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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 2:04:50 PM
Hi everyone. I did a little Christmas shopping and just got back. I followed all the suggestions and took the OTC meds
That is almost the bean recipe I used to make. I fried the bacon, then fried onions in the bacon grease, then put canned beans in with brown sugar, mustard and catsup and then crumbled the bacon on top and baked for a while. It was good. Gosh I miss bacon.
One more day. I have to make some wrapping paper and wrap 6 gifts. That's it. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:52:15 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 2:58:24 PM
I have days when I feel [bleep]y, too, more often since I had a hysterectomy in 2014. I like to think I didn't have PMS too badly before that, but some days, now, I just wanna kick a tree. For no reason.
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 3:37:35 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:52:58 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 3:40:27 PM
The traffic today was suicidal. If that's even a word. Autocorrect has no replacement for it anyway. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 4:17:51 PM
G, the orange stuff is only for pain. It doesn't affect the uti as far as making it go away. If you go to the dr, they won't be able to culture it through the orange dye either. Just keep drinking the cranberry juice and apple cider. If it doesn't go away by tomorrow...go see a dr. It can head up to your kidneys and that is a whole nother deal. And drink, drink drink!!!
Had the worse Fibro day I have had in a long time yesterday. I sewed for a while then was in so much pain, I had to stop and go to bed. I'm better today and was able to go to work thankfully. I just can't figure out what triggers it. Maybe the weather. Anyway, I made three of those microwave bowl pot holders. The first one took forever because I did too much quilting on it. The next two I made out of some fabric I had quilted a long time ago for another project. You have to use cotton batting not polyester. So only had one choice. Everything else had been quilted with the poly batting. I would have made a bunch more. Better post this. iPad is being strange.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 4:56:40 PM
Bunny, I would like to stick nose where it doesn't belong and urge you to stop trying to figure out what causes to you have "bad" days. There are going to be times when you are quite certain what you did or overdid that you end up paying for the next day, but then there are days, like today, that leave you stumped. I found when I tried to solve the mystery of why I hurt SO bad today....what did I do...what should I have done... All those questions seemed to put the responsibility on my shoulders. Like the pain was something I deserved. By not "going there" any more, I don't feel guilty that I am being punished for some deed. WHen dh asks, "Why do you think you are hurting so badly today?" He knows I am most likely going to say, "I'll go crazy if I try to figure out why!"
As a kid I had a kidney infection. I remember describing that some one was sticking needles in my back. It sure hurt. Remedy was quick, if I remember correctly.
Hope you are on the mend,G. I guess NOT drinking was NOT the thing to do...or not do?
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 5:34:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
I sure am glad you are all chatty today. I can use you being chatty.
G thank you for the nice holiday/birthday card and the kind sentiments in it. It made my day. I have it here by my bed to read again.....and again.
I was talking to a friend about menopause and what we are supposed to learn from that life passage. she said we are to learn how to be compassionate to ourselves. I think that is a good lesson. I am trying.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 5:36:34 PM
Oh, bunny, I just finally read the orange stuff label and you are right. Then I don't want to take that because the pain is what lets me know it still isn't fixed.
We must all do that same thing--"what did I do or not do to cause this to happen". With me, it's sleep--what did I eat that made me wake up 5 times, etc. thinking if I could just crack the are right, Mar. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 6:26:57 PM
Mar, I know you are right. I guess it is partly fear. I was doing so well that the only thing that really got me was being tired from the overdoing it. The pain was not that bad. A few aleve and I could deal. It is having an illness that can't be tested for or measured in any way. So there is an element of guilt and embarrassment. I live with two drama queens and my mom is a hypochondriac. So even saying I feel bad starts a whole ..."well let me tell you about how bad I feel.". So I hate it when I get those really bad days when nothing works.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 6:46:05 PM
Even though I'm "educated" on the subject of depression, I still wonder what I did , or didn't do, to deserve it. I feel guilty about choices I made when I was ten years old and didn't know much about life. I feel guilty if I need to take a day or two off cause I just can't seem to function. I tell myself if I was only stronger, or smarter, or more cautious, my life would be fine. But of course, nobody's life is fine all the time. Except on TV shows. All their problems get solved in half an hour. I kick myself for not having more energy, for developing asthmas five years ago after a bout with pneumonia. when I asked the doctor what caused the pneumonia, he didn't know. And I guess that's the most honest answer. We just don't know why we have s***** days. It happens. Just like Forrest Gump said. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 7:05:00 PM
And then, on the other hand, for years and years I wondered why I got sick every time I ate out...was it the oil they used, was it msg, was it preservatives, .... Turned out it was the bread. This one particular restaurant which was a very nice place but every single time I ate there, within 20 minutes of leaving I was in panic mode to find a toilet. They had the best bread we always ate lots of it. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2015 : 9:18:50 PM
Holly I'm glad you got the card. It's amazing that I managed to find your address but I did. We will go to the country house next week so I'll get your card then. The way people are pouring into Texas, I think I'll easily find a buyer in the spring. It's going to be worse than going through a divorce to give up my dream home. But the dream is long gone and it's time to move on. Anyway, a big house on a hill with 31 beautiful acres ought to bring enough to take me on a few dream trips so I will end up with better memories.
I think I'm feeling better. Once I'm on the other side of this thing, there is going to be something sweet like apple juice mixed with the rest of that straight up cranberry juice. That stuff is wicked.
Bunny, lock yourself in your room with the kitties and something good to eat and Netflix and just ignore those dreadful relatives you are stuck with. Mar, since when did we ask permission to butt in to each other's business. You trying to start a new trend?
Cindy, I've had a dose of depression lately too. Not chronic, but it's still no fun, is it?
Good night all.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 07:00:20 AM
We have fog and a heavy mist, but I got my walk in anyway. I am having my traditional pre-Christmas anxiety attacks, so it's fun-time now! The walking helps, and knowing what is going on is helpful, too. Being at home with some hot chocolate and a big shaker of Xanax would be even better! ha ha ha
Dude is out at his computer having a fuss-fest because he waited until TODAY to order gift cards from Amazon for all his grandkids. I found all the information from last year and gave it to him last week so he could order them, but because Amazon said they do "one day shipping," he put it off until today. Hmmmm MALE, anyone??? I am just staying out of the way.
A friend of ours came by a bit ago and dropped off a box of donuts. He is the gentleman who runs the Senior Center. I probably mentioned last week about the lady who keeled over and was revived by the staff over there, he says she is doing very well -- in the hospital and having an implantable defibrillator put in. This man's wife has Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia, or what they used to call Pick's Disease. She was diagnosed 5 years ago in October, and 5 years is the life-expectancy for folks who have it. He still has her at home and takes all the care of her, but he is getting worn out, we can see. He takes her to an adult daycare for dementia patients 3 days a week, but most of the time he has her with him. He is able to take her to the Senior Center with him some days, but the more the disease progresses, the more anxious she becomes and the higher the doses of the drugs have to go, and some days it is too much for him. When I first met her, which was almost 5 years ago, she could still speak, but now she cannot speak, cannot hear, cannot read or write. Even after she lost her speech, she could still do the Sudoku puzzles for the longest time! The neurologist was astonished. The brain is an enigma. He said that their daughter has mom today and is taking her for a mani-pedi. She always takes her mom to have her hair done and they make sure she is dressed nicely. Most people would never guess that she is so ill. Her husband deserves sainthood in my book.
Holly -- I see by my calendar that you have a birthday coming up, and I will be away from my desk then -- so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! (That was me singing to you.) I hope you will take at least a little time away from all your work to relax on your special day. Hard to do when you've got so many people who depend on you, I know.
Dude won a car at the bid sale yesterday (only one, after bidding on about 5, but that's how it goes), so he and Jose will drive up to get it later. Then he is going to go home to meet the delivery guys who are bringing our new flooring!!! Very red-letter day in the remodeling process! We shopped and compared and read up and got opinions and fretted and stewed, but now the big day is here and the flooring is coming. Dude plans to install as much of it as he can by himself and leave the fussy parts to our Amish contractor to finish. The floor is the last big hurdle before we can start actually using the downstairs. So excited!
Our mechanic called yesterday afternoon. A guy at his real job got injured and they asked him if he would pick up the extra hours, so we won't be seeing him until we come back to work on the 4th of January. It was very slow here anyway.
So I guess I am going to be here by myself most of today. It should be pretty quiet, because the weather is so bad and nobody is thinking about anything besides Christmas.
We have the ex's big Christmas party tonight. We already have our schedule -- arriving late and leaving early. There are enough people there who I know that it won't be too bad. Probably another reason for the anxiety today. As the years go by, I have met more and more of Dude's old friends, and they have become "our" friends, so it's easier for me. People seem to think that I am some sort of great big extrovert, but I am really very ill at ease at parties and would much rather be at home with my knitting and a good old Christmas movie on the DVD. Making small talk is still tough for me, though. I know it's hard to imagine that ANY kind of talk is hard for me! ha ha ha
I keep looking around to see where the after shave smell is coming from. Dude never wears it and I don't wear perfume...finally realized it's because our friend hugged me before he left. It's odd how much you smell that stuff when you aren't used to anyone wearing it.
Baby Brother is flying from Seattle to Minneapolis and down the Indianapolis today. I tracked his flight from Tokyo to Incheon to Seattle on Sunday, and that was fun, so he sent me his flight information for today, as well. This will feel like a quick little hop, I'm sure.
I have chattered enough. Happy Wednesday, Ladies. Merry Christmas
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 08:02:20 AM
The snow has pretty much completely disappeared. Like Marilyn, we have fog, mist and rain.
Because Lowell had that spill in his van, he can't drive it until it gets cleaned out and the fumes are gone. SSSSoooooooo, he is at home. I plan my day the night before. Today I wanted to get some end of the year financial stuff done and write Christmas cards >BUT< he once again pointed out our dining room table and all the stuff I have on it that he wants to be put away.

Come on! This isn't so bad. I use this stuff. Okay, not all of it buy Jeez! So this is the project for today. He also noticed all the stuff sitting on the floor around my desk and the pile of shipping boxes in the corner and the . . . You get the idea. I really dislike having him at home. I would have him do housework but, like most women, I believe he doesn't do it right and does not follow through. Can we say MALE here.
Anyway, I'm off the Dungeons & Dragons tonight. I'm not certain what happened last time because I had to go to a meeting. I'm pondering the possibility of my sorceress staying with the Countess because I have an ability she needs and I will be better taken care of there than with that dysfunctional adventuring party. My next character will be a real butt kicker.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 08:34:15 AM
G, I will be watching my annual Doctor Who day long marathon on Christmas Day. I might have to deal with actual present opening for a bit. But everyone sleeps until 11 am or later. But the rest of the day is mine and the kitties! Glad you are feeling better. The apple cider vinegar drink is good to do every once in a while.
Marilyn, I'll be thinking of you tonight at your party. I know you will sail through and do fine. Glad you will have some quiet time with the knitting needles.
It would be wonderful if we had a list of birthdays for everyone. I'm terrible at remembering. But if I have a list it really helps! If we can get a sound off from everyone, I would be happy to compile it and send a copy out for anyone that wants it. Btw, Holly, what day is your birthday? I am working on a project for you but it will take a while. Not that it is big. I just do it on days I don't want to sew dresses. It is my color therapy project. ;)
Marie, I'm afraid it does look like a good project for purging and organizing. Bummer Lowell is underfoot though.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 09:12:12 AM
Cold here, and everything is coated with frost, making a beautiful winter wonderland without the feet of snow we usually have.
I have done something to my back. At first, I thought it was a UTI. It was relieved overnight, and today I can barely walk, stand, or do anything. Not feeling very festive beyond lying on a heating pad and watching movies. Supper is made, so beyond a trip to town to order chains for a tractor, I think that is exactly what I'll do.
If this is a safe place to vent, may I share about my mother sometime?
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 09:56:31 AM
Yes Ann, you can share about your mother anytime. We all have. Nothing but support here. Sorry about your back--but I'm glad it didn't happen on your trip. May be your body telling you it needs a rest. I made the (hopefully) last mad dash to the grocery store. What a nightmare. My daughter is making prime rib so we won't do the baked beans with that. But probably New Years. I am going to do the broccoli salad with bacon(turkey) raisins and sunflower seeds. I can't remember the recipe for the dressing so I'll have to text her for that. We will have my organic broccoli from the garden.
My gift from my son was a kitchenaid spiralizer that attaches to my mixer and turns veggies into spirals to substitute for pasta. Can't wait to use that.
BTW, I'm feeling so much better today. Having a hot tea of apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice with a little raw honey. It's not good but it's at least tolerable.
(10).jpg?v 10962604) |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 10 2016 5:56:54 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 10:29:13 AM
Marilyn I hear you about the parties. I'm exactly the same way. Maybe there will be enough people there that you can avoid the ex altogether, other than hello and bye bye. . I would personally have a conflict that night and simply not be able to attend. But that's just me. We will need all the details, ya know. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 10:51:15 AM
Well last year, at the end of the evening...I went into the kitchen to tell her thank you for the nice party and she introduced me to several of her friends as "Marilyn, the woman who lives with my husband." So --- yeah. It's got to be better than that. ha ha ha I have already decided to just not interact with her unless I have to and let Dude do the host and hostess "thank you."
I am here by myself -- don't think Dude will be back today. I am enjoying a delicious Weight Watcher's ravioli lunch. It's quick, anyway. Not much going on here. I had a young client scheduled in for a "Come to Jesus" meeting and he just left. He kept sending his young wife in to beg for more time, etc., and last time I told her to tell him that HE needed to grow a pair and come in here and talk to me himself and stop making her do his dirty work. She was so thrilled! They are nice kids, but very young with two little ones, and they did the normal "move out on our own" thing and got behind in their payments. I don't mind putting on my Mom hat and explaining some things to the young customers when the need arises. They will listen to me talk to them about budgets before they will listen to their folks sometimes. So I think we have a plan and hopefully it will work for them.
Just threw out the rest of the WW lunch -- it was gritty. Even the tiniest hint of grit in my mouth and I am DONE.
G -- Your cauliflower and broccoli are beautiful! I love that salad, too. We are having Dude's kids tomorrow night -- he wanted to make a new tradition and loves to grill, so we are doing lobster tails and corn on the grill, summer slaw and Caprese salad. Then my kids will come over for brunch on Christmas Day -- one of those breakfast casseroles -- hash browns, bacon, onion, peppers with lots of egg poured over the whole thing and cheese. You make it the night before and bake it in the morning. Christmas Day is champagne for us and I got some sparkling cider for the grandsons. Of course there will be goodies.
I really would like to just go home now. I am not expecting any more customers and the phone has rung 4 times total today.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 11:27:18 AM
Go home. I give you permission. As if you need anyone's permission! |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 11:36:16 AM
Thank you!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 2:10:53 PM
I worked on "the project" for an hour today. I did some purging and will need to do more. I told him it is a process and I promise to work on it one hour everyday for the rest of the year. I'll post pictures of my progress.
I no longer need to vent about my mom or dad. I understand them now and have realized some things. Lowell, however, is a large source of frustration. He has to go to St. Cloud tomorrow and be there by 9:30. It takes an hour to get there and he won't be home until after noon. He has to go there to get that chemical cleaned out of his van. He's not panicking about it as much today as he did yesterday.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 4:59:49 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today I was out in my t shirt it was so warm. We no longer have snow anywhere. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 60's F. The weather has been breaking recorded records for the last two weeks. It is very nice not to have to bundle up to do anything but a good deep snow would be so very nice.
Thank you Mar for the fun birthday card. My birthday is on the 27th. Remember the doctor wanted me born on Christmas and my mother said, I have two at home I need a day to clean up. So, 8 AM out I came. Cesarian babies are prettier. hahaha.
This week at the elementary school in the aftercare program they had Troy Wunderle come and do circus skills with the children. Both dsG and dsR had a fun time. Any way today was the day the parents and family could bre there to play and help. I was talking to Matt, a neighbor. He came away from the hoola hoops saying he did not have any good hip action. I looked at him and said, as a heterosexual male I would have thought that would be one of your best skills. That fair Irish complexion turned a lovely scarlet.
Bummer about Lowell's van. Maybe a big set of bungee cords to use as tie downs would be an appropriate New Year's gift. Sorry you have to put up with his advice on your organizational skills.
Could Ann's mother be worse than Gypsy's or Marilyn's? or Bunny's. Maybe we could give prizes to those who have survived despite having their mother.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 5:06:52 PM
G, I had that salad for the first time the other day at a pot luck...really liked it. Marilyn, love the new dinner menu!! I want to come to your house! I'm assuming you are partying it up by now. Sending calming thoughts your way.
Oh my cat just eyes are burning.
G, I'm so glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you have the recipe figured out. Lol. So put it on your list and drink it a couple times a month. It keeps everything in balance.
Looks like I have a small bookkeeping job. It is for a local senior housing association. It sounds pretty straight forward and I can do it at home.
Time for dinner...later!!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 23 2015 : 5:12:54 PM
, |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 10 2016 5:58:56 PM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |