DH needs a new hat for when he goes out to feed the wood boiler....and he's been wanting one with flaps to protect his ears. Not finding any within our budget, I went to Kmart today and got a cheap one that was fleece lined at 40% off and modified it by adding a chin strap & crocheted strings attached to (random) buttons on each side, so he can secure it when its windy. I think he's going to love it!!
I once sewed one of those ear warmer bands, the kind that covers the forhead, ears and back of neck only, to a stocking hat for my DD! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does this kind of stuff.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
Nifty Thrifty: couldn't find the right hat, so I improvised!