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Nifty Thrifty: Repurposing...what have you done lately?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
230 Posts
Lee's Summit
230 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2011 : 6:28:19 PM
Molly, that is too CUTE!!! is the dress :)
Farmgirl Sister 1575* * * It is often the bend in the road that makes life worth the drive * * * |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 05:36:59 AM
I love the lint idea. I have been collecting it in an empty tissue box above my dryer. Now I have a use for it. Thank you for the wonderful idea.
Farmgrl Sister #2301
Live everyday to the fullest |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
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Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 7:07:53 PM
The dress is adorable..what a great idea! And, the model aught to be in pictures..besides this one!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
199 Posts
199 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 7:14:10 PM
That is the sweetest little gal.....!!! I like your idea of making use of the shirts too! |
Brew Crew
True Blue Farmgirl
676 Posts
676 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2011 : 5:33:18 PM
Thanks ladies! I've been looking at everything in a different way all of a sudden, and bringing home the most random styles of clothes from yard sales and such because I'm seeing it as just fabric now. Even clearance clothes at walmart in XXXXL sizes can be made into adorable stuff for me or my kids!
Nancy, I like the idea of using a tissue box right by my dryer for lint!
"The ideal equestrian has the courage of a lion, the patience of a saint, and the hands of a woman."
True Blue Farmgirl
100 Posts
100 Posts |
Posted - Feb 26 2011 : 08:33:50 AM
I recently took an old tin can from a soup can and made a pencil holder out of it. Okay really its to hold markers and paint brushes. I ran out of room in my other pencil/ pen holder for the markers and they were getting lost.

Farm girl Sister #907
Crayola skies for a thousand miles. ~Charmed Life~ Uptown Girls Soundtrack
Edited by - TansyShy on Feb 26 2011 08:36:03 AM |
Tea Lady
True Blue Farmgirl
645 Posts

645 Posts |
Posted - Feb 26 2011 : 2:08:35 PM
So many great ideas! I love your little trees, Beverly. This has been so much fun to read...
Lorraine (aka Tea Lady) Farmgirl #1819 |
Farmgirl at Heart
1 Posts
1 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2011 : 06:05:03 AM
Trying to eliminate the "stuff" in storage and eliminate the extra cost per month, so it's time to be firm.
Two old saddles- what to do? They were my husband's favorites and held many memories- can't throw them away. I took them to a man who worked on restoring leather and he soaked them and then oiled them for three weeks. They look great, but can never be used because the leather is too old and brittle. He told me how to keep them looking nice (rub down with olive oil), and I have them both on wooden sawhorses in the living room (I moved the couch to the game-room and have three chairs now). Et Voila- when the two year old grand-daughter comes over, she has two "horses" to choose from. They go with the decor (hunting/western theme).
My husband sees them every day and it makes him happy, too.
Well, two items down, a few more miscellaneous to "repurpose" . . .
You're never too old to start over. |
Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru
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Sandy Hook
4658 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2011 : 05:29:43 AM
Molly, precious!! Love the dress and your daughter is adorable. Joanne, love the can you did, going to use that idea and I am going to try to take a large juice can and make a knitting needle holder for my sewing room.
Keep the ideas coming! So many neat things to do here.
True Blue Farmgirl
50 Posts
50 Posts |
Posted - Mar 06 2011 : 5:29:07 PM
I love the ideas Iam getting from reading all your creative ladies! The pictures are fun to see too. Keep the ideas coming.
Farmgirl: Cibola |
True Blue Farmgirl
1074 Posts
Ashland City
1074 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 06:41:14 AM
We just made a potato tower out of out of old pallets. I tried using a barrel last year but felt like they didn't get enough sun while they were low in the barrel. We will add pallet boards as they grow and we fill the tower. When I need new potatoes I can remove a lower board and harvest enough for dinner leaving the rest to grow! Wish me a bountiful harvest please!
My favorite repurpose is an old tin stacked lunch bucket. It has 5 layers and a handle that swings up to hold it all together. I use it to hold the different colored wool strips I use for a hooked rug. It is portable and closes securely. I love the way it looks sitting next to my hooking chair.
Thanks for the inspiration in all your posts! Connie
"I have three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for company." Author: Henry David Thoreau |
True Blue Farmgirl
1487 Posts
1487 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 07:47:39 AM
Connie - I love the potato tower out of pallets idea - think I am going to try that this year!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" ~Gandhi
farmgirl sister #2822 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2011 : 1:06:45 PM
I was the lucky recipient of Beverly's tree and I love it. I'm leaving it out all year. It sits on one of my ledges. Thanks again Beverly!
Molly, your daughter is so cute and the dress adorable! What a great idea.
Be Blessed, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
Renee C
Farmgirl at Heart
1 Posts
1 Posts |
Posted - Apr 02 2011 : 11:31:23 AM
I have a great idea for your garden, at the end of voting season in your area. Gather by permission the political signs that stick in the ground. Remove the signage and keep the metal portion. You have the perfect row covers for your garden, plunk them over a row, cover with plastic and secure! It's the only thing I look forward to about voting season! Happy gardening! Renee C Northern Mighigan
A good life. |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
Northeast Kingdom
569 Posts |
Posted - Apr 02 2011 : 6:19:16 PM
For Christmas last year I got a whole bunch of new Pampered Chef Bamboo spoons for cooking, so I got rid of my cheapy plastic ones I got when we were first married, along with a few of my super old wooden ones (ones that were chipped and such). What to do with them? Well, I reconsiled myself to give them to my local swap shop, but for some reason my DH put them out in my gardening area. So when I got out there to start my seeds this weekend, I decided to write my plant varieties on the spoon part and stick the handles in the ground. Instant row markers! :)
Curly's Quilts
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
Prairie Farm
77 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 2:42:37 PM
Since it is seed-starting season here in the north, I reuse the plastic containers that hold grapes and organic lettuce mixes as mini-greenhouses. After putting my peat pot with starter mix and seeds in it, I water them down, tuck the lid over, and put it in my indoor greenhouse set up with lights. The new seeds stay moist, and under the lights the container gets toasty warm. I find my seeds germinate much sooner, and stay healthy, too! I've done similar things with plastic bottles with the bottoms chopped off (slide over peat pots) and large glass jars. Cardboard egg cartons work well for mass seed-starting--fill with seed starting mix, sprinkle on your tiny seeds, water lightly, and tuck into a plastic bag. Loosely close the end of the bag, and park in a warm spot. Once the seeds germinate and seedlings develop a couple of leaves, be sure to take the plastic bag off so that too much moisture doesn't create mold or rot issues.
"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 4:57:13 PM
yesterday was garage sale day in a near by town. I was standing there looking at this 5 tier candleholder and I thought hemmmmm; got it for $1.50 spray painted black when I got home and I put my mom's african violets on it! It is adorable not only can she see them better, homebound lives with me, but she has room for more violets lol
Lila |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts
502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 7:08:59 PM
I have been wanting to plant some asparagus, and needed a raised bed. So my daughter bought my grandson a new bed, and out the old bed went (she lives on our property) and while sitting on the back porch with hubby he says, you know how you want a place to plant asparagus? I said yes, he said go look at the base of the bed (old number bed) so I did and got so excited, queen size bed, hard plastic with 4 inserts, like rows, so I hauled it to the garden and hubby got dirt with the tractor and we filled it up and planted asparagus 2 days later. Wow its all bolted together did not have to do a thing, just carry it to the spot I want it. Will try to post picture. Farmgirl #946 Linda |
Heartbroken farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
604 Posts
rio vista
604 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2011 : 08:11:37 AM
My DH and o are redoing our entire yard. Not normally something we'd try to take on in one season, but it had been neglected for about 5 years or more, and this is our first complete spring here, and my DH is off work for a short Tim(normally its 7days/week). Somewhere along the life of this yard, people have had palm trees, rock beds, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, AND GARBAGE BURIAL in this poor yard. Some places are not gardenable, I don't know what all was in their garbage(a few shoes, plastic containers, broken glass, ugh how gross!) Anyways, I wanted to put a bench and urn in one "garbage burial site", and so we turned it over, cleaned it out with gloves of course, and dug up the buried rocks from lost and scattered rock gardens of old, and laid plastic down, made a small sitting area, and put all the rocks there.
Around the whole parameter of the yard, is what was supposed to be a flower bed.300+ linear feet of flower bed, ALL ROCKED UP, WITH RANDOM HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE BURIED UNDERNEATH!!! Again, we cleaned it up, and I wanted something organic with good texture. I was pricing tanbark. It is too much money. O thought and thought, "what can I cover this mess with?!?". Across the street, the family hired a tree company to remove three trees. The company brought with them a wood chipper. My DH talked to them, and offered to buy the raw chips from them. THEY SAID NO, YOU CAN JUST HAVE IT!! Most of the chips are pine. They even smell wonderful!!! The parameter of the yard is now covered with un-aged, beautifully textured wood chips. It is so pretty. In a few years, it will be true tanbark, but I get to enjoy it now too. All for free. So thrilled with results. When complete, I'll try to post before and after pics!
The tears I shed then, watered the flowers I harvest now.
"The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values."-Dean William Ralph Inge |
Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru
4658 Posts

Sandy Hook
4658 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2011 : 2:27:33 PM
Came up with the cutest repurposing idea recently. I have some Halloween napkin rings that one is missing. I now only have three. I used them to decorate the tops of candlesticks, as candle rings. They looked so cute. I also have some red "jingle bell" Christmas ones that some have gotten worn and stretched, so I don't have a full set. It looks great! So now I am looking in my drawers for old napkin rings to repurpose as candle rings. :)
Farmgirl Sister #1155 KNITTER, JAM-MAKER AND MOM EXTRAORDINAIRE Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 07 2011 : 12:51:39 PM
I love this topic! I am a deeply devoted repurposer, and really try to think about how the item I am buying new can be used after it serves its first purpose. It is a challenge I like to take on! Lately I have been using my grandmother's old photos to make cards (we made digital copies to give to everyone and noone wanted the originals, especially of the ones of people we don't recognize!)
I have also used the black paper from the older albums in mail art which is fun.
I also recently used bottle caps to make necklaces. The bottle caps from beer or sodas look great after a touch of spray paint. Then I made a hole with a nail, glued a picture of someone inside, glued a little glitter in there, attached a pretty ribbon, and have them ready to give for Christmas. It was a fun project.
Also to make a wreath for over my fireplace, I used a wire circle, a big ribbon, and clothespins. I spraypainted the clothespins and the wire circle red, makde a big bow with the ribbon and used the rest to hang it above the fireplace, and then put the clothespins on the circle to hold Christmas and Holiday cards as they come in the mail. It is very light weight and a fun way to appreciate all the wonderful things that come in the mail. :)))
Thanks for all of the good ideas!  
Happy Trails!
Rachael Farmgirl Sister #535 |
Farmer Judy
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
North Aurora
433 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2011 : 09:03:41 AM
For row markers last year we used plastic knives. We wrote on both ends so if the sun bleached off the works on the top end we would still know what it was by looking at the bottom end.
God bless,
Judy Farmgirl #3666
Born a city girl but a farm girl at heart! |
Ursula Norsedottir
Farmgirl in Training
37 Posts
37 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 5:06:59 PM
This thread is awesome! I love hearing new ways to use things! I have been collecting used 5 gallon buckets from the grocery store bakery. They get their frosting in them, and if you ask they hand them out for free! (I have had to pay $1-$5 dollars depending on the store, but it is still cheaper than getting them new!) I drill holes in the bottom and use them as planters, or attach a Gamma lid and keep my bulk dry goods in them (flour, beans, rice.) All my empty milk jugs get used either as emergency water jugs in the freezer, or the tops get chopped off and they are used as planters or seedling covers. And my egg cartons are saved as seed starter trays! The re-purposing does not end around here, LOL! |
Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru
4658 Posts

Sandy Hook
4658 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2011 : 05:42:31 AM
I have to re-visit this post from time to time. I am so inspired by everyone! Love the clothespin wreath craft for Christmas cards. So cute! Post a pic!
Also love the spoon-as-plant-marker idea. Clever and cute! Ursula, great idea about keeping extra water jugs frozen in the freezer, too.
Happy Holidays!
Farmgirl Sister #1155 KNITTER, JAM-MAKER AND MOM EXTRAORDINAIRE Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Suburban Farmgirl Blogger |
Nifty Thrifty: Repurposing...what have you done lately?  |