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 My "honorary rooster" and his new house
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Madison WI
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  07:54:33 AM  Show Profile
This is Kabeer. I call him my "honorary rooster" because he starts singing as soon as the sun comes up!

Ric bought him a new cage, and we moved him in yesterday. What do you think?

A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee....

True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  08:24:26 AM  Show Profile
He is adorable! And, what a nice and fancy cage/house!!!!!

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Athol Ma
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  08:52:24 AM  Show Profile
oh now that is sooo cute & funny too cause I was looking for a real Roo!...Michele'

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True Blue Farmgirl

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quartz hill ca
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  09:18:51 AM  Show Profile
a cute cage, make sure he isn't chewing on the plastic "house parts", and he needs more perches of differant diameters (manzanita branches are the best), a swing, plus a tassel monster for him to preen...oh and move his feed dishes to where he has a perch in front of them, those dishes are not meant for him to perch on the edge , he's a very pretty yellow pied, and you will find he might mimic some words...

"Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Madison WI
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  3:57:05 PM  Show Profile
Tina, he has all of the above and more. I took that picture when he was first getting acquainted with the place. Luckily, he isn't a chewer! I should take another picture with all his "furniture" moved in.

I guess I should have mentioned I have been owned by budgies for 25 years...Kabeer himself just turned 9.

A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee....
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True Blue Farmgirl

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quartz hill ca
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  4:27:23 PM  Show Profile
Alyce, sorry assumed he was a new addition, I bred keets and teils for many years, and hand raised the babies...I tend to offer advice without asking if you need it,lol...

"Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Central MN
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  4:57:33 PM  Show Profile
Cute rooster! I tell you I won't show this house to any of my roosters outside or they'd be jealous with how fancy your roo has it!

--* FarmMilkMama *--

Farmgirl Sister #1086

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Renton WA
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  6:05:31 PM  Show Profile
Ohh, Kabeer is such a pretty, pretty spoiled bird! My what a fancy cage! And he's taking to it so quickly!

I know what you mean about singing as soon as the sun is up. I have two Parakeets (Ollie and Mollie) that I adopted a few years ago. Sleeping in is a thing of the past with them....they start calling me the moment it starts to get light outside. If I don't answer them they keep getting louder and louder until I whistle back to them. If that don't work, they fly right in the bedroom. We just upsized them to a bigger cage with a wider door they can fly through a few months ago, and it took them a couple of weeks to get used to it.

Cheers! ~ Marilyn

Farm Girl No. 1100

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Madison WI
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  6:29:49 PM  Show Profile
Tina, that is more than okay! I tend to do the same thing! Maybe that is where Kabeer gets it...he doesn't just mimic, he never shuts up!

When we first showed him a picture of his new house, he sat and thought for a while. About an hour later he blurted, " Oh my gosh, I've got a chimney!" We had to double-check the website, but sure enough--chimney. Notice what he was close to in that picture? Hmmm....

"Normal" pet? What is that? *lol*

A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee....
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Madison WI
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  6:31:54 PM  Show Profile
Amy, that might be a good idea! Reminds me, his new dishes came today so I can replace these....

A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee....
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Madison WI
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  6:35:55 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Marilyn, he really seems happy with it!

That is such a keet thing to do! I had best not let Kabeer see that, or he might get ideas. Kid gets up too early as it is!

A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee....
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True Blue Farmgirl

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DeRidder Louisiana
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  6:36:15 PM  Show Profile
So cute, cute, cute. And what a mansion! Marlee

God is the painter, he paints the picture. And his son builds it, for he is the Master Carpenter!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Madison WI
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  6:38:52 PM  Show Profile
Thank you! Ric has dubbed it 101 Featherstone Lane. *giggles*

A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee....
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Apr 25 2012 :  7:05:53 PM  Show Profile
What a nice cage for Kabeer. 25 years ago I went to a rummage sale and they had parakeets and cockatiels and eggs and some that just hatched. I was so intrigued, they gave me some. I ended up with 13 birds, so we built an aviary in a nook in our house that was wall to wall, ceiling to floor. They loved it, but after about a year, it got to be too much work, so we gave them away and tore down the aviary. I did enjoy it for awhile. Then a few years later, it was 11 turtles!!!! I seem to go overboard, but now I only have one dog and a husband! LOL!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

922 Posts

Madison WI
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Posted - Apr 26 2012 :  12:25:28 PM  Show Profile
See, I have to avoid birds in pet stores for that reason. Every time I see budgies, I want to take every last one home with me! Apparently I don't want A budgie, I want ALL the budgies!

A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee....
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