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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 03 2015 :  5:22:46 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Marilyn I thought you wanted to have the not done sock sent to you so you could finish it to send out. It is the finished set of socks that will kill you, right? I am glad that you have someone to look forward to coming home and someone to miss. A gift.

There are so many posts even if they are short to keep me company. The weather here was sunny and in the forties. My big accomplishment for the day was cleaning the mudroom and stairway, Not a big area but one with a lot of dirt and dust. There are three cocoa mats that were packed with dirt. Now they may be a third full of dirt but my attention span waned. There is a chicken setting in the back of the mudroom she has been there for several weeks. I do not know if she will hatch out any chicks and I would really like her to move on. I would move her but she would just be right back and try with more eggs. she has to climb ten stairs to get up to the mud room.

In the afternoon I took a two hour nap. I did not sleep the whole time just rested. Then I put dsC and dsG in the tractor bucket and they picked ten gallons of apples that I am boiling down for applesauce. they had a good time.

I feel like the adjective lines were so many posts ago but it was just this morning and last night. so here are mine. compassionate, open hearted, empathic, hard worker, creative, non linear thinker, healer, loner, passionate, and hopeful

Are you braced for Joaquin's water, Marilyn? Will you be affected if it floods in your area?

Bunny taking a break can bring new insight into a design. How is the old truck?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 03 2015 :  6:02:59 PM  Show Profile
companionship is a very important part of this couplehood game many of us are in. But, today,I shared a favorite quote with dnA because she was complaining that she hates to be alone....

It is something like this: If you are happy in your own company, you will never be lonely.

I'm sure you have all heard this, but it was a new idea to dnA!

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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Oct 03 2015 :  6:13:46 PM  Show Profile
Mar, what/who is dnA? I agree with your statement about being lonely. I also agree that companionship is a wonderful thing.

Betty in Pasco
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 03 2015 :  7:00:41 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:55:39 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 03 2015 :  9:03:48 PM  Show Profile
Good point. I think my body is pretty awesome. I have legs that can walk for miles without tiring. I have arms that can hug a tree and feel its spirit. I have skin that loves the feel of raindrops and I love the way the wind tousles my hair. I love the way my body feels when I feed it healthy foods (I'm eating roasted plums and alpine cheese as I type this). I have a torso that men like. I love to stretch my body for the different asanas when I practice yoga. I no longer worry how I look in a yoga class--I'm too caught up in a feeling of peace and joy. By this world's standards, I have a lot of flaws. So when a person points out a flaw, I'll tell them, "Yes, I'm very flawesome." Awesome in spite of perceived flaws. Flawesome.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  05:01:35 AM  Show Profile
Oh flawsome! I love that! And a good point, G. That's my homework.

Lots of rain where we are, but no flooding up here on our hill.

Bagels and Alaskan lox with cream cheese for brekkies this morning. I guess I ought to get up.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  06:45:15 AM  Show Profile
Yea, Cindy. You got it.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  08:47:52 AM  Show Profile
I think the frustration with my body is I still see a skinny 25 year old in my mind. Plus, after a few date attempts and knowing they were looking for that 50 year old athletic slim body type gets to you. Our body hate comes from men wanting and leaving older wives for younger women. Face it. That's why there is so much emphasis on looking good in older age...or else hubbie will move onto a younger model.
Not to mention the health issues with being over weight. So, no I'm not thrilled about my body. It is letting me down with the Fibro issues and now Gurd. No more bacon or sausage, butter on toast...not a big issue but I have to take a pill twice a day or my food feels like acid going down. Fibro keeps me from doing any useful exercise.
As for being lonely. I'm very happy on my own most of the time. That was a hard lesson to learn. I married my second husband out of loneliness and that didn't turn out so well. I now enjoy being alone.

Went and picked up my truck yesterday. The guy had disconnected the seatbelt sensor so I couldn't use the seat belt on the way home. I was able to reconnected it when I got home. I tested all but three fuses for a battery draw. Got nothing. The other three fuses have a plastic cover that I can't seem to get loose. But I realized how easy it is to check for the draw and was even more disappointed in this shop. It took me all of 15 minutes to check the fuses. From there you have a good idea of the line the problem is on in the vehicle. A good mechanic would be able to get this done in no time.
So I will be trying a new shop on Monday. At least my truck runs. I just have to pull the battery cables when I park.

