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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 17 2015 : 6:45:37 PM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:20:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 07:27:52 AM
Good morning, everyone, Steph, I join the other sisters in welcoming you to this thread and I hope you stay. We love getting to know each other and I personally love the life stories of other women. This is a wonderful way to connect and a great experience. We are connected through our minds and hearts and life experiences, not age, position, looks or any other unimportant extemporaneous stuff. We talk about our daily lives, our children, the weather, sometimes let off steam about our chosen life mates, and most importantly we support each other through thick and thin.
I've been a little quieter than usual because I'm going through an odd time where it feels better to listen more and say less. But I'm here. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 07:41:26 AM
Steph, sounds like you have a lot of things going on in your life. Busy, busy, busy!!!! I thought that was a good idea with the birthday card. Remember, it is the thought that counts!!! Holly, you are a great mom all around. Your kids, I am sure, will remember and appreciate all that you do for them. I love the sundial idea also. Glad your greenhouse is taking shape. I am sure you will have it ready for next year. Bunny, maybe things will change and sister will not move back. Her and your mom are always coming up with different plans. One can only hope. That job would get you out of there a lot faster. We are in the motorhome now. We will be putting it up for sale when we get back to Florida. Our 5th wheel is permanent there. Mar, glad it is cooling off there for you. Sounds like your gardens like it though. Marie, how did it go at the dr.? Hope you are feeling better now. Marilyn, love the pocket notes you did. Great job. I can see where that could get addicting. I too love hearing about all the customers. Makes you feel like you are a psychologist, doesn't it? GG, hope all is well with you and the B. Cindy, I thought of you when we went through Illinois. We came up through where Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois join. We went over that old narrow high bridge. That was the scariest part of our whole trip. Hope I did not forget anyone here. I am keeping up with reading the posts, but not able to take the time to write anything all the time. It has been cold and some rain here. It was down to 42 degrees the other day. My daughter and her BF an his daughter and her BFF got here just in time for supper last night, my son was here every day after he gets off work. He is the one that I worked for when I was here. We had a big smorgesboard(sp.) After my son left, one of my sisters and brother in law rolled up on their bikes. They only live 2 blocks away from the rv park we are at. I think she is going to call the rest of the family for a get together at her house. We shall see how many show up. I announced on facebook when and where we would be so that all my family would know. Bob's family do not even know where we are. We do not care. They only came around when they wanted something. Well, the sun is coming out now, so I can go out and wipe the table and chairs down. Daughter and her gang will be here this afternoon. I am sure they will go swimming (in 63 degree water). when they get here. Only 4 more days, then we are on the road again. We have 3 weeks to get back, so hopefully we will get in some site seeing or camping. We are anxious to get home though. Have a great day, and please stay well!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 09:02:29 AM
Steph, I didn't realize that was you that bought that dress!! Yay!! I love that dress. It has a piece of fabric from a dress that Marie donated. I hope it fits and you love it!
Jan, oh how I wish I could buy your motor home! I would move to North Carolina to be closer to my son there. Somehow driving cross country with three cats doesn't sound too fun though. Safe travels!!
Holly, your kids are so lucky to have you and C for moms. You keep it real and make sure they have good information for all the life lessons coming their way. I believe the concert was for Streetlight Manifesto. My son mentioned it. He wanted to go see Matisyahu but they were sold out.
GG, glad to know you are still around. I stay in the background myself sometimes. It's all good. Just speak up every once in a while so we know you are ok. I do see your posts on Pinterest.
Mar and Marilyn, I'm so with you on the earthquakes. Being from California, you just take them in stride and rock and roll with them. I remember in the 60's I was living across the bay from San Francisco. We were suppose to have the big one and slide off into the noon. My little girlfriends and I sat on a bench and held hands waiting. We knew there was nothing we could do, so just waited for it. Thankfully, it didn't happen and we went on our merry way. But I remember the feeling of helplessness.
My sister is out of the hospital. It seems she has something like her heart gets tired and doesn't want to beat. But they sent her home. Her roommate is psychotic and I don't think my sister will be there long. She was suppose to go to work today. But I bet she shows up here this weekend. The college job closes on Thursday. I should hear something soon after. The director is working the library alone. School is out. So that isn't a big deal but I know they will want to get someone in there soon.
Well, off to the basement to sew my heart out! Lots to do. Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 10:27:28 AM
Goddesses of the Iris,
I have fully recovered from the illnesses. I did feel a little queasy yesterday before dinner. I took some ibuprophen and ate slowly and I was ready to shoot arrows at the bandit snake man we were up against.
