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True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Sep 02 2014 : 4:53:08 PM
Thanks everyone. The cozies were a lot of fun to make and easy too!
Here is a link to a tutorial for the cozies.
Here is what you will need:
2 coordinating fat quarters (100% cotton) 100% cotton batting cotton thread sewing machine quilting ruler and mat or scissors pins fabric marker chopstick or bodkin for pushing out corners
100% cotton is very important.
Sounds like everyone is staying really busy. Me.... off to work some more on my grandsons match car mat.
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 02 2014 : 7:31:48 PM
My entire post just disappeared again! Geez!
Trying again
Theresa Just watched the tutorial they are easy. Yours are so nice. I guess this will be a little tuck in for everyone this year. Thanks for posting it.
Holly Men and their tools! I didn't think they started that young!LOL! Years ago when I was young I frosted my hair platinum. Now it's the real deal and people ask me what color dye I use! They think I'm lying when I say , none it's just gray!
GG When I was in nursing school they had us try the parafan dip on our hands and it really felt good. i had forgotten about that. Too bad we couldn't do a body dip!
My cursor is flying all over the place so I will stop posting for now. I just was hacked yesterday. Someone from England tried to buy something online for $139 and my card denied it and they notified me. Back later if my cursor stops acting up!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 02 2014 : 9:16:36 PM
Someone on here, I think maybe it was mar, mentioned the paraffin treatment a while back. I'd use it for my hands and feet too, in the wintertime. I've had the hand treatment as part of a spa treatment years ago and it does feel really good.
I looked at the microwave cozy link too. I like quick easy projects that can be done in one sitting.
Darlene, I've had two credit cards compromised in the past month. We were reading online about hacking and they say your passwords should be at least 24 characters long. The reason is the hackers have some kind of supercomputer that can put every possible combination together on the shorter passwords but the longer ones would take years. Not a very good explanation but that's it in a nutshell. So I'm going to be more vigilant about that. Also I've heard that someone will steal your credit card info and hold on to it for a few years, so I call mine in lost or stolen every couple of years. And I use one online that is not tied to my bank account, not even the same bank. I have alerts set to notify me of any online charge.
Good night all. Hope everyone gets a good deep sleep tonight.
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 02 2014 : 9:53:05 PM
It's a little cooler now in Illinois-still humid but the temps. have gone down. We had a ton of rain last night. My brother looked at my car and said it will need new tires --at least front tires--before winter. He directed me to NTB and gave me a list of prices. I'm close to getting my settlement from the guy who rear-ended me in January. I've been struggling to pay bills ever since he hit me. And now my insurance doesn't want to pay for my visit to the ER when I hurt my knee--it put me out of commission for a month. So I had to file an appeal. Just the ER visit alone is over a thousand dollars. GG--I had a tree cut down two years ago and they discovered there was bee hive about forty feet up in the tree. I didn't know it was there. Guess I need to wear my glasses more often. They cut the trunk with the hive out and put it on the ground. the bees were very angry and confused. A bee-keeper came and got it the next day. Don't know if they survived over the winter. I didn't get any honey from it cause it was autumn and they said the bees needed the honey to get through the winter. For aching hands and muscles, try a salve of coconut oil with cayenne pepper. It has a very warming effect. Bunny--looking forward to seeing the man quilt. I think I would like pet sitting but I need to sleep in my own bed. I'm considering making meals easy to warm up for my parents. My mom never wants to make anything from scratch anymore so all their food comes a box or a can. The only time they get a decent meal is when they go to the senior services center (which is very good at providing food, exercise and games and trips for seniors). I'll need to make meals that combine the important foods in one dish. And they have to heart healthy. My dad eats ice cream about five times a day. He forgets that he had it in the morning so he'll have some at lunch. Oh well, as long as it makes him happy. I've been cutting back on soda and drinking more flavored sparkling water. It has no sweeteners,just a little flavoring--lime or grapefruit, berry, etc. I feel kind of in a fog from lack of caffeine but that should clear up in a week or so. I'm ready to feel healthy again. Holly--my dad has a problem with his tools "disappearing". He says I must have borrowed a shovel, then he "finds" it two weeks later and says I must have brought it back. There's a person named "I don't know who" that lives in my parents' house and moves things around. It's funny except when my dad thinks someone has stolen something. I need to get to bed, gotta work tomorrow, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2014 : 12:16:56 AM
GG, arthritis pain usually feels better after you "work the aches out" so I'm not trying to convince you that you aren't suffering from arthritic pain. Actually, I'm not trying to convince you of anything... just flapping my lips. Well, now that isn't true either...I guess I'm just tapping my keys! But, I think fibro pain doesn't "work itself out" at all in comparison to morning stiffness and general aches and pains. I was hoping my opinion would make you feel better! Haha. And, yes, I am the paraffin wax nut. so soothing.
Cindy,good for you for changing your drinking habits for your health. Well, now that sounds like you are a drunk. I meant cutting out caffeine. I am probably too dependent on it. But, years ago I read an article about how taking pain meds with caffeine enhanced their perceived effect and that was all the permission I needed to have a love affair with caffeinated beverages! I can understand how eating ice cream contributes to your dad's happiness. I think I would forget whether I ate it earlier to keep my happiness quotient up, too , if I could! Good luck with fixing them meals, it sounds like a great idea.
Theresa, thank you for sharing the cozies and the link. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2014 : 6:22:15 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 7:19:22 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2014 : 6:25:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was boring. Took two of the littles to their therapy appointments. They are separated by just enough time that doing anything else is hard to fit in.
Anyway, I am glad for the cozy instructions.
Mar you are too funny.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2014 : 8:36:45 PM
Good evening. 11pm here and the only reason I am not in bed is because I have green beans in the canner. :( 180 qts thus far. I was hoping I could get 200 qts out of my arbor when I planted it. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!! Seriously this is not a long arbor. Unreal that there have been so many green beans on that arbor. I only picked 1/2 of them tonight and there are still little beans and still blooms. <scream>. I have been so busy with the green beans, apples and pulling weeds. Today I registered for a "Hands in Clay" class for the next 4 weeks. I am officially considered a senior citizen this year at the community center. It is a class the senior center offers. I am going to try to squeeze this
The cozies are nice Theresa. I could not really understand what they looked like when you tried to describe them.
Holly- I love boring days. :)
GG- I am glad to know you can get the SOB's full SS benefit. That has to be a relief. We eat alot of cheese also. Probably too much, but at least I buy the natural cheese and not the processed cheese food product like DH
Marianne- I think you are correct. Arthritis pain seems to be able to be worked out.
Cindy- I have had a scoby and kombucha tea for over a year. I finally quit feeding the kombucha tea to the chickens and started fermenting it for myself. I am trying to drink it more after I have had my strong black coffee in the morning, of course. I have about a half of a cup of ice cream daily with hot coffee or a shot of espresso over it. It is my afternoon "tea". It is called an "Affogato". Love it!
Well, I really need to get the green beans out of the canner and get to bed. Will check in later.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2014 : 8:49:01 PM
Patty you will have to eat a quart of green beans every other day to eat all those beans in a year, lol. If I were you I'd never want to look at a green bean again!
When my asparagus comes in, I eat it every day and then I don't want it for a year. I don't bother freezing or canning it, I only like it fresh and I have just a small bed of it so it works out just about right.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2014 : 09:29:23 AM
Good morning. Things are pretty quiet here too. I have three more days of feeding kitties across town. I got the clothing for one of my customers. I'm making her a top. I think it will come out really cute. The other lady with the pantsuits has sent her things and I should get them in a few days.
I spent the last few days taking new pictures of all my dresses. What a job! I have close to 100 dresses. I only took a front picture for the main listing. It was kind of nice to see all my creations again. Now I just have hours to spend on the computer changing out the pictures and I'm changing how I title each item. I found a lady on Etsy who is doing a good job at making a living at this. She gets 56,000 views a month. I'm a bit overwhelmed at that number. I'm lucky to get 3000. But if she can do it, so can I. It will just take time. I just love doing this too much to give up.
GG, I'm glad your life has been calm. Enjoy it! So awesome about getting yhe extra SSI! I get half of my first X's when I turn 67. Only ten more years to go.
Patty, that is a lot of beans!!! I don't like beans so I'll skip dinner at your house LOL.
Holly, those dr visits are good for knitting or some kind of small craft project.
Not much else to report. The weather has been really nice these last few days. I can't wait for fall, but not looking forward to winter.
Later for now....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2014 : 4:39:35 PM
Wow, bunny, that's a lot of work!
Joan Rivers, Lauren Bacall, Robin Williams. That's three.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2014 : 5:12:08 PM
I think Joan starts a new list. James Garner, Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall were the first list.
I worked on my customers top. I sent her pictures to see how she wanted the pocket. I'm always so afraid to do that in case she doesn't like it. Stresses me. I need to get over it.
Here is the top so far.
Spent most of the day replacing pictures on my website and rewording the titles. I have lots more to do tomorrow.
Anyway, later for now!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2014 : 5:24:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
I usually do crochet when the boys have appointments or sporting events. I have made several afghans during these times. Now one of the appointments is right downtown so I can do child free errands, it is soooo nice to be able to think and do without having to answer a hundred questions. The other I have been reading or having a short rejuvenating nap. Both offices have white noise machines. They make me crazy so I try to leave the office while the boys are inside and only arrive back a few minutes before the end. I hate white noise it makes me feel like I am being bombarded with thousands of spit balls.
I hope Patty that some of your green beans will be gifts. I can not imagine you and D eating a quart of beans at one sitting. You have done an amazing job of canning. Do you blanche them first? or does the canning do that in one step?
A hundred outfits to sell. Do you know the children's book called "A hundred dresses" I think it is about a poor girl who draws dresses on big sheets of paper and hangs them in her closet. When the other girls brag about their outfits she does too.
I do not like coffee. Your treats, Patty are not for me. I am glad you have an indulgence to relax and enjoy.
DsC and I worked on the chicken pen for a while. Remember I was gung ho on it for a while and then it just sat. Now I want to put the little layers out in it so I need to get it done. I have a little work on the fence to do. Before I put up the cow fencing on the outside I had put up some of the chicken fencing on the inside and the *&% bull calf walked through it. I need to replace that section. The last Saturday in October the bull calves will leave this world.
DsG has decided that the Goosebump books are the best reading around. He read a 14 page story out loud today. When he began he noticed it was long and asked if he had to read the whole story today. I did not say anything. When I thought he was going to stop he kept going and going until the end. Finding reading exciting is so nice. He then went to all the bookcases in the house to find all of the Goosebump books we have.
I hope Jan is well. D day is coming up for her.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2014 : 6:44:57 PM
I did not know James Garner died. That blows my theory. Or else we have two more coming. Or, I guess if you count those two horrible ISIS murders that brings the total to six. Terrible times we are living in.
We gave up and ordered dish TV. We went over our internet data plan of 25 GB per month in only two weeks. I don't understand how you could come out ahead with Roku if the internet charges are more than cable. What am I missing? I can go back to 10GB For $54.95 and over 200 channels including golf(yea says DH) for $54.95 total. Plus they threw in a $75 gift card. I was paying $104.95 for the 25GB internet thinking it would cover as much TV as we would watch. We averaged maybe 2hrs a day of TV so we were shocked to see we used up that much.
Holly that's so good that your child likes to read, it makes such a huge difference. I can not imagine life without books. Well, maybe with IPad............. Bunny, another cute outfit. I know how you feel about trying to please someone else's taste. That is difficult.
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 02:09:16 AM
Holly I can remember my granddaughters read the goosebumps books I pick up all I could thrift stores for them. This will probably be a short post I am dead tired. Had to get up at 4:30 this morning and we had a busy day. I did make my first Mary Jane's bakeover today and it was delicious. Made out of leftovers. I picked up the cutest sign at the thrift store, that has horseshoe nails in it for hooks and hung it up on my garden shed. It is perfect.
I am beat. Heading to bed. Please overlook any typing errors tonight. :)
(Oops. I was so tired last night I forgot to hit "submit reply" so last nights post is posted this morning)
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Sep 05 2014 02:11:22 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 05:12:16 AM
Patty, love the sign!! And would you please tell me how you made the gluten free crust? Yours looks fluffy and nicely browned. Mine (crust) did not brown and was tough. Although the filling was delish. I'm going to make one tonight with lamb and veggies.
I'm up early this morning because I have to go for mammogram. I'm doing every 18 months now to try for less exposure though they claim to be safe.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 06:52:44 AM
Joan Rivers just died.
I get a sweet deal on internet service -- it is free. When I was fired from the internet service provider, the techs were really angry because it would mean that they would have to do my job. One of them took my account off all the audits so I still get the employee benefit. Shhhhhh! Don't tell anyone. I have unlimited bandwidth too so it's all good.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Sep 05 2014 06:53:36 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 07:40:56 AM
GG- the crust is from Mary Jane's Gluten Free Budget Mix. And it was delicious!
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 08:47:45 AM
Patty, except for the sauerkraut the bake over looks wonderful! Love your sign too.
Marie, I won't tell either.
Cindy, I saw on the news the other day a lady somewhere had a new shop selling cleansing ice cream. It had all kinds of heathy stuff in it for cleansing your insides. Too bad you couldn't sneak so e of that in your dad's bowl. I think it was made with coconut milk.
Therese, I too think the microwave bowl cozies are great! They sound like a fun and easy craft fair product.
I got an email back from the lady I'm making the top for....she loves it! So thankful. I also got an email from a lady who's mother might buy another dress I have had for a long time. It is very popular but no one buys it because it is small. It would be a very good sale. Fingers crossed. Her mother saw it on Pinterest and I had removed it from my shop. So I put it back last night. We will see.
I get to do some sewing I want to do today. I actually have a baby quilt I want to make, but I need to keep sewing for the shop. I'm in my happy place for a while at least. Still have to look for a grown up job. But for now I get to do what I love!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 8:11:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am always amazed when I post and check it and then look the next day and someone has jumped i ahead of me. Nice top, Bunny. It is bright and cheery.
The boys were wired this morning. They were loud and all over the place. But, they were happy so I am not complaining.
DsG read a whole Goosebumps book between last night and today. He was so happy sitting and reading. He read regardless of what was going on around him. It is nice to have one child that enjoys reading. He has scoured our library here at the house and come up with ten of the books. I guess I have been yard saleing for a while. lol
A fence post was broken in the pig pen. Lucky for us the top of the fence was still 18 inches off the ground so the the pigs could not jump over it and escape before we noticed and fixed it. DsR was out riding his bike and came racing back to make the announcement.
We have internet service brought into the house through the land line for the phone, then it goes through the air to the devices. It is less expensive than when we had an aircard for the phone and computers.
My bees have taken off. They left no trace. They cleaned out the hive body of honey and left no eggs or brood behind. There were no dead bees on the bottom board. I do not know why they left. It is a mystery. I will try again next year.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 10:57:14 AM
Today I am moving into my new craft room!!! I did not get to whitewash the walls because we just did not have any more time to spend on this one room. So sick of the clutter, but most of the walls will be covered up anyway.
It is cloudy and humid but not too bad. At least the terrible August heat is over.
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend doing something you love to do. I know Bunny is.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 12:12:27 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
It is pouring rain so we are inside. DsT is playing his birthday PS3 and the littles are watching him play. They think it is fun. shrugging shoulders.
There is a coupon on our AAA member magazine for $200 off New direct TV installation. Then back I read that G is getting Dish TV so it will not do you any good anyway.
We moved a pile of milled wood form the landing to the hay barn. Remember a couple of years ago we had part of the property logged. Then there were ends left on the landing and I had it milled into 2"X4" boards and some 1" X various widths. It has sat out all last winter and this summer and I decided that I should move it inside so it will continue to dry and not rot or get eaten by the insects. It took all morning. I thought the time would be much shorter. It is done and I have taken my Advil for the aches.
I hung the clothes on the line and came inside. Then it started to rain lightly. then the wind picked up and I went out and brought it all back in again. I am utilizing the energy grid to dry it. lol
G glad your workroom is done enough to settle into. Have a good time.
Have a good afternoon everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Sep 06 2014 4:31:27 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 4:30:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
We received a catalog in the mail today from Cuddledown. It has bedding in it. I thought you all might be interested to know that you could buy an heirloom silk eiderdown king size pillow on sale for just $7199 . There are less expensive ones as well. The same size in goose down is just $549. Just pocket change for all of us. HUH! lol Can you imagine having enough money that you could spend that much on a pillow.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 6:40:00 PM
Good evening ladies. I am sitting by the fire pit watching the fire burn. Oh my gosh I love the smell. Please excuse any errors in my post tonight as I am on my iPad in the dark and trying to use voice recognition to do the typing for me. My grandbabies are all in getting their baths and DH is at the race track for a little while longer. My brother in law and a friend came in this afternoon and are at the races and will spend the night as well. Last night my granddaughters and I canned 36 jars of green beans. They stayed right in there and helped until the last jar was done. The six-year-old Lily packed all 36 jars with green beans and did not tire. Her attention span is pretty good I figured she would get tired of it before that. My mother-in-law likes French style green beans. So I ordered a French style green being cutter from Amazon. it should arrive Tuesday just in time to pick some more. I am anxious to try some French style green beans. Yesterday we made a raised bed for our fall garden. It measures 4 foot wide by 7 foot long and is about 3 foot tall. We filled it with some wood left in the chipper truck that was already starting to compost. Then we added all the dirt from our compost. It was some of the best black dirt and was full of worms. Then we bought a load of garden soil to put on top. Not sure what we will plant in it for fall but it sure looks good.
It will make a wonderful green house with a sheet of plastic thrown over it next spring. I think I will keep my old pillows Holly... Lol
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 7:49:32 PM
Patty, how do you fix the green beans? I once had a recipe book called 365 ways to cook hamburger meat. Back when we were raising kids and struggling financially. Seems like you need a book like that for green beans,lol.
I love the smell of a fire, too, as long as it is a campfire. The smell of fire out here is a scary thing because of wild fires.
Holly, maybe your queen bee died? Would that account for the hive being abandoned like that? I've read just enough to be dangerous. Mostly Pinterest. It's pretty expensive to take the classes and get all the stuff. I hope we are able to follow through with it but I don't want anything to keep us from being able to come and go as we please. Nobody takes care of the ones in the wild and there are lots of them here. We have always had lots of bees. Every time it rains and the sage blooms, they are covered with bees.
Patty, that looks like a great little raised garden you've got going there. What will you plant? Don't say green beans!
I'm about ready to start taking photos and trying to price some of my stuff to sell. We definitely are going to downsize. We have cleaned several rooms now of everything but bare essentials and it looks so much cleaner and nice and spacious. Better energy, says DH. Mom gave me three aprons that are old and they have a sort of smocking design hand made--it was popular quite a few years ago but I can't think what it's called. You take checkered fabric and do the smocking in the little squares. I have no idea how to price things.
Speaking of mom, she just sits in her chair now. I expect she could go at any time. One of the freeloading granddaughters is there now so at least she isn't alone. Well, she's alone most of the time but at least there is someone to find her. She shows up for free food and a place to sleep. The neighbor told me the girl has creepy friends and she suspects them of all kinds of illegal things.
I had Direct TV before. I got really mad at them. Dish TV gave us a $75 gift card for signing with them. But thanks for the thought, Holly.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 06 2014 7:56:17 PM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |