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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - Sep 30 2012 :  3:06:10 PM  Show Profile
I have a question I have been thinking about. When you do something good for someone, or get a promotion or a really good job, clean your house or just anything like that, do you feel like you "deserve" something? Like an ice cream or a movie or even a beer or a drink? I would love to hear what you all have to say about this. I have been wondering about it.

Happiness is simple.

Emily Anna
True Blue Farmgirl

863 Posts

Fort Atkinson WI
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Posted - Sep 30 2012 :  3:55:39 PM  Show Profile
For me, it all depends on the situation.

If I do something good for someone, I think that is my reward. I feel like if you reward yourself for doing something good for someone else, you are doing it for the wrong reason. You should do it out of the goodness of your heart and with that, you will have satisfaction.

If I were to get a promotion or good job, I would probably reward myself by going out to celebrate with a close friend or my family. For that type of hard work I think you deserve a little treat.

When it comes to cleaning the house or a hard days work in the yard (things of that nature) I don't think you "deserve" a treat per say because they are your household duties. BUT I probably would treat myself to, like you said, a movie or something simple like ice cream because I could justify it as treat worthy! lol.

I never really thought about this before. Curious as to what others will say and you too, Kristin.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 30 2012 :  6:41:14 PM  Show Profile
Emily, You said it all. I agree with all that you said.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

1513 Posts

Renton WA
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Posted - Sep 30 2012 :  7:16:07 PM  Show Profile
This is an interesting question Kristin. Like Emily I've never really thought about it before...but I'm curious to hear what others have on their minds. I would never consider giving myself a treat for doing something good for someone else. The good deed is always reward enough in itself. I'm also not one to celebrate much over promotions or other personal achievements. However, I do sometimes promise myself a treat after doing chores or cleaning house if I'm having trouble getting myself motivated to get the job done. It's usually something along the lines of a couple of hours for a painting or craft project, some genealogy research time, a special snack or a hike or walk.

Cheers! ~ Marilyn

Farm Girl No. 1100

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Edited by - edlund33 on Sep 30 2012 7:16:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

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Posted - Oct 01 2012 :  08:05:40 AM  Show Profile
Kris, when I do something for myself; like loose weight, or walk for an hour, or clean the freezer, YES, I usually do something for me. I'll bake brownies and eat two or three! If I do something for someone else, no... I don't expect to be rewarded. Nice topic.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 01 2012 :  08:35:32 AM  Show Profile
Nope, I don't feel that way at all. I like to treat myself to something good every once in a while or receive an unexpected surprise just as much as the next person; but, truthfully, I feel doing good or doing the right thing or blessing others is a loving thing, as well as an honor, a privilege and a responsibility. And when I'm not feeling like doing it, I remember that there was One who didn't "feel" like doing what He did for me, but He did it out of His love for me, even though I didn't ask, even though sometimes I forget or ignore or fail to recognize or consider. To be loved like that is beyond measure. If something I am able to do for someone makes them feel even a pinch of His love, then I'm going to do it, regardless of how it makes me feel. And if the gesture, the thing I do, goes unnoticed, so be it. I know He knows, and maybe that makes His heart glad somehow. That's good enough for me. I guess it just boils down to this: I don't do things to receive, I do things out of love. I've already received His reward, and I am grateful beyond measure. :)

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 01 2012 :  10:19:24 AM  Show Profile
You are so right, Nini. Gratitude is what it's all about. To me it is.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Palouse Washington
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Posted - Oct 01 2012 :  11:01:13 AM  Show Profile
Since I'm a stay at home mom on our farm now, I feel like there is such a mountain of work to get done all the time! I always feel guilty for not getting more done. When I do finish a big cleaning of the house, or another big project... its usually because I don't allow myself to do the things I like doing until I get it finished. So when I finish I then feel justified in doing something I want to do as my reward.

AlyssaMarie @ Link'd Hearts Ranch
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Oct 01 2012 :  11:44:39 AM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
I believe that what goes around comes around and I've been the blessed recipient of that kind of thing.
When I get my work done I have a cup of English Toffee Cappuccino or a nice tea, sit down with my ricebag and breathe, thankful it is done!
For the most part, I don't believe I'm particularly "deserving" but I AM blessed because of God's love for me, His provision, His care, His strength . . . because of HIM! He is faithful to me and I am blessed!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

living life -

from my hands -

the "Purple Thistle"

from my heart -

from my hubby -
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

11303 Posts

chickamauga ga
11303 Posts

Posted - Oct 01 2012 :  12:42:12 PM  Show Profile
Well, that's really what it all boils down too. We will all be rewarded some day. I was asking to question in response to someone I know who goes and gets some high persentage alcoholic drink and gets drunk because they did something and felt they deserved to do this. I don't even think about rewarding myself for a "job well done" because I do things all the time around this farm and for others and I would be a huge big person if I ran out and got ice cream or an alcoholic if I drank. But each person has to speak for their own selves. And I can't say what is right or wrong for them.I have enjoyed reading everyone's responses. Thank you all.


Happiness is simple.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1547 Posts

Buckley WA
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Posted - Oct 01 2012 :  9:38:41 PM  Show Profile
No rewards for giving service to others. It's a blessing to serve.
A promotion or other event- happy dance and calling hubby is usually enough reward.

Cleaning? Heck yeah. I am SO unmotivated at times. I don't eat a treat- but I don't feel guilty for working in the garden or working on a craft or reading a book or... being on the computer! Matter of fact- I have my 15-minute-chore-rule.... I set the timer for 15 minutes to do a chore I don't like and then work as hard as I can to get as much done as possible. Then when the timer rings, I can switch to something else I'd "rather" be doing for 15 minutes. Then back to a chore. It's a motivation game for me.

The funny thing is... there are lots of things that others would find tedious that I love to do... like canning. It's so much work! But it's not "work" to me.

My biggest rewards are when I have a quiet afternoon at home to accomplish things I want to do.

Do what you love, love what you do.
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True Blue Farmgirl

917 Posts

cincinnati ohio
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Posted - Oct 02 2012 :  07:06:51 AM  Show Profile
I agree with Nini. I think it is a privilege to be able to do something for someone. What makes me feel bad though is when I don't join in when things are done for others. Sometimes I just don't want to give to people and it is usually people that I know. At Church if they ask for donations I will not always choose to give and then I feel bad. I will easily give to a stranger. I do feel excited when I do a good job for someone and am just happy with myself. When I clean or organize at home I am just so excited afterward and the same way when I finish a craft. I feel very happy with a job well done.
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prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 02 2012 :  08:28:55 AM  Show Profile
I do think it's nice to relax a bit with a favorite tea or coffee after hard chores. Just sit and relax and enjoy the clean home, etc!

Have celebrated after promotion situations by going out for nice dinner, etc.

Good deeds? I agree that blessings come from that. 'what goes around, comes around' just in various ways. Haven't looked to be blessed? God just let's it happen sometimes!!

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Sue Feely
True Blue Farmgirl

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Buffalo New York
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Posted - Oct 02 2012 :  5:00:12 PM  Show Profile
Sometimes I do; but usually Im just happy to accomplish something that I have been wanting to tackle or it makes me feel good to do a good deed, but sometimes...
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