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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 20 2015 : 2:40:20 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 2:35:37 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2015 : 3:10:05 PM
Marie, sending good vibes your way for a good outcome for you. I know how you feel right now, the not knowing is the worst. I was told so many times that I may have cancer here or there, just to have nothing wrong at all. Drove me nuts for awhile. My last bout was 9 years ago from a lung transplant dr. at Mayo clinic tell me that I had 5-10 years of life left, if I did not have a double transplant, and if I stayed healthy!!!! I have had 3 replacements since then, and am still going. I know I have more than one year left in me, so I will prove those drs. wrong. I was also told that I would no doubt be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I was for 2 1/2 years, that was long enough!!!! I wish you good luck, and know that we are all here for you. Glad Lowell is now beginning to understand.
G, what a relief it must feel to have the big move done and out of the way. You have been one busy beaver these last couple of years!!!!
Steph, hope the closing of your new place goes smoothly, and your move is not too stressful. Sending you good luck and well wishes.
Holly, I imagine it is not too long now when school starts again. Hopefully you will have most of your outdoor projects done for the upcoming winter. You are such a hard worker.
I finally went swimming today before it got too hot out. But the water is so warm, it is not that refreshing when you get out. It does feel good to do water aerobics though. A lot easier to exercise that way. I just bought 2 more swimsuits and had to smuggle them into my closet so hubby did not see them. I have bought 9 swimsuits since we moved here last fall. Is that some kind of obsession, or what?
Marilyn, hope all is going well for you and the dude. I know you had the funeral today.
Mar, the tomatoes that are here in the stores come from California. I am hoping to plant some here soon. I think they grow here in the winter when it is cooler here. I really do miss my garden.
Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 20 2015 : 5:19:39 PM
Sending all my sisters good thoughts! Lots going on for everyone.
I was feeling a bit low today. Just a little pity party due to no sales. So I looked at my sales numbers, this year versus last year. I'm up 76% from last year. I guess I can't be depressed anymore. I think making these purses is what has got me down. I have worked on them for three weekends now. I hope to have them done. They aren't even fancy! A bit bummed about my job. I'm down to three days a week and I had to take an extra day off because my boss did t have fabric cut out so I could see stuff. She gets so distracted and doesn't get work finished that I need so I can keep working. It's is frustrating.
Something must be going on in the cosmos. Everyone is having a hard time for some reason or another. Hope it all passes soon!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2015 : 6:47:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
Mmmmm, no political discussions and I was going to offer to send anyone who wanted one a Bernie for President t shirt since we are his home state even if he was not born here. I like to hear people's opinions so I can learn.
Marie I know many women who have wanted hsysterectomies and could not convince the doctor it was therapeutically necessary. How long will you be out of school? do you know?
Nine bathing suits, I bet they are very flattering. I am glad you are not in so much pain anymore. The electricity will work itself out. We have space you could set up your RV if you want to park it here. I know there is a dump station down in Montpelier by the sewer treatment plant. We could rig up a hose and an extension cord. Would you travel with the fifth wheel or the RV? YOu would need to get a big truck if it is the fifth wheel. I guess you have it figured out.
Penny looks well relaxed. With her haircut she will not shed so much. Good luck figuring out the layout for the furniture.
I have been thinking about you yesterday and today G. We had a swarm of bees arrive and take up residence in one of the empty hives. I di not know they would do that. A neighbor who knows mre than I do said yes, and I was so lucky to have that happen. I told him it was the easiest $150 I had ever made. That is how much a nuc of bees cost when you buy them in to start up a hive.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2015 : 7:52:51 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 2:36:44 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2015 : 10:20:15 PM
Holly--you can send me a Bernie for president t-shirt. There's a reason they call me subversive;) Marie--I hope Lowell will come through and be your rock of support. But if he falters, you have us. Bunny--you're a success and are just now realizing it. The life of an artist is rarely easy. But you can do what you love, and love what you do...that's success. Jan--I don't even have a swimsuit. I've thought of buying one recently--there's this new place in St. Louis where you can go and float on salt water (with such a high salt content that you can't possibly sink). You're in a darkened, silent, womb-like chamber and I've read about it and it just sounds so relaxing. I'm constantly bombarded by sensory stimuli. it drives me nuts. I think a session lasts about 45 minutes--pure peace and bliss. It costs about fifty dollars so it's not out of reach. I wonder how long a waiting list there is? Steph--hope all goes well with the closing and your dreams all come true. We'll still be here when you return. Mar--lucky you, you have tomatoes AND a Trader Joe's. we have a couple in the St. Louis area but they are both at least 25 or 30 miles away.Our new co-op is set to open on saturday. I need to sign up to volunteer. Marilyn--hug your man and tell him you love him. Life is never a guarantee. I've been thinking a lot lately of a friend who died five years ago and I miss her. Lots of people miss her. She did a lot for the community and helped those who were down and out--the scum who took her life is rotting in a jail cell for the rest of his life. She would have loved to see the opening of the food co-op. I'm sure she's smiling on it and blessing it. I finally started reading "Go Set a Watchman." It's different but better than I thought it would be. I don't consider it a prequel or a sequel--just another book by the same author as TKAM. I like to see how her writing evolved from when she wrote this first book to when she wrote TKAM. Walt Whitman rewrote "Leaves of Grass" up until the time he died. I think every author feels a book could have been better after it's published. we're never satisfied but that's what keeps us writing. My BP was on the low side today. Don't know why. The weather was gorgeous, it got into the 50's last night and only up to 79 degrees today. Fall will be here before we know it. got to get my fall/winter garden ready. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 07:46:04 AM
Marie -- So glad you went ahead and did the peek and poke so that they found the issue early! I know that with your attitude you will come through this with flying colors, and then not have to worry about it any longer -- besides feeling better!
We got Brother buried yesterday. The service was really lovely -- so many people came out to wish him Godspeed and grieve with the family. He had lived his entire life in this little town, so there were people there from school and even before. It was a long day, but now the family should be able to begin the healing process. Thanks for all the good wishes.
We are leaving tomorrow for Alaska to visit the older daughter. I have never been up there (yes, even living in Seattle all my life), so I am really looking forward to it, and His Dudeness really needs the rest. I have my travel knitting all ready to go -- lots of hours on the plane to knit. We used to make long car trips when I was a kid -- Seattle to Indiana in 3.5 days -- and we would always have new books set aside for "trip" reading. Many times they were those Peanuts books that we all loved. We would see the books set out ready to pack, but we knew that they were completely off limits until we were in the car on the way. Made the read even more entertaining, I guess, since we had to wait for them -- pleasure delayed and all that. I have carried that forward into travel knitting. I absolutely must knit while flying, and I always have a project set aside that I'm not allowed to cast on until at least at the airport waiting to board. I had planned a lovely plum purple neck scarf for this trip -- going to leave it with Elder Daughter as a thank you gift. Unfortunately, I ran out of knitting and had to cast it on early -- finished it two nights ago! ha ha ha So now I have some beautiful hand-painted mulberry silk in several shades of grey (NOT 50) that will become a scarf for moi. When we return from our trip, I will be starting on an international sock knitting competition, so that is good timing. The pattern is released on the 1st of September, but I should get my target dossier in a few days now, so I will know what size my intended target wears and any information about color preferences, allergies, etc. At the same time, some knitter somewhere else around the globe will be receiving a dossier with all of MY information. Then when the pattern is released, we knit like crazy to finish a pair of sox for our target and get them mailed off. Once a combatant receives their "death sox," she is considered a combat fatality (The competition is called Sock Sniper) and has to stop knitting and forward her unfinished sox to the person who just killed her. This keeps going for weeks or months, until each person entered has received a pair of "death sox." I have done several of these games before and have always got at least one "kill" in before I was out. This year, since I am working, I am just hoping to do okay. It's always fun, we raised a lot of money for Doctors Without Borders, we each get a pair of hand-knitted sox (one year mine came from Germany), and we get to know lots of interesting knitters from around the world. Should be fun.
But for now, I need to get things cleaned up so I can leave tomorrow with an easy conscience. I will try to check in from time to time while on my trip. Love to you all -- M
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 09:10:50 AM
Marilyn, knitting socks is on my bucket list to learn. However, I'm not good at learning something unless I have someone to teach me. The yarn store in town closed, so for now I'm out of luck. Where in Alaska are you going? Have a wonderful trip! We will miss you if you don't post some pictures!!
Cindy, I have heard of the salt water isolation chambers. Sounds interesting. You should try it and let us know.
G, have you arranged everything to your liking yet? I hope everything fits just right. Is the country house empty? I hope you can still use it when you need a break.
Steph, sending good thoughts on your new home! Hope we get pictures too!
My oldest son calls me almost every day. He said he would love to find some property someday and raise chickens, pigs, a cow...for food. I told him about Holly and the pigs always getting out. Not sure I want to raise a pig. I think he would get too attached to the cow and not be able to say goodbye when the time comes. He is such a Dr Doolittle. Maybe I need to work on some good bean recipes so there is protein in our diet. I would love to be able to live off the grid but don't want to be isolated. Oh well, someday.
Off to the sewing room to finish those $&@) purses. Sister has a job interview today. Fingers crossed. It would keep her out of everyone's way for a while. It is full time with Staples. I'll actually be surprised if she can keep it. I'm afraid it is typical for her and me for that matter to keep a job longer than 6 months.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 09:26:23 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 2:37:58 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 09:32:30 AM
Oh GG, keep the tub! I love those! I'm so glad you will still be able to enjoy the country house. I think the ability to get away is important for you now and then. Maybe after making some good crafty friends in Austin, you can use it for a girls weekend out in the country. Crafting and just having time away from the guys.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 11:05:49 AM
OOOhhhh. A claw foot tub. Sigh.
Bunny, I hope your uninterrupted days in the sewing kingdom can continue with Sis out of the way.
Marilyn, I love the Death Sox. What a clever idea. I have a Craftsy knitting class for socks on my Wish List. Do you prefer to start at the toe or the other end? Is one way easier? I have to cast on before i hit the plane. Too many distractions and if I have to count more than twice to be certain I have the correct number I am irritated. You know, maybe knitting doesn't calm me down all that much!
I made (yes, more) sauce yesterday. Somehow ended up giving myself a black eye. No, I'm not kidding. I was so tired because seriously, everything had gone wrong and then everything I had to do besides the sauce went wrong... I found two bags of "horse" carrots that each had one bad carrot in them. So I had to clean trim and yuck through that. Then I went to fix my salads for the week and found that my organic spring mix that was dated 8/23 was slime. Never opened. So dh ran and got me more of that. (Bless him.) So, while he was running around to get that, I had boiled the sauce down to just one large pot. Had sauteed the onions and garlic. Added the wine. Clean and chopped all the fresh herbs. Had everything just blending together at a simmer. On to the pots. Was drying one of the pots and thought I got a whiff of garlic. Is the pot not clean? (dh later mentioned the entire house smelled like garlic.) Held up the pot, sniffed in it, my hand was very tired and achy and the pot shifted and cracked me across the bridge of my nose. Of course, this is when dh arrives home. He comes in, sees that I have a weird look on my face, asks what's wrong. I told him I did something stupid. he asked if I ruined "his" sauce. Then said, "You're bleeding." Later last night dh made the observation that I am the only who considers cooking a full contact sport.
I hate cooking. mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 12:15:06 PM
Oh Marianne -- I am sorry, but I had to laugh when I read your post. I could just picture you sniffing that pot with a quizzical expression on your face "Where on EARTH is that coming from?" and then the surprise of the whole thing conking you on the nose. Dude made up several stories for the big gash on his face from the Moh's procedure -- you should have several good ones for the black eye!!! Not sure that any of them could compete with "Full contact cooking," though. Bless you.
Yes, if knitting does not relax you, then the plane is the last place to do it, for sure. I have found that crossword puzzles don't help, nor does reading. I just plug my earbuds in and settle in to "tend to my knittin'" and time goes by relatively quickly.
G - The mad rush to get off the plane is a doozy, isn't it? I mean, go ahead and stand up, but until they open the door, you're not going anywhere. And since the airlines in their infinite wisdom began charging to check a bag, people seem to think that anything under the size of Dumbo the Elephant is fair game as a carry-on! I cannot believe how much stuff some people try to carry into the cabin with them. And seriously -- I nearly never get anything but my knitting out of my carry-on bag during the flight. We don't generally check bags, because we don't like that business of hanging around at baggage claim upon arrival. When we go to the islands we live in swimsuits and shorts, which doesn't take any room. Dude has a box of toiletries stashed at each daughter's house, so I just use his when we go, and he doesn't pack any. Philadelphia's airport is absolutely notorious for slow baggage claim, so we don't like to have things to pick up when we get home. That sweetheart of mine upgraded us to first class for the trip west, so that will make for a much more comfortable flight, especially since we will be flying overnight. Coming home may be a much different picture! ha ha ha All the first class upgrades were gone.
Lots of people coming in today to get their bills paid before we leave. Friday is generally a busy day for payments anyway. I made a few reminder calls, and as of now I only have a couple of people who haven't made it in yet. I have been giving out reminders and have posted our "closed" dates for a couple of weeks, but there's invariably someone who will have a huge last-minute brain blip and call us in a panic. Oh's like potty training, I think! ha ha ha Some of my customers are still in Pull Ups.
Sent in my third quarter taxes to the Blood Bank (IRS), so I don't have to worry about doing that when I get home. Sent my daughter an e-mail to outline where all the money is stashed -- ha ha ha ha ha -- in case something untoward happens and she has to clean up the paperwork. Not a happy thought, but I figured it was worth doing.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Aug 21 2015 12:32:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 12:41:16 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 2:38:53 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 1:49:34 PM
I have trouble with orange juice sometimes, too. Not always. I drink that Simply Orange every morning with Metamucil (nummy!) and it doesn't bother me. Which reminds me, I should pick some up this evening. I drank my last glass of juice this morning, and that concoction just keeps everything running more smoothly. ha! Also want to pick up more Alteril. That's the only sleep aid I will take. It feels like it actually does help me get sleepy enough to fall asleep. I won't take the prescription ones. They make me go to sleep, but they don't make me lie down. One night I made candy and ate it all. Luckily, it was just melting white chocolate in the microwave, but I added food coloring!!! (What should it have mattered since I was asleep?) I also put some almond extract in it. I found the bowl in the dishwasher the next morning. That was too scary, so I told the doc I just couldn't tolerate it. The first night I took it, I locked myself out in the garage wearing nothing but panties. My hubby heard me pounding on the door to the laundry room at 3:00 a.m. -- trying to get back in. Luckily it was an attached garage. Geez.
We are waiting around this evening for a customer to come pick up a car. There's always something like that the night before we are trying to close up and leave. This gal came in a week or so ago, looking pretty beat up. I mean physically, as well as emotionally. I found out she had totaled her car versus a deer, so that hopefully was what had given her the black eye, etc. Anyway, she's just getting started at new work after a divorce and her aunt is helping her out. She was just so sad looking and acted like she expected us to turn her down without giving her a chance at all. Anyway, we had just got something in that we thought would be a good fit, and her aunt was helping her with a down payment -- I was glad that the Dude decided to take a chance on her. She is SOOOOO excited to be getting the car. Her insurance agent was having a little trouble getting a binder through his company, so we're running a little behind. Anyway, hopefully they will be here soon and she will have better luck.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 2:06:56 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 2:39:46 PM |
Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
130 Posts
130 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 3:10:48 PM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 14 2015 8:47:51 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 5:42:50 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am sad that Jimmy Carter has cancer as well. I think waking up dead is far preferable to a lingering illness. He is a good man.
Yes, if you all camped you could stay here. We have a pond and stars.
I think the death sox contest sounds very fun. If I had more me time I would enter it. I used to make sox on four needled. Not too hard. I knit from the cuff to the toe.
I can not read on a plane or in a car. I can knit on the plane but not in the car. I can not crochet in a car either. motion sickness is not fun.
Steph being overwhelmed happens to the best of us. As time passes so do the jobs that have to be done whether we have finished them or not.
have a great time in Alaska. I went on a cruise along the inland passage once. It was awesome.
Sorry about the black eye. But, I did chuckle at the story.
I am tearing off the outside wall of the stairs that go up to the house from the garage. Before we had the deck repaired the water would leak through the floor of the porch, down the wall and it rotted out. The job is not hard just tedious. I can begin to pull out the nail and then a little can pull it out the rest of the way with his hammer. He feels so important.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 21 2015 : 9:15:45 PM
Holly, my hat is off to you. It it's so important for the little to help like that. How good they must feel to contribute on such a big job. Thanks for the open welcome to your slice of heaven.
Steph, you don't need to take a break on our account. in general, wee take the good with the sad, grumpy and unreasonable. And expect the same in return.
Marilyn, enjoy your first class ride! I've seen that area off the plane only twice in my lifetime. It makes the trip so much more comfy.
G,I hope you can finagle first class for your trip.
I'd love to hear about Alaska. We live so close you can't help but consider it! I would like the cruise, but the excursions don't appeal to me or dh.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 22 2015 : 09:18:34 AM
Mar, I do love your stories! I hate to cook too. But you wouldn't know it by looking at me. The sauce sounds wonderful though.
Marilyn, I use the melatonin drops and they work pretty good. Mine is from Now Foods. They don't even taste all that bad. Enjoy Alaska!
G, first class to Ireland would be awesome! I hope you can find a way to post while you are gone. With both you and Marilyn gone, the rest of us are going to have to step it up around here.
Steph, love the pirate party. Sounds good to me. Hang in there and one day at a time. We are here for you to vent if need be.
Holly, all those things the littles are learning will come in handy some day. They have no idea how valuable all that learning is.
My purses are almost done. Just have to sew the binding around the edges. I'm going to work on some dresses for the rest of the weekend. Hopefully next month will be better for sales.
