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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 10 2014 : 2:20:42 PM
I had a great time driving the Car2Go smartcar. I took my best friend Annette along and she thought it was the sh**. She said that she felt very comfortable in the car while I was driving. I haven't driven for years so I was giving myself verbal reminders about what to do and watch out for. I will definitely do this again when I have to take a bunch of stuff someplace or pick up something that I can't take on the bus. I love having access to a car and to not be responsible for all the ownership costs.
This year the after school program is short on money so they cannot pay me. The crochet classes got really good reviews. I will be teaching two beginning and one advanced classes. The office will try to get some tools and yarn donations for the class. I will be contributing some of my own also. It is kind of a bummer that I won't be paid. Maybe I should start that crochet teaching class.
Jan - I will have to try that cleanse drink this winter when I am feeling all bloated up and stupid. It looks as if it would really clean one's innards out. Congratulations on the beginning of your new journey.
Gypsy - I really liked Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus. That book really helped me understand how to react to men. Lowell liked some of the information in it too and he has made some changes. I guess one can teach an old dog some new tricks. I believe that Scotland will not vote to be independent. Most people do not want to take that kind of risk.
Holly - Show the boys how to make trail markers out of stuff by the side of the trail to find their way back to the house. I used to do this all the time when I was out and about.
The temperature has been in the 50's all day. I am wearing a sweater and have a lovely scarf wrapped around my had as the Somali ladies do. In fact, two of my 1st graders showed me how to do it.
I'm punching goblins with my bare hands tonight.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2014 : 7:04:39 PM
Good evening. Still busy with green beans. I received my french style green bean cutter yesterday so am cutting my green beans french style now. I canned 3 canners full this morning and then had to rush off to my Clay class. I returned from my class and smelled green beans as soon as I walked into the house. I had left the pressure canner on for 4 hours. It was at 15 lbs of pressure when I returned. I am so lucky. They don't look burnt, however they stink. I can not believe I did that. Will try again tomorrow. I still have plenty of beans. Yes, everyone will be gifted beans this year. My kids and their families will be sick of green beans. We went shopping for a new shed this week. They are delivering it tomorrow. I can hardly wait. It will be for "ME". DH wants his garage back. :) I am anxious to be able to go through boxes that we have moved from the other house that are just stacked in his garage. Hopefully I find more canning jars. :) This afternoon I worked on my nightstand. It is too short. These days the beds are taller and my old nightstand was short. My pillow knocks over my glass of water during the night. I am going to paint my bedroom soon and paint all the furniture except the bed. So I put legs on the nightstand and painted it. Decided if I liked the color I will continue to the other pieces. Using chalk paint of course. I love it! It has engraved flowers on one of the drawers and I painted the flowers the same color that the bedroom trim will be (Heather Plume). I will attach pics. :) Well, off the put clothes from washer to dryer and then head to bed. Have a good night.
.JPG) Before with new legs.
.jpeg) Finished!
.JPG) My yarn bowl I am working on in my clay class.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2014 : 8:01:41 PM
Patty Wow, what a nice job. Beautiful! Clever adding those legs. What is chalk paint and why do you like it? Where do you put all your beans? You won't need beans for years! LOL!
Jan I just got that recipe also. Haven't tried it yet. Does it curb your appetite? Glad your camping trip was enjoyable.
Marie We don't have those cars anywhere near here. I live in the country so we would need horses!LOL! Do you pay to drive them?
I have had such a hard time getting on this site and then trying to post. , losing my post. Anyone else?
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2014 : 8:05:36 PM
We will be staying in Florida for 6 months. I made reservations today and everything is all set. We are going out of town tomorrow to find the rest of what we need for our travels. Not long now!!! Patty, you amaze me with all that you do. You must sleep like a baby at night from exhaustion!!!! Penny, so good to hear from you!!! Glad things are going well for you. How nice of you to make things for people who need it. So thoughtful. I know how you like to crochet. I just finished knitting and crocheting 10 totes of yarn into hats, scarves, etc. I was determined to get it all done before we moved. I made my goal. Marie, Bet it felt good to drive after all those years. I do not drive much either, usually just once a week when my sister and I go out for breakfast, which we did today. We have been having inches of rain at a time and lots of flooding throughout town. Last week there was a kayak riding down the main street downtown. How funny that was. We never used to flood here. The wind today is awful. Large branches have been falling off the trees. Last week we had high winds and a lot of large limbs down all over town. Yesterday there was talk that we were to get SNOW on Tuesday!!!! Now, today on the weather channel, they are saying that we should be 60 degrees on Tuesday!!! It was only 60 today with rain, then when it got real windy, it went down to 41 degrees. I guess I am going to have to break down and put on long pants tomorrow. Shucks!!!! Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Sep 10 2014 : 8:08:52 PM
Darlene, we must have posted at the same time. We do not have those cars here either. Funny about the horses!!!!! Patty, that yarn bowl is going to be so nice, by the looks of it. Anxious to see the finished product.
Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 11 2014 : 01:57:09 AM
Jan, how exciting to see your dreams come true exactly as you had hoped. I am so thrilled for you. Tonight it is windy and I am getting used to the sounds of this new house as it creaks and groans. We aren't getting rain or expecting flooding, but I was thinking of you with the wind.
Marie, I love the Car2Go! How fun. Is it a cute little car? If you mentioned what type it is, I missed it. Bummer about no pay for the after school program...are you going to do it anyway?
Patty, I have wanted a yarn bowl for a while. Yours looks like it will be quite nice with the bird perched on the rim. I guess I will stick to my oatmeal container with the yarn threaded through a hole in the lid for a bit longer! Please post a photo of the finished bowl.
Holly, I think I might get a bit nervous in the woods with no sight of the house. It is a good skill set you are teaching.
Our plans for MIL are coming along. She will be moving up in October. There will definitely be some adjustments we will all have to make, but it is for the best. I think I heard a bit of excitement in her voice over the move the other day. She has never moved away from the area where she was born and she has lived in her home for sixty years.
We have been adopted by a young girl on our street. Or maybe she would just like to adopt our horses. She stops by daily if she can and "helps" with the horses. She has been in a therapeutic riding program for four years. She is about nine years old. I met with her mother and we talked in great detail about what I would consider letting the youngster do with or around the horses. The mom is very appreciative of any time we will spend with her and let her spend with the animals. Her mom has been very good about trying to keep the visits manageable for DH and I. The young girl must be told in no uncertain terms when it is time to go home. And her mom has told me over and over to not worry about having to say, "It is time to go home, " because that is what this little girl must hear to understand. Gentle hints are lost on her. I think it is going to be a very worthwhile relationship for us all. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2014 : 10:31:31 AM
Jan, I can read the excitement in your posts. You will be so happy to get out of that terrible weather. So happy for you.
Mar, glad MIL is finally on board. Is she going to live in the house or were you able to put something else together for her on your property?
Patty, love the nightstand redo! I especially love the painted flower. So cute! The yarn bowl looks great. Pictures when it is all done please.
Marie, not cool about the school not having money to pay you. I hope you can find something else to do for extra money.
Penny, great to see you back for a visit!
My mom is leaving for Utah tomorrow for a few weeks.
She was turned down for a refi on her house. So now we are back to me not having a home when stepdad passes. She is considering selling the house and giving me money so I can buy a trailer and go back to calif. I will have a little money to get by on until I can find work. But I have been feeling so bad with this fibromyalgia. My son is harping on me to try to get disability but he doesn't understand how long it takes and how hard it is to get. I don't have enough work credits for SSI so would have to try for supplemental. I'm going to apply tomorrow for HUD. But have to show that I am disabled. I'm really having a hard time dealing with it mentally. I still think I'm healthy like before. Kind of like still seeing yourself as skinny when you have gained a bunch of weight. I feel ok most of the time because I have learned to conserve my energy and not do too much. I still have days where I feel bad no matter what. But I'm still in denial. I hate this.
Anyway.. The man quilt is almost done. I should have the binding finished this morning and will take a picture. I sent him a letter to make sure the address he gave me will work. The first address was wrong and the letter I sent never got there. I'm also going to make some pillow cases with the leftover fabrics.
Off to the sewing room.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2014 : 6:09:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
It was cold and rainy all day today. Well, not really cold but it seemed cold because the sun was not out at all. I would put on my sweatshirt to go out and then have to take it off not very far from the house.
Thank you for the suggestions for the boys in the woods. They are doing so much better than they did last year. In the winter in knee deep snow last year we went for a walk and then while they were playing snow balls I walked off about 20 feet away and sat behind a tree. They did not know to follow the footsteps and thought I had left them. We have talked about following a stream down hill to the road. Here it will end up at the road. Lucky for them we have not had to test the situation. I would like to do compass with them. At least then they could go in one direction instead of circles. We'll see.
I saw a yarn bowl in a catalog today. Yours looks bigger Patty. Theirs looked like it only held one ball of yarn. Your bed side table is wonderful. Mine is low too. I had not thought of adding legs but then I would probably roll over and hit my head.
We do not have share cars here. Maybe in Burlington they do. We used to have share bicycles in Montpelier for two or three years but that has gone by the by. It is nice Marie that you now have a way to get around without having to rely on Lowell.
Mar I read once of a woman who made a flag and put it out in front of her house when the neighbor children were welcome to visit. I do not know if that would help untimely visits. When my Bonnie was younger we tried to have her work at a horse farm mucking out the stalls. She did for a short while then the woman got divorced and moved. I wanted her to have short riding opportunities but the woman was concerned about insurance issues. B loved mucking out the stalls. Good luck to you and the young neighbor. I bet she could talk your ear off.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2014 : 6:32:18 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 7:39:58 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2014 : 6:34:18 PM
It was cold, windy and rainy today. It was only 37 degrees this morning, only got into the 40s all day. Still windy and cold, but clearing up now. We had almost 4 inches of rain yesterday. I had to put on long pants today, I did not want to. I refused to wear a jacket, it is too early. We are 25 degrees below normal for our temps. Not a good sign. Not ready to turn the heat on yet. All of our arrangements are done for Florida, site is reserved, now I need to map out our route and where we will stay on the way down there. We will have one week to get there, so plenty of time for travel and visiting my friend in Indiana. Holly, That is good that the young ones are learning those skills. It is good they are not as fearful as last year. They are growing up. Mar, I am sure once MIL gets there, things will fall into place. She will get used to being there, I am sure. I hope you do not end up being a babysitter for the young girl. But on the other hand, it is probably nice having a little one around to teach and talk to. Bunny, Maybe it would be good if your mother sold the house, gave you some money, and you got out of there. I am sure the warmer climate would help you, plus you would be where you would be much happier. Keeping fingers crossed that things work out for you. In the meantime, enjoy your time alone there. GG, how are things going for you? You are probably working in your new craft room. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2014 : 7:48:20 PM
Wow, Jan, I don't think anyone would be ready for those temps. Way too early.
Our young neighbor was here twice again today. Her mother spent some time reassuring me that with the change of seasons the young girl won't be such a "nuisance." I let her know that the experience is good for Dh and I. Our son hasn't included us in his children's lives and our daughter is not able to have children so we won't be having a grandparenting experience any other way...
Oh. Time for dinner, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2014 : 7:55:36 PM
Don't be too sure about that, mar. My daughter went all the way to China and brought back the most adorable little girl you ever saw.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 10:58:59 AM
That would be SO cool. Time will tell... |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 11:06:31 AM
Bunny, hope you are having a"good " day physically. I understand the emotions you are going thru. It feels like punishment and sometimes you think you have to defend yourself from people who think you might be exaggerating. You will develop a bit of a tough shell to help get thru all of it. I know you do plenty of reminding yourself how lucky you are too have your art and of course, there is always someone worse off out there... But, when you have a decent day, enjoy the heck out of it.
Holly, my MIL used to hang a flag for her neighbor boy to know he could come study there. (She can be a bit of a task master.) I just think I'll have to do something else to save myself from hearing that story daily. MIL is definitely at the repeating stage of her life. Has been for almost three decades. Oh wait, maybe that's just her nature! Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Sep 12 2014 11:07:26 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 12:03:30 PM
Jan, I can't imagine that it is already so cold there. Seems like it never warmed up. And now it's cold again. I couldn't live like that. I'll stay down here with the bugs and the heat. We have had cooler, cloudy days with a few showers, a perfect fall
We are going to the nearest town with decent restaurants and have a nice early dinner, then early to bed because our beekeeping class is tomorrow starting at 8:00 a.m. And it is an hour and a half away. We usually don't get up until 9:00 AM. one of the perks of retirement. We would have gone to the beach for his birthday but for this beekeeping class. So we are going next week.
Have a great weekend, everybody. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 7:42:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 4:19:56 PM
Good morning. I just finished canning some more green beans. French style with my french style green bean cutter. I want to start painting my bedroom but am not sure that will happen yet. Maybe tomorrow. I put some insulation and some pegboard in my shed yesterday and was hoping on finding some cheap paneling to put in it. That is not going to happen. Paneling is not cheap these days. Cheapest I have found is $17.99 a sheet. I still have to get about 2 more rolls of insulation to finish the job. DH doesn't understand why I want insulation. I don't either, but just in case I want to work out there in the winter. And it will keep it cooler in the summer. Marianne- Your MIL could live in this 10 x 16 shed! It is super nice with plywood walls and 2x6 tongue and grove floors. Jake's friend came by and decided he could put one on his dad's property and
Marianne- We have a neighbor girl that comes over alot and I have had to set some ground rules down. She would take it upon herself to come into our yard with a entire "herd" of people to show them our baby chickens or rabbits. She would bring adults as well as other children over. We are just not comfortable having strangers come onto our property. We told her she is the only one allowed over, no one else. She is only 7. But she doesn't come at convenient times for us.
Jan- I can hardly wait for my "virtual winter vacation" experience with you! What part of Florida will you be. My parents own a home in Inverness. We hope to get to be able to visit them this winter.
Holly- You are making wonderful memories with those boys! Once my mother saw my twins with their other grandpa at Wal-mart and they were running through the toy section alone. They were about 4 years old. Something I never allowed them to do. I told them that they needed to stay with their grandpa, that it was unsafe to wander in the store alone. They informed me that Grandpa didn't care if they stayed in the toy department. I argued that I did not care what Grandpa thought was OK, that someone would steal them from me and I would never see them again. John said "They won't steal us, we know karate". Jake piped in "Yeah, the jumping kind and the kicking kind". They never had any karate instruction until much later in life. lol. Some things we never forget.
Bunny- I can't believe that things don't happen for a reason. I think you will be much happier in California. And don't pray for patience! I did that once! Too many trials thrown my
Marie- Maybe you should start advertising to give crochet classes aimed toward home schooled children. My daughter has her kids involved in classes continually. They are usually set up in someone's home just like piano lessons were in our day.They use to attend an art class after school. The teacher had a front room of her home set up as a studio and taught 8-10 kids at a time. It cost my daughter $15 a hour for each kid, once a week. Once the oldest took about 6 weeks of knitting. My youngest granddaughter will start skateboarding lesson on Monday. Maybe you could use a local library or a yarn shop. JoAnn's and Micheal's hire teachers for crocheting. I used to teach sewing to home schooled kids at a fabric shop.
GG- Chicken and rice casserole sounds delicious.
I had better get busy or I will never get my work done.
Geez.....I forgot to hit submit this morning and post this. I am sure several have posted since so this is all old I will hit Submit now. :)
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 5:39:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
Glad the B is around to have another birthday. Remind him of the alternative. I read the obituaries. He should be darn grateful he and you are as good as you are and celebrate that. I guess I sound like I am lecturing and do not mean too. It just makes me crazy when people are not happy for another birthday.
Sheet rocking ceilings is a pain in the neck. haha. Setting it right and then spackling it cleanly is a tedious job.
Today was another cold day I did buy a new damper for the stove pipe for the wood stove because the one that is there froze with the creosote and will not open. I did force it and stripped the handle off the plate. For any who do not know the damper is a flat plate in the stove pipe. it turns like a stop cock on chemistry glassware. It holds a bit of the heat back so the wood burns a little slower. it has holes in it to let the smoke go up the chimney. When it is open the chimney draws better. When it is closed and the fire is on the room fills with smoke if you open the door to the stove.
I was thinking of Marlyn today and wondering how she is doing up in Canada. The weather guessers were talking about the sun today and saying that yesterday there were a lot of solar flares like the sun was having a temper tantrum. The northern lights should be gorgeous tonight and tomorrow if you live in the north. We of course are having cloud cover so no pretty viewing for us.
I am glad to visit with all of you even if I am too tired to respond in a coherent manner to all of your conversations.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 5:51:41 PM
There was a tribute to Maya Angelou today in New York City. This was a poem that was read.
The poet Nikki Giovanni began her brief recitation by asking
"What makes a life extraordinary?"
Laughing when scared
Singing when lonely
Loving when abandoned
Never turning away from the future
Never ceasing to be better
Never shying away from the difficult, the dangerous , the delicate chores of living
that make a life extraordinary
that makes, for all of us, a Maya.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 7:27:21 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 7:44:30 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 9:01:10 PM
GG--I agree, celebrating a birthday is better than the alternative. Have you heard anything on whether Scotland is going to secede from the UK? Sounds like the relationship needs mending and I don't believe scotch tape will mend it (I know, bad joke). I can't think very clearly right now, I just had to use my rescue inhaler cause I cleaned the couch that Jaxon sleeps on (stripped the slipcover, blanket and pillow covers) and put them in the wash. I used the shop vac first to pick up some of the dog hair. I've been battling a respiratory infection and all that vacuuming and dog hair made me cough. I could hardly breathe. Feel better now. I had a ten dollar off coupon from Kohl's that I got in the mail. Went there yesterday and found a fleece sweatshirt for $20.00. when I went to pay for it, found out it was on sale for $9.99. so I got it absolutely free. It's hot pink. Looks good with my gray yoga pants. Patty--are you by chance related to Jack of Jack and the beanstalk fame? I'm green with envy. I wish I had that much energy. I've seen some sheds that I could live in. I'd put a loft in it and sleep up there, just like the small houses I've seen. Jan--it sounds exciting to be setting off on a new adventure. Northern Michigan is cold enough in the summer, don't think I could live through one of your winters. But I do like the pine forests. Soon you'll be lounging under palm trees. It's amazing all the different climates and bioregions we have in this country. I feel weird, like I'm tripping. Maybe I'm just not getting enough oxygen. I have stopped coughing, so that's good. But I feel light-headed. Maybe I'm just tired. So glad for the week-end. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2014 : 05:31:18 AM
Good morning. I did not get a good nights sleep. Froze my butt off but was to tired to get up and get another blanket, so I paid for it with a horrible nights sleep. I will put an extra blanket at the foot of my bed today. I put up some more insulation in my shed yesterday. Will finish today. We took an old workbench from the garage, power washed, painted it, and moved it into my shed. Today I will go look for some sort of wall board to go up on the walls. The neighbor wants me to put drywall on it. I am afraid of moisture with the drywall, but I have read as long as there is not a vapor barrier it will work. OSB or panel siding will give me more to hang items from. My neighbor has said he will hang the drywall for me at no I could be canning green beans while he hangs the drywall. DH is NOT a handy man. If DH needs a board cut, he comes to the house to get me to do it. I am not complaining. He is big and strong and he doesn't get in my way when I want to do a project. He just does the heavy work. I am going to can 2 more cases (24 jars) of green beans for the neighbor lady, then I am done and will let them go to seed. I have been thinking that for weeks but these green beans just keep putting on. If anyone wants some seeds I am happy to send them your way.
Cindy- I just received your package this week with the chinese noodle beans. I can see from the postmark that they were mailed ages ago. They must have been stuck in a mail truck or mail basket somewhere and overlooked. Thank you so much. I will plant them in the spring for sure. I am not sure I am Jack...from Jack and the bean stalk. Rabbit poop might have had something to do with the abundance. :) Great minds think alike. I washed all our dog kennels beds yesterday. They were needing it.
GG- Cold front here too. I am not ready for this. Much to early. After DH and I were married his brother started dating a woman that they all knew when they were younger. She would call our house after the bars closed to tell DH that she loved and missed him. His brother was always with her but enjoyed the fact that she thought so much of his family. When she would see him she would RUN up to him throw her arms around his neck and wrap her legs around his waist. Naturally his hands would "naturally" go right to her butt to hold her, and to help keep his balance. Seriously, this woman was almost 60 years old. I was in my 40's and could not have done that. She did this the very first time I met her at an Easter family gathering. I was furious. After a few more times I finally told her that it was enough. DH would wrap his arm around me when we walked into a family setting so if she attempted she would have to wrap her legs around both of us. She no longer does it and hubby finally put the end to the late night/early morning phone calls. Seriously some women have no respect. It made DH uncomfortable. Not sure it would have made him as uncomfortable if I had not been there, because men are dumb like
Holly- The way I look at it now, the more birthdays I have, the longer I get to live. :) I just wish they did not come around so quickly. :)
Well, off to have breakfast. Have a great day.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2014 : 07:27:20 AM
Patty, We are going to be staying near Winter Haven for the whole 6 months that we will be down there. It would be nice to see you there. It has been getting down into the 3os with frost lately, so I am ready for some warm weather and palm trees. And a swimming pool!!!! Pool boy????? LOL!!! GG, I could not wait to age into my 60s to become a senior citizen. Now, I am hoping to start living and enjoying things in life that I could not do before, especially when I was in a wheel chair for 2 1/2 years. Life goes on and we need to get on with it.
Holly, Maya Used to have a lot of merchandise for Hallmark stores with her inspirational writings. I used to work at the Hallmark store here and bought several of her pieces. She was a very smart and inspirational lady. Did your brother buy a motorhome yet? Does he plan on travelling a lot with it?
Cindy, If you do not use your rescue inhaler on a regular basis, it can make you light headed from the albuterol in it. I get that way when I use my nebulizer. My heart also races from it.
Well, time to get my day started. I worked yesterday, only 6 more Fridays, and possibly one more Saturday, then I can officially retire!!!!!!
Have a wonderful fun filled day!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2014 : 11:15:22 AM
Here is the man quilt all finished.
The second picture is a close up of the fabrics. As you can see, I found fabric with beer, beer labels, US Marine logos and forest animals. I also found fabric with boots on it. I know he will love it. I'm finishing up the pillowcases today. I sent a test letter to make sure his address was good. When he receives it, I will send his quilt off.
Mom finally got on her way to Utah. Nice to have the house to myself again.
I'm going to HUD on Monday to apply for housing. I have to be disabled. I'm not sure if a letter from my doctor saying I have fibro works. But at this point, I'm going to try whatever I can. It can take up to a year to get approved. When that happens, I will hopefully get a place to live and if I can find a place in California that is HUD approved and available, I can transfer.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
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Posted - Sep 13 2014 : 1:13:56 PM
Beautiful Quilt Bunny. Good luck with HUD |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2014 : 1:48:14 PM
Bunny, that quilt is just beautiful!!!! What a wonderful heirloom that will be in years to come. I also want to send good luck with HUD. I would get a letter from your dr., and hopefully she will say that you are disabled. It may take awhile, if it looks hopeful, I would start looking in California right away. Never hurts to try.
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
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