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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
7206 Posts

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Posted - Jan 01 2017 : 05:31:10 AM
On this Lord's Day, the first day of the New Year, I would like to share some thoughts with you.
The Lord made the sun and moon to rise and set creating days and nights. The twenty-four hours turned into days, days into weeks and weeks into months. He created four seasons which made up one year. And time goes on. Years become decades and decades become centuries.
All this talk of time brings me to one of the reasons why I believe God created time as he did. Hope. With each new day there is hope of a better tomorrow. A new week and month brings with it the hope of a new start. The changing seasons give us hope for better planting conditions, crops, harvest, renewal of life, and in winter rest. The principal of seed time and harvest can be applied to all areas of our life.
Without hope of a better tomorrow we would be overwhelmed by the burdens of life. So this Lord's Day, the first day of the New Year I am filled with the hope of promised better days ahead for each and everyone of us. What we sow today we will reap throughout the year so let's make this a great day full of kindness, peace, and joy.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl
1499 Posts
1499 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2017 : 05:54:10 AM
Well said Sara!
Happy New Year and Gids blessings on you all.
Have set my goal on being more un tune to Gods wants and not mine, trusting him with where He leads me. I like control so this is big. I plan to continue to downsize in things and spending. I have discovered with my library card I can borrow ebooks not only from my local library but also two other larger systems in my state! For a book loving person this is big and will help on my spending! I still love the feel of real books and won't give them up totally but this will help. The library is half hour away so always glad to not have to drive, especially since there is close to an inch of ice on the country roads here! Not my idea of a good time #128563;
Blessings to all!
...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:... Isaiah 40:31
True Blue Farmgirl
7206 Posts

7206 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2017 : 06:08:46 AM
Rae, I see you are up early too. Your goals are similar to mind. To listen to what the Lord is telling me, simplify, de-clutter, and enjoy being in the moment. So glad you found eBooks. When I retired I promised myself I would no longer drive on ice unless it was a matter of life and death.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl
1499 Posts
1499 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2017 : 07:05:00 AM
Sara and we aren't suppose to have rain storms in MN on Christmas! Crazy and that is one of the joys of retiring from outside work, bad roads no driving!
I have to admit as I get rid of I feel lighter and helps me stay focused on where I am headed and when quiet enough to listen to God the journey is more pleasant.
...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:... Isaiah 40:31
True Blue Farmgirl
7206 Posts

7206 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2017 : 07:17:55 AM
Rae, I love what you say about the connection between de-cluttering and staying focused. I find I also need to rid myself of negative and unhealthy relationships that wear me down and drain my spirit.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl
1499 Posts
1499 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2017 : 08:43:55 AM
I understand on the relationship thing, I had to do that last year. I had a friend who was becoming toxic and I felt very strongly from God that I needed to end the relationship at that point. I try to remember to keep her in prayer and will go from there. It is hard but more and more I feel one needs to be careful as there are many who would try lead us away from our faith.
...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:... Isaiah 40:31
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2017 : 5:12:26 PM
It has been so long since I've visited here. Nice to see everyone. Rae~ Snail mail will be on its way to you soon. I feel the same on simplifying and decluttering. Seems to be an ongoing mission here for me. I started with the seasonal things and I am hoping I can keep the momentum going. Blessings to you all! hugs, ~Denise~ Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
Edited by - levisgrammy on Jan 03 2017 5:19:25 PM |
Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl
1499 Posts
1499 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2017 : 07:28:21 AM
Hello everyone! My heart is heavy for our country so everyone please pray for our new President and leaders. I have never seen such bad behavior after a election and it makes me very sad. We all have people who lose elections but we accept it and make the most of it the best we can. If we don't like things be sure you vote. We can all write letters, make phones calls and have discussion with being hateful to those who may not agree with us. I hear so much about tolerance but it appears from those yelling the loudest it only pertains if you agree and that is truly a sad thing. Is it only free speech for some? Also free speech, not free yelling and screaming, no one listens to that.
Didn't mean to get on a soap box but it is sad the behavior going on from top officials and down the line. We live in a wonderful country and should not take that for granted. Many have died for our privileges and I pray that God will bless the USA and pray that we will bring back our Christian roots and leaders will make wise decisions for us all.
...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:... Isaiah 40:31
True Blue Farmgirl
7206 Posts

7206 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2017 : 07:38:21 AM
Rae I will join with you in praying for our country, our leaders, and for those in chaos to find peace in accepting the elections outcome.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl
1499 Posts
1499 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2017 : 08:28:11 AM
Thank you Sara!
...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:... Isaiah 40:31
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2017 : 5:18:32 PM
Rae... My hubby and I can't agree with you more. It is a fact free speech is only if you agree with them. If we try to discuss opposing views we get yelled out. The worst of it is, if you call yourself a Christian or a conservative you are labeled a terrorist and or a racist. The rioting and vandalism is inexcusable. I heard a woman on the TV refer to conservatives as Nazis and we need to be taken out. How narrow minded is that. We will meet you in prayer. Whether people like it or not this country was founded on Christian principles by God fearing men and women.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2017 : 8:30:19 PM
As we've been watching the news, all that comes to mind is Matthew 12:25:
"25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."
And 2 Thessalonians 8-12:
"8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
And, Matthew 4:24:
"24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
And 1 Corinthians 3:18-23
"18 Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,” 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.” 21 So let no one boast in men. For all things are yours, 22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, 23 and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's."
Yes, let us pray for sure... 'Time to delve into The Word now, more than ever, sisters. Keep the faith. Trust in Him. And... God bless us, every one.
Much love,
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
59 Posts
West Palm Beach
59 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2017 : 09:56:24 AM
Hello Farmgirl Sisters, I've been off the boards for a long while. Nice to come home and find a Christian thread with so many praying for our country. So, in political news, I am excited we finally have a new Supreme Court Justice.
How is everyone's Easter celebrations going? I am still contemplating during the Octave. Yesterday while praying the rosary it struck me so deeply what the Apostles must have felt when Jesus ascended. I became overwhelmed with sadness, loss and hope all at the same time and was left with a longing for heaven that I had never felt before. Just to think about being able to see Jesus face to face, I can hardly wrap my brain around it and I just can't stop thinking about it, what a miracle and mystery indeed. What is your heart contemplating right now?
"If you think you're too small to make a difference in the world, try spending a night in a tent with a mosquito." Farmgirl Sister #6227 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2017 : 8:04:09 PM
Hi girls - Boy, has it been a while! How are all of you doing? What's God doing in your lives lately? I've been missing you! Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2017 : 8:17:12 PM
Good to see you Nini. I hope you are doing ok.
Love you and God be with you Nini.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2017 : 1:00:25 PM
Love you dearly, Darlene... Truly, love you dearly! Things are the same... not easy, but God is with us, helping us through! :) He sends amazing little miracles and graces from day to day... SUCH a joy to be His child, don't you think? :)
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl in Training
13 Posts
fernandina beach
13 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2017 : 3:26:04 PM
Hi, I am returning to the MJF after quite an absence. God has seen me through many difficulties and has given me much strength, peace and comfort. I am happy to be returning.
In all ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 2: 6
annie laurel |
True Blue Farmgirl
7206 Posts

7206 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2017 : 3:38:00 PM
Hi Nancy, glad to meet you and welcome back. Our Lord is good and if we let him he will see us through the hard times.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl
1499 Posts
1499 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2017 : 06:32:55 AM
Hello Christian farm girls! Been a long time since anyone posted so attempting to bring this back up. Hope all are doing well.
Felt lead to stop on this thread this morning, ladies we really need God and major prayer. Our schools are back in session and children need prayers for protection from a lot of the garbage they are going to be presented with and forced upon them. I fear I would be in trouble if I were still working at the school with the stuff they are pushing. Our country needs prayer and ladies Christians really need to be out there and not backing down. Too long we were quiet and lost a lot of rights.
Ok will try not to stomp too loud on my soapbox but I really have fear for what is coming.
...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:... Isaiah 40:31
True Blue Farmgirl
7206 Posts

7206 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2017 : 06:45:16 AM
Rae I will join you in praying for our schools and youth. May the Lord watch over and keep us. I will add prayers for all in harms way of natural disasters.
Thanks for bringing this thread back up.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
54 Posts
54 Posts |
Posted - Sep 15 2017 : 1:44:53 PM
Hey sisters! Just wanted to pop in and say hello :) I am a very new Christian! Even though my father was a pastor and I was on the missions field with them for 2 years when I was younger, it took me a long time and a very roundabout way to come to my faith but I am so glad I did :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Sep 16 2017 : 12:22:20 PM
Hi Brianna.. Welcome. Glad to hear of your new faith.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - Sep 17 2017 : 7:06:35 PM
Brianna, Welcome so glad to hear you have come to Christ, I know He is awesome and I couldn't do with out him all the time. Blessings
Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Sep 18 2017 : 06:46:50 AM
Good morning Ladies. So glad you brought this back up Rae though it has been a while since I've really been involved in anything here. Some of you are aware that my dad passed away in August. Seems 4 years was a very short time to have been able to have him living with us. But I cherish it and the time I got to spend with him. He was ready to go home and it had been his prayer that the Lord would take him, though very difficult for those of us left behind.
I hope to be active here as much as time allows. Prayers for all of you my sisters.
~Denise~ Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |