability, which means I'll only receive half my normal pay. I called the place that takes a significant deduction from my pay each month and explained the situation to them. They are going to put my deductions on hold till I am on better financial footing. That will help a great deal. I bought a clasp for the tassel necklace I made and I wore it yesterday--I believe it turned out pretty well. I bought some earring hoops as well and plan to make some tassel earrings that I can sell.
It's cold here, I know cause the furnace is running. Tomorrow is the first day of spring/last day of winter.
Welcome, Spring.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 19 2016 :  12:45:48 PM  Show Profile
Dreams are very interesting. They are releases or indications of our waking time anxieties. They help us process information and feelings. They help us solve problems or warn us of problems to come. People do not listen to another's dreams because they believe them boring or insignificant. I have always found them fascinating and have made it a little hobby to interpret other's dreams if they want me to. I have cinematic dreams. They look like movies or TV shows and are very interesting stories. I may or may not be in them.

I have had two dreams that have come true. Once I dreamed that my college boyfriend had left me. I was talking to him and said, "I have been faithful all summer. Have you?" He just turned away. After I had that dream, he stopped writing to me. When I went to register for college, he dumped me at the corner of Hennepin Avenue and 4th Street as we were waiting for the bus to the college.

In the other dream, there was a heat wave so bad that people were dying. I had a heart condition so I was keeping quite still lying on a cot in my grandmother's kitchen, which in reality wasn't the coolest place to be but it worked for this. I was certain that I would die. On TV there were discussions about the situation and people would just flame up and disappear when they died. This heat wave happened a decade ago and many people died especially in France and England.

Prophets are rarely listened to and prophecies are rarely understood in time. At least you have been warned.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2016 :  10:46:43 PM  Show Profile
Marie--thank you for your support. I too have cinematic dreams. I once had a dream with a "title" across the "Screen" as it started, and there was music playing. I have also had dreams in which the characters were animated. I like the music I hear in my dreams but I always forget it upon awakening. I worry a lot about things that never happen, so maybe this is one of them. I think it's part of the gift--and the curse--of being a writer.
I was walking UP the stairs earlier and tripped and caught myself with my sore arm. Nothing was damaged but it hurt. Now, not so much. I bought some beads and things at Michael's and I'm going to make jewelry that maybe I can sell at the farmer's market if it's good. I was having issues with my internet earlier--weird. Both my Nook and computer were acting strange. Parts of my computer screen were faded and other parts were normal. I tried to post twice and it didn't work. Third time's the charm.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 20 2016 :  4:52:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

When I was a lot younger I had dreams that came true. I did not know I had them until the event was happening and then it was like deja vu and I knew I had dreamed it. Then I dreamed my grandmother's death. I did not want my grandmother to die so I blocked the dreams. I have only started to recognize that I am dreaming recently. I think I must have been dreaming between the death dream and now but have no recollection. Now, I sometimes wake myself with a dream that is so loud. I do dream in color and know that events or books I have read before bed influence the dream. I am not able to influence the dream while I am asleep. The neighbor girl who is ten says she controls her dreams. We were talking about her reading Michael Critchton. I said I did nor read books like that because I dreamed in color. So, she said that was not an issue for her.

I went to an Equinox celebration today. First Clumpy told the story and then the children looked for the eggs. Last year there was four feet of snow on the ground this year the ground was bare. Quite a difference in the environment for the egg hunt. Then there was an egg toss. One girl who is in third grade told her friend she had the best time doing the toss. I said to the man standing next to me, Yes! non electronic memories for her. People brought food and had a good time talking and playing.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 21 2016 :  4:22:14 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

A lovely cold day here. We did not get any of the forcasted snowfall.

I had run out of flour and C was to order me some from King Arthur flour. She was waiting for one of their sales or when they have free shipping. On March 14 which was PI day the shipping was $3.14. Knowing that was a deal she ordered 600 pounds. The nice woman called last week so we could work out a way to deliver the flour. Usually the bags are 25 pound or 50 pound bags these were 10 pound bags. So, the very nice del
ivery man met me at the town hall this afternoon and we transferred the flour from his truck to mine. The ten pound sacks were in bundles of 4. That made it a lot easier. I was feeing like it was going to be a very tedious job moving 600 pounds of flour in ten pound bags. We are in mud season which means the top eight inches or dirt on the roads are very soft and we have many ruts. Large trucks are prohibited from traveling the dirt roads until they dry and the road commissioner takes down the signs. That is why I met him at the Town Hall.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Mar 21 2016 :  7:54:10 PM  Show Profile
Holly--that reminds me of a joke: a husband and wife are attending a marriage retreat. For one of the activities, the director asks the husbands to whisper to their wives the name of their favorite flower. The man leans close and whispers:"Gold Medal All-Purpose, right?"
It is not too muddy here at this point. It may be come April.
The sewer on my street is causing problems. It backs up when I do the wash or let the water out after taking a bath. So I've been taking showers at my parents' place. A guy came today to look at the sewer and gave me an estimate---good lord, for what he was asking I could fly to California. So I called someone else this evening who has done it before and left a message. His rates are much more reasonable. My neighbor across the street has had her garbage disposal back up several times.
I got a new battery for my computer and it was only $30.00. On the Toshiba website they wanted one hundred dollars. I just read that 62 people own half of the world's wealth. Doesn't anyone know the meaning of ENOUGH anymore?
I woke up this morning with the beginning of a song in my head so I recorded it before I forgot it. I've been working on it throughout the day. It's about a girl who dreams of flying away and how it rains whenever she cries. I've always thought I could be a screenwriter if I could remember the best dreams I've had--they would make great movies. The tune I heard this morning is just a little ditty but I've had dreams with rock songs--the one I remember went: We arrived during the Pleistocene/ In the year of the wolverine/Before there was gasoline/Didn't drive no limousine/We're the prehistoric astronauts....that's all I remember. Must have come from watching "Chariots of the Gods" when I was young and impressionable. My friend K told me the Passion was on TV last night. I turned it on and it was right at the part where Judas betrays Jesus--I couldn't handle it so I turned it off.
Where is Marilyn, Bunny, Marie, Mel, Ann? And Ginny...

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 22 2016 :  06:24:11 AM  Show Profile
Wow! Seems like I miss so much when I am away from the Sisterhood for a few days. I am grateful for our paved roads, though! Holly -- your lifestyle sounds so romantic! But I bet the hard work doesn't always feel like it. One of my favorite books (I read it a couple of times a year, usually) is The Egg and I by Betty MacDonald. A young woman marries an insurance man and on their honeymoon he tells her that they will be moving to a chicken ranch way way out on the tip of the wilds. It takes place in the late 20s or very early 30s in Western Washington on the Olympic peninsula -- out home, to me. She based the book on her real experiences and it is just wonderful reading. One of the points she makes is how their visitors from Seattle would come and revel in the clean air, and the wood stove, and the fresh eggs, and washing at a basin -- all the down-home, country pleasures they missed in the city. She said they didn't generally notice that she and her husband were up at 4:00 to pump the water, split the wood, gather the eggs, etc., etc., etc., and that they stayed up until midnight, long after their guests were enjoying their blissful slumber, to bury the garbage, fill out the egg book, clean the clams, etc., etc., etc. I think I will just enjoy your lifestyle from here and ADMIRE you for it!!!!!

We went into Wilmington on Saturday. Had a nice lunch at the Hotel duPont and saw The Blue Man Group in their theater. The hotel is over 100 years old and very ornate and beautiful. The show was terrific. Dude had never seen them -- he talked about it all weekend. Since it was the matinee, we were home in time to get some work done in the yard, although it has still been quite cold. Hopefully it will be warming up tomorrow. Yesterday I stopped at my favorite Amish greenhouse and they had saved me some primroses! I got 18 nice big colorful ones. I will be planting them along one of the paths up on our hill -- so I can call it the Primrose Path, of course.

I bet there's lots in my to-do drawer. I had better get to it!

Happy Tuesday.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 22 2016 :  08:48:27 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone. Just stoping in to say high before getting ready for work.
Not much going on. Just work and sewing when I can. I have decided to start sewing a simple little girls dress for a new etsy store. I'll post one when I remember next time. I ordered some body forms so I could have something that almost resembles the right size. Display is everything.

Holly, good grief, that is a lot of flour! Hopefully that will take care of you for a while.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 22 2016 :  08:49:54 AM  Show Profile
Spell checker had fun with my post again. Sorry. Stopping and hi were changed for entertainment purposes.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 22 2016 :  09:03:22 AM  Show Profile
Heaven help me! Dude has decided that he wants to go through the books right now at lunchtime. He ignores the books for 12 or 14 months and then it's an emergency and he wants every line in the software explained to him. Sigh. Is there wine? Wine with lunch, please. Lots and lots of wine.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 22 2016 :  09:35:41 AM  Show Profile
Wow, time goes by so quickly when you're having fun! Or when there's so much to do and not enough hours in the day to do it.