Did t get any sewing done yesterday. Messing with the truck took all my spoons. I ended up in bed with a very long nap. I work today for a while. Hopefully I'll have enough energy left to finish up a dress started the other day.

Holly, sounds like your little hen needed to feel safe. You are good to let her stay for a while.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  09:11:42 AM  Show Profile
We had a hen who had been picked on quite mercilessly by some coop mates (you know what biddies hens can be!) so she moved into the hay barn and set a nest between a couple of bales. We let her stay there. The others would have killed her eventually, and we didn't miss those eggs. Maybe that's a good metaphor for us all vis-a-vis this whole loneliness thing. I stayed in a coop with a feather-pecker for several years just because I didn't think to leave. Life is so much better out here in the hay barn! I made my own nest and met a fine rooster who keeps his beak to himself most of the time. There's another joke here, but I am not going to go for it! Ha ha.

Dude finished sanding the high spot on the cement floor downstairs so it would be nice and flat for the flooring. I am so looking forward to having that floor down! Then we can start putting the furniture in place and actually use all that new space we have created. But sanding = dust, so I have been vacuuming downstairs and dusting upstairs. One more going-over with the vacuum cleaner and I will be done. I just hate that feeling of dust everywhere. " Oh I am going to wet it down good, so there won't be any dust!" if it were not an absolute RULE of mine NOT to use the phrase, I would have said "Yes, Dear." Ha

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Oct 04 2015 09:16:36 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  09:13:03 AM  Show Profile
What I was trying to do was edit my last post. I need a bigger IT hammer today.

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Oct 04 2015 09:17:17 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  11:18:30 AM  Show Profile
I love when they say, "Oh, I clean up all the dust..." HA. Yes, dear, my rear! But, you will enjoy that area, won't you!

Holly, I hate having to clean the really dirty, as in actual "dirt," areas of the house. dh has a thing about a clean garage. So, I say, "Knock yourself out!" Unfortunately, he usually is out sweeping the garage ten minutes before guests arrive when I could really use another set of hands. And, of course, no one will be walking through the garage...

It is school fundraiser season. Time for overpriced wrapping paper, coupon books you won't take advantage of and chocolate that you KNOW dh isn't gonna eat!! Speaking of the chocolate snob, he is taking Sammie over to play with the neighbor's dog. Now, Sammie isn't a dog that has ever really been interested in dogs. She is a people dog, not a dog dog. Anyone following me? So, I decided to sit out that particular debacle.

When dd was younger, I used to keep her busy in the checkout line searching for a magazine that did not have a new diet or exercise "wonder" on its cover. It was a scavenger hunt that was never completed. But, a good lesson about having points of view crammed down your throat by the media.

I'm glad to hear that the rain won't cause you too much trouble, Marilyn. Bunny, I do hope you are knocking out a creation that fills you with pride. Cindy, thanks for your post, I enjoyed it.

Oh! Betty, dnA equals our dear neighbor, A, who visits almost daily. She is twelve and has a few special needs and fulfills our special need for some joy and light! She adores our animals and has a quirky view that is fun to ponder. Yesterday I was out gardening in the front of the house. Had JUST started after finishing all the junky chores I had to do first. My neighbor drove up and dnA jumped out of the back of the car and said, "Marianne, would you like some company?" So, I have some gardening to do in the front of the house today!!!

Have a great day,
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  3:48:45 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:56:14 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  4:13:03 PM  Show Profile
G, thank you for your uplifting words. They truly mean a lot. I have been feeling a bit low lately. So it is nice to see someone else's perspective of me.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  6:01:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

You are right about Bunny. You are talented and self motivated. Many people would have given up in their store by now but you keep on going looking for new styles to create. You make the best out of a situation that would make lesser people piss and moan and give up. You have hope and keep moving towards it.

I like that you have made peace with yourself, Cindy. and you keep on trying to be a better person and in better health. YOu look out for your parents and do the best for them that you can. I like that you have a political consciousness and act on it.

G I hope that what is best for your sister happens to her.
sometimes when it is hard to fix something or the answer is not readily available doing some thing mundane gives one a feeling of some sort of accomplishment. I hear that you are frustrated with the lawn sprinkler and probably a hundred other things as well but the B does try and try again. Doing some thing is better than doing nothing. I wonder if he feels he disappoints you in not knowing how to fix everything. He is so good at so many fixing things. I feel like I am taking his side which is not really what I want to do . I know that C gets frustrated with me when I go to fix one thing and have to do a dozen along the way because the first job was not a linear fix. I think that you must see a goal and go for it as you did in your businesses and they worked out. some of us follow more winding paths. Be patient with the B from what you have said he has had many years when he was told he was a failure and he has all that to overcome. hugs to you and him.

