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 My Tiny Farm Garden Harvest- Canning!
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

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Gainesville Fl
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Posted - Jun 21 2012 :  4:23:38 PM  Show Profile
About a month ago, I was proud to share my very tiny garden of 1 Roma Tomato plant, Green Beans, Radishes, and Basil and Lemon Thyme. You may also remember the unexpected arrival of my Scarecrow too. The rascal!

But this tiny space really outdid itself and we went from this:

To an explosion of tomtatoes resulting in a canning project of Salsa!

I used a very simple recipe of tomatoes, onions, jalapeno peppers and fresh cilantro. My youngest daughter loves salsa and has been begging me to make her some. Her wish came true!

Meanwhile, the radishes ripened and so I made some homemade bread with the grain grinder, spread it with butter and added sliced radishes on top. Crunchy, spicy, and wonderful to eat!

I also added some fresh chopped lemon thyme to the softened butter to give it an extra perk.

We have continued to enjoy many suppers of my green beans. We still have flowers and beans coming even in these 90 degree Florida days!

Then last weekend, I purchased a half bushel of zipper cream peas!

And prepared them microwave style for the freezer.

And finally, I turned Florida peaches and blueberries into jam using Mary Jane's Chillover powder. It is delicious! And with her product, you can use less sugar and still get a firm product so it is healthier too.

And did you notice who is still taking ALL of the credit for the finished product?

I might add that he did NOT lift one straw arm to help! But his grin is so cutethat I can't help but enjoy his brazen sense of humor. Indeed!
The cute 4th of July plate on the top left of the stove shelf was made by my swap buddy, Connie Warren, in a very fun Patriotic Swap we did on the MJF Forum.
So, how is your garden going and have you had a chance to enjoy any of the fruits of your labors? I would love to hear about your successes!

Having fun down on My Tiny Farm!

Please stop by and share recipes. There is lots of summer and canning left to do! And I always have room at the kitchen table if you can stay awhile for some Tea or coffee!

Sugar Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

108 Posts

Pamela Jean
Sugarloaf Ca
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Posted - Jun 21 2012 :  6:48:58 PM  Show Profile
Wow good job!


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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 21 2012 :  7:38:40 PM  Show Profile
How wonderful to be canning and reaping harvest from the gardens this time of the year. We do not get our crops in until fall. Great job with all the food prep you did, and LOVE the scarecrow!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Emily Anna
True Blue Farmgirl

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Fort Atkinson WI
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Posted - Jun 21 2012 :  7:39:51 PM  Show Profile

How fun! It's always fun to see the fruits of your labor. I love, love, love that stove!!!

My dad has an amazing garden. He spends most of his free time out there and it shows! I don't spend nearly as much time out there, but I do help. So far we've frozen peas, rhubarb, strawberries, kohlrabi, spinach, and we have the first batch of broccoli to freeze. We bought a bushel of Georgia peaches from a company that brings them up and we canned them. We've been eating the lettuce and snap peas. So much more to come. It's fun to see everything grow and the different plants.

Love your pictures, and the salsa and jam looks amazing. That scarecrow is pretty sassy for taking all the credit! ;)

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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Jun 22 2012 :  11:57:15 AM  Show Profile
Wow! How nice and such a wonderful bounty of good stuff.

Farmgirl #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

131 Posts

Tavares Florida
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Posted - Jun 29 2012 :  03:40:03 AM  Show Profile
How Fun to see all the canning you have been doing WONDERFUL.

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True Blue Farmgirl

181 Posts

Southern NJ
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Posted - Jun 29 2012 :  04:47:39 AM  Show Profile
Everything look so yummy, Winnie! Is it just me or does everything just look better on that stove of yours??
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Okie Farm Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

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Mary Beth
McLoud Oklahoma
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Posted - Jun 29 2012 :  05:51:35 AM  Show Profile
Beautiful!!! You have done such a good job. Congrats!! :-)

Mary Beth
The Sovereign Lord is my strength - Habakkuk 3:19
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Ellsinore MO
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Posted - Jun 29 2012 :  06:03:03 AM  Show Profile
Oh, Winnie, how awesome to see all that you have accomplished!!! For some strange reason, I cannot post pictures here from my iPad! : (

My Queen Anne's Lace jelly turned out delicious and I can barely keep up with canning my salsa, green beans, and pickles...this a great time of the year! Oh, did I mention that I loved seeing your pics? Yea, I think I may have mentioned it! Hehehe...


Auntie M
Farmgirl # 4062
That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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St. Cloud Florida
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Posted - Jun 29 2012 :  6:58:23 PM  Show Profile
Good going Winnie, I have frozen tomatoes, okra and corn so far. Oh also made some peach jam from my peach trees. Love my garden....I am not that far from you...Maybe one day we can meet . Maybe on my way to Alabama to visit my sister who has a fabulous garden this year also...

Seize The Day!
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6707 Posts

Gainesville Fl
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Posted - Jun 30 2012 :  12:15:48 PM  Show Profile
Dorinda~ Yes, maybe we can meet one day on your way up I-75 to Alabama! So, glad to hear that your garden has been successful too.

Winnie #3109
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