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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  5:44:09 PM  Show Profile
Such pretty baby cauliflower and broccoli. How exciting!

We got more than an inch of rain today. Expecting another inch tonight. The wind has changed direction and is supposed to reach gusts of more than 40mph. Not good news.

It's so cool to find items like those discharge papers. Dh and I found immigration documents for an uncle of mine ( thru Boston) at my parents' house. It is just interesting to see them.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  5:47:21 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Nice looking vegetables, G. The cabbage moths usually get mine soon after they look as nice as yours. Did they grow quickly or am I mis remembering. Are you going to fold the leaves over the cauliflower to keep the heads white. I have read about that but never done it.

I bet the local historical society would like to see the discharge papers. WW2 right?

Still very overcast and raining. All day it looked like dusk. The cow did not care in the least.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  6:02:00 PM  Show Profile

I got Holly's card also. I always love her photos. William's parents gave me a gift - a box of Ferrero Rocher fine hazelnut chocolates. In the card they thanked me for all I do for William. He is really competitive and doesn't like to lose. He even competes in games where there is no winner. He is getting better at that and controlling his body. His little brother Daniel calls him Yaya and walks around the classroom like he owns it. He is two years old and is already attracting the attention of the girls. He is really cute.

Patricia Pendleton, the teacher I work with, gave me a $25 Amazon gift card and Grandma Raisa, an elderly lady who helps out, gave me a sweater she doesn't want anymore. I love getting her old clothes because she gets them from Croft & Barrow. Today in class Patricia had an old friend in to help the kids make decorated magnetic clothes pin clips embellished with paper, jewels and stickers. I made a couple myself.

Patricia also had them spread white frosting on graham crackers topped with sprinkles. We wore pajamas today and had a really good day.

Gypsy - nice looking broccoli and cauliflower. I'd love to be able to have this stuff garden fresh here. I believe I will start that thread in Gathered Up.

It is chilly here and we have gotten some rain - enough to freeze the top soil. I am quite concerned about the lack of snow cover this year. I have no bad weather to brag about to those of you in warmer places and to bond with Holly about. This is not good - this is not right.

Tomorrow is the last day of school before the holiday break. I found these really cute holiday painted pencils I will give to the kids for Christmas. They love colorful pencils.

I will be going to Fergus Falls on Sunday with Lowell and his daughter Hayley. For Christmas we will see either the new Star Wars movie or The Heart of the Sea then come back here to eat Lowell's stir fry and watch a Christmas movie on Netflix. This is a good plan because I don't have to cook.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  6:28:06 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by churunga


I got Holly's card also. I always love her photos. William's parents gave me a gift - a box of Ferrero Rocher fine hazelnut chocolates. In the card they thanked me for all I do for William. He is really competitive and doesn't like to lose. He even competes in games where there is no winner. He is getting better at that and controlling his body. His little brother Daniel calls him Yaya and walks around the classroom like he owns it. He is two years old and is already attracting the attention of the girls. He is really cute.

Patricia Pendleton, the teacher I work with, gave me a $25 Amazon gift card and Grandma Raisa, an elderly lady who helps out, gave me a sweater she doesn't want anymore. I love getting her old clothes because she gets them from Croft & Barrow. Today in class Patricia had an old friend in to help the kids make decorated magnetic clothes pin clips embellished with paper, jewels and stickers. I made a couple myself.

Patricia also had them spread white frosting on graham crackers topped with sprinkles. We wore pajamas today and had a really good day.

Gypsy - nice looking broccoli and cabbage. I'd love to be able to have this stuff garden fresh here. I believe I will start that thread in Gathered Up.

It is chilly here and we have gotten some rain - enough to freeze the top soil. I am quite concerned about the lack of snow cover this year. I have no bad weather to brag about to those of you in warmer places and to bond with Holly about. This is not good - this is not right.

Tomorrow is the last day of school before the holiday break. I found these really cute holiday painted pencils I will give to the kids for Christmas. They love colorful pencils.

I will be going to Fergus Falls on Sunday with Lowell and his daughter Hayley. For Christmas we will see either the new Star Wars movie or The Heart of the Sea then come back here to eat Lowell's stir fry and watch a Christmas movie on Netflix. This is a good plan because I don't have to cook.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  6:29:07 PM  Show Profile

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  9:33:30 PM  Show Profile
Someone gave me a dvd of "Bad Santa" the unrated version. so guess what I'll be watching this weekend?
G--I'm envious of your broccoli and cauliflower. They're too difficult for me to grow. I like easy things like beans, tomatoes, gets so hot and humid here in the summer that I can't get out and weed and my garden goes to pot. Not that kind of pot. But maybe I should hide a couple amongst the tomatoes.
Marilyn--I don't like carrying umbrellas either. Mainly because mine don't open fast enough when I get out of the car and I get soaked. I used to have a hooded rain coat in college. This was back in the 80's and everyone was wearing raincoats with whales on the inside. Mine was a preppy green color. Even though I hated being preppy.
Mar--there is a line from a Chrissie Hynde song about concealed carry:"I refuse to keep a gun in my purse, imagine if I was feeling perverse". I went after someone with a knife once so I will never get a gun. I might shoot a unicorn.
I went to my support group tonight and everyone brought food. We had our Christmas party at work today as well, now I will have to wait longer before I can fit into my Rock & Republic jeans. I got a scratchers ticket at work and won $2.00. It hasn't snowed here yet and the weather has been weird. It's been weird everywhere and that makes me nervous. But not so nervous that I can't be perverse.
I've hear "Bad Santa" is VERY funny.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  06:23:47 AM  Show Profile
We love broccoli and cauliflower around here -- my neighbor gardens in raised beds and usually puts some in after his summer stuff is done -- may have to give that a try next year. Honestly, it has been so warm here I am not sure the plants know quite what to do. We put in a bunch of new daffodils this fall and several of them are up about 6 inches. The weather forecast is for 70 degrees for Christmas. I saw on the news the other day that the cherry blossoms were blooming in D.C.

This morning's walk reminded me of why I love this little town. I was involved in a 3-way hug outside the bank on my second lap around that block. One of the tellers and a former teller were standing outside the door and swept me right into their Merry Christmas hug. I never pass my walk in the morning without seeing at least a couple of people I know. The young man who drives the pre-school bus is the son-in-law of a friend (the lady who runs the school) and he always waves and the little kids wave. It was pleasant and chilly out this morning, with no rain -- much more comfortable than yesterday!

I bought extra pastries at the coffee shop -- the guys always comment on how yummy the microwave smells when I heat up my scones at 10:00 for second breakfasts -- today they will have a treat.

So...had a high-level convo with the boss yesterday about taking some online courses in the coming year -- accounting stuff. I don't want to cut into our leisure time together and he doesn't either, so he said to just go ahead and do them here -- I generally have plenty of free time most days and now I just spend it knitting. I think I will have my laptop tuned up and cleaned out a little bit and then have a go at it. I always feel good when I'm learning something.

Time to get at my day. Enjoy yours!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  08:26:11 AM  Show Profile

Thanks for liking my veggie photos. I'm glad to see this morning that they are still there and not turned into Christmas decorations, lol.

Have a wonderful day, all.

Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 10 2016 5:50:58 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  08:42:45 AM  Show Profile
I love the idea of the Senior University! I would be all over that, too. Sounds like you have lots of activities lined up. That's just ugly when small towns let someone take over like that. This little town has lots of mushroom houses nearby, so there is a large immigrant labor population (mostly Mexican people) and they seem to have done a pretty good job of including people and helping them get started when they first arrive. Not that we don't have issues, but I think we are doing pretty well. Our schools are really wonderful, and I think that has a lot to do with it.

This has been an odd morning. We had a couple scheduled to come in and refinance their loan. They hadn't paid anything in several months, but had been really good steady folks before that. Anyway, they had called the other day and made an appointment to come in and straighten things out. Last New Year's Eve, the house they lived in (I think it belonged to Mother or Grandmother) burned down. It was just so scary, and of course they lost everything. So the extended family found a big house over in Delaware and moved there. Not too long after that, one and then the other grandmother passed, the dad moved to a senior apartment, a brother moved for a job -- and our little customer and her husband found themselves with a HUGE rent to pay on this big old house and no help to pay it. They got behind on everything and are just now starting to get their finances in order -- new jobs, etc. We were able to refinance their loan with a different payment schedule and all, so hopefully that will help them get back on track.

While I was printing forms for them to sign, another customer walked in who I had been trying to find for several months. He is a truly nice gentleman, but has always had trouble keeping up his payments. I hadn't had anything from him since about July and had just NOT been able to get him to return my calls or anything. He came in looking very beaten up -- said he just could not afford the car payments any longer and needed us to come pick the cars up. He had been promoted to a supervisory position at his job several months ago (which I remembered -- he was so proud!), but had not been able to handle it, so he had to take a demotion in order to keep his job. His mother has been letting him drive her car for quite a while. So we will go out and pick up those two cars.

I am wondering what this afternoon will bring.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  1:07:29 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn!!! I found the perfect project for your pink yarn!!!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  1:58:05 PM  Show Profile
Wow, someone worked really hard on those. And did a great job. They really look like chuck taylor's don't they?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  2:46:02 PM  Show Profile
I am home!

We left last Wednesday, and spent almost all our time waiting for baby at our "retirement house." We finished a pile of projects including building our kitchen island, two vanity cabinets for the new master bath, a "false" wall in the master walk-in closet, and installing the closet rods in the master closet.

We visited various family members over two days, having "Christmas dinner" with three different families, seeing 26 people. A few hours after getting back to the cabin after the last of those dinners, at 4:50 am, my daughter texted me.... "My water broke..."

So we went to the city, about an hour away... But it would be another 24 hours before Melina Ann made her appearance. (C-section required, but daughter was prepared for that, since her first child, 7 years ago, was a C-section.)

Little Miss Melina weighed 8lbs, 3oz and is beautiful. (Of course.)

It's snowing heavily now and the temperature is about -20º C. My brother (who works up here, but lives 600 miles away) is coming for supper and staying overnight. Tomorrow, he'll head for home to be with his family for Christmas.

My question of the day is... How come I had everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, done before I left. Every card, decorating, baking, every gift made/purchased, wrapped, and mailed or delivered. The house was CLEAN. I anticipated coming home, putting on some Christmas movies, eating shortbread and drinking apple cinnamon tea. No, sir. Been non-stop since we got home..... But it's all good, you know? Baby's here... everyone is healthy and safe...


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Dec 18 2015 2:50:27 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  3:29:54 PM  Show Profile
Congratulations on the grandbaby! So glad she is healthy and beautiful. My parents were unprepared for the way things changed when their first grandbaby arrived--they steal your heart and somehow the world is different. Hope it warms up there--sounds very cold. I forget how to convert C to F. It only got into the 30's (F) here today. Hope your brother enjoys a safe trip.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  5:12:14 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Congratulations on the new grandbaby, Ann. I bet she is a pretty one. And she has your name in hers.
Isn't taht the way it is? You think you have a minute to yourself and it is only a nanosecond. All the work on the retirement house too. What is a false wall for?
Welcome back.

It is nice Marie that people exchange gifts at your school and you received items that you really like. I hope you have a good time with Lowell's family.

Around here there is a lecture series called Osher life long learning. Some of the subjects look really interesting and some really boring. I like to learn and do best when I am shown. I think your spring sounds like a good time, G.

Today was another overcast chilly day. DsC did his school work and I am working on one of my ten year UFO's. It is a hooked rug that I received as a present when I wanted to learn how to hook rugs. I might just finish it, this year. hahaha

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  5:39:01 PM  Show Profile
Congrats, Ann. You must be pleased to have been honored with your granddaughter having the middle name of Ann. I do hope you feel caught up again soon.

Our community college has so many classes that I drool over. Most of them are at night...not my best time to sit, take in New ideas, be around others... but I can't resist looking. I agree that when you stop learning, you are old. I enjoy challenging myself at my own pace during my "good" time of day.

We are having more rain. Still about an inch a day. Record breaking. Almost spirit breaking, except that it's the holidays!

We got our yearly "Spirit of Christmas" candy from a friend who used to work for dh. He and dh started experimenting with flavors and liqueurs for filings in chocolates twenty eight years ago. This man has continued the seasonal candy-making tradition every year since! Every once in a while you can get a candy that literally takes your breath away. I figure it's from a batch made later on in the evening when the measuring of the liquor gets more generous! It's an amazing undertaking. This year's assortment has about sixteen flavors including passion fruit, margarita, coconut, and coffee. This friend has been named to the Chocolate Hall of Fame. Yes, there is such a thing. And, no,I have no idea why.


Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Dec 18 2015 5:39:42 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  6:09:52 PM  Show Profile
Welcome home, Ann-- I know it was hard to leave the wee baby so soon. I hope you will get to see her often.

I ask myself that same question, how can there always be so much work to do. It's tiring.

Those pink shoes are amazing. Someone did a really good job. Cool idea. I'd frame them rather than wear them--they are art!

I am also past the time to go out to night classes. Well, maybe dance class but we are less than 5 minutes away.

I know the kind of candy you are describing, Mar. You bite in to it and get a wonderful explosion of liqueur - chocolate and booze-- yuummmmmmm.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  07:42:20 AM  Show Profile
There is a group To Your Health, and I searched it to see if there was already a topic on mental health, depression, etc, but didn't see anything. Seems like that would be a good place to start.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  07:49:03 AM  Show Profile
Actually, I went back and scrolled down a few pages and it was there. So I tried to bump it to the top.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  08:31:33 AM  Show Profile
Thank you. I was waiting to start one when I could think of a good title for it.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  12:00:57 PM  Show Profile
You might still want to start one Marie. There are lots of issues in addition to anxiety and depression. Adult ADD, bipolar, etc. that people don't always feel safe to speak honestly about.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  12:11:18 PM  Show Profile
I just put a long post on that thread. I want to start a new one as soon as I can think of a good, inclusive title.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  12:22:15 PM  Show Profile
Good for you--I think that is great!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  3:40:27 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

There is a woman in the next town over. I think she is still there who used to live in the southern part of the state. She had a support group down there for lesbians and gay men who were living with mental illness. She called it Fruits and Nuts.

Today was in the thirties with intermittent sunshine. I was happy to see the sun. We have a dusting of snow here on the side of the hill. There is no snow down in the village. Well, there wasn't during the day time but the town truck just came up so there must be enough of something to warrant the spreading of the sand,

I think at least with all of the rain and cloud cover we have had that the earth is not drying out so we will still have a supply of ground water for next summer.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  4:15:52 PM  Show Profile
Holly--fruits and nuts--I love it!

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  5:26:04 PM  Show Profile
I love when someone is clever like that! It also gives you the idea that you might want to join a group with a name that has some humor to it.

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