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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  11:40:39 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, you did a wonderful job on your articles. I especially liked the "about the author" portion. Next time, include your photo, hon. Your face tells the story of your being a warm, open person. I think the slip dress is stunning. Wish I had the "perkiness" it demands! The collar roses are such an easy project, except for the part of having to come up with the idea. Thank our stars for you. You must have wanted to run screaming around the neighborhood when you saw your art in print. I can't imagine how proud you must feel. I have never had such a widespread stage for such accolades for anything I have accomplished. Oh, Bunny, I am so, so thrilled for you. I know I am a johnny come lately on the congratulations, but you are due them over and over. What a thrill.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  12:34:39 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Mar. It is pretty cool to see my name in a magazine. They are the ones that decide on the pictures. They don't put faces. I'm kinda ok with that. I'm not photogenic at all!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  12:47:32 PM  Show Profile
My apologies to the members of this thread for getting upset. I have never argued on a board like this before. I am truly sorry, but I do feel politics are not welcome on this thread. I want to be a part of this group. The way it use to be.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  4:22:36 PM  Show Profile

I'm on my phone so can't tell if this is a good pic or not but Mar asked about the celery. Here's what it's doing. Outside stalks are turning brown but looks like three inside stalks are each trying to make a celery bunch. I have no idea if it will actually make or not. Guess I should plant it in some soil.

Patty what did you can today? Those green beans sound as prolific as zucchini.


Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 14 2014 4:25:18 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  5:31:44 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I took DsG to the eye doctor this morning. He needs to wear glasses. At first the eye doctor said that he should only wear them for school work or reading. I talked him into all the time. The eye doctor agreed that it would help his overall vision. Apparently he has a lazy left eye and the right eye is trying to take over so the left is getting lazier. It does not turn out or in or anything obvious. His convergence is not the best and his acuity in the left eye could be better. The eye doctor thinks that if he wears the glasses for a few years he may solve his visual problems.
Now, I thought blue or red or purple glasses would be fun but both DsG and the eye doctor thought the black frames were more stylish and manly. lol

In the afternoon we did science and reading. We went over the parts of an insect then they went and collected some so we could look at the parts with our hand lenses. The boys were happy.

Then I went to a school meeting with DsT. He needs to be telling the teachers and the assistant principal when things are not going well for him and to ask for help. He has problems asking for help or saying what is not going well. He thinks it is none of their business. He needs to change his thinking patterns if he wants to be successful.

That was my day. It was overcast but did not really rain at all.

I am glad Mar that even though your friend can not write back anymore that someone let you know she enjoys your letters. I write to several people and really only one writes back. I have heard that two of the people look forward to the letters and pictures but some of them just go and I never hear. I hope the recipients are happy.

We had a gas smell in the kitchen so C called the gas people. A man came out but could not find anything. He is a driver so tomorrow a certified tech will come. I guess breakfast will be something microwaveable.

Ready for baseball season? I think some form of baseball has been going on since April. It is the longest running sport of any the boys play. It makes DsT happy so off we go for a 12 game season. I get tired of planning around the games. At least at this level there are not a lot of practices.

I can use some of the sections of this new computer but I have not even opened some of the sections so I have not mastered it. I am trying to use the mail and the picture piece. Someday I hope to be able to use the rest. It is smooth and I have not lost as many pieces of writing as I have in the past.

Tomorrow is Battle of Bennington day. The battle was fought in New York not here but all of the state workers have it off.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  5:47:48 PM  Show Profile
I love funky State holidays! Battle of Bennington...I'll have to google that. I bet a lot of people are making it a long weekend. Or do you have that rule about having to work the day after a holiday to get your holiday pay?

We didn't hear from the person we were going to meet up with in Tillamook, so we haven't had our cheese trip, yet. I'll keep you all posted on the "big" travel plans!

I bet dsG wasn't going to be talked into red glasses! So...head, abdomen, thorax???

g, I am so impressed with the celery experiment! How long have you had it going? It is a cool looking plant. Good photo, btw.

Bunny, when do you start the pet sitting in the boonies?

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  8:02:13 PM  Show Profile
I am so bad about writing letters. For some reason we never were a card sending/receiving family. Mom has always written letters and kept up with various relatives but after breaking both wrists, she does not write anymore. Good for those of you who write to those who are lonely or have limited social opportunities. I know it is appreciated even if they don't think to tell you.

We are being invaded by red wasps this year. We found two huge nests under the eaves today so when it was nearly dark, I sprayed them and the spray blew back on me. So I just got out of the shower but my skin is still burning.

I just stuck the celery in the water about three days ago Mar. It started growing immediately. It was organic celery. I bought some little organic potatoes at the farmers market and I'm going to try to use them as seed potatoes. I'm not a prepper but I'm concerned about our food supply. I applaude MJ for all she does in her magazine to expose the dreadful practices going on in the world. Did you read about all the farmers committing suicide because of Monsanto? Absolutely horrific.

We watched Schindlers List last night. I finally got brave enough to watch it for the first time. I've felt a little sick since. As a child I remember my grandmother, a simple country woman, sitting out on her veranda (she called it, although it was just a porch). Really grieving about the plight of those poor people and she would just go on a rant about Hitler and Eichmann. This was in the 50's long after the war. Her anguish over what happened to a group of people she did not know or have any connection with made a lasting impression on me. Her grandfather left Germany in the early 1800s and met her grandmother from London, in New York, where they married then somehow they made their way to Austin Texas. There were/are many German settlements in Texas. They traveled once back to London to visit her family and she had a child there, but when it was time to board the ship back to America the baby got too sick to travel so she had to leave it there with relatives. She was never able to go back for the child. And we think we have things to complain about today.

B is singing tonight. Oldies like "my kind of girl" his voice is coming back strong with practice.and with the amp. I knew he was a professional drummer back in the 60's but didn't realize he sang professionally too. He sure has a pretty voice. Not sure why he is so shy.

Enough ramblings. Hugs to all my sisters. Bunny, what's the word from your boy? He doing ok?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  10:10:30 PM  Show Profile
GG, how sad for your grandmother. I have not been able to,watch Schindlers list or Sophie's Choice.

Mar, I spend three nights starting tomorrow night and then ten nights starting next Saturday.

Just got back from seeing Gardians of the Galaxy. It was a fun movie. I miss seeing those types,of movies with my boys.
Both boys are doing good. My youngest is settling in in North Carolina. I'm waiting for his fabric I ordered so I can start his new quilt.

Anyway, time for bed. Nite everyone.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 14 2014 :  10:21:32 PM  Show Profile
Holly what kind of computer did you get? I got a Mac last time and I have never figured the thing out except for the things which are the same as iPad.

Bunny I hope you will post a pic of the "man quilt" when you get it done.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 15 2014 :  08:51:46 AM  Show Profile
GG, when I was a kid, we would grow avocado trees on the kitchen widow sill. We would stick tooth picks in the seed to have it float a little above a glass and fill it with just enough water to cover the bottom. I don't remember ever planting one outside but we always got them started at least. It's a calif thing I think.

I promise to take a picture of the man quilt. Not happy that it takes a week for the fabric to get here though. I'm so impatient!

Weather here is being strange. Very overcast. I was in so much pain the last few days.
I redid my résumé and downplayed the self employment part. Hoping it will make a difference. I emailed it to a dentist office that needs a receptionist. Haven't heard anything back.

Homework today...later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 15 2014 :  08:55:54 AM  Show Profile
We did the avocado thing too, bunny. Also we would take a sweet potato and grow a vine from it and put food coloring in the water and watch it spread through the leaves. These were all ornamentals though, never produced anything.

We are going shopping today. It takes a whole day.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 15 2014 :  11:59:28 AM  Show Profile
Oh, I forgot about the sweet potatoes! We did that in school. Enjoy your trip into town. I remember doing that when I lived in Calif. 45 minutes to Sonora for basics and 1.5 hours to Modesto for big stuff like going to the mall and Home Depot.

I'm procrastinating. I don't want to do my computer homework. I did get a 99% on my last assignment. I don't know what my problem is. I think I just really don't like doing websites. So glad I took this class so I could learn that. I wondered. Now I know. Not my thing!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 15 2014 :  6:11:03 PM  Show Profile
And, bunny, you want to go back to that long distance to everything? It's one of the things I hate about being out here. Now I've got to go all the way to Austin to take my phone to an apple store. So you got 99% on a subject you don't even like? Geez, girl, what does it take to make you feel good about yourself? Like Mar said, you've accomplished more than most of us have. I know it sucks not having the money you need, but you are strong and healthy enough to get by and you do get to spend some time doing what you love, and a big thing is, you are passionate about something. So many people are passionate about nothing. You are a success by anybody's standards.

I'm so tired after this long day. We had nine stops to make. We had a good lunch, though. I did not sleep at all last night and I know why. Yesterday I did not eat properly and I had a cup of coffee after 12 noon. That will do it every time.

For anyone trying to quit or cut back on gluten, in case you didn't know, sourdough bread has no ill effect on me, nor does the eziekiel bread from sprouted grains. This is true with many gluten intolerant people and it sure helps to have some kind of bread to eat. I've read why it can be digested when the other breads can not, but it's too long to go into here.

Patty, I got that gadget today that makes spaghetti out of veggies. Walmart had them for about 14 dollars so I figured I'd give it a try. Let me know any thing I should do differently with cooking this vegetable spaghetti compared to the pasta. I'm looking forward to trying it. If you hadn't posted a picture of it, I would not have known what it was.

Marie, I can't remember if Lowell sings or not. I was trying to remember the utube links to hear him but could not remember where you wrote that. I'm telling b he needs to get his act together and made a utube soon. I think he's ready.

I'm looking forward to Jan's posting again. I miss her daily check in. Hope she's having a blast. Bout time to hear from Jainee, too.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 15 2014 :  6:56:56 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Yes, GG it is a Mac. I have not spent a lot of time trying to figure it out so I am doing well with what I know.

Congratulations Bunny on the good grade. C sweats each one of her grades. She is sure she is not passing and then she gets an A just like you. Maybe you are related. LOL

I once grew and avocado tree that was 20 feet tall. I know it was that tall because I used to have a cathedral ceiling in the front hall that was 22 feet high. I closed in the ceiling to make more bedrooms and gave away the tree. I have always been impressed by that green thumb bit. It even stood by itself with no pole to hold it up. I have not been able to replicate it though.

We picked some beans and broccoli today. A couple more packages into the freezer. I have started cutting off the extra green on my tomato plants so the plant will think it is dying and make the tomatoes red. Then I am going to dry them in the oven with olive oil and salt. That was so tasty last year.

G that is a sad story about your great grandmother. I wonder if the child who was left behind knew that he/she was left behind and passed the story down to her children and grandchildren and if you found those descendants now in England they would know the story?
My grandmother talked about her mother's father or grandfather being sent over on a ship to America to go to boarding school. The captain of the ship was given a gold piece to enroll him in school When they reached the states the captain dumped the boy on the wharf. He knew no English so he took the name of someone he met on the ship and made his way in America.

The weather was overcast and a little bit of showers all day long. I thought it was chilly out and wore my sweatshirt outside when I went.

When I was writing about zucchini fries before I forgot that they were to be sprinkled with salt for a while before they were dipped in the egg and then the parmesan cheese and bread crumbs. and fried. They tasted better tonight.

Patty you wrote last week or so the burdock flowers could be eaten. I have not found a recipe. I found a recipe for burdock stems but I think they need to be cut before they flower. Could you tell me how to cook them?

Yes, head, thorax and abdomen. The legs and wings are attached to the thorax.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 16 2014 :  08:34:06 AM  Show Profile
GG, where I actually want to go back to is a little town called MiWuk about 25 minutes from Sonora Calif. That is truely home to me.
I guess my issue is that I don't have any real stability in my life right now. My mom is always reminding me that when my stepdad dies, she will most likely lose the house and I need to find somewhere to live. Without a job or other family I can rely on, I'm in trouble. My oldest son doesn't make enough to get a place of his own, otherwise I could go there. But it is that uncertainty that eats at me and destroys any comfort I get with all the other successes. I am so happy to be able to create my dresses, but unless I can make it support me, it will only be just a hobby.
It scares me to work for someone else as I have never been able to keep a job more than six months before something goes wrong. Either I work for terrible people, (my last employer use to come to work falling down drunk and yell at everyone) or I get tired of being taken advantage of, or something else goes wrong.

I agree, missing Jan! Hope she is having a wonderful time.

Holly, you would have needed two avocado trees to produce fruit. So I guess taking down the tree was a good idea. You would have had a forest in your house.

I did all my homework this week so I get to sew for the next two days!! Yea!!

Have a great weekend.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 16 2014 :  5:11:26 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was overcast and chilly. A preview of what is to come. A lovely fall like day.

In the morning I moved some sand from the tractor bucket into the wheelbarrow and dumped it in Coco the cow's stall. The floor of her room had been getting a depression in it from scooping out the poop. I wanted to take advantage of the not raining day to fill up the floor.

Then I moved cut and split firewood in the bucket of the tractor up to the garage. Then the children, C and I moved it into the barn. C stacked it nicely in the ark. I think we have enough for this year but I really like to be a year a head incase we have a really long cold spell or I get hurt next year and can not do my part.

This afternoon the neighbor and her nephew (40) came over and cut down about 15 trees so we can block and split them. C does not like me to saw them down because she is worried about being a widow with so many children at home. So, in some cases I ease her mind by having someone else knock them down. I did use the tractor and chain to pull on the butt end of a couple of trees that were hung up in other trees to make them fall to the ground. Now to get my chainsaw fired up to block the wood.
We bought in Chinese food for supper. Sometimes it is just easier.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 16 2014 :  5:31:51 PM  Show Profile

Fireside in Groton Ct.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 16 2014 :  6:46:12 PM  Show Profile
That is a beautiful fire Patty. It's so hot here it's hard to think about a fire. I can't leave this area because of my daughter, and my mom right now. But someday soon I think I'd like to try living somewhere else. I did not want to spend August here.

Bunny, there are some good employers out there. I was one.

Holly that sounds like such hard work. And some of it does sound a little dangerous. We will probably use our wood stove this winter but there is plenty of time to get wood. After it cools off. There is quite a bit of dead oak around to cut into logs for the stove.

We are making slow progress on the room. Hopefully the ceiling will be completely done tomorrow. The walls will stay as they are now, rough cedar, but the newer has to be stained to match the older Then the concrete floors have to be cleaned and painted. Then finally I will be able to move all my stuff in there and clear out the next room to work on.

Good night all.


Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 16 2014 6:52:02 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 17 2014 :  2:01:44 PM  Show Profile
Checking in. Nobody posting today. I just noticed that we've had just over 4 thousand posts but 96 thousand views. Wonder who those ninety two thousand people are who are lurking about. Should we do something to celebrate when we get to 100 thousand hits?

I think the ceiling is FINALLY finished!! I can hear the lurkers clapping their hands over that bit of exciting news.


Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 17 2014 2:02:20 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 17 2014 :  4:33:03 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It was cloudy most of the day. then at supper time the clouds passed and the sun came out very warm.

I made seven loaves of zucchini bread, the sweet kind. One loaf of zucchini cheddar bread that has dill but no sugar. We had that with tomato soup for lunch. Then I made one chocolate zucchini cake. I put the sweet zucchini bread in the freezer.

I made bread crumbs. The loaves of bread have been sitting in the cupboard getting good and dry waiting for me to buy a new food processor. Finally it is here and making my life easier.

NIce fire, Patty. I have heard of Groton, 'CT. It is probably four hours from here. Two through Vermont, a little more than an hour through Massachusetts. and then through Connecticut .

96,000 views is a lot. Do we get the prize for being the most read board? Are we the most read board? Maybe we could publish and get the royalties to donate to our favorite charity. lol

Have you all heard of the ALS Challenge? You have to dump a bucket of ice water over your head. You are supposed to make a video of it happening and then post it on line someplace. Maybe facebook. Then you nominate your friends to continue the challenge. C did it. If you complete the challenge you are supposed to send ALS $10 and if you refuse to dump the ice water then you send ALS $100. Some famous people have done it and sent money anyway.

G step by step and then the room will be done. It gives you time to remember what you want done so you can change your mind and frustrate the B to now end. Plenty of shelves and cupboards.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 18 2014 :  08:35:24 AM  Show Profile
I'm not lurking!! And I am so glad to hear that the ceiling is done and the trees are felled. I don't think I could handle the ice bucket over the head. It gives me chills just to think about it!

Did I tell you that dh asked me - in no uncertain terms - to stop sneaking zucchini into everything? Except zucchini bread. That he likes.

Vancouver, WA has experienced its warmest summer in 124 years. Welcome to Vancouver! It still is much cooler than Spokane and we have enjoyed the difference. But, there is no denying that the weather is changing all over!

I think there is a nuclear sub in Groton that you can tour? It seems dh and I did that when we lived in Mamaroneck. I liked CT along the water, so pretty. And I remember the roads were better than NY way back then!

Hope everyone stays happy today!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 18 2014 :  09:06:09 AM  Show Profile
With all those lurkers, I should post more of my dresses on here. Maybe I'll get some sales. By the way all you lurkers, Mary Jane bought one of my skirts for her daughter!!

Anyway, my weekend of pet sitting is over for a week. Then I sit out in the boonies again for ten days. I figured out, her house is the only place my cell phone doesn't work. As soon as I get down the hill from her house, I'm back up again. Figures.
I'm finished with one of my classes, so have two days to work on my hard class. So much to do this week on it. I can't wait for it all to be done!

GG I hope you post picture of your new creating space. It will be fun to see all your creations again. I loved the jewelry.

Holly, I love chocolate zucchini bread! The one with dill sounds wonderful.

Mar, your DH cracks me up. I use to hide chopped up veggies in spaghetti sauce. My kids never knew what I hid in there.

Time to get to work! Later All!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 18 2014 :  09:09:04 AM  Show Profile
I'm happy. The weather is cloudy and cool. The Internet guy showed up and actually seems very competent. We should have high speed Internet by end of day. I called ATT customer service and got some of the glitches fixed on my phone. The ceiling is finished. On to the walls. I baked a brisket yesterday and it turned out just right. Lots of mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes and oven roasted zucchini ( I had to buy mine) and baby carrots. Also have some thin sliced smoked turkey, organic lettuce and tomatoes and sourdough bread for sandwiches. So I do not have to cook anything. B and I have had our argument for the week so all is good there. Yep. I'm happy.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 18 2014 :  09:18:40 AM  Show Profile
Bunny you snuck in there while I was typing. I did take a before pic of the room. TodY I'll take one of finished ceiling but still such a mess. Then I'll do one at the end. So I'll show it to you. Thank you for complimenting the jewelry. I stopped doing it because even that made such a mess in the small apartment and also as much stuff as I had, every time I wanted to make a new piece there was something I didn't have so there went another 50 bucks. But I do plan to get back into all my crafts and arts soon as that room is finished. I have to finish Holly's doll before I get so old my fingers don't work. I have at least 5 quilt tops to quilt. Then there's the glass. And the aprons. And the hats. Good thing I'm so young and have lots of time left, lol.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Aug 18 2014 :  10:47:16 AM  Show Profile
I'm on just for a bit to show some pictures.

These are my beans which are still producing. Mitzi and I check the garden every morning and we eat the beans right off the plant.

All the broccoli has been harvested by now.

The lovely cardinal vine on my futon frame trellis.

My productive cherry tomatoes. I wish those in my building would pick some.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Aug 18 2014 10:51:23 AM
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