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 Plantain: The Wonder Weed
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - May 09 2011 :  1:34:46 PM  Show Profile
I have got to talk about this plant. It's great. And it's growing out in your yard right now!

It's great for bee stings. Just grab a few leaves, chew them up and spit them on the sting. I know, it sounds gross, but it works. And fast. Within minutes you'll not even know you were stung.

Also for so many other things. I had made a tincture using crushed up plantain leaves and ACV in a jar. Put it in a dark place and shake once a day for a month. Then strain and use. You can use as an astringent for your face. Also it's great for poison ivy! I got into some Sat while using old hay as mulch. I didn't realize there was poison ivy in there til the next day. My left forearm was swollen and I thought it was a spider bite. But there was another spot near my wrist. So I grabbed some cotton balls and soaked them in the ACV mix and rubbed it on my arm. Already better! Can hardly tell it's there. And no itching at all! I only get a few blister spots, never a breakout rash. But this stuff is great for that.

If you look up plantain, you will find so many good benefits from it. And it's right in your yard. Free for the taking. So go out and look and get some. Keeo it on hand for bee stings and poison ivy, to name just a few uses.


Happiness is simple.

True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Wisconsin
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Posted - May 09 2011 :  4:26:36 PM  Show Profile
I have a jar of tincture sitting in the cupboard!
thanks for the reminder
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paulas party flowers
True Blue Farmgirl

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golden valley az
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Posted - May 09 2011 :  4:39:11 PM  Show Profile
hi chris...thats one of the plants I still need to collect for my medicinal garden..the other is comfrey,which one of the girlls has...i may ask for a start if it would grow that way.. Plantain doesn't grow wild here. I would have to plant it. Then maybe it would grow wild... Lol..paula

the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller
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paulas party flowers
True Blue Farmgirl

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golden valley az
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Posted - May 10 2011 :  12:36:54 PM  Show Profile
does it work for ant bites.. I get alot of them. Thanks

the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - May 10 2011 :  2:55:36 PM  Show Profile
Paula, I would think any bite would be helped by plantain. I wish I had known this when one of my granddaughters got in a fire ant hill. I'm sure it would have helped. And fast. We have lots of fire ant hills here and I am always stepping on them in the garden. So I will try next time I get bit by them.


Happiness is simple.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Paint Lick KY
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Posted - May 13 2011 :  3:03:51 PM  Show Profile
I wish I would've known about this when I got stung by a wasp! I'll have to look and see if I have any growing!

Farmgirl #2879 :)
Starbucks and sushi to green fried tomatoes and corn pudding-I wouldn't change it for the world.
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - May 13 2011 :  5:34:17 PM  Show Profile
You should have some growing in your yard up there, Megan. It's really so good to have around for all sorts of things.


Happiness is simple.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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New Britain CT
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Posted - May 19 2011 :  2:15:08 PM  Show Profile
Hi Kris,
What a great tip. We have plantain all over the yard growing,right now it's the ONLY thing growing! What is ACV that you put in the jar with the plantain to make the tincture? and how long do you think it will keep? My hubby gets poison ivy and it would really help.

In God We Trust
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Sharon Springs NY
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Posted - May 20 2011 :  07:53:12 AM  Show Profile
ACV is apple cider vinegar, I think. While at an outdoor summer party a couple summers back, I got bit by something that iched like mad! The homeowner went to the lawn, pick some plantain, rubbed it back and forth in her hands to "release" the oils and stuck it on my arm. Impressive! I've loved her ever since, lol.

~~Kim French~~
Farmgirl Sister #2997
Farmgirl at Heart From The Start
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - May 21 2011 :  06:28:16 AM  Show Profile
Yes, it's apple cider vinegar. Sorry. I just cut up enough plantain to put in a quart jar and pour enough ACV to cover. Put it in a dark cupboard and shake once a day for a month. Then strain it and use the liquid for all kinds of things. It's so good to have around. It should keep up to a year, I would think. You could refridgerate it to keep longer.

My Dd called last night. Her hubby is covered in poison ivy right now. I am going to take him some today, poor guy. He gets it all over.



Happiness is simple.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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New Britain CT
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Posted - May 21 2011 :  3:35:53 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the explaination, I'm gonna go pick some today and keep it on hand.

In God We Trust
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Farmgirl in Training

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Jonas Pennsylvania
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Posted - May 23 2011 :  05:55:29 AM  Show Profile  Send mountainmomma a Yahoo! Message
Thanks for the tip Kris. I knew about chewing it and using it that way but I didn't know how to make the tincture.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Ashland City TN
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Posted - May 23 2011 :  1:47:47 PM  Show Profile
Cool! I thought all it was good for was "shooting" the flower tips off at your friends. Any body know what i am talking about? Actually I have chewed and applied it for bee stings but I did not know to put it in ACV. I'll do that next chance I get. Most folks won't chew it when you tell them to and they don't want my spit on them either so it has been hard to get them to use plantain. LOL

"I have three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for company."
Author: Henry David Thoreau
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - May 23 2011 :  3:34:03 PM  Show Profile
Hey, when you are in pain, it doesn't matter who's spit it is! As long as it works. My grands don't mind at all. I hope it works for y'all. I just sent all I had left of my first batch to my SIL. Poor guy's covered in poison ivy. I wish I could find some Jewel Weed too. It's supposed to grow near poison ivy and is a cure for it too. I am going to try to find a good picture of it.

Connie, I do know what you're talking about. I never could do it though.


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True Blue Farmgirl

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Ashland City TN
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Posted - May 23 2011 :  5:42:06 PM  Show Profile
Kris- Look for Jewel weed in woody areas near creeks or boggy places. It really likes water. It could already be blooming where you are. It really works on poison ivy. Try to pick the fresh green growth for the most juice. An oatmeal bath may help temporarily ease the itch. It is a pain to clean out of the tub if you don't put it in muslin. I put it in muslin or cheese cloth and soak it in luke warm water and then dab it on the itchy places it helps but not as much as jewel weed.

"I have three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for company."
Author: Henry David Thoreau
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brenda j powers
Farmgirl at Heart

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Posted - Jun 02 2011 :  6:22:22 PM  Show Profile
did not know this it is so cool to learn stuff like this. Thanks everybody.
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - Jun 02 2011 :  6:28:49 PM  Show Profile
Hi Brenda. Welcome to the forum. It is nice to learn something new. I learn something every day here. These farmgirls are very smart and thrifty too. To think that a common weed would have so much good stuff in it and people just try to get rid of it. Just like dandelion. I made a tincture with the leaves and roots last week. Also picked some leaves and sauteed them with Swiss Chard and some other things. Can't even tell they are in it but it was full of vitamins and minerals. And it's free! Right out in the front yard. I make tea from the flowers and also jelly. You can also make coffee from the roots.


Happiness is simple.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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New Britain CT
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Posted - Jun 04 2011 :  09:57:49 AM  Show Profile
Wow Kris, you are so knowledgable! I wish I lived next door to learn from you!

In God We Trust
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - Jun 05 2011 :  4:47:53 PM  Show Profile
Well thanks, Liz. But I really didn't know about plantain til I watched some videos of Shoshana Easling at The Bulk Herb store. She is the one you need to meet. She talks about all kinds of herbs and good stuff. I am learning every day about all these good "weeds" that are so good for us. And so free too! That's the best part. I think the things that God put here for us to use are so much better for us than all this manufactured manmade junk.

And I do believe I have found some jewelweed up the road. I am going to pick some.


Happiness is simple.

Edited by - kristin sherrill on Jun 05 2011 4:48:39 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 06 2011 :  8:50:12 PM  Show Profile
Oh my gosh! I haven't done that(shooting off the tips) in forever! Seems like when you're so busy being an adult, you forget the fun you used to have.

Originally posted by CMac

Cool! I thought all it was good for was "shooting" the flower tips off at your friends. Any body know what i am talking about? Actually I have chewed and applied it for bee stings but I did not know to put it in ACV. I'll do that next chance I get. Most folks won't chew it when you tell them to and they don't want my spit on them either so it has been hard to get them to use plantain. LOL

"I have three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for company."
Author: Henry David Thoreau

Farmgirl Sister #2851 -"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Ashland City TN
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Posted - Jun 09 2011 :  6:19:23 PM  Show Profile
Jackie-So true! I have been trying to remember all those simple pleasures from childhood to share with my grand daughter. If you remember any others let me know! Maybe I'll start a thread.

"I have three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for company."
Author: Henry David Thoreau
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Farmgirl at Heart

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Sodus NY
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Posted - Jul 05 2011 :  9:03:39 PM  Show Profile
also i find infusing plantain in olive oil in a jar placed in a sunny window for 5weeks it makes a wonderful carrier oil base for a excellent salve for dry skin burns..tried and true.....
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - Jul 06 2011 :  08:39:41 AM  Show Profile
Hi Gloria. That sounds like something I would like to try. Thanks. My skin is always really dry in the winter. My uncle always used olive oil and he never had a wrinkle. Too late for me though!

I made a salve using coconut oil, bees wax and plantain leaves. It's for itches too. I have already tried it and it works great.

And the plantain is growing all over and I can't use it all.


Happiness is simple.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clayton GA
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Posted - Jul 06 2011 :  3:20:17 PM  Show Profile
Allow me to add my couple of cents: we've got plantain growing like crazy here, especially out near where our bird pens are. Sunday I got bitten by (I think) a spider. It didn't occur to me until yesterday to try some plantain. I picked some, crushed it and put it on my finger last night and it looks tons better. Less purple and alot less swollen and no pain today.

Farmgirl Sister #2753

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet--Dr. Kioni
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dunnville KY
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Posted - Jul 07 2011 :  06:47:17 AM  Show Profile  Send fiddlegirl89 an AOL message  Send fiddlegirl89 a Yahoo! Message
Last year I made a cream with plantain and jewelweed. We end up using it on everything..itches, burns, etc. One lady even used it for diaper rash and it was the only thing that didn't hurt the baby! It's about time to make more of it now...

I used my homemade lard as a base, steeped the plantain and JW in it, and then added a few other things...some Vit E, aloe, etc.

Direct link to my blog:

Edited by - fiddlegirl89 on Jul 07 2011 06:47:39 AM
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - Jul 09 2011 :  06:43:25 AM  Show Profile
Kayla, is JW the vine that climbs on phone poles that has a pretty reddish orange tubey flower? I have notices lots of it along our roads. I love Shoshana Pearl Easling. She has the Bulk Herb Store and has lots of videos showing how to make lots of slaves and tinctures. She usues jewelweed and plantain together too.

Rachel, isn't it amazing how quickly it works? I am so glad it's helped you.

My granddaughter asks for the green stuff whenever she has an itch now. Smart kid!


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