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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 14 2014 :  8:47:11 PM  Show Profile
Wow, we have been busy.

Holly, glad you got a bit of rest. Bet you sleep better with out the many-toed kitty, even though you were the one to invite her in! I could do without the chihuahua, but dh is quite fond of her. Infact, when he is gone, she doesn't sleep with me in the bed some nights. Stinker.

Congratulations, gg. I am so happy for you two. You will live through Fox News. I think.

Jan, it is good to acknowledge that you have things to miss even though you are ready to go. Your relationships with your kids will change, but you will have so much to tell them about.

Bunny, I am so sorry.I am happy to hear about your son's love interest.

I am really trying to get some time on the computer when I am not just dead tired...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 14 2014 :  10:26:16 PM  Show Profile
Just sold 5 dresses to a lady in Canada. Wow...and I may be doing a custom wedding dress for another lady from Dallas Ft Worth. I really just need to win the lottery to top this off.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  04:04:12 AM  Show Profile


Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 8:42:15 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  09:23:24 AM  Show Profile
GG, you might clean the walls with tsp before painting. I use to clean rentals and we had to do that in smoker houses to get rid of the smell otherwise it just seats out from under the paint. I use a sponge mop on the walls with it. The smoke would just drip down.
Poor B. Hope he can get out of the dog house soon.

Got the contract for the San Francisco store. One of the dresses I sold yesterday was suppose to go there. I get to pick another dress to send. Oh what a quandary. I might have another dress sold today. She asked if I could shorten the sleeves. I of course said yes.

Plus, I got a call from GoodWill for a job interview. I know I can't do it. It is standing on my feet for 8hours 40 hours a week. Plus, I really don't like the company at all. I wouldn't be a very loyal employee.
My mom said to not do it. There is another job coming up at the public utilities department that I have a good chance on getting. It is only 30 hours and a desk job. Plus, the lady I interned with at the college said the hiring lady is a friend and contacted her to see if she knew any college students that would be good for the job. She said she would let me know when the job is ready for applicants. I know she will put in a good word for me.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  11:34:26 AM  Show Profile sorry about Twinkle them furbabies! Congrats on that Canadian sale! And the possible wedding dress order.

Holly.....glad you got a rest....and you asked about the Dallas locals and how we are dealing with the Ebola crisis...well as of today, there is another healthcare worker that was in contact with patient zero and has tested positive for the Ebola virus. She foolishly flew commercial on Frontier back from Ohio! She had a low grade fever and should have had better sense but now all the folks on that flight have to be notified and monitored. The CDC has really dropped the ball on this entire situation. My son and his gal have went slightly off the deep-end (but maybe not). They ordered biosuits for them, me and three friends1 I have been instructed to checkout a website and read all the prepper info. Who knows what will be come of all this....but I don't suppose it will hurt to be prepared! :)

GG.....sounds like you have a bit of work on the new lil' house. Bunny had a great suggestion for cleaning the smoke! Sorry B is in the doghouse.......maybe those golf courses can keep him busy and on the straight and narrow. need to slooooooooow down and take a breath, rest and relax! :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  1:14:42 PM  Show Profile
Mel, I know there is a bit of panic regarding the Ebola issue. But, erroring on the side of being safe sounds like a good idea. If nothing comes of it, no harm.

Looks like the Western wedding dress is going to happen. She has been shopping for a dress for me to alter for her all day. I also got two other sales from the same woman. No complaints here.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  4:57:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Thank you all for worrying about me. This time of year is not so busy. I do not recover from long days like we did doing the chickens and then a long walk the next day as quickly as I did in the past. C works at a new job, did I tell you that has flex hours so she has decided to leave the house 30 minutes earlier than she used too. Getting up at 5:30 is a lot earlier than 6 especially when it is dark out. So, I was just tired. I am less organized about doing things as the days shorten so I don't. I do not even fret about it.

WOW! Bunny it is wonderful to hear that you are getting so many sales. I hope they remain steady. Maybe word of mouth will work to your advantage.

Mar I hope your chores slow down so you will be less tired. Tapping fingers waiting for you to get rested so you can type an essay.....

Mel I think being prepared is the best way to go. I think you should stock up on food stuffs so you can hole up if you need too.

Good luck on the new house inspection. Are you hiring out the work to get the new house up to snuff or is the B going to wear himself out? I will go with Bunny's advice on getting the smoke off the walls although I do not know what miracle stink remover it is she recommended. Here there is a white powder that comes in a little pink box called stink out. It has a skunk on the cover. I have used it to get rid of skunk smell. I will have to look at the feed store to see if they still sell it.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  6:33:58 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 8:45:10 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  6:57:10 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, you are coming up on the Christmas season, so your Inventory is going to fly off the shelves. I'm cleaning out closets but I don't have any men's shirts.
That's really encouraging to get that many sales! How is Jan holding up? And where the heck is Marie? Mel is our shadow sister. Now you see her, now you don't. Cindy, how's the new little bird doing? Getting adjusted to its new

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:06:09 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  8:45:29 PM  Show Profile
Bunny's selling dresses like hotcakes, GG has a new house to get ready, Holly is trying to take it a little easier...and I'm making goat cheese chocolate truffles. My SIL may get to go home tomorrow but it's doubtful they'll be here for thanksgiving like they usually do. Maybe Christmas. Jaxon ate some soap the other night but it didn't appear to bother him. Skye and Rainbow get along well but the house seems so quiet. Skye still isn't chirping or singing very much, and I haven't heard a peep out of Rainbow.
I hear a lot about Ebola since I work at a hospital. I know colleges are refusing to allow Nigerian students to enroll. I figure the best defense is a good offense. You're much more likely to survive if you have a strong immune system. I should be receiving the mushroom extracts I recently ordered and they are supposed to support the immune system. I ordered them for the bronchitis but anything I can do to boost my immune system, I'll do it. I hate getting respiratory diseases. I worry that terrorists will deliberately bring the Ebola virus to the US. It's really an international crisis and countries need to work together. and it's best to err on the side of caution, even if it means limiting flights into the country. And hospitals need all the info they can get cause lots of healthcare workers don't know much abut it. Government doesn't either. A recipe for disaster. This is life in the twenty-first century.
And on that comforting note, I'll follow the Bible's advice: Let the day's own troubles be sufficient for the day. Worrying can't add one second to your life. And today has had few troubles. So I feel relatively peaceful.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 15 2014 :  9:31:03 PM  Show Profile
I'm here lurking. Just too busy or tired to write. Maybe tomorrow . . . yyyyyyaaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnn

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  05:55:02 AM  Show Profile
I am here, but still soooo tired. I just cannot get back to having energy. I used it all up getting into that sale. I finally finished going through every single thing we own last night. I have more to find room in the motorhome, then it is a matter of getting address changes and bank things taken care of, electric and gas shut off, cable boxes taken back, etc. My son is hauling everything left to his store. That will help him keep well stocked up for the winter. He will keep all the money he makes on it. My daughter picked out what she wanted, which was not much, but she is getting the big computer, water bubbler, vacuum cleaner, rug shampooer, mattresses, and a few odds and ends. She is storing all of our important papers, wedding stuff, pictures, etc. at her place. We are almost ready.
Looks like everyone has been busy lately. Just like squirrels getting ready for winter?
Bunny, congrats on all the sales!!! We knew you would do it eventually. You know the saying, "patience is a virtue". So happy for you. Maybe soon you will be back in California and on the road to wealth.
GG, Sounds like you two need a break from each other. How long will B be gone? That will give you time to craft maybe?
Mar, stop and smell the roses, girl!!!! We are running ourselves ragged lately.
Marie, you too, slow down some. if possible.
Cindy, I am sure it will take time for the birds to get acquainted with each other and to trust.
Mel, I agree, that Ebola is getting scary, now with 2 nurses contracting it. Never hurts to be prepared for anything like that.
Holly, I am sure you are glad the chickens are done and soon the rest of your meat will be in the freezer for the winter. How great that you can eat most all that you grew yourself. I am sure the work is well worth it, once done. Soon the littles will be enjoying sledding again.
Well, time to get the day going, Need to get into the RV and find more room. Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  06:29:35 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:06:54 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  07:32:51 AM  Show Profile
Oh my goodness, you gals have so much news that I missed in two days.

Bunny, you are hitting a homerun, girl!! How exciting to design a wedding dress. Don't put too much pressure on yourself with it, though. And your sales are through the roof! Good luck with the desk job. The GoodWill job sounds very physical. I think it would be best to pass, like you mentioned.

Cindy, I hope your birds start making a racket soon. It takes so long to stop expecting to see your pet where he always was, doesn't it.

Mel, I am thinking we need to start closing our borders to people who have been traveling in certain areas of the country until they have been through a quarantine. I know, it sounds like the dark ages! But, back then it would take weeks to cross the ocean and anyone sick would have passed away during the journey and everyone else would be quarantined. I sure hope this can all be contained.

Holly, dh and I have been commenting on how we just don't snap back the way we used to, either. I think we need to learn to be a bit kinder to ourselves. But, I recently read something that really set the tone of how I want to live. "You don't stop doing things because you get old. You get old because you stop doing things." But, let's not try to maim ourselves in the process, right?

Gg, tsp works wonders and I don't think it is a terribly dangerous compound to work with...I'll ask dh, he knows that kind of stuff. There are vent/air duct cleaning companies around here for your heating/cooling duct work... I agree with you, it is anytime that there is some moisture in the air that that nasty smell reoccurs. I like the fake wood linoleum. I think it looks great and wears well. Much easier care and no scratching worries to speak of.

Jan, have you filled that space under your chairs in the RV yet? I am amazed at all the nooks and crannies they put into RVs. No an inch is wasted. Good luck.

OK, I wish I could make the modeling story isn't really. Not fair after having made you all wait for a week to hear it. Dd has been struggling to find a career, rather than a job. She put in the time at college, earned two degrees and we all know that many young people are just not realizing their career dreams with so many workers in the work force and people staying in their jobs longer. ANYway. She decided to choose a company that she can admire and start at the bottom. The company she decided to aim for was Bare Escentuals. They do a skin care, bath and make up line that is sold through infomercials, online, QVC and in upscale department stores as well as their own stand alone stores. Since, she has higher education and management experience they were interested in her. BUT, she had to do a "make under" on a model. Her model got sick and I got to be her model instead. Who knew that dd knew how to put on makeup on anyone but herself (and only when she felt the situation warranted it). This change in industry took me by surprise. But, dh thinks she is a genius to get into an industry that is "selling dirt" at a huge mark up. She was surprisingly good at choosing and applying make up. And the interviewer assumed she had been professionally trained (not at all.) Anyway, the interview was pretty much uneventful except for my having to bite my tongue when the interviewer was perusing the scenarios that dd and I could "act out" and I quipped, "Just as long as you don't do me up for my first date!" and the interviewer replied, "OH, wow, you'd really have to be a good actress for that, wouldn't you?" My eyebrow eventually returned to its normal position...

So, sorry to disappoint. Not an exciting story. Dd did get the job. She starts on the 21st or something like that. It is a substantial raise and lots of freebies that will be fun, too. She is excited at the opportunities that were discussed with her and promotion is something that she is being encouraged to strive for. A pleasant change for her. The company's headquarters are in San Francisco...sigh. That is a worry for another day!

I am sorry to have been so lax in posting. I am at the point that I feel guilty even reading the posts, if I don't post! I've missed you gals so much. And g, you know you will always be a FarmGirl no matter where you live. Don't worry about B being in the doghouse. Sometimes Dh should put in an address change at the post office because it seems he has taken up a permanent residence there.

Today the farrier comes. Mani/pedis for the horsies. They have been pretty good lately. You know, staying where I put them, stuff like that. Details, right Holly? Always nice to find the animals where you expect them to be!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  09:08:07 AM  Show Profile

Okay so I guess it is my turn to dish.

This week is the teacher's convention so no school for three days. I have wanted to do some crafting this week but not until I get the dining room table cleared and the dishes done and the laundry washed and put away and the vegetables processed and the garden tended and the dog walked and the Lowell pacified and . . . and . . . and . . . <SIGH>

I have not been taking the lap top to Dungeons & Dragons because it is heavy and I just want to catch up on some non-tech tasks. I get to the store 3 hours early and have some nice quiet time to read the community newspaper and write letters. The adults and adolescents at the store see me as a great-aunt type and generally do not bother me. I don't mind it they do. They are just more interested in Magic Cards than anything else. Yesterday, I was all ready to knock out the ironing and some cleaning when a friend called to say he was coming over to look at my sewing machine so I didn't get everything done. Today, I will be going out with Annette. Her food stamps have been cut off because she makes too much money. I'm taking her out for lunch and grocery shopping. (She's on the phone with me as I type this.) See what I mean -- too many distractions. Maybe tomorrow.

Marianne - I am so glad that you were able to help DD get her dream job. Interesting things the interviewer said. Doesn't he/she know that even we are interested in dating. Sheesh!

Gypsy - I try to put Lowell in the doghouse but he won't stay there. I'm just so glad that he goes to the guitar store every weekend. So exciting moving into a new house! Have fun making it a personal, comfortable space.

Jan - Good for you! Getting rid of all the stuff you collect to use or for "just in case" is very difficult. I have done it many times. Thank you for sending me the yarn and the granny squares. I can make good use of them. Enjoy your travels and let me know when you plan to come to Minneapolis. We will take you around to see some sights and eat some good food.

Bunny - Congratulations on the sales and commissions. I wonder where they heard of your service. It might be good to know so you can target your outreach. Everything will work out. It always does. Just do what is good for you.

I am not worried about contact with the Ebola virus. I do not live in Africa, I do not plan to fly and I do not care for affected people. The spread of the disease is very specific involving direct contact with the fluids of the inflected person. As such, it would most likely spread to health care workers. The focus for tackling this infection should be in West Africa. Many may say I should be more concerned but my lifestyle does not cross into those dangerous professions or populations. Just being practical and staying calm.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  10:17:12 AM  Show Profile
Yay! Loved reading everyone's posts this morning. So entertaining. I got a good snort at Mar's eyebrow comment and Marie's about Lowel not staying the dog house.

GG, sorry to say if B hasn't grown some by now, he won't. Fustrating I know, but probably why he married a strong willed woman. Been there. Enjoy your time he is gone the best you can. Sorry you have to deal with mom.

Mar, so glad DD got a job she wanted. So hard to do these days. Don't worry about San Francisco. If she saw how expensive it is to live there, it won't happen with out a humongous raise. A small apartment in the city (and I mean small) is at least $2500 a month. And that is all over. You have to move about an hour away to reduce that by $1000. For a studio. My son lives in that area and is still living with family.

The wedding dress shouldn't be too hard. she saw a dress in my Etsy store that she liked and wants me to make it like that one. I have not been able to sell it online so will tear off the lace for her dress. Only thing is, I'm going from a size 8 dress to a size 20. I'll have to add But I think it will be good. I did find a size 18/20 mannekin. I figured with my good sales and the fact that I do sell larger plus sizes on a regular bases, it will be well used. It will help me with this dress at least.

Jan, I have a feeling you have probably filled under the seats. Too bad you can't just pull a little trailer behind you lol. I'm sure you will figure it out.
I'm glad you have your dd to store the pictures and important papers. It's almost time! I hope your new life is everything you hoped for. I have read so many great things from people living that lifestyle. They really enjoy it.

Marie, you are so good to your friend. My food stamps will certainly be reduced this next year. I need to claim my sales from my clothing, but I'll be paying some rent money to my mom. It will be interesting to see what happens. I'm actually hoping to get this part time job at the PUD. I'll be able to sock a bunch of money away and will probably work from 8 to 3pm. I'll still have time to sew, if I can rustle up the energy.

Well, I better get to work. I sold two more dresses yesterday. One of them I have to do some alterations to it first.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  3:22:50 PM  Show Profile
Well, I'm calm, Marie , but worried. They just shut down three schools in Texas because there were students on the plane with an infected nurse. By the time someone has symptoms, they have already exposed others. This could be quite serious. They clearly don't know what they are doing. No need to go to Africa, we've got it right here. I'm going about my business but I will be washing my hands every time I touch anything out there. And I have not gotten my flu shot yet.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  6:22:09 PM  Show Profile
Bunny you can write off your rent money as an expense I think. Or at least part of it. I looked at your etsy site again today---wow--it's looking good! Nearly 100 sales! That's a lot, you've done an amazing job.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  6:26:35 PM  Show Profile
It is difficult to write off the cost of a home office. The space has to be a discrete area used only for the business and that percentage of your total living space has to be calculated. Do not do this without a good tax accountant.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  6:31:47 PM  Show Profile
I'm sure Bunny knows that. She seems to do well without all our advice ROFL. Bunny when you become a millionaire I want you to acknowledge that you could not have done it without your BFFs gypsy and Marie. But, that's just who we are.

I suppose BF could stand for "bossy friends".

Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 16 2014 6:33:10 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  6:44:03 PM  Show Profile
One more thing, Marie--I've also got yarn if you can use more. It's pretty old but should still be good. Some is plain white or pink but some is really pretty. It's "vintage" so if you don't want it you won't hurt my feelings. But if you do, just send me a private email with your address.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  6:46:02 PM  Show Profile
Could always use yarn for my crochet classes. Sending email.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  6:48:25 PM  Show Profile
You got it. Do you want any of the old patterns? I just thought about them. I knitted for a few years, too if you want knitting needles.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  6:50:53 PM  Show Profile
Yes and yes. I may be teaching knitting too. Patterns are great.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 16 2014 :  8:00:26 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

My daughter's favorite makeup is from Sephora first in line and Bare Essentials second. She has problems finding base that is dark enough for her skin tone. I guess she uses Bare Minerals, I have just been told. She wants to work at Sephora doing just what your dd did for the modeling piece. DdK is very good with makeup, which is one of the reasons I will not let her touch my face. I would not recognize myself when she was done.

I hope Jan, that being on the road will not limit your access to entertaining us. I am very happy that your dream to move to warmer climates is fast becoming a reality.

I am glad I live in a northern climate and am hoping the very cold weather keeps us a little safer from Ebola. I am not worrying really just keeping an ear out for its pattern. I hope that people do not start doing racial profiling with the assumption it will keep them safer. We have been so insulated here in the US from so many virulent diseases that we just do not know how to handle it. If I were you all in the south I would make sure I had a good supply of food in incase you need to stay home for a while.

Today it rained all day long. I am so glad. We have needed a good steady rain for a while now. I hope the ponds and water tables fill back up. It feels like a day in June. It is very warm and muggy. Word has it that after the rain passes the temperatures will drop into the fifties. It is in the seventies during the day and just a little cooler in the night. We are sleeping with the windows open.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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