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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  4:55:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was one of our first cold days of the fall. It even smelled cold this morning when I went to do chores.

I am boiling down applesauce. DdK wanted it thicker when it comes out of the freezer. I have the food dryer filled with apple slices.

Last night we went to see Arlo Guthrie in concert. It was a great show. He sang songs I did not know and then the second part he sang old songs I did know. He banter was amusing. He says next year is the 50th anniversary of Alice's Restaurant. He will do a special tour and he says there will be a big screen up behind him with all the words so everyone can sing the whole 18 minutes song. He talked about his dad being in the hospital for the last 15 years of his life. He talked about his wife dying a couple of years ago. He spoke kindly and compassionately about both. He has good humor. He said that when he and Pete Seeger were preforming in Carnegie Hall one time Pete was having trouble tuning his banjo and the people in the audience were getting restless. He looked up and said.I bet you have never seen Segovia tuning his instrument. ..............Folk musicians tune ours for each piece........we care.. We had a good time at the show.

Jan, have a good trip and I am jealous so I should guess the relatives are as well. They can dream and you live the dream. Good luck on wrapping up the last minute details.

I like to smile at people when I am walking down the street. I like to catch people's eye as well so they are more likely to acknowledge my existence. It sometimes un nerves them and that is fun in a perverse sort of way.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  7:52:18 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:22:17 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  8:47:30 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I love Arlo Guthrie! Alice's resurant was played so often at our house, I'm sure I could almost repeat it all. I still say lines from it.
I did a report on Woody Guthrie in high school too.

It has rained the last two days. I'm really liking it!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  9:53:04 PM  Show Profile
I used to have an LP (remember those) with Alice's Restaurant. I think he had the right idea--start a revolution.Or, as I prefer to call it, an evolution. My favorite Arlo Guthrie song is "City of New Orleans". that trains runs right through my town.
I went to a literary reading tonight at a St. Louis tavern that serves good food and caters to the arts. I ordered the four cheese and pesto panini--yum, it was delicious. I noticed that the vegan/yoga cafe I've heard about is right next door to this tavern. The yoga classes are by donation and open to anyone. They also have classes in juicing, detoxing, vegan cooking, and meditation. Now that I know where it is I'll have to go there. I saw one of my companions from the writer's conference so we talked and agreed we both need to work more on our writing. Both of the authors who read were great--I really wanted to buy one of this woman's books but I can't afford it right now. I spent enough on the gas to drive over there and on the meal plus there's a donation for attending. I hope the Illinois voters vote to raise the minimum wage. The hospital will HAVE to raise my wages if it passes.
When I went to the ER back in June for my knee (here comes a scary story) the ER dr. didn't notice that my knee was swollen. Was he blind?! The insurance said they weren't going to pay for that visit so I filed an appeal and showed them that I was off work for almost a month and had to have physical therapy before I was allowed back to work. I won the appeal. but it's ridiculous when you go to the ER and you're wondering if the insurance is even going to pay.Maybe that's what I should do for Halloween--invite people over and tell scary insurance stories.
I think Rainbow is a girl but I'm not 100% positive. Still too young to tell. She's a little big bigger than Skye and that's normal for the females.
Weird coincidence: last week I ordered some mushroom extracts from Mountain Rose Herbs. That night, I went to a Chinese take -out. When I opened the fortune cookie, it read:"You will soon receive an unusual gift of food for your health". Hmm, how could they have known? I have other weird stories about Chinese fortune cookies. None of them scary. I think my order should arrive soon.
Sounds like Holly and Jan are getting some cold weather. We haven't had frost yet but it's about that time. Some of the outlying areas have seen frost. I have some green tomatoes and a recipe for green tomato pie. they say it tastes like apple pie. It has a little apple cider vinegar in it. I'll try to make it tomorrow night.
I wish I had a fireplace. I can see myself cozying up before a warm fire, with Jaxon curled up nearby. I'm watching the flames and seeing different faces in the fire, and the flames leap up and crackle and the heat makes my face red. I've thrown in some scented pine cones so the scent wafts its way throughout the room. But alas, I have to settle for sitting by a heat register. Modern civilization has lost its sense of romance.
Good night, all,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  10:22:00 PM  Show Profile
Whenever I get a really lame fortune from a fortune cookie such as "You will have great success" or "You will meet interesting people", I always add "in bed" to the end to make it more interesting.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  07:52:54 AM  Show Profile
This will be my last post until I can get on the road and internet places we stop at. We are leaving early Saturday morning, have a week to get to Florida, so will be taking our time getting down there. We like travelling the state highways and not the interstate, that way we can stop wherever and whenever we want.
You girls behave, and stay out of trouble!!! A little mischief is okay though!!!Love you guys,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  08:21:26 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, sounds like you have found a wonderful place to learn some new things. I love your writing style. Keep it up. I think raising the minimum wage is long over due.

Marie, as always, you crack me up. Love the fortune cookie comment.

Jan!!! So happy for you! We will all be looking forward to your posts. Have a safe trip to your new home!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  09:47:25 AM  Show Profile
Oh, I can't wait to hear from Jan again! Marie, you aren't alone in the fortune cookie game. It was a little unnerving when I told my dd that good old dad and I play that risque game and she said, "yea, yea. Everyone does." Here I thought were were so inventive. Well, Marie, I think you are a pretty racy gal with your fortunes cookie game!

Holy, I was so pleased to hear that ddK thinks bare minerals does a good job for women of color. Are all your leaves long gone? Wee are getting some very vibrant reds.

Our dear neighbor, young girl who enjoys visiting our house so much, is having some difficulty dealing with us not being outside constantly now that the weather is changing. Her mother has asked if wee can set up a schedule for routine horse visits and helping with horse chores. (You all understand that the"help" makes everything take at least twice as long.) And it happens late in the afternoon, the time I feel least comfortable. I am committing to today and Friday afternoon this week. Dd will be here on Wednesday and some of Thursday and you know I won't short change my time with her. Next week MIL moves in. Maybe I will enjoy some time with my young friend then! MIL has completely come on board with three idea of moving in. It makes it a lot easier that way. It was difficult feeling like we were ruining her life by trying to make it better. I think she has scared herself a few times lately. She got lost because the land marks that she used were long gone and she had decided to take a little drive down Memory Lane. It's a four lane interstate now...
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  09:48:54 AM  Show Profile
Holy Holly, I'm gonna canonize you!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  10:09:29 AM  Show Profile
Marianne - I commend you for what you do for your little neighbor. You probably already know this but I'll say it just to show how smart I am. These kids remember everything once they are taught. Find a small job she can do every time she comes over that is safe for her to do without a lot of supervision. Once she has shown she knows how to do that job well, tell her that every time she comes over this is her job. She will be so pleased to have this small responsibility and will faithfully do it every time. As she grows and learns, over tasks can be made her "job". This is very good for autistic children. Many become focused on a particular topic and learn everything about it and focus almost exclusively on that. You have the ability to teach her how to function in the world this way.

Jan - Bon Voyage! Have all kinds of fun. Enjoy the adventure.

Maintenance has finally fixed the front step and walk and the cement slab in back. Jim has done such a good job I should really see what kind of gift I can get for him.

I am applying for a seat on the Minneapolis Committee for People with Disabilities. They advise on housing, access programs and transportation for people with disabilities. I will be meeting with my council member on Tuesday to obtain her recommendation. Wish me luck.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  3:13:04 PM  Show Profile
Good luck, Marie
It is really important to be involved. I hope you find the time you spend fulfilling. I feel confident they will welcome your efforts with open arms.

I met with our young neighbor's mom today for a quick chat. She is being very respectful of our time and doesn't want her daughter to be a pest. I just wanted her to know that she will have to help A with disappointment when wee say we can't visit that day. Learning to deal with disappointment is a tough lesson. Today, A will have to choose between staying at a playmate's house or coming home to help me with horse chores. I could go for a quick afternoon, the weather is a bit icky.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  5:41:39 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Good evening you enlightening ladies.

More power to you with the neighbor kiddo. As long as she can deal with your rules, all is well with the world. If she becomes a problem to you or the horses then the rules change. With everyone so eager to sue over everything it has to give you some pause. Good luck with your MIL. It'll be a blessing for her and who knows for you too! I was a geriatric nurse for the end of my career and if all else fails send her to me. You can keep the kid though! LOL!

GG, oh I mean Boss GG
We need someone to keep us under control. LOL! Well I guess B got out of the doghouse after her grew some! Lucky you to get the house. You can just take a class or send him to golf when you need some peace. Don't I wish!

I received your box of yo yos today and I thank you so much. They are beautiful and will adorn many prayer pillows for the chemo patients as well as other items. Have a safe trip to Florida and enjoy your new life.

Hilarious fortune cookie response! Have you been able to keep Lowell in line? Some men think we were put on this earth to wait on them hand and foot. We make the mistake of doing it and then it's all over. I blame their mother's for not teaching them to respect woman. I hope you get that council position and good for you for going for it.

What job do you have in the hospital that pays you minimum wage? That's sinful. How's your SIL?

Seems like things are looking up for you. Did you hear about the job yet? Keep the faith!

Busy as usual. You will rest esy this winter when you don't have to spend a fortune at the store for all the poison food they sell us!

My dining room is painted buttered yam. I am so shocked that I picked this color but it is beautiful! Sometimes it's good to get out of your comfort zone! If I can get one of my kids to post a pic when everything is done I'll let you see it.

My friend and my Aunt both died on Saturday. Friends service is tomorrow and Aunt's is Thursday.

Have a great evening.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  6:21:46 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Darlene I am sorry to hear of the deaths of your friend and your aunt. I guess they will be at the Pearly Gates together discussing the weather and their top secrets about you. lol

I think buttered yam sounds like a nice bright and cheery color.

I think that yoga/cafe sounds great. Learn and eat too. A new group of friends.

I missed why I am being canonized. Maybe the Pope's change in the catholic church attitude towards the LGBT community will help plead my case towards canonization. lol

I hope the birds get along once they get used to each other. it would be nice to have songs in the house again I bet.

I think the minimum wage here in Vermont has just risen again. It will be $9.60 in 2016 and then $10 in 2017. Not much but it is something to help out people. It is $8.73 now.

Today was rainy all day long. The earth is cooling down finally so the snow will stay on the ground. if there can not be green then we might as well have snow.

The pigs are burrowing in their pen. They have dug out a pit right by their trough. They have dug up a little hill and with the rain it is like quicksand. I was carrying up the 50 pound bag of corn to the trough and sunk half way up my calf in the mud I was glad to have on muck boots that are shaped like riding boots so they do not easily pull off. If they had been regular boots I would have been standing in muck in just my sock. The pigs are big enough that when they are excited to get the corn or food scraps that one will push between my legs to get to the bucket and lift me up. Now, remember that I have a 35 inch inseam. and then giggle at the image. Lucky for me none of them minds me leaning on them to get around the pushers and shovers.

I have heard many flocks of geese go over in the last couple of days. DsG has just discovered them and is fascinated with how big the flocks are and that they fly in a V. I guess winter is truly on its way now if the geese are on the move.

The trees are almost bare. The yellows on the birch and poplar are just brilliant against the gray sky. Then the only color that will be left will be the browns of the oaks and beech.

I wonder how Patty is doing.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Oct 21 2014 6:22:55 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  7:56:47 PM  Show Profile
Holly--I pictured you riding a pig and just about cracked up. It reminds me of how my mom learned to spell "geography". There is a community here called Godfrey. My mom memorized "Georgie Evans of Godfrey rode a pig home yesterday". that's how you remember to spell geography in these parts!
Darlene--sad to hear about your friend and your aunt. For some reason more people die this time of year (October, November, December) than any other time of year. I think buttered yam sounds appealing. My bedroom is painted Roasted Chestnut. It's a bright harvest gold color, like a winter squash. I love it.
Marie--I hope you get on that committee. It's hard for people to realize you have a disability when it's invisible. A while back, our dept. at work ordered Chinese food and when we opened the fortune cookies, everyone ended theirs with "in bed". Except me. Mine didn't make sense if you ended it with "in bed". Oh well, that's the story of my life, LOL.
Speaking of Pete Seeger, I came across this quote of his:The right song at the right moment can change history.
As for the Catholic Church and it's stance on certain topics:Either ordain women, or stop dressing like them.
I guess I'm a bad Catholic--in the same way Jesus was a bad Jew.
I better stop before I get into trouble,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 22 2014 :  7:44:57 PM  Show Profile
I hope I didn't offend anyone with that remark about the Catholic church. I'm just disillusioned with all the hypocrisy. I like Pope Francis and hopefully he can bring the Church into the 21st. century.
I ran into Patty's SIL at work. One of Patty's kids just got married in SC. Patty's BIL is recovering at home but her sister is still in rehab.
I made some green tomato pie last night and it turned out delicious. See the link for the recipe under the farm kitchen thread. It tastes like apple pie--I brought some over for my parents and they liked it, too.
I fixed one of the organic pork steaks tonight--the tenderest pork I've ever eaten. There was a lot of fat on it but it was easy to trim off (Jaxon got a special treat tonight). I ate half a steak and will take the other half in my lunch tomorrow.
Hope ya'll are having a nice evening--

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 22 2014 :  8:02:21 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, you certainly did not offend me, I thought it was funny, and true! For some reason on this site we either all talk at once or everybody gets quiet. But the last person to post thinks it was something they said. Your pie sounds delicious.

This is a great thread where we can speak without fear of censorship.

I got my smart phone fixed today. It took a ridiculous amount of time at the Apple Store. I don't think I will get another one of these. My Dd has a Samsung Galaxy and she never has a problem with it.

We had another day in the 80's and it was great.

I don't have any news and it's been a very long day. And I have organic strawberries and Nutella in the kitchen calling my name.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 22 2014 :  8:07:41 PM  Show Profile
Don't worry Cindy. I am a recovering Catholic and I agree that the church hierarchy is largely corrupt and complacent. I do believe that Pope Francis will initiate change in the church. With so few priests available especially in rural areas, I believe it is time to start to ordain women. The sex abuse scandal in the Twin Cities was broken wide open by a female staff member who discovered money was being embezzled from secret accounts they had used to payoff discredited priests. It is getting a little rough on the Bishop here. He has been accused of an offense but the act was proved bogus. I am afraid there will be a "witch" hunt and that priests will not be able to confer with people in private anymore. It is so sad.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 22 2014 :  9:30:05 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, your pie sounds wonderful. I never thought to do that with tomatoes.

GG, oh the strawberries and Nutella sound heavenly.

Not much going on in my world. Pet sitting, house sitting... Helps make a little money.

My dresses all got to San Francisco safe. They will be delivered to the store on Friday. I'm just hoping the prices work out. They are so high. But I'm not willing to take less on my end.
Unfortunately my views are way down on my Etsy store. I sent all the popular stuff to SFO. It wasn't selling even though everyone favorited most of the stuff I sent off. I hope that means they will sell fast. The owner wants to do a big open house after the first of the year and really wants me there. I told her to sell my stuff and I'll have the money to come. I can stay with my friend so it would be a cheap trip.

It has been raining here the last few days. It has really been nice.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 23 2014 :  4:03:03 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, San Francisco can support high prices...fingers crossed you will be a hit. The open house sounds pretty exciting!

I agree that the new Pope is a breath of fresh air. But, there are only so many topics he can in the world do you prioritize these kinds of issues? The Catholic church has a lot to be ashamed of,but I kind of think that these things happen no matter what the interest, vocation, religion, sex or race of the group of people when a large group gets together. People just want power and do despicable things to get it. So, say whatever you want about any group because in my eyes the name of the group is often interchangeable when you start looking at the problems... Now, let's hope I don't trip getting off this soapbox and hurt someone's feelings.

Today was the first day I "threw hay." I don't know why we call it that. I don't know anyone else that uses that term, but for us it means that the horses can no longer exist on what is on the land for grazing. They were pretty exciting and I loved the smell of the hay. And then I came inside and remembered all the itching and picking of pieces of hay out of socks and boots and sleeves... Trying to take the good with the bad.

Holly, I am learning about mud. Animals make regular mud into boot sucking mud. I haven't had my boots stripped off yet, but then again, we just got here. And I decided you would be canonized when my spell check corrected Holly to Holy. Divine intervention, of course.

DH and MIL put the family home on the market today. I felt sad for them. They are doing really well. MIL is looking forward and has a great attitude about being here. And that makes all the difference in the world, you know?


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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Oct 23 2014 :  6:06:33 PM  Show Profile
Mar....when your Catholic, you really need broad shoulders because the Church is certainly infamous for its guilt inducing tenets! hurt feelin's here! :) Corruption is everywhere to some degree......the Catholic Church is definitely not immune. But hopefully core beliefs prevail and the Pope is most his execution of those. Damn the politics!!! :) mentioned Arlo guy! I watched a documentary about his dad, a few years ago.....interesting fellow. And someone mentioned the song 'City of New Orleans', my favorite also.....I feel a distant connection with it....only because my Pop worked for the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago......... soooooo many moons ago and he worked in the Commissary....which was basically the warehouse that stored and loaded the food on the dining cars. My Pop kept the train, called the City of New Orleans stocked. We went to Florida one time and rode part way on the City of New Orleans. My Mom worked in the laundry and ironed all the linen for the dining cars and the uniforms for the porters and cooks. I never understood how she could stand being around those huge commercial pressing machines when it was 90 degrees in the shade in the summer.....well at least she only did that for 3 years!!

Bunny.....glad you got your clothes off to the consignment shop and it was received in due time! You'll do good........San Franciscans will probably think your prices are a bargain.......I remember paying $40 for parking one time....down by Pier 39 and thought I was going to choke!!! And that was 30 years ago!!!!!!! LOL And the worst parking in Chicago was only $20 in those days! So I have no hesitation that your prices will be just fine! :)

Marie....hope your committee seat comes to fruition.....I think they would be lucky to have you! :) Nice that some repairs have been done at your home. I have been pretty lucky at my place with any necessary maintenance requests....they are quite prompt and with that said I need to submit a couple requests! :)

GG.....strawberries and Nutella?.....I am jealous and drooling! :) LOL How are the house plans coming? Are you contemplating the purge yet? I'll bet Jan is happy to be finished with all that...and she has one more day and off they go on their new adventure.

I must say I sort of envy them! Hopefully they have a fun trip on the way to Florida! Makes me wish my hubby were here and we were on our way....guess I'll ask him to help the good Lord watch over them!! :)

Well I have certainly rattled on way too much!! Have a great evening my lovelies!!!! Off to watch Peyton....he just threw his 510 touchdown!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Oct 23 2014 6:10:10 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 23 2014 :  10:18:18 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 24 2014 12:55:18 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 24 2014 :  12:58:32 PM  Show Profile
Last night I was trying to post and couldn't make the edits work and then I couldn't delete. Truly I haven't lost my mind.

There isn't any news to tell this week. I'll catch up next week. Everybody have a wonderful weekend.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 24 2014 :  2:59:03 PM  Show Profile
We are all guilty of posting a nonsense post now and again!

Just got some beans soaking for more Portuguese beans for dh and MIL. They both love them and I thought it would be nice when they pull in. They are traveling thru three central valley of California without a/c in the car. (Their own fault. No sympathy please.) But, when they arrive in the Pacific northwest it is gonna feel mighty chilly after sweating thru that! They -and the fat weiner dog, "Fritto" -are doing fine. Fritto and I have not met. I look forward to meeting this terribly nervous dog named after a favorite corn chip mispronounced. Gracie (the Chihuahua) is less excited.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 24 2014 :  4:56:42 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I look forward to the adventures of Fritto and Gracie. As long as there isn't a pee fest it should work out eventually.

GG , we all know you are a little off kilter. It's all good.

Pretty boring around here too. Haven't had much inspiration in the sewing room lately. Been forcing it hoping something will break through. I do have four new items to add to my store. Just have to photograph them and getter done.

I had an amusing conversation with my youngest regarding his life aboard the ship. Asked about the Canadians. He said they are too high of rank for him to talk to. " not allowed to talk to the Canadians mom". The Spanish don't speak English so no one can communicate with them. The Dutch don't like the Spanish for some reason. He said the British guys are really nice and the Mexicans are on their own ship. The Dutch came on their own ship but transferred to his ship for the next two weeks. He is having an interesting adventure.

It has been raining all day, quite gloomy out. Other than that status quo.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 24 2014 :  5:36:56 PM  Show Profile
Wow, Bunny. That seems like a lot of rules to remember who he can talk to! I guess anyone not knowing the language would be a pretty good reason to not talk. Is it hard to get creative with all the rain? Or do you feel cozy and your creative juices just flow?

I think I like to craft more in the winter. In fact, today I painted my nails for the first time since we official end to the the summer and gardening! I am flaunting a sparkling purple manicure for Halloween. I'm a well manicured good/bad witch!
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