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Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 27 2012 : 8:05:03 PM
Bunny that's part of the fun of being over 50. We can get away with all kinds of stuff because we all do it!!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 09:34:47 AM
Oggie, you were talking about the furnace going out in that beautiful library. Boy did I have a good laugh at myself. Christmas day I thought I was having furnace problems. There were enough bodies in the house so everyone said they were warm. Wednesday morning we got up to a cold house. I know so little about the furnace, but when I checked it the pilot lights were lit but the furnace kept shutting off. I called our furnace man and told him I thought the thermostat was defective. He said "did you change the batteries?" I did not know that the gizmo even had batteries! In less than an hour I was toasty warm but still red in the face. Oh well I didn't have to pay for a repair bill! It started snowing here yesterday afternoon. We had gone to the stores and when the first snowflake fell we headed home. Didn't get much yesterday, but got another inch or two last night and this morning. In Northern Iowa most of our extreme cold weather and snow storms hit in January and February. Actually it is very pretty out. The snow that fell actually sparklies like fairy dust. Different types of snow for different types of weather conditions. I think we may have enough now that I can get out my snow shoes and find the trails through our wooded areas. I am so out of shape, but ten minutes outside might do me some good. Gypsie I also have SAD so have to be careful not to get down in the dumps during these cold winter months. Has anyone been brave enough to weigh themselves yet. I only gained 3 holiday pounds. I will get them off asap. This is the first time in years that I haven't gained 7 to 10 big ones. Good for me.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes you have sent my way. I am not going to celebrate today because we have Christmas round 2 tomorrow. Out 14 year old granddaughter had 2 rods put in her back on Dec, 10th and can't tolerate big crowds as she is scared of being josstled around or bumped into. She is coming with her family tomorrow and can hardly wait as it will be her first trip since coming home from the hospital. Anyway there are three of them and two of us so will just have chili soup and oyster stew and lots of great conversation. I think they are bringing a birthday cake as Candice works for a bakery. Well Chickie poos. I want to get some sewing done this afternoon and tidy up the house a little so best go Have a wonderful weekend! taa taa |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 10:08:18 AM
I finally have my feet firmly planted (in Oakhurst) until January 6th. Seems like I've barely had time to empty a suitcase before packing again. Now I'll play catch up (if I can) with the farmgirls. Thelma and Holly -- belated cards will go out in January. I left your birthday cards on the counter in Cupertino! DH was rushing me as he wanted to get on the road. I knew I would forget something. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of you. Holly I hope yours was great. And Thelma, I hope your day is wonderful, too. You share yours with our youngest son. He's 37 today.
Phyllis, I am sorry about your son. I do hope he is much better now.
Bunny, I've been admiring your creations! They are, as my great-granddaughter would say, TOTALLY CUTE! And, at least you got cards out!
Our Christmas (weekend) in Jackson was nice. The littlest one, Nevaeh (2-1/2 years old) was so fun. She would clap her hands and her whole little body would just s-h-i-v-e-r with excitement at each present. We had gotten her a wooden toy toddler size kitchen - stove, sink, dishes appliances - and all the food and pantry stuff (all wood, not a single bit of plastic) from the Junque Sale. It was in really wonderful condition and we washed it all up - it looked new. You would have thought we gave her the Magic Kingdom. It was truly delightful to watch her play. And she looked so cute in the clothes I had made her.
My DIL had made tamales as well as turkey and the fixin's. Tamales have become a Christmas tradition with our family since she became part of it about 9 years ago. She is Mexican and has the biggest heart, sunniest disposition and is the best cook ever! She goes all out with decorating and makes everything festive and jolly.
Then, after returning to Cupertino for Christmas Eve, DH, DS and I traveled to Benicia to spend Christmas Day with SIL, BIL, nephew, and MIL. More turkey, fixin's and pie. My MIL is one of the good ones. Quiet but always smiling. She's 92 and super healthy. Still lives alone (in Huntington Beach), travels but the doctor told her it might be time to let the family come to her. In protest, she compromised that she would stay in California. Family on the East Coast will have to come here - and they will.
Day before yesterday we loaded up my car for the trip here. Oh, and btw, to and from Jackson, to and from Benicia, and to here ... it rained heavily - all - the - way, each trip. DH only got crabby once, bless his heart. And then he said he was sorry. Yeah, he's a keeper!
It's chilly here. No snow at this elevation - yet. But the ground is frosty -- and I'll bet the roads are slippery. It's been wet.
Well, my dears, I need to get my morning coffee. I'll read back after while and hopefully catch up with everyone. I have been negligent, I know.
Okay -- time to start ponying up the New Year Resolutions. Who goes first?
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Edited by - darlystippie on Dec 28 2012 10:12:48 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 10:33:25 AM
Me. I will go first
1. Get the blog caught up and interesting. Write something intelligent or interesting or funny at least once a week. 2. Do something creative (FINISH IT) every week 3. Stay in these skinny jeans 4. Focus more on my spiritual side. MY creative side. My adventuresome side. My fun side. Ignore the rest. 5. Back to daily yoga 6 stay in touch with my friends and develop a better social life 7. Stop making excuses 8. Start dancing again and don't stop 9. Have the courage to say no when it is over and just move on. 10. Try to practice the laws of attraction and be the person I would like to meet 11. Let no one else define me. It's my life and I have to write the story myself. And take responsibility for it. 12. Burn old bridges and build new ones. I already started that.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 28 2012 10:38:41 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 11:02:59 AM
Gypsy, love your list. I won't be in my skinny jeans and don't have a social life, but I'm with ya on all the rest.
Darlys, sounds like Christmas was good. So nice to have a pleasant MIL. Would have loved to see pictures of Nevaeh. She sounds like a sweet heart.
Thelma, hope you have a great visit with your grand-daughter. Hope she gets to feeling better soon.
Phyllis, how is your son doing?
Well, for my New Years resolutions....
1. Eating better. Lighten up on the bread and stuff that makes me fat! 2. Exercise. Do something every day. If only for 15 minutes. 3. Mediate more. 4. Keep one day a week for myself to do what ever I want. 5. Make an effort to connect with people my age. I'm really quite a recluse. 6. Work at my blog and Etsy site and don't give up. 7. Stop worrying about the future. Live for today and now.
OK, there it is. Hope everyone has a wonderful safe New Years!
Back to the sewing machines!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 4:22:28 PM
1. accept that my world is not perfect, and i can only change me. 2. I know a lot about what i should be eating, now i need to implement that. so Cook more 3. Exercise. Yoga counts 4. take time for me, even it's only 15 minutes a day. 5. Garden more. 6. meditate 7. Sew, finish some of my prjects. so i can make time and space for the new ones i want to try. 8. Accept me
looking back over this it seems so straightforward, but i know making a living can get in the way of having a life. so just one step at a time.
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 5:19:55 PM
Good evening everyone,
I went for a walk outside in the snow this afternoon. Ross and I were supposed to go sledding but his new boots were wet and we could only find one pair of is mittens and they were wet as well. So, he played in the bathroom sink for an hour happy as could be. I took my camera and tried to find some good shots. I think I found some good ones but nothing spectacular.
I tried to upload some pictures onto my photobucket site but they upgraded their website and I have not had the time to figure it out. So, when I do I will post some pictures.
I took two of the dogs on the walk. Beecher is a ten year old 50 pound overweight Brittany Spaniel. He usually does not make the whole walk but he could not escape to a short cut home because the snow was too deep for him to snowplow through on his own. He walked in Joey's or my tracks. Joey is a five year old hound mix. He is tall and long.
Temperatures were in the low twenties most of the day. The clouds did part for some of the day and I was able to enjoy the brilliant blue winter sky. Seeing the sky and standing in the sunshine is like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.
Phyllis has your son had seizures before? I hope they figure out what caused it so it can be prevented so there will not be a next time.
Gypsy, live and learn about the thermostat. I too feel like an idiot when something small like a battery or a switch is what is wrong. Now you know and it will be what you check when it does not work next time.
Ginny, I have been thinking about you and your relationship issues. I would feel very frustrated, angry and hurt. If David wants to end the relationship then he should get off his butt and do so. If he has changed his mind then he should fess up to his earlier impulsiveness and talk. I hate being in relationships and spinning not knowing which route to take because none of the ones available are what I really want to take. I am no help in offering direction. Know I think about you and send you warm thoughts.
Hugs to you all.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 6:28:04 PM
It is cold and damp here, 19 degrees. I just cannot warm up tonight. I think I will warm up my rice bags and snuggle up with them, even warm the bed up with them, then in the middle of the night, I am wringig wet!! LOL!!! I worked today for my son, first time I have been out of the house all week. The we went for a hamburger so I did not have to cook when I got home from work. You all seem to have quite a list for the new year. I just want to lose some weight and get more exercise. I try on a daily basis to accomplish something. What do all of you do for New Year's Eve? We are usually in bed by 10:00. We have not gone out in about 20 years. Too many people out,even to go out for a nice dinner. I would rather be home in a nice cozy warm house. I need to hibernate until spring arrives, I think. I do not like the cold. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 6:34:00 PM
Holly I think it was Thelma with the thermostat issue. Jan I 'll bet when you and hubby retire to that motor home you will not go near the cold in the winter time. I wish I could spend January in Naples Florida and August in Maine. That would make me a happy camper
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 6:56:17 PM
Gypsy, you are so right. We plan on leaving here in October of 2014 and going south and working our way west and then north, but no more cold for us. We will go where the weather takes us!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 10:19:02 PM
Holly and Bunny, this is the first time he's ever had anything like this. He's a body builder, so he's always been very careful about his diet and his exercise routine. For him, it's like a science.
I talked to him today, and his GP seems to think it might have been a reaction to a medication that he's been taking, coupled with sleep deprivation and dehydration. It's a lousy combination, but I think if that's what it is, it will be preventable in the future. He still has to see the neurologist, because they won't release him to drive until he does.
I'm glad that everyone had a pleasant Christmas. I love reading about your adventures.
Thelma, I hope your granddaughter has a speedy recovery. I remember many years ago when I had surgery on my back and they put in a metal plate. I was so paranoid about people jostling me. Turned out that I had nothing to worry about. I go about my daily business now, and don't think about it, so I hope she gets through the first part of this real quick.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2012 : 10:52:46 PM
Gee, everyone seems to be so on top of things. And here I am still thinking about what to resolve besides
1. Remember to bring my bags INTO THE STORE for carrying my groceries 2. Grant myself permission .... 3. Plagiarize whatever I want from other's lists (especially Gypsy's) and 4. Make more resolutions 5. Forget my resolutions without guilt
New Year's Eve: We've been to a few parties and had a few parties in years past. Last year we nodded off on the couch before the ball came down. This year we will do the same. That, we discovered, was The Best!
Bunny Honey - if I figure out (again) how to get the pics off my cell phone to the computer and then over to MJF - I will post Nevaeh's glee. However, since that may take some time just please let me add that in addition to the excitement of getting gifts, the imp had a firm grasp on one word .... "mine!" Pretty funny, actually, as she was constantly being baited by the big kids. She knew how to protect her loot though.
It's supposed to drop to 26 tonight. Snow at 4000 feet - maybe a little lower. We are at 2500 feet - but it seems it's mostly uphill from here.
Holly, I hope UPS finally made it. Seems delivery dates are "optional."
I should be able to pop in with some regularity for a little while now. After all, I sure don't want you all to forget about me.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 29 2012 : 4:01:36 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was in the twenties and snowy all day. About 4:30 PM some sort of travel weather advisory went out until 6 tomorrow but I do not know if that is AM or PM. Cheri said it was very slippery on the way home. the alert said the winds were going to pick up.
Ross and I went sledding for a short while. His cold has made a rebound and has him snotting and hacking. Joey the bleeping dog likes to run along side the sledders and grab at feet and mittens when we are going fast. I yell at him and he does not understand why I do not want to play.
Talie had a basketball game today. He had one yesterday as well and only played one quarter. Today he played every quarter and came home happy. He scored four points and had many assists.
In the past we used to put the children to bed and have lobster that was expressed from Maine for a special treat. Then I used to take the children to First Night activities but Montpelier canceled theirs this year. Usually we go to bed early. The children stay up. They used to think that something physically special happened to ring in the New Year. Now they know it is just the clock ticking.
Phyllis I am glad the seizure is a one time occurrence for your son. My oldest adult special needs foster daughter has seizures on an irregular basis. The neurologists have all told me that the most they can hope for with medication is to reduce the number by half. I hope that your son never has another and never has fear of having another.
Any one heard from Marianne?
Let me think what I would like to do better at next year.
1. I am going to try to say something nice to each of my teenagers everyday. Not just a bit of a conversation but some thing nice.
2. I am going to try spend out door time with the little boys everyday to teach them how not to be afraid of the woods.
3. I am going to try to be a little social with adults in real life.
4. I am going to try to put more vegetables from the garden into the freezer.
5. I am going to make and effort to have adult time with Cheri and not just no children time.
Sweet dreams for everyone.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 29 2012 : 4:29:14 PM
Holly, that is a great list you have there. Hope it works for you. How much snow do you have now? We have not had any since last week, but we are in for very cold below zero weather next week. I would rather have the snow. I hope Ross feels better soon. Have you heard anything about the new boys coming yet? Darlys, dear, we could never forget about you. You are part of this forum that would not be the same without you. Glad you have more time to be with us. Bunny, how is the sewing going? Do you sew all day, or take a break in between? Phyllis,hope that is all that is wrong with your son. When I get too dehydrated, I get dizzy. I drink too much coffee and not enough water. Going to watch some tv before bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Dec 29 2012 : 4:36:19 PM
Oh Thelma - Thank you for the BIG laugh about your furnace! I needed it today!
Phyllis I am so sorry to hear about your son. I do hope you find out what happened soon. We will all send you and he positive thoughts and prayers! Keep us posted!
Pam, I've thought about having Christmas for all of my local empty nesters! It's so hard to have those babies of ours grow up!
Thank you Holly for thinking about my odd relationship! I totally agree! I would confront him today, but I'm already mad at him so a fight now would go nowhere good. Keep me in your prayers. The walk sounds soothing and fun and I have to agree, when I look at the blue sky I feel like all my troubles are gone.
It snowed here more than we expected and woke up to about 10 inches or more of snow Friday. Even today all of the tree branches are hanging and you would have thought it had snowed just last night as we have not had any wind so everything looks like it did Friday a.m. It's breathtaking! And to see the sun glitter on the snow and ice hanging was a needed reminder of how beautiful our world is! I really should have dressed for the outdoors and taken pictures, but I just wasn't up for it.
We are suppose to get more snow tonight and tomorrow. I hope we get some wind with it or all the heavy snow will damage all the tree branches. I think I am more like Janet and could just stay inside all winter and be content!
Darlys, we will never forget you! The adventures you have just from one house to another are stories not to be forgotton. Nor is all the advice you have given me. Thank you!
Resolution: I have only one right now and that is to lose weight! Otherwise I'm like Darlys and will ditto everyone elses since they sound wonderful!
Ok, I'm going to show you what people in Down East Maine have the opportunity to watch drop New Years Eve and now you can too! Just watch CNN this year, they are suppose to be here and in Fl. We go to Eastport which is about 1 hour away. At 11:00 P.M. we see this drop for our Canadian neighbors.

Then at midnight we see this in honor of the history of our coastal communities.
 It's a Sardine. Most coastal towns had sardine factories "back in the day". Both are lowered all of 3 stories by rope because that is the highetst building in Eastport! Once the Sardine is lowered, the tradition is to kiss the sardine. Maybe that's my problem, I don't. I have no desire to get someone's cold, lol! If David isn't called into the jail, we would go up for a late dinner & check out the shops that stay open or go to the bar. But, this year, I have no idea. If we go, I'll bring a sign saying hi to my farmgirls! How more bizarre can we get around here, huh?
Did I ever tell you about my friends and I creating "The Maine Blackfly Breeder's Association"? A story for another time. I already wrote a book. We have plenty of winter time on our hands around here, that much I'll say!
Happy New Years Girls!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Edited by - Oggie on Dec 29 2012 4:39:29 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Dec 29 2012 : 4:50:53 PM
we normally just stay home, it is too cold and too busy to try to go out when the best place is cuddled together in front of the fire. Plus i have to work tomorrow and Monday.
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Dec 29 2012 : 6:25:30 PM
Hi All,
Today my husband and I took the dog and went hiking in the South Mountain range behind our house. It was a beautiful day for a hike and I love "getting away from it all". When we got back I did a little shopping and stocked up on Christmas items for next year : ) I love Christmas and enjoy starting 365 days in advance. I am jealous of everyone who has snow and I am trying to talk my husband into driving up to Flagstaff tomorrow to go cross-country skiing or sledding.
My New Year's resolutions are in 3 categories. My word for the year is "Balance".
1. walk or hike daily for fitness. 2. School...defend my dissertation proposal in March and pass my comprehensive exam in April. 3. Family and spend as much time with my kids, husband, parents, extended family and friends as possible.
This doesn't seem like a long list when I look at it, but there is a lot involved in the actual doing of these things.
Stay warm, everyone, and have a good night.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 29 2012 : 6:31:51 PM
Short note tonight
Ginny I absolutely love your state. Probably not so much in the winter but it was wonderful in September Ginny I will naturally have to add my two cents of advice regarding your relationship. Ask yourself this question and be clear on your answer: "do I want change, or do I want out?" It will affect how you approach the problems. Your DH should ask himself the same question.
Yes I want to know where Marianne is, too. I don't care how much fun she's having -- she needs to get herself back here, we need her. I say we give her a couple more days then send out the posse ( how do you spell that?)
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 30 2012 : 03:49:02 AM
Hi gals, I'm here. I've been keeping up with everyone's comings and goings. I had a bit of post-holiday melancholy and didn't want to infect anyone else...
Phyllis, I am so sorry to hear of your son's seizure. It must be so worrisome for you and so inconvenient for him to have to hope to be cleared to get his license back. I pray it is a one time event.
Thelma, Your granddaughter had the same surgery as I did at 15, I believe. It is frightening to think you might be jostled. I hope she is doing well. Glad you have an honest furnace repairman!
Gypsy, thanks for thinking of me. Hope your recovery is speeding along.
Holly, how fortunate you are to have the youngsters to see the season through their eyes and how wise you are to recognize this. Thanks for sharing your adventures and reminding us all to rejoice in the simplicity of nature's beauty.
Bunny, you certainly deserve to be able to create all day, everyday. Wish there was some way to wave a wand and make that happen for you. In your own cozy little home, of course.
Ginny, I can tell you have a more "can do" attitude about your life right now, hold on to that girl! You will come out of this exactly where you want to be.
Thank you all for the lovely cards for my birthday. It made such a difference to have so many wishes and wonderful tuck ins. I had not thanked Bunny for the gorgeous card and tea carrier. How pretty they both are. You have such inventive ideas. You include such nice touches and as a recipient, I felt very special. I proudly showed everyone that happened through my door the past week and have to tell you there were so many OOhs and AAhs! Holly, I received your package Friday and I was so touched to get the books. They were so perfect for me. The wildflower book has so many photos that I think I will be able to identify everything! And I will enjoy adding my comments to the horse diary. Thank you so much. I will have your Bunny card in the mail to you this week.
Missed you all, glad to be back! Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 30 2012 : 03:54:25 AM
Oh, I forgot about New Year's Resolutions. I generally have the same one every year.
"Try to do a bit better today than yesterday." It's simple, all encompassing, and when I fall a bit short and "break" it, I don't feel so bad because I can start over tomorrow.
Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 30 2012 : 04:14:19 AM
Oh, good grief. I missed shouting out Happy Birthday to first Holly and then Thelma on the forum. Hope your days were lovely. Holly, it sounds as though you took the weather keeping your friends at home in stride. I'm sure you felt loved and celebrated with the family with whom you shared your cake.
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 30 2012 : 4:24:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
We have about 15 inches on the ground. It is up to my knees. I told my brother this and he laughed. He said if Cheri said that we would know the snow is about 8 inches deep. My brother is 6'6" tall and I am almost 6' unless age has shrunk us both. Cheri is only 5'1" or so. It was about 8 degrees all day with a wind. It was so cold out. I am not complaining Jan. I know that we need to have below zero weather to keep the nasties like chiggers and poisonous snakes in the south. I agree with Ginny that the sun shining on the snow is beautiful. Today the sun was out most of the day. That beautiful winter blue sky is awesome. Why when it is so beautiful is it so cold. I did stay in all day except chores.
It is amazing to me that there is a place where one could have nice balmy weather and drive four hours or so and go skiing. I guess that is true here with people who drive up from New Jersey to ski here in Vermont I just do not think of it that way I guess.
Anyone heard from Nancy? I do miss hearing from her and her doings.
I had a boring day mostly. I folded laundry and got Talie to clean his room. I am trying a bit every week to get him organized. This week he had to separate the kinds of clothes on different shelves. He told me he liked to have everything stuffed on his shelves. I told him if he hoped of being organized enough to go to college he better practice now. Convoluted reasoning but he did it. Now to keep after him.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 30 2012 : 5:40:53 PM
Holly, it was cold here today also. When the sun shines, it is very cold here. The snow here also was so sparkly, like diamonds. That is when all we have to do is look out and we know it is cold out there. I put most of the Christmas decorations away, and took down the tree today while Bob watched football. There are so many projects I want to start on, candlemaking and soap, I have everything to get going, it is just to have the time to do it. Bob is off work until Wednesday again. Seems I do not get much done when he is home. It is hard to believe tomorrow is the last day of the year already. Where did the year go? I hope spring comes fast this year, looking forward to being outdoors and gardening again. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 31 2012 : 07:25:14 AM
Holly, I think organization and time management are two of the most important skills to teach/encourage in youngsters. If he can manage himself to the best of his abilities it will serve him well. You are doing a great job in focusing on what is important.
The end of 2012 is here and like everyone else, I am looking forward to a joyful and rewarding 2013. I hope you all have a safe and happy evening ringing in the New Year.
Marianne |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |