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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 17 2015 : 3:46:46 PM
The ultrasound wasn't too bad. It felt like a dildo. I won't hear the results for 24 to 48 hours. I was so flustered getting there that I got on the wrong train. Luckily, I was able to get off at the next stop before it was too late. I may just feel good enough to go to Fergus Falls this weekend.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 17 2015 : 5:22:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
I do not know what your dd's job title means but I hope she is happy in her job and that all of her education was not in the wrong field. lol I think working for microsoft she might not have to worry about buying something on sale. I guess not if you are a first year would that apply. Cods are going around here. runny noses mostly. Hope dnA gets better soon. I will try to remember to dig up some daffodils for you.
I wonder sometimes if some of my sons have died in their rooms especially the teen agers. They go in with their telephones and watch movies for hours. I guess if I sat in the house I would know if he got up to go to the toilet but he can spend hours in his room doing nothing. Picking up his clothing off the floor is not even a consideration for him. I am glad he does not stink. I think your dd, Marilyn has the brain of a mother. It is just easier to forget than to waste brain power remembering the trivia.
Will apples grow where it does not get cold? I always think of apples as needing seasons to ripen not just time. How about a lemon tree. A woman who used to post on this board had a lemon tree that grew wonderful lemons.
I am glad you survived your sonogram. I wonder if they would give you copies of the films or send copies to your email account so you could see them. I think that would be fascinating.
We did in chickens today. We did ten rooster from our laying hen populations. When you buy hens that are not sex linked you can get roosters as well I guess. I had not thought we would get so many in one year. I think we missed two so unless we get them in two weeks we will have fertile eggs still. The plan was to do all of our birds and then do the neighbor's. they brought theirs in crates and C was worried that they would die from the heat so she stopped doing ours and did the neighbors. Then I figured out the time and we did not have it to finish ours as well so we cleaned up. So, in two weeks we will do the rest of our meat birds. I am glad we stopped because today was in the 80's again and the flies are nasty when it is warm. Maybe in two weeks it will be cooler to do in the birds. One of the ways to tell the roosters from the hens is to look for the spurs on their legs. One bird that I thought was a hen we picked up last night as a rooster because it had one spur on one leg. When I was cleaning her guts out today she was really a she. She had eggs inside her. I was a little sad but what can you do after your head is cut off?
sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Sep 17 2015 : 8:05:15 PM
Cods are really bad especially if there are a lot of them and they are all slimy.
I know that the ultrasound images/videos were sent to be analyzed. They will call within 24 - 48 hours with results.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Sep 18 2015 : 06:55:11 AM
I can remember the "chicken doing" days from when I was little. It was always so exciting! The day they did Miss Macaroni in (who was actually a rooster but got named before we realized), my mother picked him up by the head with her left hand, whipped him around quick and broke his neck, then plopped him on the killing stump and chopped his head off with the axe in one swift movement. I ran up to see up inside his head, and I saw what I guess was the gizzard -- just a whole bunch of little round white bones or cartilage -- at that time, I assumed those were his eggs waiting to be laid. Who says farm kids understand sex and reproduction???? ha ha ha
Marie -- Glad you are past the ultrasound hurdle -- I loved the description. When I had mine, they had a video monitor so I could watch, but I still couldn't tell what was what. I was just glad that everything was a-okay. I still have a feeling that you are going to be a-okay, as well.
Still waiting for Canada Post to get my sox delivered to their intended target. Not feeling the love right now. I contacted the boss of the whole competition and she said she was going to get in touch with my target right away. As of last night, the target was still posting that she had not received anything yet. I am still alive and can't believe it! I keep expecting sox to hit me any day -- we started knitting on September 1. This is the longest I have stayed alive in any of these contests yet.
It is sunny and beautiful again here this morning. I met some ladies uptown for coffee at 8:00. Had a good visit and met a new person, so that's always good. I love my little town.
We have a customer here right now who was homeless about six months ago. Not sure how he ended up homeless, but he is working very hard at getting his finances and life back in order. He has a job now and is living in an apartment here in town instead of the shelter he was in before. I am not sure what to expect from him, but we have made him a good deal on a reliable car, so that ought to get him back and forth to his job. I have seen him around town riding a bicycle, and once the weather turns cold, I am sure he will be happy to have a car instead. Dude tries to help people, and this is just the kind of customer that we like to work with, because they find it so hard to get financing on a vehicle. Hopefully this fellow will be able to make his payments and this will help him feel more secure and better about himself. He has been very polite and nice through the whole process, and I can tell he's trying so hard to get his life back together. Good luck to him.
I finished the scarf I was knitting last night, so I have no knitting to work on today. Eeek! Whatever will I do? I guess I could clean the bathroom here at the shop, but ick.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 18 2015 : 1:34:03 PM
Oh Marilyn, there must be something else you could do!
I had a visit to the pain clinic today. My doctor that I liked so much left in May. Today was the first, and last, time I will see this provider because a new doctor start in November. So, I will be on pain specialist number four then. You really have to keep track of everything yourself and make sure your pain management plan doesn't change too much with all the jostling around. Dh went with me as usual. And that always makes me more relaxed about nothing falling thru the cracks.
It it's a gorgeous day here. The weekend is also supposed to be nice. Dh and I are heading into Portland tomorrow to shop a bit...Next week, mom has her cataract surgery and we will be pretty busy with follow up care, etc. So it will be nice to just have a day out and about.
Hope you hear your results before the close of day, Marie.
Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2015 : 05:09:53 AM
Well, my dears - the Canadian postal service finally kicked in, and the package guaranteed delivered by the 15th was delivered on the 18th and my target took a direct hit! She is quite happy with her beautiful sox, and now I am waiting to either a). receive socks-in-progress from her to complete for their target, or b). Receive sox of death from my sniper and be killed off. Either one is fine with me - I have reached my goal of taking out at least one person before I am out. I sat down and cast on some Christmas present sox last night. Using the pattern I did for Sock Sniper. Dude's youngest will be the recipient. Her name is Chelsea and she loves pink - found sock yarn with the color way called Chelsea and it's pink and yellow - pretty much HAD to buy it!
It is a little foggy this morning here. looks just lovely! Gotta check the forecast, but it may be shaping up to be another "all windows and doors open" kind of day. Going to move the dehydrator from the kitchen counter to the table downstairs. I hate using up all my counter space, which is at a premium. I will be drying apples soon (YAY!!!!) and that takes lots of time. The stuff I dry in summer tends to be quick and just a little bit at a time, so I like the machine handy. Apples will be a whole dehydrator full, and I am loving the homemade yogurt so much - I really needed to find a spot to keep the thing out all the time.
The guys are here to mow. They run through here on Saturday mornings and have us done in 15 minutes. The kid on the big riding mower looks like he's on the track at Indy - may be in his head, he is. Not too many more mowing Saturday's left, I suppose. I do love fall, though.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Sep 19 2015 05:12:58 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2015 : 4:55:42 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad to be home. I spent the weekend in Southern New Hampshire at my annual adult Girl Scout weekend at the camp I attended when I was a child. I had a good time visiting with old friends and meeting new ones. I went sailing on a sunfish. It is the first year that we have had enough wind to make that little boat slip along. usually it is a nice smooth slow sail across the pond and back. This year I zipped along the choppy waves. I taught a workshop on making shakere. They are gourds with beads macrame d in a net around the outside so they make a nice sound when you play them. I took a nice long nap yesterday afternoon as well. Temperatures were in the seventies and the nights were balmy. Some years when I go we sleep in wool hats and mittens to keep warm.
I arrived home and the house was still standing and everyone was still alive. However, the cow had only been milked once while I was away. C and ddK said she ran in the other direction when they called her in to be milked. lol I was amused and glad she came when I called her.
