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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 04 2015 :  6:05:44 PM  Show Profile
Holly, amazing picture!!

Mel, love it!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 04 2015 :  6:25:54 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Montpelier is the smallest state capital in the US. I believe it is the only one left that does not have a McDonald's in it as well. There is a McD's but it is in the nest town named Berlin where most of the box stores and chain stores are located. Montpelier has two main roads that intersect under the traffic lights. The state capital building is on State Street.

Nice pictures of you son Mel.

The temperatures rose to a whopping 24 F today. Tomorrow they are supposed to go below zero again. I have heard it is the coldest year in thirty five years.

We did school work most of the day. I have been taking pictures of birds and the boys like to figure out their characteristics and write that down. We like to talk about what they could eat.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

110 Posts

Essex Junction Vermont
110 Posts

Posted - Feb 04 2015 :  7:00:35 PM  Show Profile  Send Noreen an AOL message
Nice picture of the owl, Holly! One year for home school we kept a graph going for a month to see which birds we saw and kept a count. Enjoy your time with the boys!

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Feb 04 2015 :  8:49:07 PM  Show Profile
It finally snowed a little here--our first snow since November. It's been a mild winter but is cold tonight, down around 10 degrees F.
Holly--love the pictures and especially the owl. I came across a barred owl once that had been hit and was sitting on the shoulder of the road. He was in shock. I threw an old quilt over him and put him in a cardboard box that I had in my trunk. I took him to a wildlife center but he had a ruptured eye and they couldn't save him. It's amazing how big an owl looks when you're a foot away from it.
I've been feeling very fatigued lately. My dr. said my vitamin D was low so now I'm taking a supplement. I barely have the energy to read the comments on this chatroom. It's no fun being tired all the time.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Feb 04 2015 :  9:17:53 PM  Show Profile
Holly that is a wonderful picture of the owl!

Mel I think your gd is just adorable! What a sweet smile she has.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Feb 04 2015 :  9:21:35 PM  Show Profile
Cindy you will be surprised at how much better you will feel after you get your V it D levels up. Good for your bones and lots of other things too.

The rain is leaving us and it will be back in the 70's by the weekend.

Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 04 2015 9:24:25 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Feb 05 2015 :  08:56:41 AM  Show Profile
holly wonderful picture of the owl! i love owls. You were also right about the rats, i saw one go under my refrigerator and when i pulled it out, i found all sorts of paper stuck between the heater coils and my refrigerator. was late to work cleaning that mess up.
cindy, hope you are feeling better soon!
bunny, still hoping your sales really take off so much that you will need help in filling orders.
well, cannot go back and check past this page without losing this email.
brother has decided that if i am serious about a travel trailer then i need to learn how to shoot. so when it gets warmer, we have a day planned. he also wants me to learn chess...bleh, chess doesn't sound very interesting to me but i am not a big game player...would rather be sewing. but he is trying so i will as well.
got to go back to work....our wonderful system is messing up again...surprise??
farmgirl #390
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Feb 05 2015 :  3:05:06 PM  Show Profile
I enjoyed the photos everyone has posted so much. GG, gorgeous color on the wall. Holly, those two young boys are going to be very handsome, get ready for that nonsense, too! The owl is astounding. Your pictures are very nicely composed. How cool that you captured the owl before it was gone. Bet you had a bit of trouble trying to stay steady while you were huffing from all the stairs!

We have rain today. The last two days weren't bad, some sun here and there. I have been busy with appointments and we had a surprise visit from dd. Always nice. MIL is having trouble keeping her blood sugar steady and that affects her mentally. We are trying our best there. I just cancelled horse time with Audrey for the next two days because the ground is squishy and who wants to deal with that?

Our stores have primroses out. I guess it is the right time to plant? I should probably do some research.