Wading through estate matters. Have piles of documents lined out on the table, waiting to be mailed. Just spent an hour on the phone dealing with Tax issues. So MUCH paperwork for so LITTLE. As long as the "mail pile" continues to grow while the To Do list shrinks. I think I'm getting somewhere.

Cattle arriving and calving will commence April 20, though we know from experience that the just-arrived cattle will have iffy bred dates. We have no say over what comes here or goes; we just have to put out hay and smile (while gritting our teeth). I think our totals are 3200 cows right now, with over 1000 being heifers, first time calvers.

And of course, it's snowing, with snow forecast until the weekend.

Tonight, is the Pro-Chuckwagon Tarp Auction. If not familiar with chuckwagon racing or rodeo, it's the sponsors bidding for the chuckwagon drivers to "wear" their "tarps" on their chuckwagons. We'll try to go, if we can get all our needful work done in time. It's definitely an "event" in our world. (Just double-checked... the actual auction isn't being held here, it's just a remote venue, viewed live. Well, rats. We can just watch it online and save the trip in to town.)

I finished a couple of table runners to send as thank-you gifts to my sister-in-law and niece-in-law in California. We stayed at the sil's in February... and the nil, well, that's a whole drama story in itself.... One of the things she did was make lovely meals for my father-in-law and the xh, (they lived together) and my xh would "doctor" the food Ashley brought so his dad would hate Ashley's cooking and think she was a terrible cook. Xh was adamant that he could do it himself, as he declared himself a 'chef.' Well, no. Cooking at a chicken place doesn't make you a chef. But anyway, the poor girl endured all kinds of nastiness from him before he died, as did the rest of the family.

Now quilting a baby quilt for my niece. She is due in three weeks with her third boy.

I feel like the year so far has raced away... I've been home so little in 2016, and then just to prepare for another trip. I finally have the house kind of caught up, housekeeping-wise, and even did some baking yesterday. Just banana bread and "rieska," but it felt so good to be doing something domestic... while the snow was falling...


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Mar 22 2016 09:39:46 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 22 2016 :  6:37:21 PM  Show Profile
Good evening every one,

Bunny I recognized you spell checker was in action and chuckled quietly. How will you manage two websites on Etsy. Thinking of trying to maintain one spins my head. Diversification is the way to keep the farm afloat. I guess the same for an Entrepreneur. How are your sons?

Ann I hope the new cows calve where and when they can keep their babies warm and fed. Our cow and yes we have only one milker has calved in the deep snow but we brought them in at night. You are in a whole different league.
You are very kind to remember everyone who was kind to you on your trip to California. I am sorry the niece was abused by the Xh. Glad you have breather now and can be at home. What is rieska?

Marilyn you are so lucky to have flowers already even if you didn't start them. How nice the Amish flower store people remembered you. I think you could share some pictures. Glad the Dude had a good time at the show. You widen his horizons.

We hung out at home. DsC did his school work and I did the dishes and laundry. The UFO of the rug hooking is going to remain a UFO for another year. I have lost interest and it is not moving quickly enough to grab it again. So, i have started crocheting a blanket because it is a good mindless waiting project and I am into waiting around these days.

Temperatures were as high as in the forties today. The wind blew briskly most of the day.. The sun was out so it was nice to look out the window. I have planted leeks and bunching onions is boxes on the window sills and they are up. I need to get more potting soil soon. Some people have had to take in their bird feeders because the bear are starting to awaken from hibernation and are very hungry. We have not had any bear problems at our feeders. A freind told me that a bear will climb a wall to get on a porch. I hope that does not happen to us.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 23 2016 :  12:49:09 PM  Show Profile
We were posting about dreams the other day -- how some folks have cinematic dreams and some have predictive dreams -- I tend to have recurrent dreams that help me solve problems. Well, this morning I had a somewhat troubling dream, but I think it was reminding me to be sympathetic of my mother's memory issues.

I had been visiting some people on the east coast (which is odd, since I live in Eastern PA) and had just flown to my home on the west coast. Oddly, though, I had absolutely NO memory of having made that trip. In my dream I was so upset and wigged out because I knew I had been back east, and now I was out west, but I had just no memory at all of the trip. It was very frustrating. I kept trying and trying to trigger my memory -- looking at ticket stubs, trying to remember driving to the airport, or getting on the plane, or getting off the plane...At first I thought people were trying to confuse me and trick me, because I couldn't remember anything about being on a plane or anything. And then when I saw the proof that I had made the flight, I was very scared because I could see that I had lost a big chunk of memory. It was dreadful!!! In the dream I didn't know what had caused me to have the blank pages in my memory -- had I been on some kind of weird drugs, or alcohol, or what???

When I woke up, it took me a while to feel better about the dream. Before I got completely awake, I was afraid that I really had lost my memory and that it had all somehow been true. After I got completely awake, of course, I realized it had been a dream, but it left me feeling kind of "off" all morning. I finally decided that I should try to figure out what I was supposed to be learning from the experience in the dream. My mother's memory has been failing more and more recently. It can be very difficult to talk to her, and I have been trying to keep in mind that she must be very confused and frustrated. I kept thinking how scary the feeling of not remembering things must be for her, and I think this dream gave me a little taste of that. Not sure if it will help me communicate better with her, as our relationship has a history of troubles that long predates her dementia, but maybe I can be a little more empathetic, since I can think of how utterly scared I was during my dream.

At any rate, thanks for letting me put this out there. Sometimes I can think things out better by writing them down than by just mulling on them.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 23 2016 :  4:29:18 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Dreams can be scary and then so full of symbols. I have seen books on dreams that are supposed to help a person interpret what they remember. I have a friend who wakes up to write down her dreams every day. They can be so elusive as well.

I figured out yesterday that Indiana is East of Missouri. All these years I have thought it was on the west side and then I had to rearrange St Louis on the map to make it plausible that people could be an hour from it. Now I recognize taht my geographic intelligence has been severely lacking. oh well. live and learn

It snowed today. most of the morning but the flakes were so small and so small there was no accumulation. should have rained.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 23 2016 :  9:03:35 PM  Show Profile
Here's how to remember Illinois is next to Missouri: Missouri is in Misery, and Illinois is Ill. I used to get Ohio and Iowa mixed up.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 24 2016 :  06:20:44 AM  Show Profile
When I first moved to Indiana from Washington State, lots of my school friends asked which one was farther north - Washington or Oregon. I don't think it matters how many times we build that USA jigsaw puzzle when we're kids -- it's hard to remember where all the states are. Especially if you've not lived in that part of the country. I still get mixed up on the Northeast -- I have got to get up there someday.

How stupid is a 60-year-old woman who goes out for her morning walk wearing BRAND-NEW shoes????? Pretty stupid, I'd say. I actually stopped at the drug store uptown and bought some Band-Aids -- sat right down in the chair by the pharmacy and put them on. It helped a little, but I still cut my walk short and came back to the shop. I guess I had better wear them around the house for a bit and see if I can ease the heels. Ouch.

We stopped at the other Amish greenhouse on the way home last night. Arrrrgh! The primroses were less than at the place I got mine. We bought a flat of violas and got them added to the pathway. It is looking very pretty. I am going to wait until next year to add more primroses -- I want to see how they come back next spring. I had very good luck with violas out west, but not sure how they will do here. Ahhhhh -- gardening --- it's always so full of surprises!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 24 2016 :  3:42:29 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Vermont has the wide base and New Hampshire is upside down. New York is not part of New England.

I bet you looked good in those new shoes. hahaha used to be that looking good was everything. Now as we age comfort is everything.

We woke up to the ground covered in snow. maybe an inch. It has stayed all day. There are weather advisories for the night until tomorrow morning for icey rain.

I went to the periodontist today. A routine cleaning. The hygienist says my teeth will not fall out if I keep them clean. I can only hope.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

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Posted - Mar 24 2016 :  7:47:10 PM  Show Profile
Accomplished plenty today, including a rough draft of mom's 2015 tax return. Got some other papers of hers mailed away.

Went into town ... alone! For the first time in many months, what with weather and just not being home. Just got groceries, went to the mail and the govt office, but I was out and about!

We're planning on having some of the neighbours over for Easter dinner... I've got a huge turkey in the freezer. I'll make all the trimmings plus lemon meringue pie and flapper pie for dessert. It feels amazing to be doing something "normal."

I worked yesterday, pulling twines from 400+ round bales for bale grazing. It's been snowing for a couple of days, but it's warm, so it's not terrible to be outside. Sun was shining tonight.

Rieska is a Scandinavian rye flatbread.


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