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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 03 2015 : 5:26:39 PM
Good evening everyone,
Mar, you are far more dedicated to writing than I am. I guess that shows in the funny, witty writing that you do on here. I have a We'moon calendar and the space is only about inch and a half by five inches and I have yet to write in it everyday. It is something I would like to do but geez I forget when I am tired.
The flowers are lovely. I am glad this is a good spring at your ranch. I think I remember last spring not being a good one for flowers. The spring flowers make me smile. While ours are a month a way I can smile with yours.
I just noticed that while we have a little more than 5,000 posts, more than 191,000 reads. That is a huge disparity. I hope the others are having joy from our lives.
When my IRL friends and i start to complain about growing old we make sure to mention what the alternative could be. We are grateful for all of our aches and pains because it reminds us that we are lucky to be here. Maybe MIL wants just to be acknowledged.
Have you done any adventures with the women's group yet? Mar?
Marilyn, you and his Dudeness have far more patience than I do when dealing with sad sacks. I am no good at it. I guess it is why I live at the end of a half mile dirt road and am not in a customer service position. My father always told us to be kind to those who are less fortunate than we are.
Today was a very lovely day here in the Greens. The temperature was in the fifties from late morning through the afternoon. I began one of my favorite spring chores today. We have a road running through our pasture and the water from the field above it runs in torrents along it eroding the road and banks. I took the tractor and engineered some run offs. There is still about two inches of ice along the edge and I smashed a gully into it. It is so satisfactory to see something work immediately. Raising children is not like that. Tomorrow we are supposed to get 3 to 5 inches of new snow so my work will go away but then I get to do it again.
Sorry your mom's hip broke and she fell. Hard decisions and respecting integrity at the same time is so difficult. I hope you and she can find peace in the decisions that must be made. hugs to you.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 03 2015 : 6:38:10 PM
Boy, I do a little sewing and don't check in and you ladies get all twisted up!
Along with everyone else, I too feel this place is special. I know there are lurkers out there, but hope they at least get some entertainment from our rants. I'm glad you are all able to keep us a super secret squirrel club. Or at least the iris goddess club. No men allowed! Sent them to their man caves!
Marie, you mentioned losing friends as we get older. I remember the first friend my circle of friends lost. It was quite a shock to use. He died in his sleep of heart failure. We were all just hitting our 50's. I remember my grandmother in her late 80's saying she was almost the last one of her tribe still alive. It was really hard on her.
So on the subject of graditude. I had that conversation with my oldest son the other day. He was complaining about life and his job. Let's just say, I set him straight. I did tell him to start thinking about all the good things he has instead of the things to complain about. Funny thing is today has totally turned around for him. He has an opportunity with a good friend to start his own business while keeping his old one until things get profitable.
I have so much to be grateful for. I am thankful for my kitties. They have done so much to help me through a hard few years. As much as she drives me crazy, I'm thankful my mother allowed me to come live with her. I'm I thankful in a big way, my etsy store is hanging in there. And most of all, I'm thankful I have the love of my two sons. They don't always do a good job showing it, but I know they do. I'm thankful I have this forum to vent when I need to and celebrate the good things that happen! Yay!
As for things to all know my biggest goal is to move back to California and the mountains. As far as projects, Marilyn,you have no idea the unfinished quilt projects I have! Having owned a quilt store for 12 years, I have racked up a few unfinished projects.
My back is much better today. I have two customs dresses to make so worked on that. I'm also making a quilt for my youngest son's Staff Sargent. He is getting out soon and has been so wonderful to my son. I'll share a picture when it is done.
I went to the art center reception last night. I hate to say it but I think my dresses were the hit of the event. There really weren't that many things that were unique. There was one lady that did beautiful wool felting. But most of her things were scarves. They used all three of my dresses in the fashion show. Here is the girl that modeled my goth sugar skull dress. It really looked good on her.
.jpg?v 9694703)
Later goddesses!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 03 2015 : 7:35:54 PM
Bunny.....sure glad that gal did your dress justice! And how excited you must be that your dresses were the hit of the event! I sure am excited for you!! :) Glad your back is feeling better.
Holly....I often lurk around here......I probably have a dozen lurks for ever post I have! LOL!!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 03 2015 : 11:28:44 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:08:16 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 05:02:49 AM
Geez. I am anxious to get my eye lazered on Monday - just hit the wrong line and unsubscribed from this group! It will be great to be able to see again.
GG and Marie - I don't think of you as troublemakers - more like kindred spirits. I so wanted to slap that awful woman yesterday, but I settled for reading her the riot act and calling her out on her intolerable behavior. I heard her trying to explain herself to Dude. She never actually just came out and apologized - just made excuses - like "I wasn't mad at you, just mad at the car!" It sure was an odd thing to call a car. Bless his heart, he just told her he would get over it and hurried her out the door. Then when she left, he called her a really nasty name and turned to look at me with a big naughty wink! He makes me laugh so much.
Lots to do today. Got to get a pork roast for tomorrow. Would like to work out a space to get some sewing done. Always the regular Saturday laundry and cleaning.
Happy Saturday to all of you!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 08:17:43 AM
Fellow Goddesses of the Iris,
Soon I will be a woman free of the Lowgre. (It's like ogre, get it.) {My question mark key doesn't work.} He is going to Fergus Falls for an Easter dinner with his family. I have too much to do here so I am not going. Lowell will leave after band practice this afternoon and after grocery shopping. I am preparing for him to decide not to leave until tomorrow morning because his "symptoms" are acting up. What ever!
I get that restless leg thing too. Mine happens in the evening before I go to bed. I am usually sitting here at the computer when my legs just won't stop wanting to move around. It's as if the muscles just can't settle down. I've had it when trying to sleep and that is annoying. Just as Gypsy said, at the moment you are just about to drop off to sleep, the legs jerk and move around. I'm not certain if they move on their own or if a person moves them unconsciously because of a stimulus. It is strange.
Anyway, while Lowell is gone I will clean the dog poop out of the yard and hook up the hose. I want to inventory my seeds and try to see which seed and plant pick up spot I can get to. I need someone to take me because it will be difficult to bring flats of plants back on the bus. I need to make certificates for my students from last semester's crochet class and this week's macramé class. Then there is laundry, ironing and mending -- the three goblins on the to do list.
I better get going.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 08:58:03 AM
GG, I have the same restless leg but it is my whole body that does it. I do love the way it waits until you are almost asleep to begin. Stretching is just about the only thing that works. I use to take klonipin (spelling) because it would just knock me out and I would sleep through it. But they say it now increases dementia. So my new doctor wouldn't give it to me.
GG, I don't envy your country house work that is in store. Should keep B busy for a while at least.
Marilyn, I think you and sir dudeness handled sister trashmouth rather well. Maybe next time she leaves a message, she will watch her language.
Mar, you really are a witty writer. Love all your funny sayings.
Marie, yay! Party at your house! Hope you get lots done with out Lowell. Give Mitzy, Morgan and the kitty a hug for me. They will keep you company. Sounds like you have quite a list to keep you busy.
Holly, it does seem winter and spring are two steps forward and one step back for you. At least it sounds like you have the right tools for the job. At least your days are heating up a bit. I know there is a Jewish holiday in order for you. Are you celebrating at home or at friends?
I realized with Holly's comment about our lurkers that we have lost quite a few posters. If you are out there!!! We miss you. Say hey every once in a while. I think we must be very entertaining to have so many followers. But then we have evolved from farmgirls to iris goddesses. Quite the accomplishment if I do say so.
Well, I believe I work up with a flu bug this morning. I felt sick all night. Not tummy sick thank God but over all fever sick. Hopfully it won't keep me down too badly. I have a job interview on Monday to get through! ...and one more dress to make...and...and.. Too much to do!
Hope everyone has a nice Easter.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 09:44:32 AM
Got to the market (the good one, where the Amish shop) and back without incident, except for the fiscal one. Talked to my daddy for a while. He says the chemo is making his hair fall out. He said it's a pretty good trade if it makes the cancer "fall out" too. Came home and made some butter. We don't use butter very often, so when we do I like it to be GOOD butter. I am planning to make taters and biscuits for tomorrow's Easter feast, so the butter will be nice. I had a great lot, so was able to share some with my neighbor. The pork roast I bought looks nice and lean. I am going to roast it in one of those bags, so hopefully it will stay moist. We will have plenty of leftovers for His Dudeness' lunches.
It is just a lovely blustery spring day here in SE PA. I still have more laundry to do, but when Dude gets home I may drop that and go work out in the garden with him. I want to get the peas and sweet peas in. We saved all the sections of fake wrought iron railing from when we took out the old broken patio, so they are going to be our pea supports. Very classy! Ha ha ha
Spring is trying to spring. Not much color yet, but the daffodils are really getting taller daily and the goldfinches are turning a brighter yellow. Who doesn't love this time of year?
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 09:47:52 AM
.jpg?v 16952515)
Oooh. Oooh. Oooh. Lookin' out my back door!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 10:58:55 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:09:04 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 11:13:39 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:09:31 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 11:24:21 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:10:32 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 11:31:11 AM
GG - love the iris goddess! Do you need a cataract removed? I had my right eye done about 5 years ago. It had gotten so bad that I really could not see out of the eye. Well, I got to the clinic at 8 in the morning and was in the car on my way home by 10:30! It really only took that long because they had given me pretty heavy sedation. No prep, no pain, no recovery to speak of - had to stay off my horse for a week. A few months later my vision started to cloud a little and the doc said I had posterior capsule opacification and that lots of people have it happen after the cataract removal. So I went back to the eye clinic, they used the Yag lazer, no pain, no recovery time - completely clear vision. Just had my left cataract removed last summer and now it needs the lazer, so I know it is no big deal. Long story to say " If you have the insurance or the bucks, no reason to dread or hesitate! It is so wonderful to be living now instead of 50 years ago."
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 12:26:24 PM
I'm so mad at myself. I just screwed myself out of over $50.00. A lady came by to buy some of my quilting fabric. I'm selling it at $2.00 a yard. But she talked so much and with me not feeling well, I only charged her $1.00 per yard. I just added up the yardage and told her that amount. I'm bummed. Im going to bed and sleep this gunk off! Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 1:45:08 PM
My iris of the day. Maybe pink ones tomorrow.
.jpg?v 91914013)
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 04 2015 6:40:21 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 1:54:35 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:11:31 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 6:30:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
It rained over night and then the temperature dropped and the ground froze. We had a few flurries with no accumulation. So much for the weather guessers saying 3" to 5" in the northern elevations. The channels I cut to drain the road are all frozen so there is nothing to drain and no where for it to go anyway.
I filled the plastic eggs with candy and tossed them out onto the snow pack tonight in the dark. I hope that not to many of them split open and scattered the candy. I tried to heave them gently. lol They are pretty on the snow in the morning. We colored the hard boiled eggs with sharpies. I put those in the refrigerator because if I hide them now our overweight ancient brittany spaniel with eat them. I hope everyone has a gently day tomorrow.
the appliqued quilt piece is gorgeous and far more work than I can do to make a quilt piece. G I think your ADD is not nearly as D as mine is. I need to see progress fast.
When you have had the lazer surgery did you have your eyes corrected for near or far vision. LIke do you still wear glasses to see the road sign or do you wear cheaters to see your crossword puzzles? My eye doctor had his corrected so he could read the charts he writes for work.
Bummer of a mistake Bunny. As a customer I try to be honest enough to pay anyway if the clerk if she makes a mistake. It is too bad that women did not rectify the problem when it happened. If she even noticed it herself. I am glad your oldest is figuring out the next step in his life.
The sky in your backyard photo is that gorgeous spring sky I so love. Are the end of your twigs red yet? I really like the color just before the buds emerge. The red almost purple color of impending life.
Anyone heard from Jan?
YOu are too funny Mel. Sometimes after I have posted when I am still on line I recheck to see if someone has typed. So, I too have a few views without posts. lol
Sweet dreams everyone.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2015 : 9:41:55 PM
Well, I had a little excitement this evening. I decided to go on the full moon hike at the Nature Institute. I got there early and as I stood there watching, a group of teens came out of the woods, not at all unusual, but they seemed like something wasn't right. another woman, who had just parked there and who, incidentally, used to work at the hospital where I work, notice one of the boys was shirtless, had a huge gash on his head and was bleeding. He was also on drugs. Everytime someone approached him to help, he would freak out.He also kept passing out. So she called 911 and soon the fire dept. was there, then the police, then the ambulance. Turns out this kid had fallen down a twenty foot ledge and had a serious head injury. they determined he needed to go to a hospital in St. Louis and called the ARCH rescue copter. About ten minutes later, the copter arrived. Luckily there was a place for it to land. they loaded him up and away the copter flew. I hope he's OK. And I hope his parents have good insurance. Then we hiked a little more than two miles through the woods. Everyone wore a jacket but me. I've started having hot flashes and didn't feel cold at all. In fact the cool night air felt good. I also seem to have headaches when i get hot. Is that normal? I'm 52 and just starting to go through the change. Bunny--I didn't know that Clonapin could cause dementia. I take it every night. I'll check with my dr. and ask for something else. Your candy skull dress was cute. I have a very old (I think from the 1920's) silk men's shirt that would look good if it were