This Fall I'm trying a new hatchery and going with Welp.
I get kind of sad when hubby has to beg for his eggs because I'm selling them all. So to help distinguish his from theirs, I opted for the super dark brown breeds. We are gonna try Wellsummers and Javas. And of course, I can't resist those Brahamas both darks and and buffs. All total will be 25, due the minimum shipping. Wasn't too keen on that one, but IDEAL didn't have those first two breeds at all.
Cool thing this time is, the local post office has shifted where chicks are sent. So the other local one will be happy to first call and then bring the chicks TO the house! THAT's a first!! But it's kind of like pacing the floor waiting for a baby to be born.
Chicks were shipped yesterday and "should" arrive tomorrow- YEA!
I've never ordered from Welp, but I've heard good reviews on BYC. I think that's awesome that you will be getting a call and then the chicks will arrive at your door! How awesome :)
Be sure to get lots of pictures of your new babies! We all love chicks :)
~Hen 4316~ Just a farmgirl in Western Montana. Starting a family and raising up a small ranch using natural resources.
YEA!! New babies arrived w/ the usual mail. These days the lady gets here around 9:30. So when the call cane from the P O at 5:55, that gave plenty of time to get the light plugged in.
Everybody arrived alive and healthy. There is one baby who looks like she has spraddle. So I'll be splinting her leg and hoping for the best.
Kudos to Welp. They shipped on Wednesday and chicks arrived today. Very predictable.
To date I have done business with IDEAL, Cackle and now Welp. Thumbs up to all three. But Cackle included food gel when chicks were shipped in mid-February. So that was an added bonus.