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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 17 2014 :  4:50:10 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I imagine your mom is exhausted. Dh and I can lean on the other when things get too much and I am a firm believer that I can withstand anything as long as someone who "gets" me is there to catch my eyerolls. Plus your mom must be thinking about being alone when he passes or worrying that she might pass first and who would take over... It is a scary time of life, I am hoping I will have my best bud by my side throughout.

Bunny, I hope Johnny is someone whose company you enjoy. Beyond that is just gravy!!

Holly, how's the weather? It is strange not to have snow... A good strange, though. I am happy to have been able to spend the afternoon with dh burning more from the slash pile. Smells so good when you are there next to it. And then it immediately stinks when you get inside and you can't wait to shower! Any word on those unbreakable sleds that lasted a total of what, two trips down the hill? I would love to try one of those old fashioned wood ones! The Flexible Flyers? Wood with red metal.

We watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation last week when we were all together for my birthday. I don't know how many times I have seen it, but it still makes me laugh. It has a place close in my heart because Clark Griswold is a food technologist, just like dear ol hubby of mine. Clark worked on making milk shelf stable for years, my dh just kept the people happy with their chocolate.

Well, I didnt get my wrapping done today. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. Early. 8:30. It will be nice to get it over with,though.

I hope you are all well and happy and having a lovely evening.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 17 2014 :  6:19:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,
I have one of these fancy phones now. My old flip phone was killed by an angry teenager. My dd told C she thought I could learn to use one of these so I am on a learning curve. Dd called me in the store tonight and I did not know how to answer it. But I did figure out how to call HSR so she could find her poor old mother. Lol

Mar do not even remind mil that she bought the cardboard potatoes just ha d her a paring knife and a bag of spuds.

Quit while I am ahead.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  05:18:42 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

Is it true that my machine is telling me that no one posted all day yesterday ?

I have nothing exciting or note worthy to report. Overcast and in the high twenties most of the day.

I was thinking G as I am sometimes slow at doing that maybe you should just buy twenty pairs of what ever glasses the B wears ad put them in a basket. So, then you will know. I remember that you andI agree with you that the males should be responsible but this one has organizational issues that he has learned to live with that are making you crazy. I see this accommodation as you coping so you will not be angry at him more than you picking up after him. At home here to protect my own emotional stability I pick up after the others and work to not resent it. I think I am there now not resenting..

Got to go and run interference.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

488 Posts

williamstown wv
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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  06:33:55 AM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address
Good morning from wild and wonderful West Virginia! I use to post on here quite frequently and happened and I turned into one of G's infamous LURKERS....bwahahaha! seriously though I have been reading then, laughing, crying, praying, and loving along with each and every one of you lovely ladies. Everyone must be deep in the throws of this holiday season, it has gotten rather quiet on the home front...haha!

Let's see, since last I posted I have become a Memaw to two little cuties...a girl and boy, born six months apart! Next year I will have two more grands added to the family and yes once again born six months apart. They keep me hoppin', that's a sure bet.
My youngest son became a Marine this year...he just graduated his final school and is stationed at Camp Lejuene. I miss him like crazy and have never been so thankful for cell phones..haha.

I am having a very laid back Christmas this year...baking a ham and having a few favorite side dishes. The kids can come as they please and if they don't want to come to the house that is alright too. I don't want to have any stress on the holiday...just enjoy it. I am making the DD and DDin-law these cute snowmen. My DD will love it but not so sure about DDinlaw...she tends to want only the new, shiny things from the department stores. I figure her mom can provide her with that stuff and she will just have to deal with my

This is a picture of the grand babies from last year...I made these elf outfits!

Well, this has been a very long and winded post. I will try and keep things shorter in the future...see ya later!

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."
Source Unknown
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  12:40:44 PM  Show Profile
Pamela, so nice to have you back from lurking!! Sounds like you are going to be one busy memaw.
I too have a son in the marines. He is right next door to yours at New River as a helicopter mechanic. I miss him big time and we converse mostly on facebook messenger. He doesn't get cell reception in his barracks.

Holly, I like your idea of all the glasses. G needs to find a way to train B. I am ADD and survive on routines. Doing the same things the same way every time. I wear sweaters with pockets so my phone and Bluetooth are always with me. Otherwise I would lose them. My purse is always on my door handle. Pills in a bucket next to my bed. I have had to learn these things to keep organized. B could learn too. Repetition!!!

I see the sun. It won't be here long as there are clouds coming in fast. But the kitties are loving it.
I may be finally meeting up with "Johnny" on Sunday. I'll let you know how it turns out.



Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  1:12:37 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I saw the sun, too. It was short-lived as well, those storms are stacked up off the coast!

Pamela, I have never met you! You must have stopped right before I started posting here. I am so happy to hear your news and love the elves. How nice that your children are giving you more grands so that the elfwear can be used again! I hope your low stress holiday is a success and I wouldn't worry too much about dd-in-law's reaction to the snowman. sometimes it takes people a bit to realize what the gift of your talent really means.

dh is having a getaway with dd and boyfriend. He was so happy to have been asked because usually I visit with dd. Dh used to visit her often when he was working and traveling so much, but now that he is home, this invitation was very appreciated. He took off this morning and immediately felt guilty about leaving me with MIL. She and I went out for a bit, shopped a little, picked up groceries that weren't needed. I have to get her out and about to exercise a bit. I'll watch the news with her this evening and have dinner together. It isn't that taxing.

I got some great nail polish for myself, cause I deserve it. Lots of glitter. 'Tis the season, after all.

I finally got the last of my inheritance from my parents yesterday. My dad died ten years ago and my mother died nine and a half years ago. The amount that the estate was worth when my sister finally let it out of her control was 20.2% of what it was worth at the time of my mother's death when it passed to the Trust and my sister was in control of the house, land and belongings... Her delaying the disbursing of monies cost me a lot. And I am bitter, but trying to let it go. Thanks for listening to me whine about this for the last few years. I am sure you will all be thrilled to know it has come to an end and I can stop talking about it!

Time for lunch. Steel cut oats, as usual. I am very boring in my food choices. MIL cannot understand it at all. I think she thinks I am concerned that I might get fat. I just need a lot of fiber, so my choices are narrow and often low calorie by default. Salads, veggies, whole grains, if any.

We picked up four scratchers from the lottery at the grocery store. That will be fun to do this afternoon!

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  1:14:09 PM  Show Profile
HOlly, you are going to get very good on that phone. I am surprised at how much I use mine. Sometimes, it is just easier than waiting for the computer to boot up.
Good luck.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Shawnee Oklahoma
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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  1:23:14 PM  Show Profile
dear gg
just read your post about your man. Holly is right - focus on the good stuff and the bad stuff will eventually just fade. this is the 5th Christmas w/o my beloved and i cannot express how much i wish he was here to get frustrated at. He had his faults just like everyone else but i loved that man with all my heart. sometimes you have to remember that your love is more "important" "stronger" than any frustrations. sometimes you can be wrong even when you are "right". hugs girlfriend and keep kissing the frog, never made mine.
farmgirl #390
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  4:21:02 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Overs and in the high twenties all day. A lot of the snow has fallen off the trees so they are not so bent over. The trees looked lovely but they also looked like they might have been in pain if a tree could feel pain they were bent over so far. Oh, my aching back far. Lol

Good to read you Pamela. I am glad your post was on the long side. I like to read other people's posts they diminish the isolation of being only with children all the time. There is a lot to be said for adult conversation. Enjoy those grand babies . My dad grew up in Ceredo, West Virginia. It is on the Ohio River.

Mar, I would be mad at your sister too for screwing up the estate. What kind of a poor manager is She that the estate decreased by so much . Well, she could have taken a hefty fee for managing the estate.
Is there a Senior center near you? There is a great one near us and they have programs run by other seniors and other people. It is a great community. I have started to go at fifty but I just do not have the time. Need to find MIL some friends to vitsit. maybe you could find other children who are caregivers and. Start a social group that the seniors of to each other's houses to visit, the caregiver could be there to help out and the other caregivers could have time off. Like you need another thing to do.

I survive too by routines. It is sometimes crazy that if something is moved over a foot I can not find it. I have. Read that women's ADD has different characteristics than men's ADD. A woman at the grocery store gets her prescription glasses on line for $ she is young so probably does not wear bifocals but she is very happy with her glasses from online. I guess she got her prescription from a doctor and then sent it off.

Glad to read you Janiee. I am always happy when you pop in then I On my way! You are well enough to post.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 19 2014 :  8:20:37 PM  Show Profile
Hello all. Just a short post. We went to DD for two nights. To see granddaughters play and then babysit her last night while DD went to her work Christmas party. We stayed in the travel trailer and the heat did not work. Was very cold. I'm glad to be home and take a nice long hot shower and go to bed early. I am so tired.

Goodnight all.


Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 26 2014 5:50:59 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 20 2014 :  11:49:11 AM  Show Profile
Well Gypsy, you and I are beset with man challenges. Lowell and I have been together for 12 years. We both rather misrepresented ourselves to each other. It wasn't until we started living together and endured the daily grind together that we realized how many flaws we each had. We struggled. We yelled at each other. I hit him. He was controlling. We came close to splitting up many times.

I believe that for any relationship to work, both partners have to take care of themselves first. For me that meant getting medication and therapy. Not only am I a nicer person but I can also call him out on some of his stuff. Most of all, we have learned to accept each other's faults and idiosyncrasies and try to understand how they contribute to the joy and sorrow in our relationship.

I now understand that he does not want me to speak for him, which makes sense. At the same time, I will not relay sensative material from another party to him. He has to call them and get the news straight from them. He knows I need to have my stuff in certain places at all times and he doesn't mess with it. Yes I still get frustrated with his health complaints and misunderstanding about how money works. And yes he still is frustrated by my piles of unfinished chores and projects. We come together at a place of mutual satisfaction and there we can enjoy each other.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 20 2014 :  7:20:32 PM  Show Profile
Good evenings everyone,

We had a very nice Hannukah dinner tonight. We had a few guests over and they seemed to have a nice time as well. We had latkes which are potato pancakes and blitzes which are very thin pancakes w a blog of ricotta cheese mix rolled in the middle . I put cherry pie filling on my blintz.

G I recognize that the B HS more issues tha just his glasses and his man purse . He has learned to live with himself after all these years. It is how can the situation be adjusted so you do not pull out all of yr hair in between the good times? One step at a time. Hugs to you.

Sometimes people just want to vent and not have a solution presented to them. I am not very good at just listening and commiserating. I try to fix more often than not. If it. Is commiserations that up want then just skip my posts. C says sometimes I should just listen and not try to fix.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 20 2014 :  10:33:34 PM  Show Profile
Message deleted

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 26 2014 5:52:13 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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williamstown wv
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  08:05:07 AM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address
Happy Sunday everybody! The Winter Solstice is tonight and here,at least, the weather is rather mild. I am envious of Holly with her snow and cold temps...I love it! Alas, I will just have to live vicariously through your Winter (hee hee).

GG,I completely understand how frustrating it can be living with someone who is in constant need of supervision. It could get old real quick, however, the romance you share is to be envied! It is all the little things that make our lives special and meaningful.

Marianne, my son just graduated from camp Geiger which is where New River is located. Small world. Does your DS get to come home for the holidays? My DS isn't coming home but he was home for Thanksgiving, so we had that. My DS is a mortar man...he has almost been blown up once and fell off a moving Humvee another time. I should mention that he loves the work. He will be deployed in August, I will get to spend a few weeks with him before he leaves.

Hugs to all of you lovely ladies! I am off to spend the day baking cookies and maybe making some peanut butter fudge...'tis the season. haha

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."
Source Unknown
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  09:47:32 AM  Show Profile
Pamela, I'm the one with the son at New River. Marianne has a daughter in Portland Oregon.
I can't imagine how much you must worry about your son. I was so relieved when mine told me he was going to be a helo mechanic. He too will be deployed next year but on a ship. He says he won't be getting off. It will be for close to a year. It will be hard not being able to communicate with him while he is at sea, but at least I know he will be safe. At least safer than on the ground. I will be thinking of your son and say prayers that he stays safe.

I'm suppose to have lunch today with Johnny. Haven't heard anything yet though. The weather isn't very good. I guess he has been getting some snow. So our date may get cancelled.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Middletown Indiana
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  12:12:23 PM  Show Profile
Happy Sunday!

I'm starting to get the house in order for all the Christmas visitors. We had a real treat last night and got to babysit for our 2 month old granddaughter last night...there is nothing more peaceful than holding a sleeping baby in your arms. That certainly helped me settle down a little.

I always get in frantic mode about this time before Christmas - trying to balance gifts between the children (so do you balance number of gifts or dollars?) - always my last minute panic of will the gifts I ordered online get here in time.

This year, I am taking vacation days all this Christmas week. My first week long vacation since 2010 and I am so looking forward to not being a "working" Mom for the week and getting to really settle in and nest with my family.

Bunny - hope you did get to have your lunch date.

Pamela - no snow yet over here in Indiana and I am looking forward to getting a **little**no need to go crazy with a bunch LOL

GG - you don't like the Hobbit in general, or just that episode? I was looking forward to seeing it next week....

Holly - those blintzes sound DELICIOUS! I'm pretty sure I would pick cherry too even though I haven't had them before.

Marie - I'm so glad you have worked out the challenges with your man. I'm on my second husband now and have to say that we worked through some rough patches too but right now everything is comfortable. It has helped that I finally let go and bot my depression treated.

Hope the rest of everyone's day is peaceful and full of joy. (hugs)

If you can't feed one hundred people, then just feed one. -Mother Teresa

Star - farmgirl sister #1927

Estle Schipp Farm: Celebrate the Hobby Farm Lifestyle

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  12:44:55 PM  Show Profile
Lunch didn't happen. He got busy with some work he needed to finish up. I'm ok with that. I'm not really looking forward to it. I hate the dating stuff. I just want to get it over with and decide if we want to keep going.

Applied for another job. It is at the welfare office. I made sure I put in my cover letter that I get food stamps and understand the process and think that helps with my qualifications. In other words... you have an opportunity to get someone off of food stamps. I'm not holding my breath. We will see.

Anyway, I am working on some unfinished projects. I have a jacket I am making from an old quilt. It looks really awesome. I'm not going to sell it cheap that's for sure. It is too small for me.. so I won't even be able to covet it for myself.

For all you grandmas.... enjoy the grandbabies! I love the pictures! I'm not a grandma yet... I think it will be a while.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  1:51:17 PM  Show Profile
Star, I didn't like this Hobbitt. It was all about war. And hideously ugly creatures. I hated it. Not a huge fan anyway but I liked the earlier ones ok.

Bunny, forget this guy if he's already making excuses. If you don't come first now, think what it will be like later.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  4:01:22 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I love holding babies! At Hannukah last night we had an eight month old. Her mom and I were at herb class together this summer, tht is where I met the baby. She came to class too. Her mom was very impressed that I was able to put her to sleep one class. She has a sweet personality.

Good luck to the B in changing behaviors and learning tomake better choices. He will so very much need to be conscious of his actions and get out of the automatic response mode. I think we all need to send G patience. G I think each time you see him make a good choice in the right direction up should give him a prize so he recognizes that you appreciate his efforts. Just a suggestion. It is always so much easier to give bad attention than good attention. Because we take for granted thre good. Although I think you surely do give the B a lot of good attention already. I guess the B should talk to a naturopath or an accupuncturist or a

W had shrimp and beef stir fry with chopped ginger root and hoisin sauce for dinner. It was very tasty.

I think fair is not always equal when it comes to gifts. Every person has different desires which can not always be measured monetarily. I think I would go craz trying to make everything equal.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  4:18:21 PM  Show Profile
GG, I'm not holding my breath. But if he calls and wants to go to lunch, I'll go. But I'm not going to make much of an effort.

Worked on the quilt jacket today. I found so many threadbare spots. I appliquéd quite a few, now I think I'm going to just make it part of the uniqueness of the jacket and put it in the description that there are spots of wear.

GG, I agree the hobbit stores have so much war in them. I still like the story. I will probably wait until it comes out on video though. Sorry you didn't like it and got stuck through the whole thing.

Holly I think you just have a way with children.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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williamstown wv
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  5:51:28 PM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address
Bunny, I am so sorry...I knew that you had the son. I get to typing and mercy me, it is hard to tell who's name I will put down. I hope you get your lunch least you will have some sort of idea of the man behind the words.

Starletta, I agree with you about the peacefulness of a newborn. So sweet. Yes, it looks like you may (fingers crossed)see a little snow for the holidays. Not so much for here but I refuse to give up hope! Hope you get to really enjoy your vacation!

I thought I wanted to see The Hobbit but after the review I will just wait till it comes out on dvd. I am not a big fan of war movies. I must say I did enjoy the books though.

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."
Source Unknown
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  6:38:15 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for sending me patience--I need all I can get!!

Hope you are catching on to the new phone, Holly--it took me about two weeks to stop hating mine and decide I couldn't live without it.

Bunny will you post the quilt jacket pic, please. Maybe that's what I could do with a bunch of old raggedy quilts I have.


Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 21 2014 6:39:02 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 21 2014 :  8:12:32 PM  Show Profile
GG, I will post the jacket. I'll find the name of the pattern too. It is a nice easy pattern. At least for me it is. I have made three jackets including this one so far.

Watching Sound of Music Sing a long on TV. I might have to sing along soon.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 22 2014 :  10:50:09 AM  Show Profile
GG, here is the jacket. I'll get the pattern name to you later today.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 22 2014 :  10:53:19 AM  Show Profile


Farmgirl number 3738
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