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True Blue Farmgirl

2941 Posts

Georgetown OH
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Posted - May 14 2014 :  08:04:54 AM  Show Profile
I would love to see a picture of that!! Sounds wonderful
My granny used to make doll furniture for me out of Styrofoam. I thought she was a genius

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

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Posted - May 14 2014 :  08:10:40 AM  Show Profile
Bart! That sounds AWESOME! I would love to see it, too! What a GREAT idea! My foster granddaughter would go nuts for that!

Lisa - your granny WAS a genius!!! :)

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl

9094 Posts

West Seneca New York
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Posted - May 14 2014 :  09:22:31 AM  Show Profile
Yes Bart, would love to see a picture.
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - May 14 2014 :  8:08:11 PM  Show Profile
I love what the playhouse your daughter made! So cute creative and very imaginative. (I also noticed you are from Sealy...I've been there many, many times!)

I'd also like to see a pic of that dollhouse made from a dresser!

I recently re-purposed an old milking stool into a little table between two chairs on my shabby chic porch.



Paid $5 for the stool. Had the paint.
Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

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Posted - May 15 2014 :  2:12:59 PM  Show Profile
Cool beans, Nicole! LOVE it!

Okay - this may seem a little silly, but... You know how we're not supposed to re-use Ball/Mason jar lids for canning? In other words, once we've either pressure- or hot water bath canned with them, we shouldn't use them for canning a second time, right? WELL, I recently learned that we can save those used lids, clean and sanitize them, and re-use them with our FoodSaver for vacuum-sealing dry canned goods! They really work! What a money-saver!

I also like to reuse flat cardboard craft ribbon reels to make Christmas ornaments. Just cover both sides with decorative paper, images from cards and/or embellishments, poetry verses, sentiments, etc., then seal with Mod Podge and let dry. Add some lace around the edge (or gimp or a row of beads, etc.), and then glue a ribbon around the roll and form a loop at the top for hanging. Super cute as gift tag/tie-ons, and still really pretty and sweet on the Christmas tree. You could make them for any holiday tree and decoration as well, (think: Valentine's Day, Easter or Halloween or St. Patrick's Day!)

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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Farmgirl at Heart

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Hallettsville Texas
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Posted - May 15 2014 :  6:50:09 PM  Show Profile
I love the red on that stool. Bright and vivid. I want to see this dollhouse as well. My daughter wants to try to find and re-purpose some type of old shelf to make a dollhouse for her 12" Monster High Dolls. She says the ones you buy now don't last. I think its an awesome idea because it would double as storage for them. Any ideas would be great. Love seeing what everyone is doing....get's me inspired!

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True Blue Farmgirl

52 Posts

Homer OH
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Posted - May 18 2014 :  06:17:50 AM  Show Profile
Gorgeous! I'll bet that felt good to get it done and put it to use. I've been making globe lampshades and putting them on antique lamp bases. such fun! (but can't figure out yet how to upload a

If the only prayer you say in your entire life is "thank you", that would suffice.
Meister Eckhart
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - May 26 2014 :  2:45:36 PM  Show Profile
Liz, want to see those lampshades! Try the little button that looks like a landscape, then look for where you keep your photos on your computer, click it, then upload which photo you want.


Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6714 Posts

Gainesville Fl
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Posted - May 26 2014 :  4:08:11 PM  Show Profile
These ideas here are very inspiring! Love the creativity and usefulness.

Winnie #3109
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


1123 Posts

Posted - Jun 26 2014 :  7:47:14 PM  Show Profile
I recently recovered some fold chairs that were my in laws from the 50s? There are four of them and I used fabric from Dollar General curtains as the fabric to recover them with. They turned out great.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 26 2014 :  7:56:31 PM  Show Profile
I also redid a bedroom that was my daughters. Here is the stenciled bed I did. When I bought the bed used it was mouse grey and pink. UGLY!!!!!

Edited by - Cozynana on Jun 26 2014 7:59:00 PM
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Jul 12 2014 :  3:11:06 PM  Show Profile
My fur baby Bonnie is five, and a big dog. She also needed a new dog dish as she broke the one she had because she likes to fling it at me when it gets empty. I wanted one of those that "raises" the dishes off the floor, but they tend to be pricey and I didn't find one I really liked. SO I made my own "Doggie Diner":

I painted an old wooden shipping box red (upside down) and used tin toleware dishes in a cherry motif that match my kitchen. It's the right height, and my big dog loves it. It also is tall enough that my new little guy can't get in it even on tippy toe.

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Jul 12 2014 :  3:12:00 PM  Show Profile
BTW, Cozynana, love what you did! Looks nice!

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


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Posted - Jul 13 2014 :  5:47:09 PM  Show Profile
Thanks Nicole. I love repurpose, refinishing, reusing. You name, I'll try it. We have lived on the same farm for 38 years and I still have craft supplies from when I was first married. It is amazing how things come around again. The stencil paint I used on the bed posted here was probably 5-6 years old. I was surprised it was still good. Worked like a charm. Redoing a camper right now and will post when I get done. I love doing this stuff. Actually, I do not even enjoy shopping anymore. I would rather look on Pinterest and create something new, than buy new.
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Jul 14 2014 :  08:47:01 AM  Show Profile
I totally understand what you mean! It's fun!


Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2014 :  10:34:41 AM  Show Profile
Kem, I am exactly the same way. I love shopping but only to figure out if I can build it myself. I don't buy anything without thinking "how can I make this from something else?" and I usually don't discard anything without saying to myself "can I use this in another way or make this into something else?" I toss very little away and sometimes when I do, I curse myself later for not saving it. I am looking for toss out waterbed frames as they have wonderful 2x boards for raised garden beds. I am also covering an old metal garden shed with privacy fence that I find stacked along the side of the road for the garbage truck or "free" on craigslist. It will have the look of a sturdy old garden shed when I am done. :) The garden shed was also a freebie. I put some brown primer and paint on it to preserve it more. I love "roadkill" on garbage days.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

3977 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 14 2014 :  2:20:49 PM  Show Profile
Trash is treasure to those who re-purpose. I pick up free clothing all the time to repurpose. Any old cotton t-shirt gets made into yarn and then crocheted into rugs, bags or hats.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2014 :  10:23:56 AM  Show Profile
I was in my mother's chicken yard. Her and my dad are repurposers from way back. Here is a chicken feeder she made from a old shop light.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


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Posted - Jul 24 2014 :  6:12:43 PM  Show Profile
Spent the last couple days with my daughter and family. They are flipping a house and we made curtains for two dayw. Wow, what a marathon. We reused the curtains from their old house and we made two separate valances out of one of her old ones. I took long paneled curtains and resized them and made 3 other sets of curtains. We also had enough fabric left to make two sets of valances for other rooms. I think I am going to dream fabric, but it was fun and satisfying when it was all said and done. Love the creative process and saving money at the same time.
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Jul 24 2014 :  8:20:55 PM  Show Profile

I so admire someone who can resize something like curtains and make some new ones like that! My grandmother used to take my grampa's old suits and make new a chic suit for herself, with a pencil skirt. She looked like someone out of Vogue!


Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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True Blue Farmgirl

1123 Posts


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Posted - Jul 26 2014 :  6:43:59 PM  Show Profile
Nicole and Patty. Glad to see I am not the only crazy lady who will pick up and use or rethink any object. I think my hubby gets paranoid when I get a certain zoned out look in my eye. He knows I am on to something. I try not to involve him much though. I am better if I just do it myself. Once in a while there is something I can't do and he will step in and help. My next thing is to help my daughter figure out a curtain rod with a repurposed item for finials. I think I figured out how we can cut up a lathed chair leg and make some ornate finials. Love the challenge.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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1123 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2014 :  4:21:52 PM  Show Profile
This afternoon I helped a couple of church ladies finish quilts we give to our graduating seniors before they head off to college. All year long people donate fabric, old blankets for the insides, and nice flat sheets for the back. The process is really cool. One of the women volunteers to sew the fabrics together in a quilt design she picks with fabrics donated. When it is done some of us get together and layer the sheet, blanket, and quilt top. The bottom sheet is about 2" wider all the way around this becomes the binding. It does not cost the church much but the kids love the quilts. Every senior gets one. They are well done and usually fit the personality of the kids. This year the congregation also signed a pillow case for each kid with a permanent marker with bible verses and well wishes. We store the quilts in the cases until they are presented. The fabrics may be new or used, the blankets are always used, and the sheets are usually donated and used, but in very good condition. It is a labor of love.
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Aug 27 2014 :  3:45:55 PM  Show Profile
My husband had an old metal shelf sitting next to the garage with his gas cans and various pieces of junk on. It was an eyesore. So following the design of my metal shed I decided to create a "closet" out of the shelving. I once again used old wood fencing someone threw out and went to work. I love the finished product and it works. :)

The rusty old shelves


DH loading it back up!

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

907 Posts

Canal Winchester OH
907 Posts

Posted - Aug 27 2014 :  5:12:03 PM  Show Profile
Patty, Great job on the closet! Looks great!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 27 2014 :  5:40:41 PM  Show Profile
That is very cool looking, Patty. I like the hinges on the outside!
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