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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 29 2015 :  07:32:21 AM  Show Profile
Do you mean St. John in the Virgin Islands? That's on the short list too. Not sure which islands tho
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 29 2015 :  08:07:21 AM  Show Profile
Yes -- St. John in the USVI. Just a lovely quiet place! You have to fly to St. Thomas and then take the ferry over to St.John. We rented a cottage on the east end, which is the quietest end -- the west end has Cruz Bay, which is the one bigger town. Nice people, great food, fabulous views everywhere you look -- the water in the Caribbean is not like anywhere else.

We went to Grand Cayman in October (Dude's brother had a time share that they couldn't use) and it was nice, but much more commercialized and lots more people and traffic. Still really nice, though. It is in the British West Indies. We stayed at a Holiday Inn resort that was part of their time share. We had a great time, but we both liked St. John lots more. Also no need to exchange money, etc.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 29 2015 :  08:15:41 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, your trip sounds wonderful. I believe you will discover a stowaway in one of your suitcases. That's how I roll anyway. I don't get to travel much. Actually, not at all..haha. Maybe someday. The bear hug tunic dress is a large I believe. You can check it out on my Etsy store. Link is always here at the bottom of my posts.

I don't have a problem living with my sons. My youngest would welcome it. My oldest is a little more hesitant. He has lived with family (my aunt and uncle) for so long and would like the opportunity to have a place of his own for a while. As far as North Carolina, I just don't relish the drive with three kitties in tow. They don't travel well as it is. Even tranquilizers don't work.

I wonder if our lurkers sign on and say, " wonder what the goddesses are up to today".
Hi everybody!!!

Off to work! Still love my job!


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 29 2015 :  11:51:50 AM  Show Profile
What a great trip to look forward to! You and gg have lovely plans for integrating travels. I sent to CR a few years ago for a week. It was gorgeous. Loved the sloths. Lots of snakes. volcanoes. Waterfalls. Howler monkeys. Pura Vida. Of course, a cocoa plantation was de rigueur since the trip was for a chocolate company. Dh was happy because it was one of the few times he was there without needing to take the anti-malaria meds that give you crazy dreams. It was May and we were on the Pacific ocean side.

The funny thing was that everyone who wanted to take us out for dinner would take us to some fancy restaurant for something like French food. We just wanted the fresh melon and papaya and fish!

We have no travels planned right now...
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 29 2015 :  4:28:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

While the day was overcast the temperatures were in the forties so it seemed balmy out. We did school work this morning organizing our pictures into the new journals for science. I took the pictures when we went on the walk a couple of days ago.

In the afternoon I worked on my green house just for a little while.

I have not been to CR. Some people we know in town lived there for a couple of years in a Quaker village. the children went to the Quaker school. The village is in the mountains. The boys learned to shinny up palm trees.

I do love the warm weather and the ocean. I could get used to that.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Apr 29 2015 :  8:55:21 PM  Show Profile
I had to take two tests at work today, on the computer. One was on HIPAA and one was on workplace safety. Did you know you're supposed to "walk like a duck" on a slippery surface? I sure didn't know. Luckily, it didn't suggest you should quack like a duck if there's a fire. I passed both tests.
Holly--raising children is more important than being involved in protests, I get involved in issues cause I don't have any kids and I have the time, so I might as well do something worthwhile. Plus I've been influenced by some "radical" priests and nuns (who aren't really radical, just not afraid to take a stand) and I just want everyone to be free. So does God, by the way.
I would love to visit Costa Rica just to see the parrots. And sample their coffee.
Bunny--I love the bear hugs tunic but alas, I wear an XL. Still trying to lose weight. It was easy when I was young but it gets a lot harder to lose when you're older. I saw a young woman who works at the hospital and this was her breakfast: a piece of broccoli, a spoonful of cottage cheese, an ounce of chopped hard-boiled egg...yes, she's slim but can you imagine eating like that? She's starving for something, maybe love, I don't know, but I know she's starving. When I was a size 2, I used to measure the calories in a teaspoon of mustard. I forced myself to jog for an hour each day and it was pure hell. I like myself a lot better now than I did then. Why is it so hard for women to give ourselves the validation we need? Is it the way we're raised, the way the media portrays the "perfect" female body?
I like MJF cause it's about character, and fortitude, and hard work, and helping each other. I wish my friend who was hospitalized earlier this month would read some issues of MJF. I've given her some issues but I don't get the feeling she's read them. She's really struggling right now, was receiving ect but stopped because it made her feel disoriented. I received ect a long time ago and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. She's starving too, in a different way. I pray for her, and I worry.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 29 2015 :  8:59:34 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Apr 29 2015 9:12:54 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  06:07:55 AM  Show Profile
Bunny -- I am an XL (at least on top) as well -- rats! I may have to take a flyer on that dress anyway.

Cindy -- I am with you -- I used to be teensy tinesy too (I just had to type that) but am a whole lot healthier now that I am a more relaxed version of myself. I did 15 minutes on my elliptical this morning and then did my Morning Mile walk uptown after I got to work -- we eat fish about 3 times a week and lean meats and LOTS of veg every evening -- in love with kale and spinach --- trying to eat as locally as possible and drink water at my desk all day. I figure as long as my insides are healthy, the outsides will just be what they will be. And I think quacking like a duck would be the last thing I would think of doing during a fire -- ha ha ha. How about screaming at the top of my lungs while peeing down my leg as I run from the building -- that probably would not be the answer they wanted on that test....

Holly -- I would imagine you could get used to some sunshine and ocean breezes after the winter you've had. It sounds to me like you are engaged in very important work up there -- the Littles are lucky to have you. I really enjoyed your pictures the other day. I may have to get to Vermont someday -- have never been. I am so happy that I have moved to the east coast -- it puts me in range of a whole 'nuther area of the country for exploring.

Today is my baby's 21st wedding anniversary. Time is really speeding up these days! How did this happen? Her husband travels all the time for work, so he's in Indianapolis while she's here in PA running errands and getting ready to go away to a Scout training this weekend. They may get together by next weekend and go out to dinner. ha Last year, for the 20th, Big took her up to NYC to see a comedian they like. He is really thoughtful about gifting her with special stuff like that -- even if he doesn't care about the comic or the book or TV show, he is always thinking and makes such an effort to remember the things that are important to her. My old Dude is so much that way. I had mentioned a while back that I wanted to find an old pitcher pump to put out in one area of the yard to plant flowers around it. (I had one out west that my Daddy had given me) I ran into a lady from an antique shop outside of town the other day and she said to tell him that she was still looking for that pump for him. Awwwww. I didn't pass the message along, because I want him to be able to surprise me. I think sometimes when a guy gets older, he realizes that he wasn't as thoughtful or sweet as he could have been in years past. I figure I am lucky I found this sweetheart when I did! He's all broken in.

Time for work. End of month today. Have a great one, Ladies.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  07:07:37 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, you sound like one grateful lady. Since I've met back up with my high school crush, things like you mentioned in your last post have been happening. Even in my old age, LOVE seems to be happening again.

Betty in Pasco
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  08:06:32 AM  Show Profile
Oh Betty -- I am so happy to hear that!!! We just keep on living, don't we?

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  08:56:02 AM  Show Profile
It is so nice to see that we can find love the second or third or.....whatever time around. Happy for all you ladies that are finding wonderful mates for the next chapter.

I guess I need to make more Xlarge stuff haha. I'll get you yet my pretties!!! I wear an Xlarge so one of these days I'll post all the ones that size and you won't be able to get away.

It looks like my sugar skull dress sold at the Art gallary. My mom went there yesterday and said it was gone and there was a sold sign in its place. Yay!!

I have graduated to helping my boss sew wedding dresses! Stress!!! But I'm doing the easy stuff. So thankful. The more variety of fabrics I can sew the more possibility of a raise. Plus, if I don't get the job at the collage, I will become her admin assistant. I'm trying to free her up for things only she can do. She is so overwhelmed at times with everything she has on her plate.

I'm hoping to work on a new project this weekend making scarves with my scraps. Im really hoping they turn out. I have lawn bags filled!!

Time to get ready for the best job EVER!!! Later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  08:58:47 AM  Show Profile
It is so nice to see that we can find love the second or third or.....whatever time around. Happy for all you ladies that are finding wonderful mates for the next chapter.

I guess I need to make more Xlarge stuff haha. I'll get you yet my pretties!!! I wear an Xlarge so one of these days I'll post all the ones that size and you won't be able to get away.

It looks like my sugar skull dress sold at the Art gallary. My mom went there yesterday and said it was gone and there was a sold sign in its place. Yay!!

I have graduated to helping my boss sew wedding dresses! Stress!!! But I'm doing the easy stuff. So thankful. The more variety of fabrics I can sew the more possibility of a raise. Plus, if I don't get the job at the collage, I will become her admin assistant. I'm trying to free her up for things only she can do. She is so overwhelmed at times with everything she has on her plate.

I'm hoping to work on a new project this weekend making scarves with my scraps. Im really hoping they turn out. I have lawn bags filled!!

Time to get ready for the best job EVER!!! Later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  3:14:23 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:16:29 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  3:52:47 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, congrats on the sugar skull dress finding a new home. I thought that one would be a quick sale!

Marilyn and Betty and GG, hang on to those loved ones who are "new" to you! I'm hanging on to mine, he's broken in, too! Much more thoughtful and demonstrative as the years have gone by.

Got to see dd today for a bit. She brought some things to store here and took some goodies home with her. She always says she is spoiled and so fortunate and that makes me happy. I finished my new porch cushion and it really works well on the front porch. Looks great against the color of the house and the front door.

Dh went shooting this morning and stopped at the grocers to pick up some personal size watermelons. Really good. The produce guy told him the group from which he should choose. And it was a good tip. I just had a quarter of one and sent the rind out for the horses. They make a mess eating them...
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  5:34:52 PM  Show Profile
But they are so good! I eat a whole one by myself.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  5:48:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I think eating just that little bit is too much of a tease for the stomach. When I was in high school we were coming back on the bus from some field trip and the girl sitting nest to me had a piece of lettuce for supper. She was a ballerina and very conscious of her weight but jeez she was thin. He dad was a doctor I could not figure out how he let her eat that little. I think it is not worth being skinny if you have to starve to do it. Anyway when you are skinny people ask your family if you are anorexic. You can't win for losin'.

Congratulation Bunny on being happy. It is a long time in coming and you deserve to have the kindness.

I worked in the garden today filling the tops of the growing bins with composted manure. Then I planted carrots, beets and spinach. The garlic I planted last fall is peeking up with bright green stems.

I am glad that some of you have found love and comfort. I think being comfortable is security in itself.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  6:07:52 PM  Show Profile
Sorry my post went in twice. My iPad was being strange and not wanting to load. I guess I puched too many buttons.

Tired tonight. I helps sew some beautiful wedding dresses today. They had to go out tomorrow.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  8:51:40 PM  Show Profile
Sorry my post went in twice. My iPad was being strange and not wanting to load. I guess I puched too many buttons.

Tired tonight. I helps sew some beautiful wedding dresses today. They had to go out tomorrow.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  8:54:29 PM  Show Profile
Um, bunny, is there an echo in here?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 30 2015 :  9:26:13 PM  Show Profile
Good grief! What is going on? IPad has the hiccups I guess.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - May 01 2015 :  07:55:39 AM  Show Profile
That happened to me on Wednesday. That is why I have that funny correction. Let's call it a hiccup in cyberspace.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - May 01 2015 :  08:13:15 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, I would be nervous sewing wedding dresses. So be very proud of yourself. It is very different to sew and create and then to sew what someone else envisions. That's a job.

Today is the day that is "supposed" to be for dh and I. We'll see. Plans change, as you all know.

I've never been accused of being anorexic, but I've heard a lot of snorts and other such sounds, if I say no thanks to any type of food item. I have to be very careful about what I eat or I don't feel well. Many people assume it is vanity that drives me to adhere to my "diet." I feel very angry with myself when I give in to peer pressure and eat something that isn't gonna be good in the long run. My family never judges me or complains about my not wanting to go to restaurants, etc. A few of my friends say they don't know how I do it. It seems easy to me. If it hurt to hit yourself in the head with a can of soup, would you avoid the soup? It is just the same for me with food choices. "That" hurts. Don't eat it. It isn't worth it. So over the years, you get less excited about food... but that watermelon is really good!!!

I need to stake my tomatoes today. They are already tall enough. I have a lot of flowers and a baby 'mater, too.

Happy May Day. The checkout lady was asking the guy in front of me if he remembered May baskets. He didn't. (Looked old enough that he should have.) I remember them. We even got to dance around the May Pole in kindergarten. Everyone held the end of a ribbon and it braided the pole as we went around it and criss crossed. So pretty.

I hope someone leaves you a basket of posies.

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on May 01 2015 08:14:59 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - May 01 2015 :  09:11:51 AM  Show Profile
When I was a mentor for a little grade-school girl, her whole class went out into the neighborhood nearest the school and put little baskets on the doorsteps of several of the houses for May Day. The class had made woven paper baskets in their art class and then they had made paper flowers. They had each written their own note and they got to pick which house got their basket. They were so excited! It was a really fun morning. They were so excited to be giving something that they made, and the fact that these were mostly strangers receiving the gifts was really special to them. I often wondered if the recipients appreciated what had gone into the project.

I am well old enough to remember Maypoles - We did one when I was in Kindergarten and primary school, right after the Great Flood!!! But a nicely woven Maypole really is so pretty. I guess maybe it's not high-tech enough for today, but it sure was pretty and so much fun to skip around holding that big long ribbon. We did it on the playground -- the school custodian would come out and take the volleyballs off the poles and attach the ribbons at the top. Gee -- I hadn't thought of that in years. Thank you for that.

Today seems to be Zombie Day here at the office. First of the month means government checks and lots of payments being made. Ma and Pa Kettle were in first thing, as always. (If you have never read The Egg And I, by Betty McDonald -- you should!! Talk about a farmgirl!!!) Their big son reminds me of Baby Huey (dating myself there, too). I had to call the police one time when he threatened me, so I made it a rule that he is NOT to come inside the office -- the whole family comes down to make their monthly payment. So Pa comes in to make the payment, then Ma gets tired of waiting for him, so she comes in to get him, and Junior stays outside pacing up and down and smoking cigarettes. Then Shamba, Queen of the Zulu People came in to make her payment. This woman defies description, but there's a wig involved. Sometimes it is on her head and sometimes it is just nearby. Anyway, she once accused me of stealing her payments and I called her out on it. I don't care what names she wants to call me, but she is not allowed to accuse me of stealing. Anyway, she doesn't like to have to deal with me anymore because the Boss made her apologize to me, but I was the only one available, so she had to give me her payment. Then as she was leaving, she accosted the mechanic out front and started waving her receipt around and insisting that the balance was wrong. He just put his hand up and turned and walked away. Ever since she flushed her dentures down the toilet in our shop and asked him to go fish them out, he just hasn't wanted much to do with her -- go figure. However, I did have an adorable 2-year-old boy who came in with his momma and was enthralled by the model airplanes hanging from the ceiling. That makes up for pretty much everything else.


Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice...
Pull down your pants and slide on the ice!

Have the greatest Friday ever.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - May 01 2015 :  09:29:17 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I think there is a book waiting to be written about your experiences.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - May 01 2015 :  10:02:29 AM  Show Profile
Bunny -- Several of us have been having that conversation here lately! ha ha I think maybe a treatment for a sit-com. The irascible but lovable Boss with the hide of a rhinoceros and the heart of gold; the street-wise but illiterate Puerto Rican mechanic who helps anyone anytime and then grumbles to anyone who will listen; the handyman with the brain injury and a house full of daughters who run his life; assorted cooky customers; and ..... hmmm... that leaves me and I don't know -- maybe the introvert who really just wants to sit in a nice quiet room with the bookkeeping and some opera music but is called upon instead to ride herd on this collection of nutsos while trying to maintain her composure and the shreds of her sanity that remain.

A younger version of Ed Asner (ala Lou Grant) for The Boss. George Lopez for The Mechanic. I could actually see a younger Ray Romano-type as the handyman. For me --- Kristen Wiig. And the customers ???? Ask Barnum and Bailey!!!

But in all seriousness, I think what I will do is a series of character essays. You just can't make these people up.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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