embellished some. I could send it to you and let you work your magic. I'll pay what ever you think it should be. I only paid two dollars for the shirt (got it when the local little theater was selling old costumes). GG--sounds like your mother is a "tough old bird" as they say. That's an admirable quality.I love the pic of the Iris Goddess. Speaking of Goddesses, I usually refer to this planet we call "Earth" as Gaia, not because I think it's a Goddess, but because all the other planets in our solar system are named for Gods or Goddesses. So why not this beautiful jewel we live on? Marilyn--look at all the happy creatures dancin' upon the that song. Dinosaur patrol, listening to Buck Owens, oo-oo-oo looking out my back door! I just downloaded a game called Trivia Cracking on my Nook. The girl I trained this week has it on her phone and it's a lot of fun. She and the other girl who work in the storeroom are riots. They take pictures of each other (as a joke) and then draw on the pictures, put a caption beneath them, and send them back to each other. They can get pretty bawdy. but it's all in good fun. My brother and his family will be flying back to Texas tomorrow. HIs BIL had a stroke, we thought it was a heart attack. The saddest thing is, it happened on his daughter's birthday. I feel so sad for her. I'm going out for dinner tomorrow with my cousins, aunt and uncle, and maybe some of their kids. My parents might go. I bought a chicken run tonight at the farm and home store. I'm thinking of re-purposing a doghouse for the coop. i want to get some ready to lay pullets from a local organic farm. so I may not get hens till next year but I plan on getting them someday. I hope everyone has a blessed Easter. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 10:42:51 AM
I was always very near-sighted, so when I had my cataracts done and the new lenses implanted, I got far vision. It has been so wonderful to be able to see far away to drive, etc. Of course at this age I need help up close, but so does everyone else I know! I have several pairs of readers, but I finally went ahead and got prescription multi-focals, because I have serious astigmatism and the glasses really help that.
We have been working out in the yard most all day. Got my first peas and my sweetpeas planted. Also some nasturtiums. Dude built me a nice pea fence yesterday and we used some more of the old patio railings for nice sturdy tomato cages and a support for my purple hyacinth bean vine. Put up a second hummingbird feeder so they'll be up when our hummers come back. Haven't seen any yet, but they'll be here soon. Also out in a couple of blueberry plants this morning. Now we feel like we have made some progress! He is still outside raking and such, but I think it's time for me to work on the laundry. Pork roast should be welcome at dinner time.
Happy Easter, Goddesses!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 10:51:38 AM
Good afternoon Goddesses,
It snowed last night and covered the plastic eggs out in the front yard. We were waiting to see if some of the snow would melt and expose the eggs. The littles were chomping at the bit to get out there. Around 11 I am sitting on the can looking out the window and there is a huge raven hopping and pecking around in the snow. DdK looked out and said it just flew away with a purple egg. We laughed and awed. A short while later the raven is closer to the house doing it's dance and flies away with another plastic egg. The little boys charged out of the house with their buckets. I wonder where we will find the plastic eggs come summer. The boys did find a number of eggs cracked open and the candy missing. They had a good time laughing and awing over the raven swiping their candy.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 11:02:09 AM

The raven flying off. The picture was taken through the dirty double paned window.

DsR, dsG in the middle and DsC on the right.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 12:47:30 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:12:24 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 2:20:15 PM
Holly, what a great Easter story!The year the raven stole the Easter eggs! Those are the holidays that are remembered the best. So, I have a story to tell....
When I was 6 years old and my sister was 3 we moved into a new house the day before Easter. The town we moved to was called Los Osos. It was on a hill and looked over Morro Bay in California. In the bay was a large rock called Morro Rock and it had a light on the top. (Army Corps of Engineers put it there) We didn't know that. Well Easter Sunday came around and my sister and I was excited to get up and search for Easter Eggs. But there weren't any. Just two Easter Baskets in the new fireplace. While we were happy for the Easter baskets, we were pretty disappointed at no egg hunt. When we asked my dad what happened. He told us that the Easter Bunny needed the year off so asked the Easter Camel to take over. Because the Easter Camel was big and had big feet, he could not hide the eggs. So he just brought Easter Baskets. And... oh see that light up on Morro Rock? That is where the Easter Camel lives.
That made me feel better. My mom is driving me CRAZY! How many ways are there to cook a ham? Only one apparently! Rant over.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 2:51:31 PM
My dad never complained about any of the food my mother cooked. He always thanked her and found something nice to say about it. We all knew that he could not do better. He did not even know how to cook a can of soup when we were growing up.
Maybe the B is just happy to have something he did not have to make and that is that.
We are waiting for guests to come for dessert. We had ham and cheesy potatoes. We grew the pig ourselves and it was quite tasty. Cheesy potatoes are one of the children's favorite types of potatoes.
Today was big DsR's 36th birthday. You saw his picture on the sled with little dsR. He was happy to come. He wanted a couple of things we could not find in the store so C told him they were coming in the mail to his house. He said, April Fools right? It took a little to convince him it was indeed true.
I am glad G that your mom is stoic and finds some of the good in the situation. I guess she has figured out that complaining would not fix the situation anyway.
I am so jealous Marilyn that you are planting already. When is your last frost date? I am glad you like the dude well enough. NOt having heard about the one you left behind I am glad this one makes you happy.
Bunny your dad was a quick thinker. I bet he did not know how much you and your sister were looking forward to the egg hunt or he would have devised something not to disappoint his little girls.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Apr 05 2015 2:53:12 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 05 2015 : 3:52:00 PM
Oh, Bunny. Dh and I are Cal Poly alumni. Morro Bay is a great place. The rock is the last of the Seven Sisters, right? Los Osos is where a dear friend of mine who dies about five years ago lived for years and years. The Bears. Good memories for me too, outside of your adorable Easter story.
Now talk about Easter stories. What a tenacious raven. DD and I had the conversation yesterday on our front porch about Crow vs. Raven... Anyone know the answer? Your boys showed A LOT of restraint waiting until eleven o'clock!! Ham and potatoes were on our table, too. Although we did our celebrating yesterday.
MIL was the center of attention for a solid hour as she made air fried mush (cornmeal mush). It was a very different starter for us. I liked it with butter, the guys wanted syrup. Dd tried it, but it wasn't her favorite. So, Mom was pretty happy to have made such a contribution to dinner along with some very delicious deviled eggs. Mom is a Type II diabetic who is controlling it through her diet. She is not on any diabetic medicine at this time, although she has been in the past. We try to help her with choices. Although she was a nurse, she knows very little about nutritional. Luckily (?) for her dh does. Anyway. She enjoyed her holiday meal, including air fried mush and boiled potatoes (they don't allow as much carbohydrates to change to sugar vs. baked). Even enjoyed a small piece of pineapple upside down cake. Very small. Our small family party broke up about six pm and the kids headed home. Mom must have continued to eat in her quarters because she had a very upset stomach, diarrhea at midnight. This morning her blood sugar was seventy points higher than normal and ninety points higher than a really good day. Dh asked if she had had anything to eat that maybe wasn't a good idea. She insisted it was the flu. A 24 hour bug. Well, it lasted about nine one else has come down with it...she told me to not get too close to her when I brought her saltines and ginger ale because she didn't want me to catch it. I thought, "I haven't caught poor eating habits yet..."
By eleven o'clock she told me she didn't want to make "my choice" in the air fryer tonight. My choice for the air fryer was a Pink Lady apple sliced thinly and basically dehydrated -- nothing on it, no sugar, no cinnamon, no oil. I saw it on Pinterest. I told her I could understand. She said she just didn't want to smell it even. OK.
As I turned to leave, she asked me if dh wanted Macaroni and Cheese for dinner. ?? She was going to make some... Good thing that never emits an odor. Sounds like a great plan for the first meal after saltines, no?
I get to have my last suburban visit with my dd and boyfriend. They move to the city in about ten days. I will be there from Tuesday to Thursday. I get to visit a great yarn shop while I am there. And visit beloved Yellow Dog.
Our dear little neighbor has some livestock of her very own! They brought home three half-brother pygmy goats that are being weaned off the bottle. Dh got up to watch her give the morning feeding this morning. I passed. Yesterday was a lot of activity. Spoonwise. She was just glowing at being able to introduce them to dh, dd, bf and I. Of course, the first goat was handed right to dd. Then dh got one and finally me. Boyfriend is still a stranger. They are quite cute and I don't think they will ever be big enough to hurt her. At least not badly. I am so thrilled for her. Of course, she is here now to "help" with Sunny and Tahoe. A true animal lover.
Marilyn, I loved your post. Heard the music in my head immediately. Thank you! I think using the railing is super smart. The vines will crawl up them and look gorgeous.
Cindy. You really got a bit more than you bargained for at the hike!! Helicopters are kind of awesome, don't ya think? Any idea how the story ended?
G, keep us posted. Glad you are feeling better. Did you miss seeing your granddaughter in her easter finery? I did see one teenage girl today is a flirty short skirt and sandals with her toenails brightly painted... It was 46 degrees at the time. I am sure she had that outfit picked out a bit ago.
Bunny, I think the model did a good job showing your dress. congrats on being the runaway artist. You are going to have to get into some juryed shows to get you in with equally talented artists. But, in the meantime, just shine, shine shine.
Mar |
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