I was in an earthquake when I was in Tokyo. It was in the middle of the night and I felt as if someone was shaking me. When I opened my eyes, everything was shaking around. The door on a cupboard opened. I was riding the waves on the bedsprings. I heard the clothesline out on the 2nd floor porch outside my room fall. When it stopped, I got up and saw that the oldest daughter was still awake working on an art project. We talked a little about it and she said that there is an earthquake everyday but they rarely feel them. Some of the people in the group I was with said that the train or subway they had been on during the day had stopped because of an earthquake.
My garden is on the east side of the building with a garage between it and the alley. The garden stays shaded and about 10:30 the sun starts moving into the garden. By noon, the sun is full on the garden and I stop working there and head in for lunch.
Holly - I know a young lady aged about 16 who has a temporary birth control implant in her arm. She said hers will last about 3 years. She is not sure if she will get it renewed and for how long. Her mom got pregnant at 17 so I can see why her mom agreed/suggested she do it. We just have to accept that kids will have sex. All my mom told me when I asked was "You will find out when you grow up." I wish she would have told me something. Maybe that would have saved me from the bad touch I experienced from a relative.
Steph - I believe that editing greeting cards is the smart thing to do. After all, companies can't make a card for every relationship although they certainly try. I know that is why people make their own cards. You did all that and it was a do-nothing day? You put me to shame. I hope you join the Summer Fun Pocket Letter swap. And you bought one of Bunny's dresses. Good for you. Pictures!!!
Gypsy - Do what is necessary to take care of yourself. I understand.
Jan - I went to the doctor at the right time and on the wrong day. So I guess I will see him next week.
Bunny - I hope you get the job. You really need to get out of there and out on your own. I had a one bedroom apartment after I got out of the halfway house. I turned my living room into a sewing studio. I could do that because I rarely had anyone over. I loved that place.
In case the Iris Goddesses didn't know, I am looking for any kind, weight and colour of scrap yarn. I define scrap as a ball of yarn about the size of a fist or smaller. I will reimburse the postage. I am using it to make a granny square bedspread. Here's a picture.
.jpg?v 21537645)
Time for lunch. Have a good day goddesses.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 10:53:05 AM
I finally got around to going to our city horticultural center and renting a bed for a fall garden. It is $30 a year and everything you need, including water from a deep well (not city water) is provided. The people are wonderful I will have a fall garden, then an early spring garden, and a summer garden all from this little plot. The leftover veggies are donated to a local help center. I think for both adults and children. They donate a lot of fresh food. So I will have the pleasure of gardening again, the communion with like minded spirits as there are several shady spots with chairs and benches, monthly meetings, fun get togethers, volunteer opportunities. Sounds like a lot more fun than having my garden in solitude like I have in the past. I will need to learn more about square foot gardening in a small space.
.jpg?v 28930529) |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 18 2015 11:09:09 AM |
Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
130 Posts
130 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 11:31:54 AM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:20:41 PM |
Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
130 Posts
130 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 11:53:46 AM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:21:03 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 4:48:52 PM
Good evening Goddess sisters,
It has been humid and hot all day long. DdK even went swimming with the littles in the pond. Our pond has 4 springs that feed it as well as a stream that has forest run off so it is cold.
Jan I am glad people are visiting. I bet your son really misses you working for him. and for your company.
DdK and I have talked about the different birth control methods available. She does not want a cut in her arm. She is wiggy about surgery. There is a shot she could get every three months but has no interest in that either. When I was in college I spent a summer in Denmark visiting the different ways the government provided services for people with developmental disabilities. One of the doctors said, they gave birth control shots to all of the women because it is a right to be able to have sex. I try to talk to her and the boys. Sometimes it is hard because I never had anyone talk to me about sex. My mother gave me a booklet describing a period. I do not know what her mother told her. I do know that my grandmother sat on the outhouse hole for three days thinking she was dying. She married at 28 to a man in his forties. My father said he and my mother went to the doctor and asked about birth control and the *^* ^* man told them the rhythm method and even then did not give them enough information. He was angry even many years afterwards. We have used Our Bodies Our selves as the starting point for information and discussion.
Ida started to run back and forth yesterday. It is pretty fun to watch.
DdK has her 19th birthday on the 21st. She and C went shopping today. She bought some clothes and a new laptop. Tomorrow we will have her party.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 6:15:14 PM
I've got a lot of catching up to do. Holly--there has been talk of building a generator powered by the river but it's expensive and 2) there are two coal-fired power plants within a ten mile radius, both are on the river. If the plant near me gets closed down (which people I'm friends with are trying to do) maybe the state of Illinois will look into hydro-power. If they can afford it. My state is broke. The governor wants to cut services to the elderly and disabled. He's a billionaire who has no experience in politics. The Democrats hate him and refuse to work with him. It's a hot mess, as they say. I agree that you and C are setting a good, solid example for your kids and I think common sense will help protect your kids from danger. Danger has an attraction but there's a certain point where you say--whoa! Self-preservation is a strong drive. Steph--welcome to the Iris Goddesses. I guess you were talking about the bridge at Paducah? We have a modern bridge at my town but I remember the old one, which was built in the 1920's for Model T's. It was still being used in the 1980's. It had a long curve with a very low rail. It never scared me cause I grew up with it. The only bridge that ever scared me was the one across the Straights of Mackinaw in Michigan. I love the stamp pictures. I'll have to see if the post office has them on any collectible stuff. Jan--maybe you are familiar with the bridge I mentioned. I would love to be in northern Michigan right now. It's HOT here. And humid. Living in the Mississippi valley, it gets very humid. But I can see why you'd like to get back to Florida. Frost in August isn't my cup of tea either. Marie--glad you are recovered. I hate being sick. I got so sick once that I lost track of the days. I ended up going to the ER and was hospitalized for three days. It still seems surreal. As for earthquakes, they terrify me. We're not all that far from the New Madrid fault, which produced three of the most severe quakes ever recorded in North America. I've only experienced mild quakes but they leave me shaken. As for tornadoes, it's easy to take cover during a bad storm. And I've lived in the midwest all my life and have never seen one. I worry more about straight line winds blowing a tree on top of me. GG-good to hear from you. I know you'll enjoy your garden plot. Bunny--I really hope you get that job. And that your sister doesn't move in with you. Guess you could get used to living in the basement but you deserve better. Keeping my fingers crossed. Mar and Marilyn and anyone I've missed--I hope ya'll are enjoying the summer and making the best of it. Yes, the climate is changing and will continue to change. I'm making sun-dried tomato and basil bread--it's almost done rising the first time. It's a recipe in the vegan cookbook published by Baker Creek. ALL the recipes I've tried so far are delicious. I and a friend went to a program today on Native American spirituality and Catholicism. It was wonderful. The priest had spent time on a reservation and had a lot of respect for the traditional Native ways. There was an Indian man who had grown up in orphanages and foster homes till he ran away to the reservation. He said despite all the problems on reservations, there is a lot of love there. He played a drum and I could feel it beating in my chest. There was a mass afterwards and we all offered a bit of tobacco (Native grown for ceremonial purposes) with a prayer. then the priest and the Indian put the tobacco in their pipes and everyone got to use the pipe (you don't inhale the smoke, you breathe it in and then blow it out into the air). That way the smoke carries your prayer request to Heaven. I need to go check my bread--I just know it's going to taste delicious. wish I could invite everyone over. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 6:18:48 PM
OOPS! i meant Jan when I mentioned the bridge at Paducah.Mental pause, as they say, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 9:40:16 PM
Holly, tell DDK I wish her a happy birthday. I had a baby at 19 and I don't recommend it. She has time to see the world and have lots of adventures before she even hits her sexual peak. Lots of time for that stuff later. One mistake and there's a baby which eliminates so many options. its like you said, Holly, we were not given much in the way of information or support. Today's woman has so many options and opportunities that just were not there for us. I hadn't thought about it until you pointed it out, but in same sex relationships you don't have to worry about accidentally making a baby, lol. I'm re-reading some of Pearl Buck's novels and the world sure has come a long way. People used to commit suicide over what is commonplace today. I wonder what the next 50 years will look like. B says that the truth is a moving target. It must be. My mother who would whip me to within an inch of my life for telling a lie, now lies regularly to me.
Yes, I am rambling. Good night all. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2015 : 08:27:38 AM
GG, I love B's saying " truth is a moving target". The world has changed in so many ways. I think of my transgendered xhusband. Had he been born in another time, he would have been able to live as he wanted without fear. We kind of went backwards with that. I once told a homophobic that I though that the world would be better if we evolve into bisexual beings. People might pay more attention to the lives they bring into the world. The look on his face was priceless. To note, I am only attracted to men.
Not sure what is going on with the sister thing. My mom was on the phone with her yesterday and it didn't sound like she was packing. All her kids and grandkids (and men friends) are in Utah. I know my mom wants her here so she has someone to take care of her. I'm just going to let it play out and hope for the best.
I finished up the two purses I was working on. They are really nice. Took me three weekends to get them done. Most of it due to a learning curve. I want to make more but need to figure out how to do them faster or I'm only making a few dollars an hour for my labor.
Later all!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2015 : 10:57:38 AM
Lol, Bunny, I'm only attracted to men, too. How I wish I were not attracted to anyone at all. Life would be so much simpler. I've had my share of lovers--now I just need a few friends. Who don't need anything from me.
I was famous in my younger days for saying things like: question to me: did you know ---------- is gay? I would say, nope, hadn't thought about it one way or the other. They say, well what do you think about that. I'd say, "well, since I don't want to have sex with them, why on earth would I care who they have sex with?
Back in the old, old days, they'd say something like "well, she/he is colored". I loved that one because I could say, oh, yeah? that's cool-- What color ? They: well, Black, dummy". Then I could say, well, darn, I was hoping for pink or blue or even purple. I hate being sickly white. I'd love to be an interesting color. Look how much time we spend in the sun trying to turn our skin brown, the darker the better.
Now I'm a purple Iris. But my big fight now is against age discrimination. Boy, that pisses me off big time. People say, "I sure hope I look as good as you when I'm your age" like they think that's a compliment. sometimes when I'm feeling surly, I might say, Too late. You should have started years ago. You don't look as good as I do now."
Ed used to say to me, "you do not suffer fools gladly, do you?" I'd say, I try not to suffer them at all.
Well, I'm crawling back into my cage now. I'm having such a terrific day. Not.
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 19 2015 11:02:34 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2015 : 11:05:49 AM
I love the born again Christian evangelists. One asked me if I had asked Jesus to come into my life. I said, "Yes and he refused". I am not particularly religious and respect everyone's belief systems. I appreciate good looks wherever I see it and will compliment people on it. I am, as of late, a non-practicing heterosexual and I like it.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jul 19 2015 11:09:35 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2015 : 1:26:55 PM
Oh, Marie, it's fun to practice once in a while so you don't forget. I know a couple funny jokes but won't tell them in here. Dangerously close to crossing the line as it is.
I appreciate compliments as long as they don't include "for your age". That's what pisses me off. what if I said, well you look real good for a fat person, too. It's the same thing. Except if we are lucky we will ALL get the privilege of age but weight and style are choices. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 19 2015 1:41:02 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2015 : 3:50:51 PM
I hate being told, "Well, you can eat anything you want." Yes,I just make good choices. And don't call me skinny. Don't ask me if I'm on a diet. Mar.... Back into MY cage! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2015 : 6:10:08 PM
So the Iris goddesses are on a tear tonight. Everybody, look out! 
Don't worry, New people, I'm always the one who stirs things up-- I just can't allow these kids to get too complacent.
Smart ass Mar - I'm telling!
She sent me a text and said, that was a good point-- for your age!!!
BTW I was 72 last week. Now I'm two years older than the B until September. And I look damn good for my age. Not to Brag or anything, but we had a nooner. And it wasn't my idea.  |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 19 2015 6:13:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2015 : 7:18:47 PM
OMG! Gypsy, you look damn good for any age. Lucky you have a man younger than you.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
130 Posts
130 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2015 : 08:50:28 AM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:21:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2015 : 09:00:34 AM
Steph, I hope the dress fits and you love it. I would love a picture of you wearing it! Have fun at the gardens.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2015 : 10:47:06 AM
Had to share this. Maybe you have already seen it, but just in case...............
It's from Elizabeth Gilbert.
IN PRAISE OF THE INNER CRONE! OK, we all know about the "inner child", right? The innocent being who still lives inside of us, who needs and deserves love and care, and whom we sometimes have to channel in order to learn self-compassion? I'm a big fan of the notion of the inner child. It can be a really healing construct. Once, when I was going through a particularly dark season of self-loathing, I taped a sweet photo of myself (age 2) on my mirror, and taught myself that any harm I did to me, I also did to HER. It made me kinder and more tender to myself. Imagining other people's inner children makes me kinder and more tender to them. So the Inner Child is a good thing. These days, though, I spend less time thinking about my Inner Child lately, and more time focused on my INNER CRONE — the old lady who lives inside me, whom I hope to someday be. Because she's a serious bad-ass. The really old ladies always are bad-asses. I'm talking about the real survivors. The women who have been through everything already, so nothing scares them anymore. The ones who have already watched the world fight itself nearly to death a dozen times over. The ones who have buried their dreams and their loved ones and lived through it. The ones who have suffered pain and lived through it, and who have had their innocence challenged by ten thousand appalling assaults…and who lived through all of it. The world is a frightening place. But you simply cannot frighten The True Crone. Some might consider the word "crone" to be derogatory, but I don't in the least. I honor it. The crone is a classic character from myth and folklore, and she often the bearer of great wisdom and supernatural power. She is sometimes a guardian to the underworld. She has tremendous vision, even if she is blind. She has no fear of death, which means: NO FEAR. I keep a wall of photos of some of my favorite crones, for inspiration. The photo below is of a Ukrainian Babushka who lives in (get this) Chernobyl. There are a group of such women — all tough elderly peasants — who have all recently moved back to the radioactive area around Chernobyl. You know why they live there? Because they like it. They like Chernobyl because that's where they came from. They are natural-born farmers. They hated being refugees.They resented being shunted off their land after the catastrophe. They hated living in the shabby and crime-infiltrated and stress-inducing government housing in the city, and they much prefer the independence of living off the land in the most contaminated nuclear site on earth. They have formed a stupendously resilient retirement community there, in what some would call the world's most terrifying landscape. Is it safe? Of course not. Or, whatever. After 90 years of hard living, what does "safe" even mean? They drink the water. These women plant vegetables in that radioactive soil and eat them. They butcher the wild pigs that scavenge around the old nuclear power plant, and eat them, too. Their point is: "We are old. What do have to fear from radioactivity? At this age? Who cares?" All they want is their freedom. So they take care of themselves and each other. They cut and haul their own wood. They make their own vodka. They get together and drink and laugh about the hardships of World War II and the evils of the Stalin years. They laugh about everything, then they go outside and butcher another radioactive boar and make sausage out of him. I would put these women in a Bad-Ass Contest against any cocky young alleged Bad Ass you've got going, and I guarantee you — the Chernobyl crones would win, hands down. We live in a society that romanticizes youth. We live in a culture where youth is considered a real accomplishment. You look at a seriously powerful classic crone like the woman in this photo and you see foolish we are — to imagine that the young offer much for us to aspire to, or learn from. No wisdom like the wisdom of survival. No equanimity like the equanimity of somebody who plants a garden right on top of a nuclear disaster and gets on with it. So these days, when my Inner Child gets all fluttery with the panic of living, I just ask myself: " WWMICD?" "What Would My Inner Crone Do?" Ask yourself that same question. See what she tells you. One thing I can promise you she will never say? She will never say: "WORRY. She will more likely tell you this: "ENDURE." Hang in there, all you future awesome crones! LG
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 20 2015 10:49:04 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2015 : 10:52:52 AM
Steph, Mar started the Iris Goddess thing, so she should be the one to explain it. Besides, she can probably remember how it went. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2015 : 2:09:12 PM
Crud, don't count on my remembering anything... I think it was a typo or I misread something and thought it said Iris Goddess??? Who else remembers and how far back did it happen-- only a few months, right? But, seriously, shall we be Iris Crones? Crone Goddesses? It is so nice to have the benefit of enough years on this earth to be able to look at things and know it will all work out, because, really what is the other choice?
Wink, nudge, we had a nooner yesterday, too!! What's in the water? Full moon. It is so much more relaxing to go to bed at night and know you are gonna sleep cuz all that other stuff happens in broad daylight now!
Steph, good luck on getting a good night's sleep tonight so you can be an energetic and magnetic personality to lead the community garden! I do hope we can see you in Bunny's original. Wait! I want to call it "your original by Bunny," instead.
It is our Missing Marilyn Monday...hope she is enjoying that boat of theirs!
I picked up some material at JoAnns today to make a quilted cover for the sofa. At night, I stretch out to watch tv and Gracie sometimes cuddles with me. Usually if dh is on his laptop and doesn't want to let her up on his lap. Her hair is (not nice). That's a whisper because she is right here. But she has very wiry hair that is not nice to touch, but it can weave its way into any fabric. And I am tired of "vhutt-vhutting" the sofa. A vhutt-vhutt is one of those sticky rollers that you run over your clothes to remove lint. When you roll the sticky roller over fabric, it makes a sound that I think would be spelled "vhutt-vhutt." And therefore, that device will forever be called a vhutt-vhutt in our and several other family members' and friends' homes. Welcome to my world. So, I am making a lightly quilted throw expressly to catch Gracie hair. Whee. But, it may mean less vhutt-vhutting in my future and that is a good thing.
mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 20 2015 : 2:16:35 PM
Page 227...after a post of a pot of tulips, I mentioned that I love the "gorgeous velvet like purple" of G's irises. But, auto correct helped me out and I said "gorgeous velvet like people" instead....
And we went from there.
It sounds better than it was! Just a typo. mar |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |