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Barnyard Buddies: Airsacculitis in chicks?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
194 Posts
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Posted - Apr 26 2012 : 05:32:50 AM
I went to check on my baby chicks last night, and found that one of them was bigger so I picked him up and he felt like he was full of air.
So I got to looking up things on my phone, and the only thing I could come up with was Airsacculitis.
The chicks are on medicated chick starter, and their habitat is as clean as I can keep it.
I was thinking about putting antibiotics in his water.. and separating him from the others.
Has anyone ever had this before, or know if this is what he has or how to cure it? Any help would be appreciated.. 
Farmgirl Sister #2974 ~
"The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears"
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Apr 26 2012 : 5:52:33 PM
Ok I have some questions.. what are they walking/bedding on? it wood shavings, bedding hay, paper towels? Is their feed really powdery Are they in a closed container...low air movement If any of this is true then what you have could be irratation to the lungs & sinuses caused by too much dust in the air & this poor baby is getting the affects from it.....this baby may be more active than the others so its breathing harder & faster & not able to clear out the gunk so its settling in......If using wood shavings or bedding type hay keep that but put a layer of paper towels over it...not newspaper...too slippery for them right now..... if feed overly dusty, wet it instead of giving it dry Area they are in may need to be larger so they have a bit more space to move around in so they can get away from dusty areas till it settles..... if they do have airsacculitus this will greatly help ease it, its not a death sentence if caught quickly.......Nor does the chick need to be might want to take a tablespoon of vicks & melt it in boiling water & set that in the container/area where the chicks can't get to it but it will treat the air & ease their breathing & allow them to sneeze/cough up the this nightly when they have settled in to sleep for a few nights...if you don't have vicks if you have peppermint leaves use those instead but again make sure theres no way they can get to it......keep us posted please.....Michele'
Chickens RULE! hen #2622 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1096 Posts
1096 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2012 : 9:24:02 PM
I had a little hen like that and it turned out to just be a genetic defect. She was perfectly healthy, just had air under her skin because of some defect. My daughter had researched it out. Just be sure not to do anything like pop it. I know it's weird, like a balloon. But she was happy and healthy. Laura
Horse poor in the boonies. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2027 Posts
Central MN
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True Blue Farmgirl
194 Posts
194 Posts |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 05:43:18 AM
Michele' I went and got some advice from a fella that has commercial chicken houses and he told me that everything was ok, and to just leave him alone, he said sometimes it will go away on it's own.. He also told me it was not the airsacculitis and he explained what that was a little more to me. But he said that the chick looked healthy and everything was ok. Thank you for all your help. The chicks are on pine bedding, I moved them out of the water trough I had put them in for the first few weeks, they were on paper towels. and this little guy has been ok for about 2 weeks. The guy I was talking to, also said it could be a bruise that swelled. i had a couple babies get out of the coop and my dog "helped" me catch them. she didn't bite them but she did pin them in a corner so I could catch them, so I'm not sure.
Laura: I think I might have the same genetic defect that your hen had :) I'm glad to hear that she was happy and healthy!
Farmgirl Sister #2974 ~
"The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears"
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
1257 Posts |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 09:21:01 AM
Tara that is good news & glad you had someone you could take the baby to...yeah I could see a bruise if the dog sorta pinned them for you while you caught used to have a old blind chowchow who passed last year that loved when I brought baby chicks in...she would try to bath them & would let them climb up on her & go to sleep....the bathing part was funny cause her tongue was so long she would flip them trying to lick them...but they all loved her & let her do it....miss that old girl she was momma to everything that came in the house....anyway so happy to hear the good news...Michele'
Chickens RULE! hen #2622 |
Barnyard Buddies: Airsacculitis in chicks?  |