Mar I bet your dh is very particular about his chocolate. lol

I have made and effort to provide for the children time to talk to themselves. I read years ago that people are so surrounded by electronics that people do not talk to themselves much any more. I want the boys to be able to do that and enjoy themselves. DdK has done it and sometimes being the only girl and not one of the biggest needers I leave her out of the pack mentality. Anyway. So many of the boys have so many behavioral issues that they need to have time to work through stuff in their heads. Yes, it is very important to like yourself. I think I am there. There are skills I would like to be able to do and personality traits that I would like to have and I guess if I had a true need instead of just a desire I would make myself learn to be that way. for example, People make me nervous in certain situations. I would like to be able to walk up to someone, shake their hand and have a conversation. Generally I hang back and watch.

As far as bodies go I have a pretty good one. I am so much better off than most of the people my age and some younger. I do a lot of physical work but most of the good fortune are my genetics. I try not to take my good fortune for granted and try to maintain my good health by eating well and being physical.

Marilyn, if you want jerusalem artichokes I could send you some when they die down. You would have to plant them right away or they will go soft and be useless. If you are not ready this fall there is a window of opportunity in the spring as well. Ours are so bright and cheery. They are the only plants in flower in abundance right now.

The trees are turning the hills are brightening up. the expected peak color for around here is predicted to be the 10th of October.

I brought my houseplants in from the back porch today. Some I added soil too and some I pulled the weeds from. The Christmas cactus has some small buds.. I separated some aloe and hope it lives. They were so bunched together the roots did not come apart with the stems. I just stuck them into the soil and hope they grow. If not I do have others. I wanted more so maybe next year I could sell them at the craft fair.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 04 2015 :  8:16:55 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 17 2019 2:21:35 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  04:46:02 AM  Show Profile
G - your comments about our media and the naked celebrities sound like echoes! Funny I read them this morning while getting my daily news from my iPad. Ha ha. I don't watch the "news" with Dude in the morning any more - it's just opinion and fallacy and trash from some network's agenda. And I have been on the "Why does Beyoncé get naked to sing?" Soapbox more than once!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  05:03:04 AM  Show Profile
Sorry - I was called away...I get my news from Facebook (to see what friends and family are up to) and ravelry (to see what the other knitters are up to) and MJF ( to see what the goddesses are up to)

Holly - I may take you up on the artichokes in the spring if the offer us still open. We are rethinking the layout if our garden over the winter, and I want to have a spot for the perennial things. Thank you so much!

Bunny - I am sorry you have been on the downside - I hope the upside swings around soon. You always seem to keep on pushing forward. When I was having bad depressive episodes, I likened it to trying to walk through Jello every step.

And Holly! I never thought about having to leave time for talking to themselves! Oh how I would miss that! You are very wise and I will say again how lucky your littles are

Electrician heading here today, so I am going to leave for a while. In hate trying to get things done when there are workmen in the house. I am going to go have a nice walk with my daughter and then we'll see what we get up to.

23 knitters still alive, and I am one of them.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  06:57:05 AM  Show Profile
I have my appointment with the gynecological oncologist today. This is normally my day off from school but Patricia is at a conference out of state and she asked me to be there to help with a project.

This morning I was preparing the laundry by taking the sheets off the bed and replacing them. The little guy peed on the bottom sheet just after I had put it on the bed. This was not malicious. It was a shout to let him out so that he could pee in his usual place. Lowell was awake, dressed and playing chess so of course he couldn't do it. <sigh> So now in addition to paying the rent in person and shopping for some stuff I need, I have to clean the mattress too. I guess everyone knows who does the heavy lifting around here.


Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  12:10:13 PM  Show Profile
Well Godesses - I have bought the proverbial farm as far as Sock Sniper is concerned. I received a beautiful pair of denim blue sox today. They began in Kitchener, Ontario...then they flew to Finland, but the knitter there was already deceased, so she sent them back across the Atlantic to a sniper in Columbia, SC. She finished them up and sent them on up to me. They are gorgeous and fit perfectly. What a great time this contest has been.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  4:02:10 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, the socks are beautiful! Sorry you got snipered out. Maybe next year.

I feel a bit better today. More energy at least. I finished the tunic top I started on Friday. I just posted it to my Etsy store.

I found a repair shop for my truck today too. Poor guy, I made it really clear I was not stupid and have already had two shops make me very mad. He smiled and said he would do his best not to make me mad. He listened to everything I said and said he could help. I have two good recommendations to the shop and there were UPS trucks in the parking lots and bays being worked on. I took that as a good sign. So, I take it in next Thursday after work and he said he would look at it on Friday. Yay! (there goes the paycheck.... weak voice trailing off...)

I woke up to a nice chaching sound this morning!!! She who will not be named... it will be in the mail tomorrow. I missed the post man today.
Thank you so much!

Well, I"m pooped. Time to shut down for the day.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  4:41:06 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I think the bodice you did on that tunic is superb. I think it will be very flattering to someone with a bustline. Good for you for laying it on the line with the repairperson. I'd say your mom didn't raise no fools, BUT...we have heard about sis.

Keep your chin up, dear Bunny, you have come so far.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  4:50:12 PM  Show Profile
My surgery will be next Tuesday 13 October. I will probably be the first one on the schedule. He told me he will first do an surgery room exam to see if it will be successful vaginally. He doesn't want to do the lapro-robotic procedure unless he has to because of the situation with my eyes. I told him that I had some doubts about Lowell's ability to care for me the first night I was home and asked him if I can stay in the hospital for one night. He said that I can be in for "observation". Thank goodness I will have some alone time to process all of this. I believe Lowell will be over-protective at first and then ignore me as the convalescence goes on.

Now, I will go to Vermont Country Store and order myself a nice, warm, flannel granny nightgown.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  5:13:41 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I would be surprised and a little ticked off if they don't keep you over night. That surgery is a big deal! I think I was in the hospital for at least two days. It took maybe two days more to feel ok. I was on my own and did pretty well alone. So let Lowell be Lowell. Just maybe cook up some food a head of time that just needs heating up. So food won't be a big deal. We will put you in our thoughts for that day! Good call on the comfy nightgown.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  5:21:27 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The socks are beautiful. I really like the pattern and the colors. I am glad you shared the suspense and the contest with us. I think G that if you were going to knit this would be a good project for you to do because there is a deadline and a purpose more than to amuse yourself.

Waiting until the spring for the sunchokes is fine with me.

I have read that Beyonce dresses as she wants because she believes she should be able to do that. She believes that the males should keep their hands to themselves and that women should not be constrained because a man can not control himself. I read that she had a male removed from her concert because he touched her while she performed. I do not know if this it true or not. Marie is a good researcher she may be able to find out quick as a wink.

I have two cotton nighties from the Vermont Country store. They have worn very well and get softer with each wash. I do not live near any of their storefronts. I guess the nearest might be 90 minutes away.

I like the picture at the end of the lane. It looks like a lane that would lead to an elven hill. Can you tell I read science fantasy? lol

The woman who works with my oldest special needs foster daughter had her uterus removed vaginally maybe fifteen years ago. She was relieved to have it gone but she still got period migraines every month. She did premarin for years and is now off it. If you are the first into surgery then you will not have to fast for so long. I hate the fasting and being hungry. I hope you are first.

We have had sadness today. More than five years ago now our friend J's daughter Nicole was walking down the stairs of the building that had her studio in it in New York. The stairs collapsed and she was crushed but alive. She had many surgeries and was leading a relatively normal life. She moves to Los Angeles and was doing well at her art. She went to Burning Man and had a great time last month. Last night the group she went to Burning Man with was having a get together. She had a headache and two of her friends wanted her to go to the hospital but she said it is a migraine and she laid down. She died of a brain aneurism. She was maybe 38 years old. She was my friend's only child. She was a vibrant and kind soul.

ON the upside. A man who was dsT's baseball coach was diagnosed with multiple myeloma a year ago. He couldn't figure out why he hurt so much. He didn't tell anyone and then he did. Anyway, he was seeing his doctor every week and now he can go two weeks and he is looking forward to not going back for a month. He got married to the love of his life a year ago this winter solstice and they are both happy. I am relieved that he may be in remission. He said it will still kill him but maybe not for a few years. He says his body is three inches shorter than we was. He was only about 5' 6" tall to begin with. He had the body of a wrestler and is hoping to get back his physique.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 05 2015 :  6:18:19 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:57:35 PM
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