The empty jars from last years canning are really starting to pile up. The full shelves are really starting to get bare. Time to clean out the pantry before jam season begins.
My DH is building me a second set of shelves in the basement for me to store my empties. He has acquired a large amout of empty cannin jar boxes with the seperators for me. I keep one in the kitchen and the rest in the basement. When the one in the kitchen is full of emties it gets carried to the basement and another empty box is filled with our full jars and brought up. Once it's emptied into the cabinets I have a box to put the empties into. Then at cannin time I retrieve the full boxes of empties from the basement for filling. It creates a cycle that is self cleanin, if you think of it. Just a thought for you to ponder, if you have the space for extra shelves.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?