Marilyn, keep in touch if you can!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 22 2015 : 12:44:33 PM
Nothing exciting happening here--no trips in first class, no being attacked by pots--I didn't even go to the farmer's market this morning cause I have a lousy cold. First cold I've had in at least four years, and it's a doozy. I couldn't get in to my dr. yesterday (I was coughing horribly) so I went to the walk-in clinic at Walgreens. Had to wait a while but it wasn't bad. I knew I was due for a cold but I didn't expect it to be this bad. I've been in bed most of the day. I've been drinking liquids but haven't eaten cause of the cough. I cough so hard at times that I get sick. So that's my whine for today. Our co-op is supposed to open today but I won't be going--I'd hate for someone to catch this cold. It's been rainy but at least it's not hot. Ferguson has been in the news again--a little girl was killed in her home by a stray bullet. It's heart-rending. St. Louis is rapidly becoming a dangerous city and no one seems to know what to do to stop the violence. I'm glad I'm on this side of the river and that I live in a relatively safe neighborhood. Plus I have a "watch" dog--he doesn't bark and he doesn't bite but he likes to look out the window and watch what's happening. I don't know what he'd do if someone broke in--probably lick them to death. But he's such a sweetie that I don't mind. I hope good health is in the cards for ya'll--being this sick really sucks. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 22 2015 : 3:34:26 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 2:40:34 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 22 2015 : 5:20:36 PM
Good evening everyone,
Maybe this will be your only cold for the year. crossing my fingers for you that it releases soon and goes on its merry way.
I went to the book swap today. it was really a used book sale to benefit the Community Food Shelf and Community lunch program. They were overwhelmed by the number of books people donated. I took 20 card board file boxes over the last two days. A good way for me to get rid of the extras we have accumulated from yard sales. We still have hundreds of books here. So, we brought home 32 more books. Mostly for the littles. I found a few science fantasy that I have not read yet. I like to read simple books with not much violence that are not like my life so I do not have bad dreams.
Only cut up one tree because the sweat ran into my eyes and I do not like that so I quit. Maybe tomorrow.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 23 2015 : 1:05:13 PM
Holly, I am glad you stopped. That was a hot job if you are sweating that much. It'll be there tomorrow.
Books are so important. Especially to kids who live outside city limits. I lived for visits to the library. My mom was pretty good about taking me often, she would wait in the car because she would be tired after work. Our family used to go out to dinner at Mr Steak every friday night and afterwards sometimes we would go to the bookstore. I would sit through having to eat out every night if I could go to the bookstore. Otherwise, eating out was such a waste of time. I still feel that way. I would rather eat at home.
I spent some time in Barnes & Noble last week, while waiting for Mom. Man, you step in that place and just want everything. From magazine to adult coloring books. New releases. Romance paperbacks. Cute cards and trinkets. Such great stuff.
Just had a veggie burger. Mom and dh had salmon the neighbor brought us yesterday. They said it was really good. I don't care for fish.
Cindy, hope you are better.
mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 23 2015 : 5:12:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
I used up all of my spoons and then some today. In the morning I cut down five trees and we dragged them out of the woods to the playground to wait for me to cut them into blocks. That was not a hard job it took a while because silly me thought that since we had not had rain in a while the area in which I was cutting would be dry so the tractor would not sink. Well, there must be some sort of deep spring because the ground was wet and slippery and the tractor did not have good traction. So, it just took longer.
In the afternoon I worked on the back wall of the stairs going up from the garage. I cut out the rotted part of the sill and put in a new one then replaced the studs that were rotted. Then we put particle board on the outside. There is one more section of that back wall to replace. Then I am putting plywood on the inside of the stairwell so angry boys will not punch holes in it on their way outside. This job is like when Erma Bombeck wanted new pillowcases for her living room and ended up redoing the whole living room. I started out just replacing the punched walls and the job became more complicated in a matter of moments.
In the morning a neighbor came to cut the ends of the strapping on the roof of the greenhouse to the same lengths. He did not tell his wife what exactly he was doing so she would not freak out that he was standing up so high on a grid work of 2" X 4" 's. He told me he was not afraid of heights but once he was up there he seemed not so sure of himself. I said, you tell me you are not afraid of heights are you afraid of falling instead? Yes, he has no interest in falling. lol me either that is why I conned him into doing it for me.
I like going to Barnes and Noble when we are in Burlington. So, many books so little time......
My sister does not like fish either. She is not willing to risk getting a bone in her mouth. I share her dislike of bones in my mouth. C is very good about making sure that my piece at least has no bones.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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