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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 21 2014 :  3:28:19 PM  Show Profile
GG, I saw this on facebook. Thought you would get a laugh out of it.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 21 2014 :  7:44:16 PM  Show Profile
That's so funny! And not far from the truth! That's about the amount of snow we get that you see on the ground there.

Tonight it's raining cats and dogs. We need the rain but it's a nuisance to drive in.

I must be in some kind of a rut, can't seem to think of much to talk about.
Has anyone heard how Patty's sister is doing?

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 21 2014 :  9:24:35 PM  Show Profile

I have had a very good week. I am actually getting stuff done and can move on the other stuff that needs to be done.

I went to the Wellness Group I am in and showed them the slippers that I have finished. Now everyone wants a pair. The boy in the Advanced Crochet class is getting bored. He kept asking me if we had to do it again. I told him that anything handmade needs to be made one stitch at a time to be well done. I am teaching them to make a corner to corner fabric which can be square or rectangular. On Tuesday I saw my psychiatrist who is happy that I am doing well. Wednesday the first graders had a substitute teacher just as they did the day before. I noticed that the two problem children were out of the classroom but the rest were still unruly. Many of them did work very hard and that was very good. After that I attended the Women's Group where we do some meditation exercises and talked about communication and how difficult it can be. I met with my therapist in the same building after that and had a good session eventhough I had a low blood sugar. I knew it was happening because I was falling asleep at the end of Women's Group. After that I took the bus to the post office and sent off the slippers to a fellow Farmgirl. The line was long as always. This post office is in the middle of south Minneapolis surrounded by a large population. Many people come in to send packages, especially overseas, and the customs forms take some time to fill out. Finally, I was on the bus that would take me to Tower Games where I plot against cultists would want to summon an evil dragon god. We did not finish the story . . . yet. I was so glad to get back home at 9:00. Thursday I went to see a financial person who could give me some help and information on county paperwork. I went to Target with $30 worth of gift cards I received as an incentive for doing well in the Wellness Group. I was looking for a lamp that will clip on to my bookshelf above my desk. The one I have is broken and sends its light horizontally toward the books not down onto my desk. Annoying!!! Target didn't have any. I guess I will have to find them online. The Thursday crochet class consists of 4 little girls who are into goofing around. We are in a hallway at a table and people are constantly walking by causing distractions. Even with one of them gone, they were loud and wouldn't stay in their seats and work on their single crochet stitches. Arrgh! I will not teach on Thursdays next term. I need more time at home. Today was easy. Went to the school and watched over the kids while they had a spelling assessment (aka test). Many children were disappointed because they were not allowed to play for Fun On Friday because they hadn't turned in their weekly homework and still had work from the week to finish. I had lunch with Mrs. Pendleton then went home and took a nap in front of the TV with the cat on my chest. A good end to the week.

Gypsy - I have just gotten your box. I like the yarn. The patterns are a blast from the past and I love them. The UFO will be easy to finish and might even fit me. I can use all this yarn. Thank you so much. That little plow would get buried here.

Cindy - I agree with your thoughts on immoral people. You said it very well.

Bunny - This new job opportunity seems ideally suited to you. I can imagine that the office will accomodate your health needs. The best of luck to you. Etsy seems too crammed with shops selling the same stuff. Your work is very distinctive and needs to be showcased in the right place. I know time is short however looking around Berkeley for a good shop which will take your items.

We didn't get very much snow at all. This weekend will be warm so some of it might melt just in time to freeze up on the sidewalks.

I have some pictures.

Bob the Kat in my knitting basket.

Goofy Loves Mitzi

Good night.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 21 2014 :  9:44:55 PM  Show Profile
Marie I'm glad you can use the stuff I sent. Loved your post and the pictures. I really like hearing about everyone's daily activities, your thoughts and opinions matter.
I am in a writing rut it seems. Have some sadness to deal with but I'll get past it. I always do.

Cindy I hope you will continue posting often too.

I really miss Ginny a lot. It goes without saying that Holly's stories are such a great part of this thread that I seem to go into withdrawals when she disappears for a while.
Mar, you and bunny too. All of you are so important. But it's been a.while since anybody new has joined.
Guess I need to get out more.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 21 2014 :  11:09:03 PM  Show Profile
Marie, sounds like you have been very productive. Good for you. You are a saint for teaching kids. I have come to the realization, it is not a good thing for me to do. I just don't have the patience.

GG, sorry for your sadness. The rain doesn't help. I hope you feel better.

I had a pretty good day sewing today. I have 5 dress forms now in different sizes. I put something on each one to inspire me. I have two jackets, a dress with bunch of lace and another dress almost finished. One is naked. I still have to find something to put on it. I almost felt normal today.

I finished a custom dress for a repeat customer in Georgia. Not the wedding dress...that didn't happen unfortunately. She couldn't find anything in her size.

My son went to the Marine's Ball tonight. Here he is in his dress blues looking sharp.

It's raining here too. I can't wait for it to wash away the snow and least for a while. I use to love the snow when I lived in the forest. Not so nice in town.

GG, I agree, we are missing so many of our farmgirls!! Did we scare them away? Are we scary?


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 22 2014 :  08:29:50 AM  Show Profile

I miss our sisters also. I can believe that, like myself, get busy and cannot get to us.

My brother put a personal ad online looking for a date to the Marine Ball at Camp Lejeune. Darlene answered. She was a nurse from Canada and just wanted to meet people. They met a couple times and he invited her. Michael had their first kiss all planned out. When they were on the dance floor he asked her, "Why do Inuits rub noses?" She said, "So they don't get stuck together when they kiss." He sighed and said, "Let's try this again." He asked her again "Why do Inuits rub noses?" She, smart girl, said, "Why?" He said, "So they don't get stuck together when they do this." Then he kissed her. He knew she was THE ONE.

The weather here is warm. The snow is soft and soggy. The air is humid. This is good. I don't want to keep putting on the heavy coat to walk Mitzi.

More pictures!!!

The Stillwater MN lift bridge.

Gondola ride under the Stillwater lift bridge.

Mitzi and Oliver on the couch. Oliver was named after Detective Olivia Benson on Law & Order SVU. He and his human have moved out and we miss them.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2014 :  09:47:17 AM  Show Profile asked about Patty's sis.......she had a pic of Peggy on her Facebook page. She was standing one her one good leg and smiling. She looks really good and seems to have a very good attitude about her loss. And she is very lucky to have Patty as a very attentive and loving sister! :)

Marie....sounds like you are doing well. That is very good news and inspiring for the rest of us. Love your pictures. The one of Bob sitting in your sewing basket reminded me of when I was visiting my BFF, and her cat Garfield made his self at home in my carryall bag, I had left it unzipped and partially open in her bedroom and he made him self quite comfortable.

Bunny....your son looks mighty fine in his dress uniform! :) Hope you get one of those jobs. You sound like you are being cool that you are getting many repeat customers.'s that new car? Still lovin' that new car smell? MIL still settling in and has the pup adjusted?

Speaking of sweet baby Jake (my Shih Tzu) is quite ill. I took him to the Vet (I truly cannot afford) They did som expensive tests and still did not really know anything so decided to treat him for Pancreatitis. I am convinced that is not it. He will not eat at all now and all though he will drink and urinate he is quite depressed and no enthusiasm. I have to take him back but I feel so guilty that I am concerned about the cost and I am letting him down and of course Son and BFF are determined to make me feel even worse because I am even thinking about the cost! This really sucks! Sorry to be moaning. Jake needs some prayers.... I feel dumb for asking that a dog get prayers but I do love him and am miserable that I am not doing enough to help him! Just a few good thoughts, please!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Nov 22 2014 09:52:33 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 22 2014 :  10:58:30 AM  Show Profile
Mel, I hope Jake gets better. I understand about the cost. I have dealt with that myself. Hope he comes around. So hard when our fur babies get sick.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 22 2014 :  11:03:32 AM  Show Profile
Mel--I don't think it's silly at all to pray for an animal. They give so much love, heck, they probably pray for us without us realizing it!
Marie--nice pictures. We have a lift bridge in Hardin, in Calhoun county, about forty miles north of here. We use to have a railroad bridge span that would rotate to let barges go by, but we no longer have that railroad, so they did away with that bridge long ago.
Bunny--your son is very handsome. I've never been to any sort of a ball, didn't even go to the prom in high school. I bet the girls have so much fun dancing with those manly Marines.
GG--I'm sorry you feel sad. I get sad this time of year as well, not sure why. By Christmas I've cheered up, hope you do,too.
I drove to a car dealership some thirty miles away this morning and they fixed the faulty ignition switch on my car. I still can't believe the dealership here said they couldn't get me in till March. sounds like they just don't want to bother with it. I saw a movie, Cowspiracy, about how the beef industry contributes to global climate change. I used to be a vegetarian and after seeing this movie, I've decided to go back to vegetarianism. I never had any weight problems when I was a vegetarian, never weighed more than 125 lbs. I'd settle now for just getting down to 145 or less. It'd be easier to do yoga if I weighed less.
I'm still coughing some but not nearly as much as I was. I'm glad Patty's sister has a positive attitude. That has to be so traumatic. My SIL is still recovering and they won't be here for Thanksgiving as they usually are. Hope they can make it at Christmas.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  1:23:17 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

We still do not have Internet access here at home. This is the C's iPad. I thought she used it for her school work and the I see that she is using it for social networking. I will admit that I had a bit of emotional outburst this morning while milking when she asked me what was wrong. I told her it was not fair that she had access twenty four seven to her friends and I had visited with mine less than two hours since e strike started. She never offered in the past to let me touch this thing never mind use it. So, now I have been shown how to use it and maybe can chat with all of you again oa. A regular basis. Never having used this automatic spell check before I now understand all of us frustrations. Done with the whine.

The weather has warmed up some and the snow is melting. We do have some very nice looking anemic snow men in the front yard.

Yesterday we finished putting i the firewood. The hunters who have a camp Lana the back side of the property were supposed to block a split it for us this year. I got tired of waiting for them. I despise doing wood in the snow. c says she will write the a letter telling them no wood by July no hunting on the property next year. Two of the big boys came and helped. We put in a cord in their minutes and took two a da half hours to finish the job. I am glad it is done. We already have in wood for this year but I do like to be ahead in case something happens and we are not able to do it next year. It is also better to burn dried wood because it does not put so much creosote in the stove pipe.

I am. Going to post this now because I lost the last one into cyber Lala land

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  1:50:04 PM  Show Profile
Good evening again,

I agree with about alternative medicine. Some of it has been used for millennia and then been discredited and now people are trying to regain that lost knowledge. Life was hard when people lived with herbal medicine and people died young but it is worth exploring. I borrowed a book called eatIng by your blood type. it had explanations and diets for different blood types. They explained how the blood types per mutated as the food acquisition methods of the people changed.

I am glad Mar that you are getting a routine for dear MIL. I hope your relationship eases with her now that she is close. I hope that you can maintain a piece of your life for you. Is there a home health agency who can help to provide assistance to her as she ages more?

GG your mom is so hard to thin about because she is so far away from you geographically and so dang independent. I would offer the suggestion of prepackaged frozen entrees but then would she remember to use them or even remember how to use the microwave . schwann's delivers around here and there is anonLine website you can preorder from.

Bunny, a handsome son you have. If you do not feel good about the SF store then withdraw. Is the,thought of a potential sale worth the anxiety of her send ing back your items?

I am sad that your JAke is sick. Did he eat something he shouldn't have. I bet you are too old to have the availability of used plugs around. We had a miniature schnauzer eat one and get his small intestine blocked as it expanded. I hope that his illness passes.

How is your new bird doing, Cindy ?

Marie, congratulations on the gift cards for your well ness program. I tried to access the songs but the link would not go through.

I hope I did not miss anyone.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Nov 23 2014 4:54:09 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  2:23:44 PM  Show Profile
Holly, so nice to see you here! Bummer about the internet. Too bad it took a melt down to get back online with C's ipad. Sounds like it worked though. The spell checker is very annoying!!

cutting wood in the winter is no fun. I have been there. My son and I use to get a permit in the summer and found stack piles left by the loggers of slash they couldn't use. It was awesome but hard work. I love heating with wood in case the electricity goes out. It did every year a couple of times. Not fun in the cold. I'm sure you have been there.

Sewing today. Listening to good music and feeling pretty good. I feel like my old self finally. I'm taking vit. B complex and magnesium. They are helping a great deal. I can last so much longer in the sewing room. I was pooping out after just a few hours. Now I'm making it close to 5 hours. No fibro flares lately that I can't handle. I sure hope it stays this way. I still have to make sure I don't do any heavy physical stuff. It still puts me down for the rest of the day. But I feel pretty good.

Hope everyone is staying warm. The rain has washed all the snow away. I'm so glad. Temps in the 40's I can deal with!



Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  3:48:05 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone

Holly, I wonder if C could use her IPad as a hotspot for your computer too. I'm so glad you found a way to get online. Yes the autocorrect is really annoying. There is a hilarious pin on Pinterest about that.

Bunny, that boy of your is a hottie! I'm glad the vitamins are helping you. The B vitamins and Magnesium help with sleep too.
Mel, I sure hope little Jake is all better by now. You may have said how old he is and I missed it. We love our pets so much, we all understand what you are going through. I remember when owning a pet was affordable but it sure isn't now. I try to really take care of mine and worry every time one of them gets lethargic because I know the vet bills are outrageously expensive. This morning I could have killed them both, however, because I could not sleep most of the night but of course was sleeping soundly this morning and they whined and whined for me to get up and let them out to pee. They are upset about the new house and are, yes, Mar, marking their territory. On the carpets. Which we are about to tear out anyway, but still. These will be my last pets in this lifetime.

I got my mom some Amy's soups and some PF Chang frozen entrees. She will probably forget where she put them or forget that I even got them, but I tried.
The neighbors bring her food so there is no shortage of food, she just doesn't want to eat anything but junk.

We are enjoying a few days in the city. Checking out the facilities. It's so huge they have orientation once a week for new residents. There are parties, clubs, groups, classes, more than we can keep up with. The neighbors are coming out today to welcome us to the neighborhood and everyone we cross paths with has been super friendly. We walked one of the hiking trails this morning but it was muddy from three inches of rain yesterday and they had closed all the driving ranges because of it. So no golf this time.

Im glad to hear Patty's sister is doing ok.
Marie, I enjoyed the pictures. I've never traveled to that area and likely won't so it's nice to see what it looks like. The gondolas are a very nice touch. I've ridden the gondola at night in Venice, and all the gondoliers sang opera as they paddled away. It was an unforgettable experience.

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 8:04:35 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  3:57:12 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I didn't see the film about the beef Industry but I've heard. The prices alone make me want to go vegan. Looks like beef prices have doubled. We eat mostly fish and chicken. But if you watch the documentary on chickens you won't eat chicken for a very long time. It's sure better to grow your own, but not all of us can do that.

That's pretty crappy about your car. But at least you got it fixed. I need to get back to yoga too.

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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
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Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  4:21:15 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone. Hope everyone's having a good evening. Posting from my phone tonight so it will be a short post. I don't do well posting from my phone LOL. I just returned home from staying with my sister last week. She is out of rehab and is home now. Her and her husband are both home though they have to depend on theirselves as they can't help each other. Neither one is able to take care of the other. Hopefully next month they will measure her for a leg and she will go into rehab once again to learn to walk. Hopefully I can get out there again next month and spend little more time with her. She has a lot of adjusting to do. I have made several trips out there since the accident and I'm looking forward to some settling down. This week will get ready for Thanksgiving as DH's family will come be with us. I hope everybody is well and I miss our chats.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  9:24:20 PM  Show Profile
Hi everyone!
I've missed you all. So happy to hear all your news. Holly, I'm so glad you will be able to visit often again.
Mel, you are right to worry about the cost. You can't just ignore that vet bills can add up quickly. And, of course, he is in our prayers. Please keep us posted.
Patty, glad you will be looking forward to thanksgiving.
G, bummer about the marking. The new place sounds exciting. Is B very disappointed that there is no golfing at this time?
We got further clarification about our horse buddy's disease. The prognosis is much more serious than what you would think. The disease is 100 Percent fatal. Most kids live into their late teens, maybe early adult hood. Nerve degeneration, liver failure, muscle failure and good grief what else. The realization has hit dh hard. It serves to make so many things more precious, time with our own daughter, as well as time with this young girl.
I did finish knitting a hat for our horse buddy and she was pleased.

Dear Gracie (Chihuahua) got sick all over the wood floor yesterday when we left her and Fritto home while we took mom shopping. Gracie was loose, but Fritto was in her kennel. I know Fritto yipped and cried the entire time. Maybe it freaked Gracie out and that's why she vomited. She followed that up with biting at mom when mom reached for something next to the dog. So unnecessary. Too much action.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 23 2014 :  9:44:42 PM  Show Profile
Mar, so sad about your dear horse girl's prognosis. Your horses will be a blessing for her to focus on. Just keep your boundaries for your own sanity.
Poor Gracie. Sounds like Fritto isn't a good kennel dog. Hope that gets better with time.

Time for bed. Nite all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  07:41:13 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 8:06:19 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  3:46:27 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone

It rained all morning and then cleared to a balmy fifties. I went out to split the wood that was left and the pieces were to big for me to lift onto the splitter by myself so is sits there. It would be convenient to have it split and stacked in the yard because it is now lying on the sledding hill and will make for a very bumpy ride.

Jan I did remember as I was falling asleep last night that I did not wish you happy swimming. I am jealous tht you can swim everyday. Swim a few laps for me.

We were all happy to be out inour shirt sleeves today. C says we are to have a big snow storm on Thursday into Friday. This yo yo in weather conditions is for the well or the birds because they must be having a hard time as well. I did see this afternoon that the clouds are going in the wrong directions. They usually move from west to east. Today they were moving from south to north. It SI scary when that happens because it usually means we are going to have the same nasty weather twice.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  3:58:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening again,

Mar I am sorry to hear that the young horse friend has some sort of nasty disease. I will look and see if we have any more horse stuff around here to send to her. I hope she is happy.

GG growing old is not for sissies. I would guess as you meet more people there you will find your niche and a group of friends with similar interests.

Hugs to all of you .

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Nov 24 2014 4:00:11 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  4:53:19 PM  Show Profile
GG, interesting they pull up the sidewalks so early. I know quite a few people in their 70's that stay out late. It might just be because it is winter. Summer hours may be different. I too hope you find your own crowd to do things with. It will take time.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  4:56:45 PM  Show Profile
Mar... so very sorry to hear about your lil' horse buddy! Sounds like dh is already very attached to that lil' gal. I can' even imagine having to resign to her sad prognosis. :( I am dealing with an animal and it's not easy, but a child? Sad! It is wonderful that y'all have been a light in her life! good to see you back at least in a limited appearance! :)

Thanx to everyone for showing your concern for Jake! Took him to the vet today because he has not improved much from last week. They did x-rays and found a large mass (aka tumor) in his abdomen. vet said they could do surgery for 2000 dollars and still no guarantee of a better prognosis. She is pretty sure it's cancer . It could be on the liver, pancreas or spleen. Not too clear on which...they could do an expensive ultrasound but knowing will not improve any thing. Even with the surgery...he maybe has 4 months.

He has not been eating and she said it would be more humane to euthanize him than let him starve to death and she was quite willing to do it right then, I couldn't do that then because he is still functioning and looked at me with those huge brown eyes... so sad saying I love you Mom!! So I am in a hell of a quandary. She gave me a prescription for a pill to stimulate his appetite. Will see if that helps and he actually ate when we got home. It is a human medication I had to get at my pharmacy. Please keep him in your good thoughts.

Hey Bunny.....good news that you are sewing away and having some good days. Anything on the job front?

GG......I agree with Holly, old age is not for sissies. Why is it that if you are with age everyone things you have to get up early and retire early and arise at some ungodly hour?? I am not doing 'OLD' age well! I'm 66, look 76, feel 86. And I have always been a night owl and find myself starting projects late and every night work on them later and later and then get up later. Just recently saw an article that said those who stay up late and arise late are not as healthy or smart as those who are early risers. Guess I'll sacrifice. Maybe you'll find some other spot that stays open later and has a little healthier crowd.....LOL

Well, I am waiting with anticipation for the Grand Jury verdict concerning the Ferguson Mo. incident. Hope they can maintain the calm.

Glad to see Patty stopped by and updated her situation and her sisters health.

Hey Jan and Janie........we miss you's guys!!! LOL

Cindy....thanx for your thoughts on praying for Jake . Glad to hear you got your car fixed and the guy who put you off is probably just too lazy and too greedy to deal with recalls. They don't make any money off of recall repairs. But hoorah for the dealership that did right by you!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Nov 24 2014 4:58:16 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  5:49:55 PM  Show Profile
Mel, so sorry about Jake. I too had a dog with a massive tumor. You will know when it's time. It is a very painful decision to make but keep in mind he may be in pain too. Prayers for both of you.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  5:55:52 PM  Show Profile
You are right, Bunny. I think that's the worst thing, they can not tell you when they are in pain. So sorry, Mel. I know this is tough.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 24 2014 :  8:05:53 PM  Show Profile

My first dog, Morgan, had a large tumor in her abdomen. She had lost a lot of weight, was not eating and didn't want to sleep with me anymore. The doctor told me how much time he thought she had and I tried to get her to eat. First, I got her canned dog food which I had only rarely fed to her. When she wouldn't eat that, I gave her the people food she liked best. When she wouldn't eat that, I took her to my parents place where she could see the woods again. I took her out for a walk and had to carry her back to the house. The next morning she was shaking with pain and I knew it was time. Your Jake will tell you when it is time to go. The ones you love always do. For now, stay near and hold him. Tell him that you love him. I will be okay.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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