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True Blue Farmgirl

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Essex Junction Vermont
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Posted - Jan 28 2015 :  6:18:16 PM  Show Profile  Send Noreen an AOL message
Our othodontist is in Essex,too. I don't think I spelled it correctly! Maybe when the weather warms up we can gather the Vermonters together......I can volunteer my little house in the woods! Everyone, stay warm!

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Jan 28 2015 :  7:37:54 PM  Show Profile
I had a so-so day. I had a horrible dream early this morning and called in sick so I could see my therapist. He thinks one of the meds. I'm on may be causing weird dreams. Plus I have vivid dreams and they feel very real. So I took it easy today.Tomorrow is my birthday so hopefully it'll be better than today. I have to work tomorrow but it keeps my mind off my issues--most of the time. I got my new smartphone and have been having fun with it. The weather here has been mild for January. Feel sorry for the people who are getting socked on the East coast. I stopped by my favorite antique/crafts mall and got some spearmint-lavender lotion (all natural) and a face mask mixture with yogurt and oatmeal. I went to a new store on sunday called "Fresh Thyme" that is like a big farmer's market. It's their first store in the St. Louis area. I liked it. Feel kinda drained from having that terrible dream. I hope everyone else is doing well.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 28 2015 :  8:43:11 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:38:16 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 28 2015 :  8:57:46 PM  Show Profile
Cindy you popped in while I was wrestling with auto correct. So sorry you are having the bad dreams. Sure hope you can find some help to make that go away. I would have enjoyed going shopping with you, I like your taste.

Welcome Noreen. Pull up a chair and chat a while.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 28 2015 :  8:59:34 PM  Show Profile
Happy Birthday Cindy. I truly hope you have a happy day. Be good to yourself.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 28 2015 :  9:23:35 PM  Show Profile
GG, well at least you have a few neighborly neighbors. Too bad about the rude ones. They are missing out.

Cindy, I hope you can figure out what is causing the bad dreams. Happy Birthday too. Hope you sleep better tonight.

Holly, that is just too darn cold! Sounds like your cow is a smart one. She knows where to go to keep warm. Glad you got your wood in for the winter.

Looks like I will have another sale tomorrow. The lady wanting the dress with additional lace also insisted I add money to the cost because she asked me to do extra. Just $5.00 but I did and thanked her. Oh how I wish this would just continue!

Nite all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Jan 29 2015 :  08:10:13 AM  Show Profile
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear CINDY, Happy Birthday to you!!!! Hope you are having a better day!! Wish for you the best! :)

Bunny....I am always so excited and thrilled for you when you make a sale!1 Here's hoping it continues on the up swing!! :)

GG....neighbors are always a mixed bag of tricks...just thankful for the good ones! We had 80 degrees yesterday too! But only supposed to be 60 today and rainy and 40's on the weekend...does the weather fairy not know that the weekends are supposed to have the NICE weather??? HHHHMMM! What kind of concert? I assume it's not hard rock or heavy metal!! LOL

Welcome Noreen! Always nice to see newbies here!

Holly...when I think of your cold weather it makes me shiver. Hope the littles get to be outside soon! I can imagine both you and they are stir crazy and about to lose your minds.....and the poor cow can't even enjoy the outdoors. Hope it gets warmer sooner than later!!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 29 2015 :  3:48:42 PM  Show Profile
Mel, we are going to see Rain-Tribute to the Beatles. We are serious Buddy Holly fans.

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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
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Posted - Jan 29 2015 :  3:54:49 PM  Show Profile
Oh GG....that sounds really cool! I'm sure you are going to enjoy it!! :)
Buddy Holly......reminds me when my dad and stepmom took me (9) and my step-sis (15) to the drive-in to see the movie Rock Around the Clock, Me and Jeri rock and rolled through that entire movie and our parents swore to never take us to the drive-in again!! :) LOL

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

110 Posts

Essex Junction Vermont
110 Posts

Posted - Jan 29 2015 :  4:15:20 PM  Show Profile  Send Noreen an AOL message
Thanks for the welcome! I do fit the over 50 profile! I live in a house in the woods with my hubby and two older children, both in college, dog and chickens. I am so excited to be a part of this group and making the time to meet you wonderful folks!

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 29 2015 :  4:48:59 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today started out at -6 F when I went out to put the cow in around 4 PM the air seemed balmy so it may have risen to the teens or low twenties. Coco the cow broke into the grain room day before yesterday and ate more than her share of grain. She had boo boo belly that night and most of yesterday. She is feeling a bit better today but not her usual perky self. Serves her right for over indulging.

We did school work today and then the boys watched a movie. Exciting, huh?

Sometimes I have vivid dreams in color. They are startling. A friend of mine writes down all of her dreams every night. I do not do that and eventually the dreams fade. I hope you get some resolution from the distress. You always seem to find the nicest creams and treats.

GG it must be awful to live in fear as some of your neighbors seem too. Little steps? or are they too encased in their own cocoon that they can not see any good in themselves to allow someone to smile with them.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Essex Junction Vermont
110 Posts

Posted - Jan 29 2015 :  5:15:53 PM  Show Profile  Send Noreen an AOL message
Holly, I am with you on needing warmer weather. I don't remember a January with this many days with below zero weather. It got to 30 degrees today....I was so excited, when I got home today from the Bishop's Installation I shoveled all the recent snow.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jan 29 2015 :  6:55:47 PM  Show Profile
We have had our last day of warm weather for a while. The rain is coming back but it won't be quite as cold this time. The days are slowly but surely getting longer and the cold not as cold. We have most of our winter in January. The nurseries are stocking up and in another month it will be spring. Usually we get one late freeze just to make everybody have to cover their plants.

I almost have this whole house painted and B did a beautiful job of fixing the Sheetrock and texturing it to match the rest of it. After I painted, you could not tell where we patched. He took the coat closet and turned it into a pantry and he will add shelving up high in the clothes closets. A lot of space near the ceiling is wasted and we need every square inch. You are right Holly, about getting rid of the waste. It would cost nearly $500 to get a dumpster for one day. We have about a pickup load of tile,Sheetrock and lumber. I've found another landfill nearby and tomorrow I'll see if we can take it there ourselves by renting a truck. It's definitely proving to be a problem.

Holly, there a lot of bitter old people in the world. We seem to plan our lives pretending that we aren't going to get old and die. And then we can't cope with it when that time arrives. Most of the people here are happy, or, the ones we see. There are probably many who never leave their homes and are so lonely they have forgotten how to interact with people. That had happened to my brother who died, and I think it has happened to my older brother and his wife. I feel sorry for the woman next door who attempted to be friendly but her husband probably won't allow it.

Bunny, I'm glad the sales are keeping you going.
Noreen, I'm glad it's you shoveling snow, not me, lol. They are showing mountains of snow on the news up where the big storm hit- oh, my, it looks awful. I could not live like that.

Mel, wish you were here to go to the concert--we'd show them we can STILL rock it.

Goodnight all.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 30 2015 :  11:54:04 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, I am so sorry to be late in wishing you a happy birthday. Sure hope it was nice.

G, I've seen Rain. Years ago. I wonder if it is made up of the same members? They were fantastic. So fun to know all the words to the songs. I think your neighbor who walked away was probably unable to socialize.

Noreen and Holly, I think you have even more snow coming your way??? Good grief, Holly, your kids aren't going to be outside for a while. Although, it always seems to warm up when it snows... Your cow is a genius. A bull would have stayed outside.

I skipped a shopping trip to Costco. Dh and MIL went. Dh said it would be great sampling today before the Super Bowl. We like to call those samples Store d'oeuvres. So, I'm baking cookies. Oatmeal, coconut, pecan, dark chocolate. Dh will be thrilled.

Fritto and Gracie are sunbathing in the front room. Near one another. A peaceful coexistence? They don't fight. Just don't love one another either.

I don't want to be a crochety old lady when I am a little bit older. Dh and I hope to die penniless because we have given it all away. I get so annoyed with these older people who are saving their money "for the future." I want to say, "You don't have enough time to spend it all! Break loose. Help some of these younger kids get on their feet!" I don't like to hear older people say that kids these days are lazy because they don't play outside and only play on their video games or phones. Kids can't go outside to play anymore because there isn't a parent at home to watch them, it isn't safe in their neighborhoods, so many things have changed. And sometimes, I have heard older people say that kids don't want to work after school anymore. Well, the adults of the households are taking all the fast food and "high school kid" jobs these days trying to make ends meet. Every generation has its challenges.

I am looking forward to the Super Bowl commercials. I am surprised at how many of them I have seen already. Why are the advertisers releasing them before the game? Well, I guess that's a dumb question...they want the commercials seen, as many times as possible.

Cindy, I hope you were able to have restful, restorative sleep last night! I rarely remember my dreams. Maybe that makes me lucky.

The is strong today, but it is cooler. Our rain is supposed to return on Sunday. Bunny, you must be very foggy today. It was all over our weather sun for The Dalles.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 30 2015 :  12:01:47 PM  Show Profile
Hey Mar, if all you like is the commercials, check out Hulu. They have a show called the AdZone which only has the commercials and none of the game. I might stream that. Isn't that hilarious?!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 30 2015 :  12:08:18 PM  Show Profile
That's my kind of Super Bowl, Marie! Thanks for the tip.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 30 2015 :  1:01:58 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I love all your quirky descriptive terms for things. Store d'oeuvres... very good. And yep, have not seen the sun in many days. I'm hanging in there. The basement doesn't let much sun in anyway.

I have had 9 sales this month. I was so worried everything had come to a halt. I guess people just needed a rest after Christmas.

I"m trying to type with a very large cat laying over my arms. We now call her 3x as in the women's clothing size. She is a big girl. Hard to type... she also drools. Cat acid. Love her anyway.

Did anyone see the Godaddy ad? It was terrible! They thankfully pulled it. They really need to get a new ad guy. He has been getting in trouble for quite a few years now. Go Budweiser! Their ad is awesome as usual.

Later everyone!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 30 2015 :  4:01:04 PM  Show Profile
Go Daddy was the one where the puppy is returned and the girl says, "good, I just sold you." Right?
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2015 :  4:37:14 PM  Show Profile
Somewhere up there I wrote a post about going to see Rain. Actually, I assumed everyone knew Buddy holly had a band called the Crickets, which the prompted the name Beatles because buddy holly was their inspiration.
But I didn't say that. Now realize most of you aren't as old as I am,lol. But that was the connection. They did a lot of buddy holly songs and Paul McCartney bought the rights to his songs in the 70's I believe. Mel, you knew that, I'll bet. I'm hoping they will sing some buddy holly songs and acknowledge his influence

At the end of the super bowl they are supposed to do a commercial on our fair city, Sun City. I probably won't see it because I am not interested in football.

Bunny I'm really thrilled about the 9 sales! Great job! Your etsy site looks more impressive all the time.

I just rewrote all this because I lost the first one. I wrote more but don't have the energy to redo the whole thing. And I don't want to lose it again. It's so annoying.


Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 30 2015 10:32:16 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 30 2015 :  5:56:33 PM  Show Profile
Mar, yes that is the one. What were they thinking!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Jan 31 2015 :  08:53:59 AM  Show Profile
Well guys, I am a football fan, although I am not a Seattle nor a Patriots fan. I am not truly routing for either team but I do hope the Patriots are less than successful! That being said. I have avoided watching any of the commercials, as of yet. I do want to see them for the first time during the game. So sad that Go Daddy seemed to be tasteless in the design of their ad. Katy Perry....halftime...and she says she has a secret guest....I can't wait!! :) Well..... football fan or not I hope you all have a terrific Super Bowl Sunday!!! :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 31 2015 :  4:02:21 PM  Show Profile
thanks for the Super Sunday wishes, Mel. I will be rooting for Seattle being so close to the city. Today when we were out and about I felt like a minority not having on some Seahawk gear! I think it is kind of cute that they call their cheerleaders the Sea Gals. Still not sure they are necessary..

Today is our last day of expected sunshine and warmth. Tomorrow it should be rainy, but most everyone will be inside, so what the heck!

I do look forward to Katy Perry. Is it Missy Elliott who might be the surprise guest?

Hope everyone is well.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 31 2015 :  4:03:33 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:41:42 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 31 2015 :  4:33:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Apparently on some station at noon there is a show called the kitten bowl and at 3 there is another show called the puppy bowl. I was told that it is kittens and then puppies pushing around a football. My friend says that the shows are far more entertaining than the real super bowl.

I do not care which teams wins. However living here in New England the Patriots are the team to beat. I think it is ridiculous the amount of time and money spent on deflategate. Real or not why should any one cares. The other team lost by so many points what difference would it have made.

Today dawned a beautiful bright and sunny day. I slept until 8:15 and the sun woke me. Such decadence. The temperature was -10. It later rose to a big fat 0. The sun warmed the house and we were toasty all day.

Mar, I believe you are right about the cow being smart and the bull staying out all day. They certainly are learning impaired if learning was ever in their skill set. I repaired the rear sliding door of the barn more times than I wanted to count because they would push on the edge and bend the rollers and slide. Then I thought to put hooks and eyes to hold the door to the wall of the barn and ruined their fun.

I have been looking at my seed catalogs trying to figure out how I am going to have the time to create the beds and plant all of the seeds that I want to plant this spring. Dreams are wonderful time fillers. lol

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 31 2015 :  4:36:08 PM  Show Profile
GG, GoDaddy has themupperhand in tasteless commercials. Sometimes I think they do it because it really gets them noticed. Like a celebrity acting badly. Bad publicity is better than no publicity.

Good for you on painting. I hate to paint. I'm terrible at it too. I'll lean on a freshly painted wall forgetting. One time I stepped into the paint tray, then walked on the carpet and fell into a newly painted wall. No one asks me to help anymore. Haha, smart friends.

Mar, I think we are in for quite a bit of gloom. I'm tired of it. At least if it is raining, it's doing something useful.

Went and saw my kittie I pet sit every once in a while. She is so lovey. I ended up covered in cat fur. I needed to go to the store and didn't want to change. So I buttoned up my sweater. I Looked like a bag lady with my oversized sweater and scarf.

Stay warm everyone.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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