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True Blue Farmgirl
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Port Orange
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Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 07:08:53 AM
Rae, I couldn't agree more. And yesterday I felt under attack but also was very tired. And this morning I asked a sweet co-worker for forgiveness because I was really cranky. (And I'm just not like that)
Nini and Peggy are just so wise and I am always blessed when they post. They are both truly obedient in sharing what the Lord lays on their hearts and it ALWAYS encourages and blesses me.quote: Originally posted by Old Spirit
Hi all!
You know often I feel that as I cling harder to God the more satan tries to grab me, throwing my insecurities at me, bringing anger out from the past, etc.. I work hard at remembering God is in control and will protect me but some days the battle really drains me mentally and physically.
I am so happy to see in my email that someone has posted here as God always knows when I need to see words of encouragement!
Thank you God for putting the blessing of you ladies in my life!
God Bless Rae
...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:... Isaiah 40:31
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
96 Posts
96 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 05:48:14 AM
proud to call myself a Christian.
Rose #5393 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Port Orange
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Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 05:51:13 AM
Amen Rose! And these days it is becoming more and more important for us to stand firm on our convictions. Hope you have a blessed day. (It's very chilly this morning here in Western New York and I think there is some white stuff on the way---brrr)
quote: Originally posted by proseharley
proud to call myself a Christian.
Rose #5393
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 11:20:54 AM
Girls, I'm wondering if you could stand with me in prayer on something and also I would appreciate some feedback. I am (still) trying to find a home church. I have many, many to choose from within a half hour drive of where I live. I love the "vibe" of a big contemporary church with modern worship and all the bells and whistles. But I do find it hard to connect with anyone in that environment. ( I go to church alone-my husband does not come with me) So I miss out on building relationships and fellowship. The teaching is of course most important. And I love to worship. (yes, I'm a dancer and a hand-waver )But, it's just not gelling anywhere for me. My best friend has found a very small country church and I went two weekends ago. The people (maybe 20 of them and mostly older than I) were so nice and welcoming. The teaching was relevant and biblically based. But it was a type of service that I am not familiar with: very structured and hymns sung as opposed to modern. But I DO want to serve and am wondering if that is where the Lord (and His people) need me to be. Because it is about sharing and serving isn't it? And not just about the "what's in it for me"
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 11:27:29 AM
That sounds like a good church to try even though you are not used to it, maybe God is leading you to somewhere new whether you want to serve or not God might have other things in mind for you to do. Give it a chance, you might like it once you get to know it better and those who worship there may become some of your best friend. If it doesn't work you will know it but best thing to do is put a prayer into God and ask him if this is where he wants you to be.
Blessings and best to you
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 11:38:59 AM
Yes, I am going this Sunday and we will be "hanging the greens" which sounds just lovely, followed by soups and yummies after. And I am working on not trying to plan everything ahead and "fix" everything as that's not my job is it I have trouble with the "let go and let God" concept.
quote: Originally posted by darlenelovesart
That sounds like a good church to try even though you are not used to it, maybe God is leading you to somewhere new whether you want to serve or not God might have other things in mind for you to do. Give it a chance, you might like it once you get to know it better and those who worship there may become some of your best friend. If it doesn't work you will know it but best thing to do is put a prayer into God and ask him if this is where he wants you to be.
Blessings and best to you
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus...
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 1:09:09 PM
Angie...I have gone to both. The smallest for me though was 75 people that grew to 275 people in 12 years time. And I have been in in-between size Churches and now in a Mega Church of over 6,000 a weekend. Both have their benefits and cons. In a small Church, you know everyone and get to do everything (anything you want because they need so much help) fact you rarely ever get a break. 20% of the people do what the other 80% never want to do. So, you can get stuck always serving and doing and get burned out. BUT you know everyone intimately. And that can be good and bad.
Larger get lost in the Crowd but the fellowship almost seems sweeter. Usually great Praise and Worship (you can do all that dancing and arm waving and nobody looks at you funny. LOL) And you can pick and choose what you want to be involved in and what you don't. And you don't have to keep doing it the rest of your life. In a small structured Church The Holy Spirit sometimes gets put in a box or rarely shows up because it would mess up the timing of everything. He has no room to move and breathe and work in the confines of the too well strutured Church Service. That is what made me go back to a Large Church setting. And at my age I have done 30 years of Everything in the Church and now I want to pick and choose and do because I am Spirit led not because I have to.
Pray about it girl....and go where you feel led.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Nov 21 2013 3:57:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 1:15:49 PM
Peggy my dear. How do you manage to get in my head and express what's in there so well in a post!!!
quote: Originally posted by LadyInRed
Angie...I have gone to both. The smallest for me though was 75 people that grew to 275 people in 12 years time. And I have been in in between Churches and now in a Mega Church of over 6,000 a weekend. Both have their benefits and cons. In a small Church, you know everyone and get to do everything (anything you want because they need so much help) fact you rarely ever get a break. 20% of the people do what the other 80% never want to do. So, you can get stuck always serving and doing and get burned out. BUT you know everyone intimately.
Larger get lost in the Crowd but the fellowship almost seems sweeter. Usually great Praise and Worship (you can do all that dancing and arm waving and nobody looks at you funny. LOL) And you can pick and choose what you want to be involved in and what you don't. And you don't have to keep doing it the rest of your life. In a small structured Church The Holy Spirit sometimes gets put in a box or rarely shows up because it would mess up the timing of everything. He has no room to move and breathe and work in the confines of the Church Service. That is what made me go back to a Large Church setting. And at my age I have done 30 years of Everything in the Church and now I want to pick and choose and do because I am Spirit led not because I have to.
Pray about it girl....and go where you feel led.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Port Orange
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 11:05:47 AM
Hi sisters! Sorry - I've been out of the loop for a while!
Amen to that, CJ! Amen to that!
Angie - the "hanging of the greens" sounds like a wonderful gathering - how did it go?
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 11:14:41 AM
Hi Nini! yes, out of the loop for me also! I missed that Sunday but did go back this past Sunday. I can say that the people there truly are caring and very much like a family. And the church looks lovely. This Saturday there is a ladies breakfast and I will go to that and have an opportunity to fellowship some. I received this article yesterday and thought that it was very timely. here is a portion of it:
"...let me make a suggestion: go shopping ! Yes,that’s right, go shopping- for a church. One that will help you find what it is you are looking for. Maybe it will be the church of your childhood or lead you to somewhere else but if you are conscious of God in your life and want somewhere to acknowledge that, what better way to do so than to join with others searching for the same thing. ....isn’t it better when you travel with someone than when you travel alone; All the more reason to join with people searching for the same thing as you"
I found this to be very encouraging.
quote: Originally posted by Ninibini
Hi sisters! Sorry - I've been out of the loop for a while!
Amen to that, CJ! Amen to that!
Angie - the "hanging of the greens" sounds like a wonderful gathering - how did it go?
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 12:53:56 PM
Seek God and You will ALWAYS FIND HIM!
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 12:56:19 PM
Amen Sistah!!!
Muwah..quote: Originally posted by LadyInRed
Seek God and You will ALWAYS FIND HIM!
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 1:31:06 PM
Angie - I haven't been on this loop much, sadly, but wanted to chime in. We have had some really great experiences and some really bad experiences - in churches big and small :) For our family, it comes down to the Biblical teaching and the heart of the people. How we worship (as long as it is Biblical), is secondary to WHY we worship - and more importantly WHO we worship. I am all for big churches, but sometimes it seems more for show - not always - but at times. Then again, we have also seen that at smaller churches! Seek His will, and He will lead you to where He wants to grow you and use you to grow others. Praying His will in this is crystal clear for you :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 1:41:44 PM
Shannon, thank-you so much for your wisdom. I agree about the "show" part and for a girl that was at all the rock concerts in the 80's, I don't want to get side tracked by all the bells and whistles! I do believe that the desire of this small church is to seek God. And to come together as a family of believers. Both the Pastor and his wife remembered me from my first visit and that meant a lot! My Christian walk is a bit lonely and so I found that rather comforting. quote: Originally posted by hudsonsinaf
Angie - I haven't been on this loop much, sadly, but wanted to chime in. We have had some really great experiences and some really bad experiences - in churches big and small :) For our family, it comes down to the Biblical teaching and the heart of the people. How we worship (as long as it is Biblical), is secondary to WHY we worship - and more importantly WHO we worship. I am all for big churches, but sometimes it seems more for show - not always - but at times. Then again, we have also seen that at smaller churches! Seek His will, and He will lead you to where He wants to grow you and use you to grow others. Praying His will in this is crystal clear for you :)
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2014 : 12:28:22 PM
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
A good friend shared some insight with me about this Scripture passage the other day. I had heard it a long time ago, but hadn’t thought about it in a long time. It’s just so profound that I just have to share. I pray it somehow blesses you and your loved ones today:
In the days of old, this Scripture would have had very significant meaning. Going back to the original time of the text, people would have understood the lamp to be one a person took with them on a foot journey into the darkness. The lamp was usually made of a shell, perfectly sized for travel - just about the size of a person’s hand - that contained oil and a little wick. When lit, the lamp gave off just enough light for the person carrying it to take one clear step in any direction. Once the person moved forward and that step was accomplished, the lamp would provide just enough light for the next step.
Isn’t that just the way of the Lord? While we are so enthralled by everything going on around us… while we are so determined to sort through the chaos and scary stuff by ourselves to figure out the best way for us to go… if we’d just pray and focus, we’d see that the Lord is right there lighting our way! He asks us not to run with leaps and bounds or to take unnecessary risks, as most of us are inclined to do. He wants us to know that we do not have to maneuver through the unknown by ourselves. Rather, if we allow Him, He will light the way for us, so that we do not become terrified by the darkness or overcome by the circumstances surrounding us. He will gently guide us down the best path with His light, emitting only what we need for each step along the way. He never gives us more than we can handle (c.f. I Corinthians 10: 13); we are capable because He is with us! He removes our fears and gives us confidence; His loving light allows our minds to process just enough, so that we can proceed to the next step with Him. As we have learned through Peter’s experience, by focusing on Him in the stormy darkness we are able to walk confidently wherever He leads us – we have nothing to fear. With His guidance, the darkness fades and the chaotic storm subsides. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (c.f. Philippians 4:13)! The key is to carry His light with us, and follow wherever He leads. He gives us exactly what we need to make it through.
And always remember, if you should ever go it alone or stray and become lost, He is our Good Shepherd who will go the greatest lengths to find and rescue us. (c.f. Matthew 18:12-14, and Luke 15:3-7). Just cry out to Him like the little lost sheep, He will hear your voice and lead you out of the darkness into the light where you belong.
I just love Him! What an Awesome and Mighty God we serve!!!
Let us be greatly encouraged today! Let us begin this New Year with complete trust in His Light and Love! And if you’re so inclined, please do share the ways in which you have seen this Scripture fulfilled in your own life! Please share with us the joys of your experiences in trusting Him in the darkness!
Hugs and love –
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Jan 02 2014 12:54:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2014 : 2:23:59 PM
Nini...that is one of my all time favorite scriptures! And He truly does shine light into this dark and chaotic world and leads us step by step, precept upon precept. One of my favorite examples that God used to show my spirit, my heart and my life...just how strongly one light radiates in darkness is one summer when we went to The Oregon Caves. And every so many people had flashlights or oil lamps as we all went in and it was beautiful but in a eerie way because I am not a fan of being underground...but Once we were deep within the Biggest Cave...our guide wanted to show us how dark it truly was in he had us extinguish all our flash lights and lamps...and girls you literally could not see the person next to you or your own hand in front of your face. It was blacker than the darkest Night I have ever experienced. Then the guide lit ONE MATCH...and it illuminated that entire cavern. That spoke of our God on so many levels to me personally (and my family) and I am sure many others there too. God illuminates our path in the deepest darkest places in our Journey and we too (just one little match) can light a pathway to God for those lost in the dark and blinded by closed eyes and hearts. Remember that God had to blind Saul (the Apostle Paul) so that he might truly see God clearly.
Thanks for sharing Nini...I had never heard of the little hand held shell with wax or oil in it...but all we need is to be able to see one step at a follow Our Beloved Lord.
Love and Blessings to All My Christian Sisters for 2014. If you haven't learned it already in your life...may this be the Year that You Learn That God Is Enough!
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2014 : 2:33:12 PM
What an awesome life lesson, Peggy! I especially love the reminder about Saul - SO true! You are awesome, sister! Awesome, awesome, AWESOME! Thank you!!!
Hugs and love -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2014 : 9:31:14 PM
Thank you so much for that lesson, Nini and Peggy, I needed that,
blessings to you too!
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2014 : 11:51:10 PM
Nini and Darlene...I can say the very same things about my Christian Farmgirls...You are all Awesome! Because we have each other to share this Journey with, learn from, and encourage each we all follow Jesus to back home to Papa's Great Big House!!!
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Dapple Grey Lady
True Blue Farmgirl
725 Posts
725 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2014 : 07:16:18 AM
Thank you, Nini for the verse and story lesson. Thank you for sharing it.
~ Betty ~ Farmgirl Sister # 5589 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2014 : 10:09:27 AM
And he only lights as much of the way forward as we need (which sometimes is not as much as we want is it!!) But it IS enough for each step. Perhaps walking a labyrinth is a good analogy? When my son graduated from high school we had a very clear path of what would happen and when.(ha-ha) It became very clear during his first semester at college however that he was on a different path. it was hard. It was scary. We were miles away. it was a dark time. I was the only believer. If we had leaped forward to "fix" everything, my son's path (and ours) would have been altered. God gave me just enough light to hold close. My very own life preserver. To light MY path, step by step. it was all I could do. Adam now is employed in a fantastic job at the school while working on his Master's. he has married a lovely Christian girl. he attends church. And I have learned to focus on the small light of my path. That lights just enough of my way.
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2014 : 4:12:25 PM
Angie...your shared story made me think about...what I tell everyone about God...HE IS CRAZY GOOD!! We rarely understand and we have to follow him closely but the rewards along the way are Amazing! If He did things the way we have them mapped out...we would be in some seriously deep muck! Aren't we glad that we follow HIM and not vise-versa?
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
1048 Posts

Port Orange
1048 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2014 : 10:08:13 AM
Peggy, you are right! And I think I rambled on a bit but I knew that SOMEONE would understand!! You know, on all the art blogs and such that I like to visit, everyone is choosing their "word" for the new year. I think mine should be/will be FOCUS. On Him.
quote]Originally posted by LadyInRed
Angie...your shared story made me think about...what I tell everyone about God...HE IS CRAZY GOOD!! We rarely understand and we have to follow him closely but the rewards along the way are Amazing! If He did things the way we have them mapped out...we would be in some seriously deep muck! Aren't we glad that we follow HIM and not vise-versa?
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess [/quote]
ANGIE "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |