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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 22 2011 : 8:31:51 PM
Kristina, I'll be praying for you! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 22 2011 : 9:38:39 PM
'Hope you're feeling better, Kristina - I tried to reply this morning, but my server is still giving me problems!
Megan - I didn't see the movie, but did see some clips about them on different news programs. I find it a little unnerving myself. I would have to really learn more about it before determining what is really going on there, though. We know about the sensational side of stories potrayed by the media.
It really bothers me the way the media intermingles and confuses the term "fundamentalism" with "extremism." Fundamentalism is a strict adherence to certain theological doctrines, which is essential to a person's faith-walk, and spiritually healthy as long as it doesn't carry a strong, legalistic intent. (Remember, after all: "But for the GRACE of God go I!") All Christians are "fundamentalist" on some level, based upon what their religion teaches about Biblical truths; but that doesn't make them "extremists," that makes them believers in and followers of Christ! The term "extremism" holds an entirely different connotation. To me it describes a form of legalism which surpasses the nature of God's love, rising to an unhealthy, unholy level. It can cause otherwise rational, loving, God-fearing people to do extremely unrational, unloving, anti-Christian acts, and not even realize that they are so doing. Extremism is antithetical to the nature of Christ and His abounding love - it cuts people off from the truth, it cuts people off from God's love and salvation; it tries to force action, to force faith, to force belief; it harms and does not heal. That is not of Christ. Whenever the media uses the term "fundamental Christians" or "right wing conservatives" or "left wing liberals," it often seems that they are insinuating that people who have firm beliefs and convictions are all extremists. That is a very unfair assessment, indeed!
Okay - off the high horse again... walking like a cowboy...
Hugs and blessings -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 23 2011 : 04:26:41 AM
AMEN Nini!!!!!!!!!! |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 23 2011 : 1:58:17 PM
Looking for feed back. My faith is completely in the Lord to take care of me and my family but after just hearing about another flood happening on top of all the other natural disasters. I keep thinking I need a back up plan and a stock pile. How do you all feel about this and is it not trusting the Lord to take care of us to do the whole disaster preparedness plan? Just wondering what direction to go with this?
Insane and Blissfully Happy Mari-lyn
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 23 2011 : 2:31:13 PM
Oh my gosh, Mari-lyn! It's absolutely fine to prepare! If the Lord is leading you, I would definitely trust Him and heed the direction! We always try to keep bottled water on hand, as well as flashlights, batteries, a battery-operated radio, candles... stuff like that. And just this afternoon we were discussing investing in a portable generator. Last winter so many families were without power for days, as well as without the ability to get out of their homes or even down their streets. People ran out of food, water wasn't available, they couldn't purchase their medications. In some cases, they didn't have heat. We even had cases where ambulances weren't able to reach people because the plows couldn't keep up with the enormity of the situation. Thankfully, we were not affected by this, but it sure was an eye-opener to think ahead, "just in case." As a precaution, we also keep plenty of food on hand, keep a full can of propane on hand in case we need to cook on the grill, some extra cash in case something happens to the banking system (what if we need gas or medications - if we don't have cash, we may not be able to purchase those necessities!), etc. It's not a faithless act to prepare. Think of the Scriptures concerning the ants:
Proverbs 6: 6 - 8: "Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest."
Proverbs 30: 24 - 25: "“Four things on earth are small,yet they are extremely wise: Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer;..."
And consider Proverbs 13:4: "The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied."
I think God would probably be pleased that you are seeing the signs and preparing to protect yourselves and your loved ones. The point is to put your trust in Him first. In this case, I would think that putting your trust in His guidance is what will really help you to prepare. If it's not enough, He'll definitely do the rest!
'Hope that helps a little!
Hugs and love -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Jun 23 2011 2:32:31 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 23 2011 : 8:00:57 PM
Nini, I also don't like the way that sometimes ALL Christians are perceived as extreme fundamentalist. I think that some people only see that extremist side to Christianity and are immediately turned off by that, but what they don't see is the non-extremist side to Christianity. I wish that groups the small group that burned the Qur'an or the group that protests military funerals didn't get all the attention, but that the groups who are missionaries or who are sponsoring projects overseas and stuff like that (sorry for the lack of good vocabulary!) got the attention. Then maybe non-believers would see that not ALL Christians are extremsists who sometimes take things too far. God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 24 2011 : 05:08:02 AM
Megan you are right but we must believe in the power of the individual here also. It might not get media coverage but others watch our lives and see what a true Christian is and hopefully will want what we have. I believe for example some of the threads you post about helping your family etc. show others Christ in you. There will always be those who choose to believe the worst but hang in there and without badgering them in time your life witness speaks louder and they come around. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 24 2011 : 06:37:15 AM
Megan - you are so right. Groups like that seriously bruise Christians and serve as fuel for fodder among media and non-believers. But Lea you're right, too... Our life example speaks volumes (or should) about our faith and allows the Holy Spirit to shine through. We're supposed to be salt and light - not vinegar and hot coals! The volumes THEIR life walk speaks is not anything about Christ at all. Unfortunately, instead of the media exposing those groups as false Christians or lost believers, somehow they manage to portray those people's actions as the way Christians truly are! Talk about skewed, irresponsible and false reporting! It's so hurtful and offensive. I wish they really would highlight all the good done by the Body of Christ, too, Megan, as well as the severe persecution the church suffers around the world. I think the evil in the world would rather pummel our hearts and minds with hopelessness and desolation rather than show the truth that God's love is still alive and that God's people are still faithful. We truly must not allow the deception to overtake us and cause bitterness. Instead, we must exude His love and press on so that others who are deceived will know the Truth and redirect their hearts and minds toward Him. The love, the beauty, the joy, the peace - ALL the fruits of the Holy Spirit - will continue to flow and call to the hearts of the lost. He will persevere whether recognized or not. We just have to keep the faith and stay focused on Him. Sometimes I let these things we see in the media get to me, but whenever I turn and give it to Him, I am always reminded He has already won. This is evil's last pathetic attempt to survive, and, it cannot - it will not. Praise the Lord!
Always remember 1 John 4:4: "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."
So, in that sense alone, we can say IN LOVE: "Onward Christian soldiers!"
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Jun 24 2011 06:39:58 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
177 Posts
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Posted - Jun 24 2011 : 06:48:57 AM
Thank you. Thats what I was looking for. Sometimes everyone just needs a little "yes its ok to do this you are not being a whack o" I think I will add coffee to my list LOL somedays (like today) I really need a good cup of coffee. Nini do you write for a living or have you because you are really good with words. Thank you for your eloquent words.
Insane and Blissfully Happy Mari-lyn
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 24 2011 : 07:09:27 AM
LOL! Mari-lyn - if you saw my storage room, right now you'd see nine 2-lb. bags of whole bean coffee on the shelf... They're not there for "emergency" (although some who know me might tell you differently - LOL!), but rather because they were on sale, so I stocked up... Ergo... MY ant theory at work! LOL! Talk about "whack-o!" LOL!!!
No - I'm not a writer. It's a dream of mine, though! :) Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate them - and you!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Jun 24 2011 07:10:12 AM |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 24 2011 : 08:19:20 AM
Hi Ladies,
Have been out of the loop this summer. Lot of family things going on.
I just read about David Wilkerson.Had not even heard about that. So sad, yet we know where he is! I go saved at one of his rallies when I was a teenager, so grateful!!
Sad to say that A LOT of my walk has been a roller coaster ride of my own doing and choices. Working on it tho!!
I hope each of you are doing ok.
Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 26 2011 : 7:01:13 PM
Linda, I think if most of us were honest, we too would be on that roller coaster. I am so glad that it is God's hand holding ours and His constancy that is the key to us staying in His grace. I remember hanging clothes out on the line years ago, when my daughter, her mouth and my stubborn discipline had us on the outs. She was doing her thing, and as a single parent my son would also find his friends some welcome relief. It was then that God seemed to say to me, that He, as Father God often felt lonely as His kids ran to and fro away from Him. It didn't change His love and He was always there to share His love at the slightest opening. I took that as a great lesson for my own life, and know that as I am on that down part of the coaster, He is there sitting in the seat beside me. Blessings that we have God who is for us, and we have each other to help hold us up when we aren't too cool.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 26 2011 : 9:34:58 PM
Linda, I've been on a roller coaster for a while now, and sometimes I've gone off the path, but when I got back, I would feel better and more in control of my emotions. Claudia, I think that's something that has comforted me in the past. Jesus will always love us and take us back! He will go out to find the lost sheep, He will have a party for the return of the prodigal son! It makes me sad that I have fallen off the path, but it makes me happy that God has never stopped loving me. God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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Posted - Jun 27 2011 : 08:18:54 AM
Well, the road to recovery is slow. I think I ran a fever last night, as I woke up drenched in sweat and had a fan on. I was too tired to check my temperature at 4am and 6am. I woke up at 10:20am - YIKES! I feel horrible that I kept hubby up all night. I coughed my brains out, even with cough syrup. I still have trouble breathing, speaking and functioning. I'm switching my allergy medication for 2 days and if it doesn't work - off to the doctor. I can't function and hate the way I feel. This has been one whopper of an allergy flare up. My hubby is starting to get worried. Secretly, I bet he's worried about who will make his dinner - LOL! Anyway. Just wanted to update. I may have one of my kiddos drive me to the grocery store for some ginger root and other teas. There has got to be an end to this allergy madness.
Farmgirl #800
True Blue Farmgirl
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Deer Park
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Posted - Jun 27 2011 : 09:49:50 AM
Kristina...if you are not getting better, maybe you sould go to the doctor. You may have started off with a migraine, but your headache changed, your throat got sore and now your cough is worse. Don't let it get away from you. Praying for your health!!!
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 28 2011 : 04:48:52 AM
We take honey made in our area. They say it immunizes you to the weeds. It is only suppose to work with local honey. I dont know what causes your allergies but this works for my family. |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 29 2011 : 07:57:37 AM
Hey there, Kristina - 'Just want to let you know that the book FINALLY went out to you today! Maybe it will cheer you up a little bit while you're recuperating! Please do call the doctor - I am not a fan of doctors at all, but it almost sounds like you have the flu, and you probably shouldn't let that go! Take care of yourself, okay? You're in my prayers! Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
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Posted - Jun 29 2011 : 11:26:42 PM
Take care of yourself Kristina! I'll be praying for your health. God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
4928 Posts
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Posted - Jul 01 2011 : 07:21:10 AM
The good thing about computers, is that I can keep up with everyone - no talking necessary HA HA!
I've added more fresh garlic to my menu, and have gargled daily with peroxide/water mixture. I am reading "Family Remedies" and am thrilled to find new recipes. I am still taking my honey/ACV water too. I still have laryngitis and am quite tired of it. I'm still congested, etc. but have gotten better each day. I actually weeded the beets yesterday, but don't feel up to canning jelly. Thank you all for your prayers.
Farmgirl #800
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 01 2011 : 8:41:42 PM
Kids came home from church camp today and had so much fun they are already talking about getting to go next year! |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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Posted - Jul 03 2011 : 3:18:45 PM
Lea, glad to hear your kids enjoyed church camp.
I'm feeling better, but not completely back to myself. I added more garlic and quinoa to my diet, and found out that quinoa is helpful for allergies. I found this list on-line:
I still have a bit of laryngitis, and realized that I've not have as much green tea as I typically do also. This will be an interesting summer for sure. I read that green tea is helpful for allergies also. It also mentioned mint. I think I have wild mint growing by our small "orchard" area. If I don't, I'm adding it to somewhere where it can spread, so I can make my grandmother's mint iced tea recipe. That actually sounds so soothing for my throat.
Nini - got the book and can't wait to read it. I will post or e-mail when I'm finished. Maybe I'll have some reading time tomorrow.
It's been in the 90's here, and farmer's are now taking their wheat crops out. More dust and dander coming in my windows, but I have a mask to wear when I'm working in the garden or barns.
God Bless and have a relaxing and fun July 4th tomorrow.
Farmgirl #800
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 03 2011 : 4:15:00 PM
Happy 4th sisters |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |