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 Cleaning outside of toilet--boys.
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True Blue Farmgirl

246 Posts

Louisville KY
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Posted - Jun 17 2010 :  12:56:55 PM  Show Profile
Anyone who has boys knows how gross the bathrooms get. I hate the chemical cleaners and just refuse to use them. I found that if you lay some towels on the floor, boil a kettle of water and pour it all over the seat, lid, rim, outside and floor that it gets it super clean. I then use the towels to mop it up and presto clean bathroom! I try to use old, dirty towels that need to be washed anyways.

This works well on vinyl flooring--pour and mop the floor with your feet and towels. I cannot wait for my travertine to be installed. Vinyl is yucky.
Hope this helps!

SAHM mom to four great boys.

Farmgirl Connection Cultivator

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Anne E.
Elsinore Utah
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Posted - Jun 17 2010 :  2:29:41 PM  Show Profile
I have a husband and two little boys - I am considering writing with a sharpie on the underside of the seat, "Please, practice your aim. If you miss, clean it up. Wipes are in the cupboard."!!!!!

XOXO, Libbie

"Farmgirl Sister #10," and proud of it!!!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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"Bent Fence Farms" Ca
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Posted - Jun 17 2010 :  2:38:51 PM  Show Profile
"if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweety, and wipe the seaty" lol, this is the sign that hung above the toilet when my boys were little, they knew if they missed, it was up to them to clean it up, so their aim got good , fast,lol. I use hydrogen peroxide to clean the toilet, spray it on, and wipe it off, works great.

"Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children"
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True Blue Farmgirl

3332 Posts

The Great North Woods in the Land of Hiawatha
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Posted - Jun 17 2010 :  2:45:23 PM  Show Profile
I was just thinking last night as I stepped out of my clawfoot tub....why on earth didn't we just tile the whole darn bathroom floor, ceiling, and all four walls with a huge drain the floor? I LOVE the simplicity of that!!

I could have finagled a garden hose inside the house and just "jet" spray the whole darn thing-

.....Well its never too late!

Farmgirl #525
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True Blue Farmgirl

246 Posts

Louisville KY
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Posted - Jun 17 2010 :  6:05:37 PM  Show Profile
Melody I swear I am putting in that very same bathroom the next time I build. I also want a urinal. My boys don't care if they miss either that or they don't notice.

SAHM mom to four great boys.
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Aunt Jenny
True Blue Farmgirl

11381 Posts

middle of Utah
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Posted - Jun 17 2010 :  10:10:00 PM  Show Profile
What a great idea Kathryn! I have 5 sons...3 are grown now..but I have a 14 and a 13 year old and a husband and ONE WEll, and I do daycare as you can imagine. I like your idea.

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies visit my little online shop at
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Spring City TN
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  05:32:44 AM  Show Profile
So happy I'm not the only one who has this problem! I have 3 boys and a husband and I can't stand cleaning the bathroom. Not kidding at all, I have to wipe the toilet, floor and base about three times a day and one of my boys (5 1/2 months) is in diapers! The other two boys are 4 and 2, but they insist on peeing like their dad, which means they "have to shake". Sighhhh...pretty sure I'm doomed until they leave the

"In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught." -Baba Dioum
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True Blue Farmgirl

811 Posts

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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  10:21:23 AM  Show Profile
Several things.....I work for a urologist. Let me tell you, it doesn't get any better. I wonder who cleans up after these guys at home. I have two boys also and if they missed they cleaned it up. And they had to take their turns cleaning the bathrooms.

I just saw the coolest men's room ever. It's at a local hall where we held an event over the weekend. They've just remodeled and the men's room is done using diamond plate for wainscoting and in other places around the room. It looks like you could clean it with a firehose! Except that would water spot, probably. But would the men care? Really? They are the ones peeing everywhere.

"Let us never forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. When tillage begins, other art follows. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization."

Daniel Webster

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True Blue Farmgirl

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East Texas
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  7:45:59 PM  Show Profile
Lol! I work in an office w/ 3 men...and the bathroom is shared. UGH. I swear, I just want to do the 'hover stance' over that thing. Here's another saying:

"My aim is to keep this bathroom clean. Your aim will help."

FarmGirl #1390
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Farmgirl Connection Cultivator

3579 Posts

Anne E.
Elsinore Utah
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Posted - Jun 20 2010 :  05:34:27 AM  Show Profile
Amanda - I like that saying! I think that's the one I'll use...

