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True Blue Farmgirl

1735 Posts

martinsville indiana
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Posted - May 02 2010 :  11:13:25 PM  Show Profile
We stopped by sub-way the other day and the kids meal came in a little backpack that was supposed to be for a stuffed animal. It is made of clothe and my 18 month old didn't even look at it, so that makes it Mommy's! I'm using it to throw my 18 month olds snacks in when we head out the door. It's perfect for her sippy cup, a bag of cheerios, and a granola bar. The straps on the back hook right over my key hook by the front door perfectly. She has figured out that it is where the goodies are and wants to carry it to the car for me and holds it in her lap so proudly while we're driving. It's cute!

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
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True Blue Farmgirl

323 Posts

Loveland Colorado
323 Posts

Posted - May 03 2010 :  08:16:23 AM  Show Profile
Are those dog food bags the paper ones?
How are you able to clean them?
[I don't think I have seen cloth dog food bags].

It's not just life-
It's an adventure!
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Room To Grow
True Blue Farmgirl

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Kingston Georgia
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Posted - May 04 2010 :  09:43:03 AM  Show Profile
Carla, No they are not paper. They are a heavy plastic. I have cut one in half and then I can purpose it the way I wanted it to look. And I use it like a piece of cloth. I clean it using vinegar and water. It did the trick.

we have moved to our farm...and love it
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True Blue Farmgirl

1735 Posts

martinsville indiana
1735 Posts

Posted - May 04 2010 :  12:19:03 PM  Show Profile
I was cleaning the bathroom and realized I use those little squat jars that pesto comes in to organize my hair things! Plus I turned two cardboard boxes from christmas gift into diaper holders and changing station item holders. I even punched a hole in one to make a loop of some old ribbon scrap to hang the pins on!

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - May 04 2010 :  12:24:07 PM  Show Profile
Good idea Angela :)

My oh so big repurpose was using the plastic garden markers that come with plants as book marks. I just cleaned them up :) When I open the pages of my book I am greeted with pansies or geraniums, or what have you :) I know not very adventurous :)


By His Grace, For His Glory
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Butterscotch Grove
True Blue Farmgirl

196 Posts

Fairbanks AK
196 Posts

Posted - May 04 2010 :  2:55:59 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Sharon, I love that idea! How nice to see pretty flowers in the middle of winter - in the middle of a good read! Love it!


My blog:
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - May 04 2010 :  7:12:12 PM  Show Profile's my "repurposed" vegie garden! :) The wood is "old" wood, that once was a sand box, and then my vegie garden 11 or 12 years ago. The vegies I grew from seeds from the dollar store (two for a dollar), that I started in egg cartons. The fencing is a dog run that we no longer used for that purpose. The walkway is made from red bricks that have been lying behind the shed for at least 15 years unused, and the scarecrow is an old Halloween decoration. The little sign my dad made for me years ago, from a little piece of wood and a piece of pvc pipe. I repainted the wording "Nicole's Vegetable Garden" with a black magic marker. What do y'all think?


Farmgirl Sister #1155
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - May 04 2010 :  8:51:04 PM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
This isn't real "lately", but thought I'd share this with you.
I got tired of the unpleasant sight of just towels hanging on this rack. Found a wine rack at a thrift store (was dark brown wood finish). The top part is actually a separate serving tray with 3 sides and handles on the ends. Underneath that are slots for hanging wine glasses upside down by their stems.

I painted it flat white and use it to decorate my bathroom. Use vintage linens and hankies as part of my decor. I change this out with each season. This photo has a slightly yellowish hue to it . . because of evening lighting. But this is all PINK . . my spring into early summer color/decor scheme. Change it to light shade of peach and teal for late summer/fall. Then I decorate for Christmas in burgundy and hunter green . . . keep those colors for winter but change the Christmas decor items for other things that coordinate.

The towels are NOT the ones that are used . . they are part of the decor. Very nearby is a whole cupboard full of towels for use.
Anyway, I was happy to have something that is actually attractive (I think) in my bathroom.
Thanks for letting me share . . .

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

From my Heart -

From my Hands -

From my Hubby -

Edited by - ceejay48 on May 04 2010 8:53:33 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

451 Posts

Englewood Tennessee
451 Posts

Posted - May 05 2010 :  06:31:13 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, Love the garden !!!! Phyllis
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Farmgirl at Heart

9 Posts

seabeck wa
9 Posts

Posted - May 05 2010 :  09:31:46 AM  Show Profile
something silly but super convenient: when I make pancakes, I make a big double batch and put the unused portion into an old costco sized ketchup bottle. Next morning, my kids can make their own pancakes by just squeezing the batter onto the griddle. Works great to take camping too! A no fuss breakfast and I repurposed the plastic bottle. I use those for lots of things.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1735 Posts

martinsville indiana
1735 Posts

Posted - May 05 2010 :  09:45:40 AM  Show Profile
Great idea! I have a waffle maker and I don't always have time to do the morning cooking. They can do it after I mix it up for them, but that takes almost as much time. I think I'm gonna start makin up waffle mix each night to have them make me breakfast! I love this!

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Thurmont MD
76 Posts

Posted - May 05 2010 :  8:00:30 PM  Show Profile  Send Sourceress an AOL message  Send Sourceress a Yahoo! Message
When I need pencil holders or holders for other tall skinny things shaped like pencils (chopsticks, fondue forks, bamboo skewers, etc.) I save the can from frozen juice concentrate (we buy a good deal of that, because I can't afford to buy organic juice in bottles for the whole family), and then I decorate it. Usually, I wrap it with a piece of construction paper or old wrapping paper or something like that, and then draw or put stickers on the construction paper. You can also decorate juice cans by wrapping yarn around them (I've only done that once - it was a pain in the butt, but really pretty - iirc, that was the original juice can pencil holder that I made, and I believe I was like 6 or 7 or something at the time - made it in Brownies.) or maybe pretty fabric. Anyway, it's a simple craft and it's something kids can make; I've taught my kids to make pencil holders this way too. But depending on how much effort you put into it, you can end up with something really nice looking.

Also when I was in Brownies we made napkin holders from toilet paper tubes cut into 1" rings, wrapped in fabric, and decorated with rick-rack. They were actually quite attractive, and this would be an excellent way to use up fabric scraps and bits of rick-rack or lace or whatever you have on hand.

It's funny, because both of these started out as the kinds of crafts people do with kids, but I am still making them because they're so easy and the materials are stuff I have on hand or can scrounge easily, and they look so nice.

*the Sourceress*
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - May 06 2010 :  09:02:15 AM  Show Profile
I have a few cans from The Republic of Tea and Zena's Gyspsy Tea so I washed them out and am using them to store fabric yoyos :)


By His Grace, For His Glory
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Poseyville Indiana
8 Posts

Posted - May 06 2010 :  7:57:16 PM  Show Profile
My hub is a carpenter and is forever tearing holes in his flannels that can't be patched. I cut squares, layer them up, serge, and presto...washrags.

I've also used his flannel shirts, the kids' old cloth diapers, and old towels, as fillers for my cloth menstrual pads.

I recently began unraveling old sweaters and using the yarn to knit washrags, pot holders, etc.

I use the kids' old baby socks as wheel covers on my roller skates.

It is easy to be beautiful; it is difficult to appear so...Frank O'Hara
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True Blue Farmgirl

214 Posts

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Posted - May 06 2010 :  8:03:36 PM  Show Profile
I cut toilet paper tubes and formed seed starter pots out of them. My four year old has a dress with long sleeves that looks layered - I am cutting the sleeves out so she can wear it this summer.
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - May 08 2010 :  12:08:30 PM  Show Profile
Took an antique, white milk glass cake plate (not footed) and repurposed it into a "vanity tray", took a milk glass sugar bowl and put "bath cubes" in it. Organized my makeup in my vanity with tea cups and saucers that weren't on display. Very vintage-y and cute.


Farmgirl Sister #1155
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True Blue Farmgirl

650 Posts

pea ridge arkansas
650 Posts

Posted - May 08 2010 :  8:28:32 PM  Show Profile
I just signed my beauty shop up to donate hair to clean up the oil spill. If you havent heard about it yet they are collecting hair or fur, feathers also. They make mats out of it. They also are collecting panty hose (runs ok) and fill them with hair. We all know hair absorbs oil. Check it out at Excess Access.
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - May 09 2010 :  04:32:38 AM  Show Profile
Smiley, what a wonderful thing to do! It's so sad what happened with the oil.


Farmgirl Sister #1155
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Room To Grow
True Blue Farmgirl

974 Posts

Kingston Georgia
974 Posts

Posted - May 09 2010 :  06:02:16 AM  Show Profile
Yes I have heard about this. In fact a company (not sure where it is located) has been doing this for about a yr...It is amazing how they do this.

we have moved to our farm...and love it
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True Blue Farmgirl

115 Posts

115 Posts

Posted - May 09 2010 :  2:07:28 PM  Show Profile
I've fused plastic grocery sacks into fabric and sewn purses and small bags for makeup, coupons or ? whatever you need to stash! They're permanent, washable, colorful and simple to make.[:D
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - May 09 2010 :  6:33:55 PM  Show Profile
I had my hubby bend a 16 ft. cattle panel (we had that had has one damaged square) into an arch for my garden. I planted trumpet vine (on each side of arch) given to me by my son. I have another one at a different gate entrance that has Virginia Creeper (given to me by my SIL) on it. That one is only a hog panel (use to raise hogs so have many) and not as wide. It is really cool when it is completely covered mid summer. I also laid 5x7ft brick patio (from our old house) on the north side of the cattle panel arch. I set two old 50s metal lawn chairs (one free and one I paid $5 for) on the bricks. I am looking for a small table to put between them to hold glasses of ice tea in the hot ole summer days. Any ideas for a repurposed table? I am thinking something that is metal. I love repurposing and reusing items. Much more fun than spending $$$$$$ at the store.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1735 Posts

martinsville indiana
1735 Posts

Posted - May 09 2010 :  11:11:35 PM  Show Profile
I have gotten several patio tables and chairs from the side of the road in the last few weeks. Some with absolutly no damage, the owners just liked the new colors better. I know thats more salvage than repurpose. I think of it as a trash to treasure repurpose with no effort!

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - May 10 2010 :  01:45:21 AM  Show Profile
I Took 3 $1.00 Toil(sp) Victorian Printed tote bags and made beautiful outdoor pillow coverings with
them for my porch furniture. Everyone says that I should make more and sell, I guess I am not the only one who likes them.


Lady In Red
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True Blue Farmgirl

1735 Posts

martinsville indiana
1735 Posts

Posted - May 11 2010 :  4:13:32 PM  Show Profile
I just made an impromtu rubber pants dryer out of an old pair of rabbit ear tv antenna!I poked the end that goes into the tv inbetween the rails of a wire shelf in the kitchen and hung the rubber pants on the ends that point up in the air. It works great!

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
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True Blue Farmgirl

214 Posts

214 Posts

Posted - May 11 2010 :  7:01:52 PM  Show Profile  Send coloquilter a Yahoo! Message
[quote]Originally posted by natesgirl

Does anyone have a suggestion for uses for those playtex drop-in style bottles?
I am picturing an organizer, not exactly sure how to make it. Imagine several laying on their side and stacked in a pyramid. my hubby made something similar from PVC pipe scrap then mounted on the wall to hold some of his tools.somehow if you could attach a wooden base to the bottom, might make a good organizer for kitchen spoons etc on the countertop..
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