Mar I am so very sorry that your pain doctors are not attending to your needs. I imagine you are very frustrated with needing to educate them each time you go in for a visit.
Glad the sox were finally delivered. So, now she is supposed to mail you her sox and then you are to complete them and send them on to her target? Do you all knit in the same tightness or is that part of the challenge as well? Was your target bummed she had been killed?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 21 2015 : 1:17:26 PM
Holly, were have been friends long enough that I think, "is it that time already?" When you mentioned your Girl Scout Weekend. How nice it is to hear that your weather wad so pleasant. Is a sunfish a catamaran? I had a boyfriend in college who had one and we would go out on it. I never enjoyed having it up on one pontoon. It didn't come naturally to me about where I needed to scramble to so that the sail stayed full. And frankly, I liked it best when the sail was unhooked and I was napping in the sun. We took it to Rancho Seco outside of Sacramento. Nice warm water. The lake is the cooling pond for the nuclear reactor. Eesh!
Marilyn, Holly raised a point I had been wondering about, too. What about gauge? Do you end up with some tight ankles? I do hope your socks (to keep) are nice because the ones you sent off were lovely. What is the color family you requested? Gosh, I wish I could knit like you!!
Am I the only looking at her calendar and thinking, "Where's G?" I think we should be hearing from her from home soon.
Hit the salon this morning. And for extra fun,a stop at Dollar Tree. I found black crows, that I have decided were actually mismarked ravens, and brought them home for our sun room fall decor. Dh hadn't noticed them yet. He'll like them.
Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Sep 21 2015 5:10:47 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 21 2015 : 5:56:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
A sunfish is a flat looking boat with a very small cockpit just higher than my ankles. It has one sail. a dagger board and a rudder and tiller affair. I have never been on a catamaran. I think it would be a great rush to heal up on one pontoon.
How big are the fish in the cooling pond for the nuclear reactor? I wonder if you swam in it long enough if you would glow?
I too have been wondering about G and where she is.
Have you gone on any more women's adventure days, Mar?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2015 : 07:32:35 AM
About the sox - we are all required to get gauge before we begin knitting -- so many stitches per inch, so everyone's sox should turn out the correct size. If I have to finish knitting sox that someone else has started, I may use a different size needle than they did, but I should get the same number of stitches per inch. I said I didn't really care what color sox I receive, but a nice denim blue would be the best. We will see. Some people go out and buy new yarn for these games, and some people like to use stuff that's already in their stash. I will take either.
So...on Sunday we went out on the boat. We waited until afternoon because it was sort of grey in the morning and Dude was working on the new path he's building up through our little woods. We left the marina and buzzed down to a yacht club downriver where some friends of ours keep their sailboat. We knew they would be aboard, because they are leaving in October for a 6-month cruise south and they would be fixing and fitting. So we decided to stop by and see if they wanted to go to lunch with us. We hailed them and they were ready for a break, so we pulled alongside to let them step aboard. I was forward, trying to keep the boats apart until they were onboard, and a silly wave bumped me and I caught my right thumb between the two boats. Yes, it really really hurt. Dude asked me if I was okay, and I said I didn't think so. I looked at the outside of the thumb and it was swelling up, but it wasn't too badly scraped up. Then I turned it over and saw that there was a huge v-shaped laceration just below the joint that went all the way to exposed bone. So ick. My friend and I grabbed paper towels for the blood and I closed the flap of flesh down. We were nearest to their marina, so we went in and got some ice and they took me to the ER while Dude took our boat back to the marina. It took a while, of course, but the people at the ER were very nice. X-rays showed NO fracture (thank goodness for quicker healing!!!) and because we had done our first aid so quickly and the tear was pretty clean, they were able to use glue and Steri-Strips to close it. So after a DPT booster and a good splinting, we were home in time to roast clams for dinner.
I was home for my regular day off yesterday. Learning that this splint makes me do things twice as slowly and half as well, but I should be able to take the thing off tonight and that will help. I got a lot of reading done while doing laundry because I can't knit!!!
So back at my desk today and trying to type with only 9 digits. Sigh. Could have been so very very much worse, so I am feeling lucky!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2015 : 08:36:54 AM
Good morning everyone. I had a wonderful trip to the big city this weekend. The show was interesting. Nothing like the big gift shows I use to go to. They were in big convention centers. This was in a embassy suites hotel. The first five floors were all venders. I talked my boss I to a few new lines from companies she hadn't bought from before. Hope they sell. I held up well during the day. Didn't sleep well. But that's nothing new. The mattresses were heavenly though.
Sales for my etsy store are way down. I have only had one sale this month. It's me not etsy though. My competitors are doing well. I may need to really adjust my style.
Marilyn...glad your thumb is not broken! Sorry it put a damper on your afternoon out. I'm assuming knitting is out until it gets better.
Holly, sounds like you had a wonderful time again. Nice you could get away for some me time. Poor cow though. You came home just in time.
Mar, I keep thinking one of these days I need to come for a visit. You really aren't that far away.
Time for work...later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 22 2015 : 11:07:42 AM
Bunny, you are always welcome. I think your etsy line is especially appreciated by women who have been busy with back to school. I do hope it picks up and we hear you lamenting that you can't keep enough stock online!!
Marilyn, thank goodness! 1)no break 2) quick doctoring 3) you got your kill already! Bone showing. Ick is right! Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2015 : 11:34:35 AM
I have been enjoying trying out a few of the Mary Jane's Farm organic food mixes - cornbreads, etc., and am wondering if any of you have tried the Chillover powder and have a favorite recipe you would pass along. I know there are several in the big book, but I was hoping to find something simple and everyday -- like Jell-o but using the Chillover powder. I have certainly eaten my share of Jello over the years, but the more I think about where the gelatin comes from, the less I like the idea.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2015 : 12:41:51 PM
The thought of Jello is ghastly. I haven't tried it. Do you have any rave reviews for the mixes? mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2015 : 1:23:14 PM
Ha!'re saying you have NOT tried the Chillover powder! ha ha ha When I was very little, our pastor had been a missionary in Egypt before all the Christians were driven out. He and his family were on the Andrea Doria on their way back to the States when it went down. Anyway...after a few years, some of the Coptic Christians with whom they had been working made their way to the US and settled in Seattle near us. I remember one potluck dinner at church - which included copious amounts of Jello, according to the holy scriptures - ha, and that the Egyptians were almost all half sick from just looking at it, let alone tasting it. I suppose it's a cultural bias, like eating dogs or goats or whatever. It has never bothered me, but now I find that I am thinking more about the animal-product aspect of it.
I have enjoyed the Mary Jane's products that I have used. I really like the orange-walnut scones. The cornbread is good, too. I have a packet of organic corn salsa that I would like to try one of these evenings. I have not used any of her mixes for the Bakeovers yet. Dude is not a huge fan of casserole-type meals. Maybe for a kind of fruit cobbler in the fall -- the scone mix would probably be a good choice for that.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2015 : 6:00:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
I must say Marilyn that you do not do things half way at any time. I have smashed my fingers between boats and between the dock and boat and gotten some nice blood blisters but never to the extent that you managed. I am glad you are going to heal. I usually would plunge my hand into the cold water next to the boat. I can understand with the blood gushing out that was not an option. My stomach would have felt awful if it had been me. I hope you get to have a nice dinner with your friends before they head south. roasted clams sound yummy. Has the throbbing stopped yet?
Bunny Glad you had a good time at the expo. It sounds so big. Sorry the shop is not going as well as it might. YOu are good at tweaking the merchandise so with a little attention before the holidays I think you will be back in business.
I cut up three trees that were down today and the tractor carried them up to be split. In the afternoon I worked on putting the plywood up in the entry hallway. Slowly and surely it will get done.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2015 : 06:29:02 AM
I took the blasted splint off when I got home yesterday. It had been 48 hours, and that was plenty. My thumb looks really really good! It is still swollen, but not too bad. The underside where the laceration is looks clean and undisturbed -- hopefully just time and it will be all better. Was actually able to knit last night! That was obviously my biggest worry.
It is supposed to be beautiful and sunny-warm this afternoon, so we are taking off at 3:00 to go down to the boat and out to dinner -- possibly catch the sunset. We won't have too many more weekends until the boat goes into dry storage for winter, and this weekend is not looking too promising, weather-wise. ALSO, somebody lost us a whole day of boating on Sunday by being a klutz, so we need to make it up! ha ha Dude has invited his brother's widow to come along with us. She has some guys coming to pick up the hospital bed, but if they get gone early enough, she will go out with us. I have very mixed feelings about having her along. I think there's a psychological name for it, but I am just not anxious to spend tons of time with her right now. I feel bad that I don't want to be with her, but we were not really close -- just spent time together because of Brother. She is quite a bit older and we just don't have much in common. I feel like I am being very selfish -- wouldn't discuss these feelings with anyone but you ladies. Sigh. I wish I was a much nicer person.
The librarian came by yesterday -- she is also a friend from the Rotary Club. She had just come from leading the monthly ladies' book club at the Presbyterian retirement community. She was laughing because there was one new lady in attendance -- she had just moved into the village. Well, she sat during the whole meeting and then, at the end, she unloaded on Carey!!! Said that it had been the most boring, useless book club she had ever attended -- she couldn't hear ANYTHING that Carey had said --- it sounded like you were speaking a foreign language --- that weird accent of yours is impossible to understand!!! Well, Carey kept her cool and was very gracious -- told the old bat that she would make sure to try to speak more clearly next time and thanked the lady for coming. (She told me she didn't realize her Detroit accent was so pronounced - ha ha ha!) After the lady left, the other ladies apologized all over. Said that the lady had been moved to the community much against her wishes and was "having a hard transition." They are the core ladies in the village who make sure that new residents find activities and friends -- have someone to sit with on the bus or in the dining room if they are single. Carey said she figured it was something like that and told them to make sure and invite her back again. Lord remind me NOT to be that old lady when I am older!!!
She told me what book they were going to be reading this month for their next meeting, so I downloaded it and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in tears!!!!! The Art of Racing in the Rain. It's written by a dog and takes place in my old hometown -- Seattle. So many familiar place names, and the dog, and the sadness of parts of the story ---- I don't think I can finish reading it! ha ha ha I guess it's back to nonfiction for me.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2015 : 4:09:09 PM
Holly--the t-shirt arrived today, safe and sound. thank you! I had forgotten about it with being sick and all. Speaking of which, I've been coughing and sneezing a lot, don't know if it's allergies or what. People have told me I don't sound as raspy as I did when I was sick so I must be getting better. Slowly. Marilyn--so glad you didn't hurt yourself any worse. I've never cut myself to the bone, would probably pass out if I did. Sure hope you get to spend some time on the water before you have to put the boat away. And I hope you continue to stay "alive"--being dead doesn't sound fun! I've never liked jello but I have made a couple of things using chillover powder but they were in the MJF book. I love horses and could never stand the idea that...well, you know. And I've had a couple of the camping meals that she sells and they were delish. and I wasn't even camping when i ate them. Bunny--your boss must have been glad to have you along for the show. sounds like you know more about new lines than she does. I hope your Etsy shop picks up soon--you're so creative that it's bound to pick up. I got my hair cut last Friday and had about 8 inches chopped off. It's still long but looks a lot neater now. Then I colored it light auburn and people at work keep asking me if I did something with my hair. I like it red. I had it that color a long time ago and like it much better than when i had it blond. Now if I could just lose some weight I might actually start looking good again. It seems whenever i go through long period of depression, I stop caring much about my appearance. All my energy is directed inward to keep me functioning. then, when I start feeling good again, I start caring about my looks. I wonder how G is doing? She must be home by now. Today is the first day of autumn and it's my favorite time of year. Wish it could be "forever autumn." Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 23 2015 : 5:43:19 PM
Good evening everyone,
Glad the thumb is not throbbing and causing you to lose sleep or not knit. I hear you about Brother's wife. I guess now is the time you will get to know her. I hope she has a sense of humor. The Dude is so compassionate.
Cindy you are so brave to cut your hair. I think about it and then decide it would be too hard to go to the hairdresser every six weeks. I like my hair but I would like it to not blow in my eyes. Glad the t shirt arrived.
I cut wood this morning. I have one more tree to block up and then I am calling it quits for the season. I have enough wood in for this year. I will be a year a head when this is done. I have other projects I want to do. I would like to knock down enough trees so they can season for next year before the winter sets in. Ahhh another project for the to do list.
The jerusalem artichokes are starting to bloom. They are about 12 feet tall and have small sunflower looking blooms. They look so happy when all of the rest of the scenery is dying.
I too hope that I am not a lonely bitter old woman. Hugs to her. She needs them.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2015 : 7:15:26 PM
Lowell is an a$$.
I went to the nutritionist to get advice on a meal plan for my recovery. She took down what I usually eat and was concerned about the lack of protein I had in my diet. She recommended that I eat 50 to 60 grams of protein per day during my recovery. She gave me a handout of different sources of protein. When I told Lowell, he accused me of having an agenda to eat more meat. I will admit that meat is the most efficient way to deliver it but I don't have to have meat really. I just want to do what is correct for my healing.
Lowell is so nasty to think differently. As I say, an a$$.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 07:03:21 AM
Oh Holly! Jerusalem artichokes! I hadn't thought about putting them in -- used to grow them out west. Another thing for the "next year's garden" list. I like your idea of putting away enough wood for the next year -- enjoy doing something else for a change. I don't think people realize how MUCH work is involved just in keeping warm.
Well, Marie -- whop him one with a big bloody steak!!! ha ha I would never promote violence, but you have to get healthy. It's always interesting how much input people want to have into the way WE live, isn't it? Please yourself, I say. Or you could eat pounds and pounds of nice stinky beans and then trap him under the covers!!!!! Okay, I am just getting silly now.
Hooray for Cindy and her 8-inch haircut! Doesn't it feel good? Every morning when I get in the shower and it takes no time at all to wash my hair, I am glad it is so short. It's a huge step to take, though, especially if you've had long hair for a while. I let mine get a little longer in the winter, but the first sign of spring and it is GONE!
I had to put a bandage on my silly thumb. I guess I am flexing it too much since taking the splint off, and yesterday I wrote a guy a receipt and saw that I had bled all over it. Luckily, I looked at it before I handed it to him and was able to print him a nice clean one on the computer instead. It actually seems more sore today than it has been -- I am taking that as a sign of healing. We got out on the boat yesterday afternoon and I came home with all 10 digits, so I consider that a win.
We took SIL with us to dinner last night. She enjoyed the boat ride and the dinner, but all through the meal she kept talking about all the things she wants to do at the house -- like Dude was supposed to take care of all of them for her. Landscaping stuff and moving trees around and lots of big projects. It was all "we" need to do this and "we" need to do that. He is out there today sorting through old car parts to go with the project car the estate has sold to another old car guy, but he's doing that just to get it done and settle the estate. I told him on the way in this morning that I did not wish to start "dating" her as a couple -- I am always a little bit uncomfortable around her and she has her sons and grandsons to help her and all the money in the world to hire people. He said he understood what I was saying -- it would be too easy for her to get the idea that he was always going to be available to "do" whatever she got in her head. He said he just wants to keep her calm until the estate is settled and he wants that done as quickly as possible. She is nearly 80 and plans to stay in their house, but it is built on the side of a mountain up in the woods -- it has wood heat and a very steep driveway that is too narrow for the plows and too steep. The house has so many stairs and she has arthritis which gets lots worse in the cold weather. She has another house -- the one she lived in before they married -- and it is all one level and in town near other people. I know they tell you not to make any big changes for a year after being widowed, but I think that one winter in that house will change her mind. But I wanted to go on record ahead of time that the Dude will NOT be running out there twice or three times a week to chop wood or fill the furnace or whatever -- she has her family to help her with that. We have enough projects of our own to finish at our place, and while His Dudeness is not old, he is not 20 years old, either.
I am a horrible person.
Got home last night and there were still no sox of death in the mailbox. I don't know what to think. Perhaps my sniper is from one of the more far-flung places like New Zealand or Australia and the shipping is just taking a long time. Then again, not everyone in the contest has time to sit and knit all day long until they finish a pair of sox, so it might be that she just hasn't finished them yet. OR, my original sniper may have been killed off already, and she has sent the sox intended for me to her sniper to complete, and if her sniper has been killed off, they would have to send the sox in progress to the person who killed could go on and on. Which is why (as I have tried to explain to His Dudeness) that it is not all about who knits the fastest! I don't think I have ever stayed alive this long -- it's getting to be nerve-wracking now.
So for now I can concentrate on other knitting projects. I am also doing a Hallowe'en dishcloth swap here on Mary Jane's Farm. Those are always fun -- I found a bat pattern, a jack-0'lantern and a ghost. Silly dishcloths, certainly, but they will be fun to make.
Boss is gone, which means quiet phone, which means plenty of time to fuss with the books and get some knitting done. It is a gorgeous day and I am going to revel in it!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 10:36:01 AM
Hello all Irises of the Goddess--or is it Iris of the Goddesses. --we got home last night and already today racing around to catch up. Hope to have some time this evening to read all the posts and possibly write a coherent one myself. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 11:03:47 AM
G! Welcome home!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 3:20:25 PM
YAY! Gypsy's back.
No Marilyn, you are not a horrible person. I believe that you are being realistic. I am glad the Dude agrees with you. <sigh> How nice that must be. What about the sox for your next kill. Hasn't the target in Canada sent you her almost finished sox and location of her target? I want to see you get another kill.
I haven't spoken to Lowell much since last night. I do not want to talk to him until I hear some kind of retraction. He told me that when his daughter, Hayley, was a baby, a nutritionist told he and his wife that she wasn't growing properly and told him what to feed her. Because of this encounter, he HATES all nutritionists and rejects any of their advice. He said that he wasn't told to eat more protein after his surgery and wants me to tell him why. "I don't know" is not a good enough answer. Lowell just called me and wants to talk to me about it. When he does talk, I just won't listen.
For now, I am planning to have 2 eggs for breakfast (12 grams of protein), some stew with beans and a side of cheese for lunch (28 grams of protein), some nuts throughout the day as snacks (12 - 16 grams of protein) and a meaty-meat dish with at least 3 oz. of real meat for dinner (20 grams of protein). That will be about 54 grams of protein per day. I will pay someone else to make my dinner so I don't have to store or cook meat in the house.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 5:26:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think Marilyn you are right about the Dude helping but not setting up a habit to be there. The SIL knows he is a nice guy.
I think you might need the extra protein to help replace the blood you are going to lose. I think taking out a uterus is different than a male surgery or whatever surgery Lowell had. it produces tissue each month it is not like an appendix that is inert most of the time.
Welcome back G. I hope the trip back was less eventful than the trip there. Rest up and I will be ready to listen when you are ready to tell. I hope the fur babies were very excited to see you.
I worked a little on the green house today. I cut some plywood and hauled it up to the second floor to put over the section that hangs over the back of the downstairs so the wind will not come up through the floor boards. I have one more small piece to do and theN I will put the windows in the attic. I have not yet figured out what I should chink the timbers with where there are air spaces. Any one have an idea?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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