My daughter dated a young man who was part Native American and he found a dead owl (hit by a car) and collected the bird so that he could have the feathers. It was a big deal for him to have "found his owl" and he reported it to many other Native Americans. He was telling me that you have to be Native American to harvest (or whatever it is called) the carcass of owls and eagles and such or it is a federal crime??? He may have been full of blue mud.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 05 2015 :  3:05:54 PM  Show Profile
Oh and I can't comment on mice or rats. Too scarred from childhood. Just freaks me out to think of it
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True Blue Farmgirl

110 Posts

Essex Junction Vermont
110 Posts

Posted - Feb 05 2015 :  3:40:23 PM  Show Profile  Send Noreen an AOL message
Dear Mar,
A dead bird was found nearby our home and we called a wildlife biologist and he told us it would be a federal offense to take the bird for the feathers. But I cannot talk to the Native American side of this issue. If you are found with the bird, you may have a hard time proving you did not kill it. Needless to say, it is best to leave it alone. On a nicer note, you are so lucky to be thinking about planting. We are having a long and cold winter here in Vermont. Enjoy!

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 05 2015 :  4:45:04 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am not sure of the connection between having a travel trailer and using a gun. Is it so you can fend off anyone who would like to steal your trailer? I have played chess and yes, you are right sewing is far more appealing but he is your brother and he wants to spend time with you even if it is on his term. If you really have rats. run do not walk to the nearest hardware store and get some chunks of poison. I dealt with rats one summer and tried to discourage them in a humane way and only grew more rats. The only way to get rid of them was with a poison called, hawkbait. They take the chinks back to the nest and all eat it there. Cats will not eat an unhealthy animal so my fear of poisoning my cats was unfounded. However, I did notice that i did not have many small rodents around for a couple of years. Good luck, Janiee.

We had a hawk hit one of our big windows one summer. The wildlife biologist told us they want the body so they can find out how healthy the bird was and if it had some sort of bird flu. I guess there are special rules for birds on the endangered lists.

I shake anyway regardless of whether I am huffing from running up and down the stairs so taking a picture that is not blurred is a challenge. I love my digital camera. I can take a hundred pictures to get one decent one and I can look at them to see if I did get any decent ones. I tried for a picture as it flew away but all I took was a bunch of blurry trees. lol

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Feb 05 2015 :  5:19:22 PM  Show Profile
Native Americans can wear eagle feathers if they were in combat in the military. I'm not sure about other bird's feathers.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Feb 06 2015 :  06:36:19 AM  Show Profile
holly, thanks for your advice. i have decided that if the cats won't eat them then as soon as i have the fund for the poison i am going after it. i tried tomcat a bait/poison here in texas but it did not work at all so i will be on the lookout for hawkbait. this has turned into a nightmare for me so i have to do something drastic and hope that my one older dog will not eat them.
i have almost decided to give away all of my crochet yarn and old books. the way my hands hurt i cannot do crochet like i use to. my mom loved to crochet. i also wish i could find someone who would want my beads. i have a large inventory of them and same thing, with my hands, i cannot do beadweaving anymore. i am wanting to really focus on quilting. i found some old quilt tops i did many years ago and i was good at that. i want to be again.
as for the travel trailer and gun - i think he just wants reassurance that i can take care of myself whereever i am being a single woman.
cedar is really high here in texas for the last few weeks and i am feeling it.....bleh
allergies have been kicking my @@@@ for awhile.
well, better get back to work
farmgirl #390
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 06 2015 :  06:54:08 AM  Show Profile
Jane, I emailed you my address. I can take the crochet yarns and books and use them in my classes. I am sorry your hands hurt too much to crochet. I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Shawnee Oklahoma
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Posted - Feb 06 2015 :  07:13:40 AM  Show Profile
as soon as i can get the funds start expecting frequent packages! :) it is going to take awhile to get rid of all of that stuff. thanks marie you do not know what a weight that takes off of me.
farmgirl #390
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Feb 06 2015 :  4:09:24 PM  Show Profile
So nice to see your yarn go to good use, Janie. We have bait stations all over our barn that our animals cannot get into. They look like big black hockey pucks. Dh puts the bait in and whatever eats it goes away and dies...

I was at the orthodontist today and good news. I don't need to have any teeth realigned. The orthodontist said any correction would be for pure cosmetic reasons that in his opinion my bite is fine and the wear on my teeth is a little bit better than he would expect at my age. I said, "Thank you and can I get out of this chair now?" Of course, he did give dh and I an estimate if I chose to have a perfect smile ...$5855. I said no right there and then. I told him my goal for visiting him was to keep my teeth. I will keep them slightly askew if they are healthy. He did admit that he didn't see a reason to change anything and I did appreciate that. No scare tactics.

I also stopped at a favorite craft store for supplies for a new something I am going to make. Always fun. And the bank to put the car's pink slip in the safe deposit box. Then to the pharmacy for dh's prescription. And a quick stop for groceries because we are having company on Sunday and I just found out yesterday. Lots of in and out of the car in the rain, but I had good company!

We saw a few peeks of sunshine today! Always lifts my spirits.

I got Valentine's Day candy sent to MIL's brother to the tune of $60. Sheesh. And I got some of her stocks moved over to direct deposit. Those are such tedious and time consuming projects.

Now I have dh "plugged in" to something called War Machines or something close to that. He is grumpy in the rain. And it gets tiring.

Hope everyone is staying warm and that these storms start moving out so that the NE can dig out.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Feb 06 2015 :  7:04:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad Mar that your teeth will stay in your head long enough for you to wear them out. i had braces in my early fifties to get rid of TMJ and so they would meet enough for me not to lose them. I wonder looking at my receding gum line (wonderful genetics on my father's side) if I will have my teeth when I am 80. I guess if I make it to 80 I will be happy to be able to eat regardless of having teeth or not. lol

I went to dsT's basketball game tonight. He did not play at all in the game. I am so fed up with the coach and dsT going to all the practices and then sitting on the bench the whole game. two other boys did as well. If they are not good enough to play on the team then they should not be on the team. If he is good enough then he should play. I do not know why dsT even makes the effort any more. I do not know why he doesn't turn in his uniform and tell the program where to shove it. C says he has hope. DsT gets so discouraged and angry.

We have about four feet of snow on the ground. The snow piles from the snow plows are taller than my head. The temperatures are in the single digits. At lest we are looking down at ) right now and not up.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Feb 06 2015 :  7:45:50 PM  Show Profile

My laptop has been infected. I have to wait for my little brother to send me a new operating system to clean it out. It is about time -- the laptop still has Vista.

My little brother's name is Michael. He is a retired Marine and is eleven years younger than I. He had an interesting question about our dad. He conjectured that our mother may be the first of the two of them to die. He was concerned that our father would not be able to live without her and would go into depression and let himself go. I was made to understand that Michael has had some troubles with depression and he is worried about our dad. I told him that when Mom dies, we should take turns staying with him until he finishes mourning just to make sure he can take care of himself again. What insights do any of you have on this? Our family is close in spirit if not in distance. Michael, his wife and I went out to be with our parents for a week after she had a heart attack. I am so glad we did because Michael's wife is a nurse and was able to set up all her medications and tell her, in no uncertain terms, not to climb the hill or walk too fast. My mom is a tough old bird.

I don't know what to do with Vonisha, the little girl who can't read. She now doesn't want to even try because she knows how far behind she is and has decided to give up. It is such a struggle just to get her to go out of the classroom with me and go over the reading program I have for her. The other kids in the lowest reading group have shown real progress while she just lags. I tried bribing her with stickers today. She just said she was tired and sat there with her head down not even looking at the paper. Today she didn't want to work because she thought she would miss her mom when she came to pick her up to take her to see her dad in prison.!?!?! No amount of urging would get her to realize that I wouldn't let her miss her Mom. I finally gave up and sent her back to the classroom where she sat at her desk with her head on her arms. She is getting more intervention. I just hope it is not too late.

I am really proud of Ray. He is rather competitive and has challenged himself to read better. He likes to see his words per minute score go up. Today he read his whole piece of over 50 words and had no mistakes in one minute. He told me that he has his words taped to his bedroom wall and he reviews them every night. Since getting on meds, Ray is not as angry and can focus so much better. I actually like him now.

Some of the students are in early workshop for the Jungle Book performance in May. I am helping them make their props and costumes. I also have charge of the discipline. MMMMUUUUUUUUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2015 :  09:48:33 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

Marie I will look for a book I have on how to make reading fun with games for children with learning difficulties. I bet that Vonisha just needs you to hold her and rock her and read her stories right now. When my first son came his principal was a wise woman and she hired a nurturer for him. He had such a hard time learning because there was so much turmoil in his life he could grasp nothing. Maybe you could write books with her so she can put down her thoughts and then you could read them together. For a while we had with this son a journal and each day we would write down the 10 good things he did. He thought he was a bad person so this helped him learn he was good too. Maybe you could print the books with her and she could illustrate them. Maybe ten pages or so each with one or two sentences written in big print for each page.

This is my green house so far. I need to raise the left side one level because I screwed up that very cold day when I had the help to tie the front to the back and my help was being pushy to get it done quickly.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Feb 07 2015 :  1:38:30 PM  Show Profile
Holly that will be a nice big greenhouse.

Today is a beautiful warm day. I'm spending as much time outside as possible. About to go exercise and then swim.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2015 :  2:42:55 PM  Show Profile
Today is a beautiful day. It got up to the sixties. Hard to believe it was in the single digits a few days ago. that's weather in the Midwest. Something weird is going on with my mail. I received no mail for three days in a row--just two flyers, on two different days, that get handed out to all the mail boxes. Then I received 2 things that were mass mailings. Today I received only a credit card statement. I've never gotten so little mail in one week. It's weird cause a person put my mail on hold last year. To get revenge, I was told. Now when i don't get mail it makes me nervous. If I don't start getting my normal amount of mail (the post office was no help) I will contact the postal investigator who investigated my case last year.
I've ordered some seeds from one company but when I tried to order from Baker Creek, the first item I clicked on, the dragon tongue beans, came up as something else--Columbian something or other. So I will try calling in my order. I got my car's oil changed today and had two new rear tires put on. I got new front tires in December. So now it's good to go for a while. I had an MRI this morning to try and find out why my knee hurts so much at the end of the day. I constantly walk at work but when I'm able to rest, it doesn't bother me. It's the back of my knee so I know it's not in the joint. It feels like I tore something. I hope it heals on its own. My mind feels disjointed thinking about the person who put my mail on hold. The investigator was unable to track her down but I know who it was. There are some psycho people out there. Some people think I'm a bit paranoid, but hey, I have reason to be. "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you"---he he, from my ninth grade teacher's English class.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2015 :  5:59:32 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I love your suggestions on heling Marie's little girl reader. Sometimes it is hard to find what motivates a child.
Too bad your son's coach doesn't seem to understand the value of having these kids play. It is so much more than just playing a game. It is all about self esteem and team work. The coach is a fool.

Mar, glad your teeth are holding up. I had braces twice as a child. Once in grade school and again in high school.

I have been sewing quite a bit. I'm starting a new line of clothes for younger people. Working the goth angle. It's fun. I have a few done and hope to get good pictures soon.
It looks like my mom will get her reverse mortgage. So, I'll be ok for a while. I'm still working on a job. No luck yet. Sales have stopped. Hopefully they will pick up.
Other than that, nothing else is going on. Weather is on and off with rain, cold and a bit of sun. Just like Mar.

Nite all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2015 :  6:39:54 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:47:02 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 07 2015 :  7:04:07 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Very slow day here on the old hill farm. I laid in bed reading until late and then fed the poor starving hoards. Two of the boys went out for the day. I did laundry and spent some time on the computer.

Tonight C and I went to our friend's house for dinner. We had teriyaki pork, roasted carrots and rice and then some sort of chocolate custard layered dessert. The food was good and the company was fun.

I think GG that the B should just be happy he is on this side of the turf and that even if he has aches and pains he does have most of his mind and good use of his body. He is far better off than many people twenty years younger than him. He should also be very glad he has a beautiful, smart wife to share it all with.

Bunny it is nice to hear that what ever muse you have to keep you creating is still with you. Your mother sounds like she loves drama. I would be a wreck dealing with it. I am glad there may be a reprieve in your worries.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2015 :  10:26:47 AM  Show Profile
Hello gals lets try this again. Holly your meal sounds wonderful.
Bunny hope everything works out with your mom..marieann so glad you can keep your teeth. I need to get to the dentist
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