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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

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Posted - Jan 13 2015 :  5:14:07 PM  Show Profile
Yay!!! Welcome, Joanna! SO glad you've joined us! :) Hugs - Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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5 acre Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

1007 Posts

1007 Posts

Posted - Jan 19 2015 :  06:50:53 AM  Show Profile
hELLO fARMGIRLS...Did not know this was on MJs Farm site.WOW !
My heart has been broken after DH diedjust getting back on my feet.. Sooo glad to find this room...please take a look at my new blog and pass it on...but, need help top get it on the web,,,cant seem to find out how to do that,,,or is ther a topic on MJs that could help,,,PLEASE pass it along to all you know.THANKS !

Farmgirl Sister #368
Life is too short, it is just a vapor, live it like you wont have another minute with the ones you love......
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True Blue Farmgirl

3857 Posts

Deltona FL
3857 Posts

Posted - Feb 02 2015 :  11:28:06 AM  Show Profile
I'm a Christian too. I volunteer 70 hours a month to teach other's about the Good News Jesus preached about God's Kingdom when he was here on earth. He taught us to pray for it in the Lord's prayer at Matthew 6: 9-12 It brings me so much joy to find other's who want to know the truth about God. Since, everyone who calls on his name will be saved. So, we need to know his name and what calling on him in faith involves. Romans 10:13
Jesus prayed to his Father and taught us to do the same.
The power of prayer and a strong faith have gotten me through every rough patch in my life. I look forward to living forever on a paradise earth which is just around the corner!

Blessings to you all!

Farmgirl sister #308
Swag Bag Marketing
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Feb 14 2015 :  06:22:55 AM  Show Profile
Sisters, I'm asking that you join me this Lenten season in a special, additional time of fasting and praying for our brothers and sisters across the world who are subject in any and every way, shape and form to those who seek to destroy His Name and all those who follow Him. Please pray Psalm 23 with me on behalf of all those who suffer at their hands. Pray with me, please, pray Philippians 2:10-11. And please meditate on Matthew 5:43 - 48, and pray for those who are lost and following the way of evil. They, too, are made in the image and likeness of God and live because of His Breath inside of them. They do not know their dignity, their worth; they do not know His all-encompassing love, His joy or His peace. They need Him, too. He died for them, too... Luke 5:31-32, Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11. They do not know. They NEED to know. Come, Lord Jesus. Come. Amen. Love, Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Feb 14 2015 06:24:00 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2015 :  1:56:12 PM  Show Profile
Hi sisters!

'Just wanted to drop by to share some blessed words of wisdom with you from St. Teresa's breastplate:

"Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing frighten you.
Everything passes.
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things..."

God bless you, sisters! I love you all dearly!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

7782 Posts

Loleta California
7782 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2015 :  2:07:55 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Nini!

Blessings to you too, my dear friend!


I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer

Just follow God unquestioningly.
Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.

I trust in you Jesus...
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True Blue Farmgirl

110 Posts

Essex Junction Vermont
110 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2015 :  8:00:49 PM  Show Profile  Send Noreen an AOL message
Hello Everyone! Blessings this Lenten season. Nini, I love that prayer and need to heed it more. And I am with you on prayers to be said!

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
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True Blue Farmgirl

181 Posts

181 Posts

Posted - Mar 11 2015 :  11:43:15 AM  Show Profile
Hi Everyone,

I am reading the most wonderful, amazing book and I had to share it with everyone!

The book is called "Captivating" by John and Stasi Elderedge and it has been a WOW!!! for me from page one! Such a blessing to me and the things I have been dealing with for what seems like forever! Turns out, every woman deals with these things - all the things that we struggle with when no one is around - and even when they are :-) . Issues like shame, feeling alone, and abandonment fears all covered from a Godly perspective...Wooo Hoooo!

Hope others are as blessed by it as I have been.

In The Lord,

Farmgirl 5620
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  1:25:20 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the recommendation, Dena - I will definitely check it out and add it to my list! One thing that I have learned over time is the significant influence our earthly fathers have on our image of what our Heavenly Father is like. Does the book deal with that at all?

Right now I'm reading several books, but the one that I'm loving for this Lenten season is called, "What Jesus Saw From The Cross" by A.G. Sertillanges. Breathtaking.

Have a happy, blessed weekend, girls!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

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Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  8:44:47 PM  Show Profile
Thought for the day: What if all we had today was all we thanked Him for yesterday?

Gosh... Every DAY I take note of His blessings all day long and thank Him for them - don't you? Isn't our God such an awesome God?!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Mar 14 2015 10:07:43 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Apr 06 2015 :  10:52:02 PM  Show Profile
Hi sisters!

Something happened at Easter Mass on Sunday that I just have to share with you. You never really know what it means to someone else when you respond to the Lord's still, small voice prompting your heart to move. As I'm sure you can imagine, the Church was packed tight like a can of sardines Sunday morning. It's probably the same at your church: everyone seems to turn out for Easter services! And what a joyous occasion it is, indeed! :) Well, when it came time to share the peace, I tried really hard to be sure to greet everyone in the pews around me and across the aisle; but there were so many people, I was sure I had forgotten someone. No big deal, right? It happens. But as I sat looking at the people around me, I noticed a man sitting two seats over in the pew in front of me, and realized it was him I had somehow missed when sharing the peace. I swear to you, in my heart I heard the Lord say, "You must share the peace with him." I thought, well, when I get up for the Eucharist, I'll make a point of stopping and speaking with him briefly on the way back. It's not something people really do after receiving the Holy Sacrament - they usually head solemnly back to their kneeler and quietly pray. But I knew in my heart I needed to do this and was determined to so do. As I was heading back to my pew, I saw the man looking down. He was looking a bit humble, like he felt out of place or something. I heard the Lord's voice again, "Share the peace with him." As I approached him, I reached over, touched his arm, looked into his eyes, smiled, leaned into his ear and said, "I meant to share the peace with you earlier, I'm so sorry!" He looked up at me, smiled, waved his hand gently, and said in a very soft voice, "And also with you." When I got back to my seat, the lady sitting with the man just turned back to me and gave me a big smile. My husband and son, however, looked at me like I had two heads. My son silently mouthed to me, "What did you just say to that man?" I just shook my head, waved my hand, motioning that I'd tell him later, then I kneeled down to pray. When I got up to my seat, my husband kept looking incredulously at me as if to ask the same thing, but I just passed it off. As we got into our vehicle after Mass, my husband questioned, "What on EARTH did you SAY to that man?! Did you SEE him after you spoke to him?!" A little surprised by his reaction, I shrugged and said, "I just shared the peace with him because I had missed him when it was time. Why?" They both said, "You made him cry!" I was surprised and confused, "What?!" My husband said, "I have no idea what you said to him, but when you walked away, the tears just started pouring down his cheeks. He cried the entire rest of the Mass! Didn't you see him?" My son said, "I just couldn't figure out what you said he was crying so hard. His tissue was falling apart, Mom. He was definitely moved." I was in awe. I am honestly not sure what the Lord accomplished through that little extension of His loving peace, but apparently what I said meant the world to that man. Maybe it was an answer to prayer? Maybe he was hoping for a sign from God? Who knows? It's just amazing what one little act of obedience in hearkening to the Lord's Voice and Will can do, though. What seemed like a simple act of kindness to me, somehow touched the deepest recesses in the heart of a stranger... a stranger, to me, that is, but to our Lord, a beloved son! I am definitely going to look for him again next weekend! :)

So, I just want to encourage you... Next time you hear the Lord speaking to your heart, don't doubt it's Him, and don't hesitate - act! No matter how simple what He is calling you to do may seem, obey! We never know what His plan might be, but rest assured, He only asks because it is important! Take His lead and take a leap of faith! To someone precious to His Heart, your loving obedience may make all the difference in the world!

Hugs and love -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Apr 06 2015 11:00:43 PM
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Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl

1499 Posts

1499 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  03:10:09 AM  Show Profile
Praise our risen Lord!!!!

It is amazing what simple acts can move people so just when they need it. I have seen it many times but thank you for sharing and reminding us, I need that as well.


...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31

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Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl

1499 Posts

1499 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  03:14:21 AM  Show Profile

Praise our risen Lord!!!!

It is amazing how simple acts can move people so much just when they need it. I have seen it many times but thank you for sharing and reminding us, I need that as well.


...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31


...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31

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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  05:19:23 AM  Show Profile
I have joyous news I wanted to share with my Christian Farmgirl sisters, as truly you will understand my excitement. My oldest son, age 9, has always been my most difficult child. He is extremely quick tempered, borderline autistic and aspergers, and if we got him tested, he would be considered ADHD. When he was little, a dear friend that was a teacher, told us in order to have him in public school when he was of age, it would be required for him to be medicated. It was actually that conversation that spurred us to look at homeschooling! His older sister was only four at the time. Now that I do homeschool all of the children, I see that her concern, though he was only two at the time, was right on the money! He has pushed me to the limits... Both as a mommy and as his teacher, many many times. And then on Saturday, he handed his life over to God! My dear sweet nine year old was saved Saturday night, asking for God's forgiveness and for Him to rule over his life! The transformation in my son is breathtaking and truly a work of God's hand! He is still quick tempered, as that is just part of his personality, but is quick to calm down, pray and ask for forgiveness! His heart has grown five times, I swear! (Think the Grinch!) He is extremely obedient, happy and quick to help, and has a massive desire to read His Bible and share with others! Up to this point he had difficulty understanding what the Bible was saying, even when we explained it over and over again... Now it is like God has removed the scales from his eyes and he can truly see and hear His Words! Salvation is truly a miracle God still performs today, and we were blessed to see this miracle in my son. I praise Him for it!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
626 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  07:02:09 AM  Show Profile
Shannon how wonderful! When I was reading about your son just now, he sounded exactly like my son. Mine is only 7, but the quick-tempered, probably ADHD, definitely ODD (oppositional defiance disorder, not odd, although sometimes... lol), is there for sure and also played a major part in my decision to homeschool. I was so happy to read this news about your son. It gives me a lot of hope for mine :) He surprises me sometimes when he's able to keep it together or even help with my other two, but he has a long way to go. I should say, he's come a long way, and he has a long way to go. Thank you so much for sharing your struggles and blessings with us! :)

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  07:12:19 AM  Show Profile
Erin - there is HOPE - Hope in our Risen Savior!!!!! I can totally see where my son could be diagnosed with ODD (my nephew has been diagnosed with that), though his probably stems more from the austic and aspergers aspect.... I understand your trials!!! And yes, there truly is hope!!!! What has amazed me the most, though, is while I use to think he would have a life of trials, he has grown so much in the last few days, that I think he will be alright, with God's guidance... where I thought he had a long way to go,God took him in a very short time period!!!!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  09:36:46 AM  Show Profile
Oh, SHANNON!!!! That is such wonderful news! Praise the LORD! :) I'm just so thrilled for your son and you - and His Kingdom! Hugs and love - Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

1168 Posts

Seabrook TX
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Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  10:11:29 AM  Show Profile  Send MrsRooster a Yahoo! Message
I have two copies of devotionals to giveaway. Pop over to my blog to enter. They would make great Mother's Day gifts too.

I did read Captivated. It was really good. I enjoyed Created to be a Helpmate by Debi Pearl too.

We are doing better. My Rooster has been coming to church and going to the men's group. The changes are so big.

God Bless.

Farmgirl #1259

Edited by - MrsRooster on Apr 07 2015 10:17:09 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

206 Posts

Stanfield North Carolina
206 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2015 :  2:44:41 PM  Show Profile
Nini how amazing your story is. And I had a very similar experience this Easter Sunday. Something kept telling me to speak to the woman in front of me with three small children. I am sure the something was the Holy Spirit and I am so often disobedient because it is always easier, well I reached out at the end of service and touched her shoulder and said "you have such a beautiful family". Same thing, she just bawled. I hugged her, no clue who she was as I attend a huge church. I have no clue what she was going through but have prayed for her since. And I have also thanked God for obeying and ask that I continue to make the right decisions. Stop being luke warm and be committed! Thanks for sharing Nini, Hugs, Maryellen

Maryellen Benton
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2015 :  09:21:49 AM  Show Profile
I have been away for a while, about 9 pages back on this thread. I have had much going on so wasn't able to get here. I am so glad that this thread is so active and I will try to read and get caught up some.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2015 :  09:32:36 AM  Show Profile
Welcome back Denise! Praying all is well!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2015 :  11:05:31 AM  Show Profile
Nini, I just read your thread about the man in church for Easter mass. You are such a Godly woman. Hugs to you.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2015 :  09:02:49 AM  Show Profile
Thanks for the welcome back. Things aren't perfect but God has been faithful through the last 6 months for me. Well, God is faithful everyday but I have seen his hand at work these past months. It has been a real learning experience.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
626 Posts

Posted - May 27 2015 :  09:33:16 AM  Show Profile
I thought I should give this thread a little love today :) I was in the mood for some lovely instrumental hymns, so I thought I'd share one:

An Irish rendition of Come Thou Fount, one of my favorite hymns.

Nini - somehow I missed your post about Easter Sunday, but thank you for sharing that. Your story brought tears to my eyes. It is so easy to ignore the Holy Spirit nudging you in a direction that's off your path, even if it's just a small detour. It's so important to listen even it seems like nothing much could be accomplished. Thank you for that reminder.

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - May 30 2015 :  1:00:20 PM  Show Profile
Amy! I missed your giveaway, but I sure loved your story about Nutella. My son is a Nutella addict! And he has always loved strawberries - even in utero! LOL! I don't think he's ever tried them together - he's going to go bonkers over that! Love it! Thank you!!!

Maryellen! How exciting that you had the same experience! Don't you just love it? I'm so happy for you!

Shannon - how are you? Everything going well? You're still in my prayers, sister!

Marly - We're ALL Godly women! And I thank GOD we have each other! :)

Yes! WELCOME BACK, Denise! How have you been? I'm so glad you're here!

Erin - this is beautiful... You are NOT going to believe this, but I've been humming this same tune all week! I got chills and tears in my eyes when I hit the play button! God is telling us something, girls! How awesome to be able to "hear" His messages!

Please, please pray for my husband. Long story, but suffice it to say, he really could use your prayers asking for God's healing and help. He's having a really tough time lately with horrendous, constant migraines, cognitive issues, personality changes and more. It's quite possible he is suffering from traumatic brain injury (he has suffered a few serious blows to the head during his lifetime), but that can't be diagnosed until there's an autopsy. In the meantime, they're running all sorts of tests and trying all sorts of medications, and he is going through major ups and downs physically, mentally and emotionally. He is exhausted and suffering. Nothing they do seems to help. It has been long and slow coming over the years, but he is changing, and now it's all happening so fast. I just want him to feel better and have a good, healthy life. And I really would love to hear his laughter again, and see joy in his eyes. Every once in a while we see a glimmer of him in there, but it's becoming more and more rare, and he is becoming more and more depressed. And please forgive me, because I don't mean to sound selfish, but I really miss my husband and best friend, and my son misses his Dad. Things may never be the same again, we know we need to face that. And part of me is just grieving, while part of me is holding a burning torch of hope. I trust God, you know I do. It's just so hard; mostly for him. We need a miracle, sisters. Please help me pray for him.

Please also pray for my neighbor Karen and her husband. The cancer has now metastasized to her brain, some of her organs and muscles. She is giving up. She is at peace with the Lord, and she accepts her suffering as a redemptive gift from the Lord. She knows it brings her closer to Him in more ways that we can ever understand, and she knows through it others come to Him as well. She has been praying and fighting and suffering for many years, but whenever it seemed there was a real glimmer of hope and the cancer would subside, it came back suddenly with an even greater vengeance. Now, she says, she doesn't care what happens. She just wants peace. She looks so frail and weak. She can still laugh, though, and she sure does love the Lord. Her dear husband is a faithful, Godly man, but is having such a hard time with this. He sees all of their friends retiring in comfort, going on grand vacations, spending quality time with friends and family, and all he and Karen experience are doctors visits, treatments and tests, then MORE doctors visits, treatments and tests. He just wants his wife to be healthy so they can enjoy life, and instead she is suffering and life is being stolen away from them. I feel for him.... for BOTH of them. We all know our future truly lies beyond the constraints of this world, and that there, there will be no suffering, only LIFE as God intends it to be - full, flourishing and beautiful. But when a person suffers like this, it really can beat the hope, and sometimes even faith, out of them. I would love for a miraculous healing for Karen AND her husband. Please pray with me for them, too.

I know you will pray, so.... thank you!

Sometimes I wish we could just pray and snap our fingers or touch a person and heal them, don't you? I wish people didn't have to suffer. Then again, I do believe, as terrible as it is, suffering has a great purpose, as it ultimately calls us to turn to Him. It's hard as heck to see that sometimes when we're in the throes of it, but that truly is what it's all about. He doesn't want us to leave this world without knowing Him, recognizing Him and running to Him in the next. I think He grieves when we suffer, too. I really, really do. But what joyful time it will be when we all meet on the other side, all perfectly happy, healthy and whole! :) We just have to keep focused, trust, hope and always believe. He is working great miracles in us. They might not ever be what we ask for, hope or expect, but I do believe one day, when we're up in Heaven with Him, this will all make sense, and we will rejoice that He was there with us and brought us through. Truly, Heaven will be worth it all!

You know, it's just so good we all have each other - I love you, sisters! God bless you! Have a great weekend!



Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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