XOXO, Libbie

"Farmgirl Sister #10," and proud of it!!!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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bend in the high desert oregon
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Posted - Jun 20 2010 :  08:59:43 AM  Show Profile
same here, having raised 4 boys. pee was always an issue. they cleaned their own bathroom. we made the toilet like a target when they were small. like a game for them. we used the outdoors a lot also. i like peroxide to clean. i use 35 percent and dilute as needed for the task. i also use 35 percent vinegar same way. then there is my one shot steamer from black and decker. steam sterilizes everything. i have a floor model also. just a thought happy days sherrye

the learn as we go silk purse farm
farm girl #1014
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Central MN
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Posted - Jun 20 2010 :  12:03:13 PM  Show Profile
UGH!!! I'm so glad to know this isn't just at our house. We have six people here and one bathroom - four of those people are of the male gender. So even though the walls are a lovely sage green with an arrangement of flowers on the wall and such gorgeous homemade soaps and all the frilly STILL know its a mostly boys bathroom...if you get my drift!! ;)

--* FarmMilkMama *--

Farmgirl Sister #1086

Be yourself.
Everyone else is already taken.
-Oscar Wilde
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Amy Grace
Rosalia WA
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 :  07:25:44 AM  Show Profile
Oh yes, I know this issue well:) No good solutions though except that we have another bathroom in our bedroom that only has a toilet and clawfoot tub, no sink, so my husband never uses it, so at least I can take a bath someplace unspoiled:)
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
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True Blue Farmgirl

177 Posts

Chapin SC
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 :  09:31:16 AM  Show Profile
You think your bathroom is nasty, well come on over to my house and I'll show you flat out disgusting. I have two teenage boys and I refuse to go in their bathroom most of the time. They keep their clothes thrown all over the floor, they pee on the toilet and floor, if I didn't make them they would go weeks before flushing (I'm not kidding). They spit tooth paste in the sink without rinsing it afterwards so it's dried hard in the sink (and on the mirror), there are empty bottle everywhere because they are too lazy to throw them away. I'm by nature a neat freak and can't stand this. It use to cause knock down drag out screaming fights on a daily basis. My blood pressure couldn't take it anymore so I just try not to go in there unless I have to. But at least once a month I make them go in there and clean the crap off the floors and mirror. It's still messy by my standards, but am just happy I can get them to do that. I just remind myself on a daily basis that in a couple of years they will be moving out and I can have clean house (the way i like it) .
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True Blue Farmgirl

2199 Posts

"Bent Fence Farms" Ca
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 :  12:49:05 PM  Show Profile
Kathy, I would be lockin that bathroom door, and tellen them boys to go outside and use a hose to shower, and a shovel to dig a hole. That would never fly at my house, and I raised 3 boys...

"Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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East Texas
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 :  1:41:20 PM  Show Profile
Lol, you and me both, Teresa! That's what I'd have to do to. Besides...we all know how men LOVE to pee outside anyway! Hello! Lol

Hey, Sherry, I also have a steam cleaner and I LOVE it for cleaning around the potty. It really gets all the funk off/around the potty. I should have taken a picture the other day, it was so clean!

FarmGirl #1390
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True Blue Farmgirl

246 Posts

Louisville KY
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 :  5:27:25 PM  Show Profile
This thread has given me such a laugh! I am SO glad to know I am not just a terrible, uptight mother who freaks out about every little thing. The next house I have will have a bathroom that is off limit to boys. If I have to paint it pink and put frilly drapes up (and glue the seat down--not that they lift it anyway).

SAHM mom to four great boys.
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True Blue Farmgirl

485 Posts

Glide OR
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Posted - Jun 23 2010 :  10:15:06 AM  Show Profile
katalind--thanks for sharing. I feel the same as you--if I can't see it, it isn't an issue. My daughter would clean her bathroom and keep it nice and keep after her brother. She is in college now and just the boy (18) is at home. He, too, throws towels, clothes, etc., on the bathroom floor. Don't know about the flushing; I try not to go in there. His room is the same way. I draw the line when his stuff starts creeping into the living room. There have been many screaming fights and nothing has changed except he gets sullen, so I shut the door. He has joined the Navy and goes to basic training in August. Should be a real eye opener for him, I think!

The trail is the thing.... Louis L'Amour
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